blob: b6585d070667f6e930486dc6e4dbe781cacf54b3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package fidlgen_cpp
import (
var zxNs namespace = newNamespace("zx")
var fidlNs namespace = newNamespace("fidl")
var internalNs namespace = fidlNs.append("internal")
// variant controls how we refer to domain object declarations.
type variant string
const (
noVariant variant = ""
naturalVariant variant = "natural"
unifiedVariant variant = "unified"
wireVariant variant = "wire"
var currentVariant = noVariant
// Namespace represents a C++ namespace.
type namespace []string
func newNamespace(ns string) namespace {
return namespace(strings.Split(ns, "::"))
// Namespace is implemented to satisfy the namespaced interface.
func (ns namespace) Namespace() namespace {
return ns
// String returns the fully qualified namespace including leading ::.
func (ns namespace) String() string {
if len(ns) == 0 {
return ""
return "::" + ns.NoLeading()
// NoLeading returns the fully qualified namespace without the leading ::.
func (ns namespace) NoLeading() string {
return strings.Join(ns, "::")
// append returns a new namespace with an additional component.
func (ns namespace) append(part string) namespace {
newNs := make([]string, len(ns)+1)
copy(newNs, ns)
newNs[len(ns)] = part
return namespace(newNs)
// member creates a named declaration within the namespace
func (ns namespace) member(n string) name {
return name{name: stringNamePart(n), ns: ns}
// nameVariants is the name of a type or a template used in the various C++ bindings.
// Names are more general than FIDL declarations. All declarations have a corresponding
// type name, but some types are not declared in the generated code (e.g. zx::vmo),
// or are non-nominal (e.g. std::vector<FooBarDecl>).
type nameVariants struct {
Natural name
// Unified is like Natural, except it consists of type aliases, declared in
// the unified bindings, to natural types. For example, the Natural name
// fuchsia::my::lib::FooStruct
// would be aliased to the Unified name
// fuchsia_my_lib::FooStruct.
// Similarly, if Natural is
// std::array<std::unique_ptr<fuchsia::my::lib::FooStruct>, 5>
// then Unified would use the alias in the template argument:
// std::array<std::unique_ptr<fuchsia_my_lib::FooStruct>, 5>.
// In case of client and server protocol endpoints, there is no alias,
// and Unified is the same as Natural.
Unified name
Wire name
// commonNameVariants returns a nameVariants with the same Name for both Wire and Natural variants.
func commonNameVariants(decl name) nameVariants {
return nameVariants{
Natural: decl,
Unified: decl,
Wire: decl,
func (dn nameVariants) String() string {
switch currentVariant {
case noVariant:
fidlgen.TemplateFatalf("Called nameVariants.String() on %s/%s when currentVariant isn't set.\n",
dn.Natural, dn.Wire)
case naturalVariant:
return dn.Natural.String()
case unifiedVariant:
return dn.Unified.String()
case wireVariant:
return dn.Wire.String()
panic("not reached")
func (dn nameVariants) Name() string {
switch currentVariant {
case noVariant:
fidlgen.TemplateFatalf("Called nameVariants.Name() on %s/%s when currentVariant isn't set.\n",
dn.Natural, dn.Wire)
case naturalVariant:
return dn.Natural.Name()
case unifiedVariant:
return dn.Unified.Name()
case wireVariant:
return dn.Wire.Name()
panic("not reached")
func (dn nameVariants) Self() string {
switch currentVariant {
case noVariant:
fidlgen.TemplateFatalf("Called nameVariants.Self() on %s/%s when currentVariant isn't set.\n", dn.Natural, dn.Wire)
case naturalVariant:
return dn.Natural.Self()
case unifiedVariant:
return dn.Unified.Self()
case wireVariant:
return dn.Wire.Self()
panic("not reached")
func (dn nameVariants) NoLeading() string {
switch currentVariant {
case noVariant:
fidlgen.TemplateFatalf("Called nameVariants.NoLeading() on %s/%s when currentVariant isn't set.\n", dn.Natural, dn.Wire)
case naturalVariant:
return dn.Natural.NoLeading()
case unifiedVariant:
return dn.Unified.NoLeading()
case wireVariant:
return dn.Wire.NoLeading()
panic("not reached")
func (dn nameVariants) Namespace() namespace {
switch currentVariant {
case noVariant:
fidlgen.TemplateFatalf("Called nameVariants.Namespace() on %s/%s when currentVariant isn't set.\n",
dn.Natural, dn.Wire)
case naturalVariant:
return dn.Natural.Namespace()
case unifiedVariant:
return dn.Unified.Namespace()
case wireVariant:
return dn.Wire.Namespace()
panic("not reached")
// appendName returns a new nameVariants with an suffix appended to the name portions.
