blob: e604addbd155961e1427a1cfde93f11f7529cd5e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Manage submitting a large number of CLs."""
import argparse
import enum
import os
import re
import sys
import time
import ansi
import util
import gerrit_util
from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Any, Callable
class ChangeStatus(enum.Enum):
def description(self) -> str:
# Return a brief description of a CL's state.
return {
ChangeStatus.UNKNOWN: 'unknown',
ChangeStatus.MISSING_VOTES: 'missing votes',
ChangeStatus.UNRESOLVED_COMMENTS: 'comments',
ChangeStatus.READY: 'ready',
ChangeStatus.TESTING: 'testing',
ChangeStatus.SUBMITTING: 'submitting',
ChangeStatus.MERGED: 'merged',
def color(self) -> Callable[[str], str]:
"""Return a color function from the ansi module for this status."""
return {
ChangeStatus.UNRESOLVED_COMMENTS: ansi.yellow,
ChangeStatus.SUBMITTING: ansi.bright_green,
ChangeStatus.MERGED: ansi.gray,
def submit_error_description(self) -> Optional[str]:
# Return an explanation of why this CL cannot be submitted.
return {
ChangeStatus.UNKNOWN: 'unknown error',
ChangeStatus.MISSING_VOTES: 'CL is missing votes',
ChangeStatus.UNRESOLVED_COMMENTS: 'CL has unresolved comments',
class Change:
"""A Gerrit Changelist."""
def __init__(self, change_id: str, json: Any):
self.change_id: str = change_id
self.subject: str = json.get('subject', '<unknown>') int = int(json.get('_number', '-1'))
self.json = json
self.status_string: str = json.get('status', 'UNKNOWN')
def from_json(cls, json: Any) -> 'Change':
return Change(json['change_id'], json=json)
def labels(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
labels = self.json.get('labels', {})
assert isinstance(labels, Dict)
return labels
def cq_votes(self) -> int:
cq_labels = self.labels().get('Commit-Queue', {})
if cq_labels.get('approved') is not None:
return 2
if cq_labels.get('recommended') is not None:
return 1
return 0
def has_unresolved_comments(self) -> bool:
unresolved_comments: int = self.json.get('unresolved_comment_count', 0)
return unresolved_comments > 0
def submittable(self) -> bool:
is_submittable: bool = self.json.get('submittable', False)
return is_submittable
def status(self) -> ChangeStatus:
"""Return a CL's status."""
# We expect a CL to either be 'NEW' or 'MERGED'.
if self.status_string == 'MERGED':
return ChangeStatus.MERGED
if self.status_string != 'NEW':
return ChangeStatus.UNKNOWN
if not self.submittable():
return ChangeStatus.MISSING_VOTES
if self.has_unresolved_comments():
if self.cq_votes() == 1:
return ChangeStatus.TESTING
if self.cq_votes() == 2:
return ChangeStatus.SUBMITTING
return ChangeStatus.READY
class GerritServer:
"""A connection to a Gerrit server."""
def __init__(self, host: str):
"""Create a connection to the server.""" = host
def query(self, query: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> List[Change]:
"""Query a Gerrit server for changes matching query terms.
query: A list of key:value pairs for search parameters, as documented
here (e.g. ('is', 'owner') for a parameter 'is:owner'):
return [Change.from_json(x) for x in gerrit_util.QueryChanges(, query, o_params=GerritServer.DEFAULT_PARAMS)]
def fetch_change(self, id: str) -> Optional[Change]:
"""Fetch information about the CL with the given Gerrit ID."""
result = self.query([('change', id)])
if len(result) == 1:
return result[0]
if len(result) > 1:
raise Exception('More than one CL had the specified change ID.')
return None
def set_cq_state(self, id: str, state: int) -> None:
"""Update the 'Commit-Queue' label to the given vote."""
gerrit_util.SetReview(, id, labels={'Commit-Queue': state}, notify=False)
def get_change_dependencies(self, id: str) -> List[str]:
"""Get a list of IDs that are dependencies of the given change."""
# Get related change sets. This includes both children and parent changes.
json: Any = gerrit_util.GetRelatedChanges(, id)
# Changes are given in topological order, from newest to oldest.
# Search through the changes until we see ourselves. Any later changes are dependencies.
dependencies: List[str] = []
seen_self = False
for change in json.get('changes', []):
# Ignore children of ourselves.
change_id: str = change['change_id']
if change_id == id:
seen_self = True
if not seen_self:
if not seen_self:
return [id]
return dependencies
def should_submit(cl: Change, abort_on_unresolved_comments: bool = True) -> bool:
if not cl.submittable():
return False
if abort_on_unresolved_comments and cl.has_unresolved_comments():
return False
return True
def shorten(s: str, max_len: int = 60) -> str:
"""Truncate a long string, appending '...' if a change is made."""
if len(s) < max_len:
return s
return s[:max_len-3] + '...'
def print_changes(results: List[Change]) -> None:
"""Display a list of results in a table."""
print('%20s %-10s %-65s' % ('Status', 'CL Number', 'Subject'))
print('%20s %-10s %-65s' % ('――――――', '――――――――――', '―――――――'))
for result in results:
status = result.status
print('%s %s %s' % (status.color()('%20s' % status.description()), '%-10s' %, '%-65s' % shorten(result.subject, 65)))
class SubmitError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message: str):
self.message: str = message
def ensure_changes_submittable(
changes: List[Change],
abort_on_unresolved_comments: bool = True,
) -> None:
"""Ensure that the given list of changes are submittable."""
