[vaapi][fuzz] Fix error in fuzzer

When I added fuzzing to the tiled output of the VAAPI decoders I did not
change the buffer size calculation. Therefore it was possbile for the
codec to given buffers that were not big enough to save the requested
image data. We must have two different pic_size calculations: one for
linear output and one for tiled output.

Bug: 103141
Change-Id: Iabe1ed1f286d911a72661d95c4d6316e50d5b6d7
Reviewed-on: https://fuchsia-review.googlesource.com/c/fuchsia/+/693816
Reviewed-by: John Bauman <jbauman@google.com>
Commit-Queue: Stefan Bossbaly <stefanbossbaly@google.com>
diff --git a/src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi/test/decoder_fuzzer.cc b/src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi/test/decoder_fuzzer.cc
index 4897318..75c9d18 100644
--- a/src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi/test/decoder_fuzzer.cc
+++ b/src/media/codec/codecs/vaapi/test/decoder_fuzzer.cc
@@ -249,21 +249,53 @@
   // Should be enough to handle a large fraction of bear.h264 output without recycling.
   constexpr uint32_t output_packet_count = 35;
+  // Ensure that the image will always fit, which is dependant on if the output has an output format
+  // modifier or not
+  size_t pic_size_bytes;
   const auto &image_constraints = output_constraints.image_format_constraints[0];
-  auto out_width = RoundUp(safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_width),
-                           safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.coded_width_divisor));
-  auto out_width_stride =
-      RoundUp(out_width, safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor));
-  auto out_height = RoundUp(safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_height),
-                            safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.coded_height_divisor));
+  if (output_image_format_array_[output_image_format_idx_]) {
+    // Output is linear
+    auto out_width = RoundUp(safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_width),
+                             safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.coded_width_divisor));
+    auto out_width_stride =
+        RoundUp(out_width, safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.bytes_per_row_divisor));
+    auto out_height = RoundUp(safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_height),
+                              safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.coded_height_divisor));
-  auto main_plane_size = out_width_stride * out_height;
-  auto uv_plane_size = main_plane_size / 2;
-  auto pic_size_checked = main_plane_size + uv_plane_size;
-  if (!pic_size_checked.IsValid()) {
-    return;
+    auto main_plane_size = out_width_stride * out_height;
+    auto uv_plane_size = main_plane_size / 2;
+    auto pic_size_checked = main_plane_size + uv_plane_size;
+    if (!pic_size_checked.IsValid()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    pic_size_bytes = pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
+  } else {
+    // Output is tiled
+    static constexpr auto kRowsPerTile =
+        safemath::MakeCheckedNum(CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileHeightAlignment);
+    static constexpr auto kBytesPerRowPerTile =
+        safemath::MakeCheckedNum(CodecAdapterVaApiDecoder::kTileWidthAlignment);
+    auto aligned_stride = RoundUp(
+        safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_width), kBytesPerRowPerTile);
+    auto aligned_y_height = safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_height);
+    auto aligned_uv_height =
+        safemath::MakeCheckedNum(image_constraints.required_max_coded_height) / 2u;
+    aligned_y_height = RoundUp(aligned_y_height, kRowsPerTile);
+    aligned_uv_height = RoundUp(aligned_uv_height, kRowsPerTile);
+    auto y_plane_size = safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride, aligned_y_height);
+    auto uv_plane_size = safemath::CheckMul(aligned_stride, aligned_uv_height);
+    auto pic_size_checked = y_plane_size + uv_plane_size;
+    if (!pic_size_checked.IsValid()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    pic_size_bytes = pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
-  size_t pic_size_bytes = pic_size_checked.ValueOrDie();
   // Place an arbitrary cap on the size to avoid OOMs when allocating output buffers and to reduce
   // the amount of test time spent allocating memory.