func (dn nameVariants) appendName(suffix string) nameVariants {
return nameVariants{
Natural: dn.Natural.appendName(suffix),
Unified: dn.Unified.appendName(suffix),
Wire: dn.Wire.appendName(suffix),
// prependName returns a new nameVariants with an prefix prepended to the name portions.
func (dn nameVariants) prependName(prefix string) nameVariants {
return nameVariants{
Natural: dn.Natural.prependName(prefix),
Unified: dn.Unified.prependName(prefix),
Wire: dn.Wire.prependName(prefix),
// appendNamespace returns a new nameVariants with additional C++ namespace components appended.
func (dn nameVariants) appendNamespace(c string) nameVariants {
return nameVariants{
Natural: dn.Natural.appendNamespace(c),
Unified: dn.Unified.appendNamespace(c),
Wire: dn.Wire.appendNamespace(c),
// nest returns a new name for a class nested inside the existing name.
func (dn nameVariants) nest(c string) nameVariants {
return nameVariants{
Natural: dn.Natural.nest(c),
Wire: dn.Wire.nest(c),
// nameVariantsForHandle returns the C++ name for a handle type
func nameVariantsForHandle(t fidlgen.HandleSubtype) nameVariants {
return commonNameVariants(zxNs.member(string(t)))
// primitiveNameVariants returns a nameVariants for a primitive type, common across all bindings.
func primitiveNameVariants(primitive string) nameVariants {
return commonNameVariants(makeName(primitive))
// namePart represents part of non-namespace part of a name.
// It's implemented by three types: stringNamePart, nestedNamePart and templateNamePart.
// These form a tree to hold the structure of a name so that it can be accessed and manipulated safely.
// For example in fidl::WireInterface<fuchsia_library::Protocol>::ProtocolMethod this would be:
// WireInterface<fuchsia_library::Protocol>::ProtocolMethod
// |-nestedNP---------------------------------------------|
// |-templateNP---------------------------| |-stringNP---|
// |-stringNP---|-Name--------------------|
// TODO(ianloic): rename to idPart
type namePart interface {
// String returns the full name.
String() string
// Self returns how the type refers to itself, like in constructor & destructor names.
// For a nested name like "Foo::Bar::Baz" this would be "Baz".
// For a template name like "Foo::Bar<Baz>" this would be "Bar".
Self() string
// nest returns a new name for a class nested inside the existing name.
nest(name string) namePart
// Template returns a new name with this name being an template applied to the |args|.
template(args string) namePart
// prependName returns a new name with a prefix prepended.
prependName(prefix string) namePart
// appendName returns a new name with a suffix appended.