for cl in changes:
if cl.status != ChangeStatus.MERGED and not should_submit(cl, abort_on_unresolved_comments):
raise SubmitError("CL %d can not be submitted: %s" % (, cl.status.submit_error_description() or "unknown error"))
def submit_changes(
clock: util.Clock,
server: GerritServer,
changes: List[Change],
num_retries: int = 0
) -> None:
# Strip out merged changes.
changes = [cl for cl in changes if cl.status != ChangeStatus.MERGED]
# For any CL that doesn't have a CQ+1, run it now to speed things up.
# As long as the CL isn't changed in the mean-time, it won't be tested
# again when we finally get around to +2'ing it.
# We ignore the first one, because we are just about to +2 it anyway.
for cl in changes[1:]:
if cl.cq_votes() == 0:
print("Setting CQ state of CL %d to dry-run." %
server.set_cq_state(cl.change_id, 1)
# Submit the changes in order.
for cl in changes:
backoff = util.ExponentialBackoff(clock)
max_attempts = num_retries + 1
num_attempts = 0
print("Submitting CL %d: %s" % (, cl.subject))
while True:
# Fetch the latest information about the CL.
current_cl = server.fetch_change(cl.change_id)
# Check it still exists.
if current_cl is None:
raise SubmitError("CL %s could not be found." %
# If it is merged, we are done.
if current_cl.status == ChangeStatus.MERGED:
# If it is not in CQ, add it to CQ.
if current_cl.cq_votes() < 2:
if num_attempts == 0:
print(ansi.gray(" Adding to CQ."))
elif num_attempts < max_attempts:
print(ansi.yellow(" CL failed in CQ. Retrying..."))
print(" CL failed in CQ. Aborting."))
num_attempts += 1
server.set_cq_state(cl.change_id, 2)
# wait.
print(ansi.gray(' Polling...'))
# Did we fail?
print(" Submitted!"))
def parse_args() -> Any:
description = r"""
Submit a chain of CLs, specified by giving the CL number of the end of the
chain. The command will poll indefinitely until the chain is submitted or an
error is detected.
The tool can be safely cancelled at any time. When restarted, it will resume
where it left off.
For example, given a chain of three CLs:
101: Start hacking on 'foo'.
102: More hacking on 'foo'.
103: Finish hacking on 'foo'.
The command:
fx gerrit-submit 103
1. Add a CQ+1 vote to all the CLs, to start testing them.
2. Add a CQ+2 vote for the first CL, and wait for it to be submitted.
3. Add a CQ+2 vote for the second CL, and wait for it to be submitted.
4. Add a CQ+2 vote for the last CL, and wait for it to be submitted.
Adding a CQ+1 to every CL at the beginning speeds up submission: CQ won't
need to re-test intermediate CLs if they are not modified in the meantime.
If any CL is not ready to submit (for example, it is missing a vote, or has
unresolved comments), the tool will abort early.
By default, the tool will use the "" Gerrit
instances. Other instances can be specified using the "--host" parameter:
fx gerrit-submit --host 12345
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
parser.add_argument('cl', metavar='CL',
help='Gerrit CL to submit. May either be a CL '
'number or Gerrit Change-ID.')
parser.add_argument('--host', dest='host',
help='Gerrit host to connect to. '
'Defaults to "".',
parser.add_argument('--num-retries', metavar='N', type=int, default=0,
help='number of times to retry a failed submission. '
'Defaults to 0.')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', action='store_true',
help='If specified, show the set of CLs that would '
'be submitted, but don''t actually submit.')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--batch', action='store_true',
help='If specified, don''t prompt before starting '
parser.add_argument('--ignore-comments', action='store_true',
help='If specified, allow submission of CLs that still '
'have unresolved comments on them.')
return parser.parse_args()
def is_valid_change_id(value: str) -> bool:
"""Determine if "value" is a valid Gerrit CL identifier."""
# Match strings of the form I609f446e6721dd95624939dd041189052054fb83
if re.fullmatch('I[a-f0-9]{8,}', value):
return True
# Match plain integer change IDs.
if re.fullmatch('[1-9][0-9]*', value):
return True
return False
def should_continue() -> bool:
"""Prompt the user to determine if an action should continue."""
val = input('Submit CLs? [y/N] ')
if val.lower()[:1] == 'y':
return True
return False
def main() -> int:
# Parse and validate arguments.
args = parse_args()
# Ensure the Change-ID looks like a Gerrit Change-ID, and not a git commit.
# TODO: Support Git commit ids and ranges as well.
if not is_valid_change_id(
print("The argument '%s' does not look like a valid Gerrit Change ID." %
print('Please provide either the numeric CL number (such as 12345) or\n'
'the Change-ID found at the bottom of the CL description (such as\n'
return 1
# Check we have valid authentication tokens.
# Get the specified change, and bail out if we can't find it.
server = GerritServer(
specified_change = server.fetch_change(
if specified_change is None:
print("Could not find Gerrit commit with id '%s'." %
return 1
# Fetch the list of dependent CLs, and reverse into the order we need to
# submit it in.
change_ids = server.get_change_dependencies(specified_change.change_id)
# Fetch CL details.
changes = []
for change_id in change_ids:
change = server.fetch_change(change_id)
if change is None:
print("Could not find CL with id '%s'." % change_id)
return 1
# Print the set of changes.
# Ensure we can submit the chain.
ensure_changes_submittable(changes, abort_on_unresolved_comments=not args.ignore_comments)
# Submit the changes.
if not args.dry_run:
if args.batch or should_continue():
submit_changes(util.Clock(), server, changes, num_retries=args.num_retries)
print('All changes submitted.')
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
except SubmitError as e:
print('Error: %s' % e.message)
except gerrit_util.GerritError as e:
print('Error: %s' % e.message)