appendName(suffix string) namePart
type stringNamePart string
var _ namePart = (*stringNamePart)(nil)
func (n stringNamePart) String() string {
return string(n)
func (n stringNamePart) Self() string {
return string(n)
func (n stringNamePart) nest(name string) namePart {
return newNestedNamePart(n, stringNamePart(name))
func (n stringNamePart) template(args string) namePart {
return newTemplateNamePart(n, args)
func (n stringNamePart) prependName(prefix string) namePart {
return stringNamePart(prefix + string(n))
func (n stringNamePart) appendName(suffix string) namePart {
return stringNamePart(string(n) + suffix)
type nestedNamePart struct {
left namePart
right namePart
var _ namePart = (*nestedNamePart)(nil)
func newNestedNamePart(left, right namePart) namePart {
return nestedNamePart{left, right}
func (n nestedNamePart) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s::%s", n.left, n.right)
func (n nestedNamePart) Self() string {
return n.right.Self()
func (n nestedNamePart) nest(name string) namePart {
return nestedNamePart{n.left, n.right.nest(name)}
func (n nestedNamePart) template(args string) namePart {
return newTemplateNamePart(n, args)
func (n nestedNamePart) prependName(prefix string) namePart {
return nestedNamePart{n.left, n.right.prependName(prefix)}
func (n nestedNamePart) appendName(suffix string) namePart {
return nestedNamePart{n.left, n.right.appendName(suffix)}
type templateNamePart struct {
tmpl namePart
args string
var _ namePart = (*templateNamePart)(nil)
func newTemplateNamePart(tmpl namePart, args string) namePart {
return templateNamePart{tmpl, args}
func (n templateNamePart) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s<%s>", n.tmpl, n.args)
func (n templateNamePart) Self() string {
return n.tmpl.Self()
func (n templateNamePart) nest(name string) namePart {
return nestedNamePart{n, stringNamePart(name)}
func (n templateNamePart) template(args string) namePart {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't make a template of a template: %s", n))
func (n templateNamePart) prependName(prefix string) namePart {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't prepend to the name of a template: %s", n))
func (n templateNamePart) appendName(suffix string) namePart {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Can't append to the name of a template: %s", n))
// name holds a C++ qualified identifier.
// See:
// It consists of a Namespace and a namePart.
// TODO(ianloic): move this to the top of the file since it's the most important type.
type name struct {
name namePart
ns namespace
// MakeName takes a string with a :: separated name and makes a Name treating the last component
// as the local name and the preceding components as the namespace.
// This should only be used with string literals for creating well-known, simple names.
func makeName(n string) name {
i := strings.LastIndex(n, "::")
if i == -1 {
return name{name: stringNamePart(n)}
if i == 0 {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Don't call MakeName with leading double-colons: %v", n))
return name{
name: stringNamePart(n[i+2:]),
ns: newNamespace(n[0:i]),
// String returns the full name with a leading :: if the name has a namespace.
func (n name) String() string {
ns := n.ns.String()
if len(ns) > 0 {
ns = ns + "::"
return ns +
// Name returns the portion of the name that comes after the namespace.
func (n name) Name() string {
// Self returns how the type refers to itself, like in constructor & destructor names.
// For a nested name like "Foo::Bar::Baz" this would be "Baz".
// For a template name like "Foo::Bar<Baz>" this would be "Bar".
func (n name) Self() string {
// TODO(ianloic): probably make this the default
func (n name) NoLeading() string {
ns := n.ns.NoLeading()
if len(ns) > 0 {
ns = ns + "::"
return ns +
// namespace returns the namespace portion of the name.
func (n name) Namespace() namespace {
return n.ns
// nest returns a new name for a class nested inside the existing name.
func (n name) nest(nested string) name {
return name{name:, ns: n.ns}
// Template returns a new name with this name being an template applied to the |arg|.
func (n name) template(arg name) name {
return name{name:, ns: n.ns}
// arrayTemplate returns a new name with this name being an template applied to the |arg| with a |count|.
func (n name) arrayTemplate(arg name, count int) name {
return name{name:"%s, %d", arg.String(), count)), ns: n.ns}
// prependName returns a new name with a prefix prepended to the last part of the name.
func (n name) prependName(prefix string) name {
return name{name:, ns: n.ns}
// appendName returns a new name with a suffix appended to the last part of the name.
func (n name) appendName(suffix string) name {
return name{name:, ns: n.ns}
// appendNamespace returns a new name with an additional namespace component added.
func (n name) appendNamespace(part string) name {
return name{name:, ns: n.ns.append(part)}
// makeTupleName returns a Name for a std::tuple of the supplied names.
func makeTupleName(members []name) name {
t := makeName("std::tuple")
a := []string{}
for _, m := range members {
a = append(a, m.String())
return name{name:, ", ")), ns: t.ns}