blob: 4d6e9b626505abee9886d15550ea5f4d3ec48b69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/find_name.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "llvm/BinaryFormat/Dwarf.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/eval_test_support.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/expr_parser.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/expr/found_name.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/base_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/collection.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/function.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/identifier.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/index_test_support.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/mock_module_symbols.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/modified_type.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/namespace.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/process_symbols_test_setup.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/symbol_context.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/type_test_support.h"
#include "src/developer/debug/zxdb/symbols/variable_test_support.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/logging.h"
// NOTE: Finding variables on *this* and subclasses is EvalContextImplTest.FoundThis which tests
// both of our file's finding code as well as the decoding code.
namespace zxdb {
// This test declares the following structure. There are three levels of variables, each one has one
// unique variable, and one labeled "value" for testing ambiguity.
// namespace ns {
// int32_t ns_value;
// void Foo(int32_t value, int32_t other_param) {
// int32_t value; // 2nd declaration.
// int32_t function_local;
// {
// int32_t value; // 3rd declaration.
// int32_t block_local;
// }
// }
// } // namespace ns
TEST(FindName, FindLocalVariable) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
auto int32_type = MakeInt32Type();
// Empty DWARF location expression. Since we don't evaluate any variables they can all be empty.
std::vector<uint8_t> var_loc;
// Set up the module symbols. This creates "ns" and "ns_value" in the symbol index.
auto module_symbols = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root = module_symbols->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
const char kNsName[] = "ns";
auto ns_node = root.AddChild(kNsName);
const char kNsVarName[] = "ns_value";
TestIndexedGlobalVariable ns_value(module_symbols.get(), ns_node, kNsVarName);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context(kLoadAddress);
setup.InjectModule("mod", "1234", kLoadAddress, module_symbols);
// Namespace.
auto ns = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Namespace>();
// Function inside the namespace.
auto function = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Function>(DwarfTag::kSubprogram);
uint64_t kFunctionBeginAddr = 0x1000;
uint64_t kFunctionEndAddr = 0x2000;
function->set_code_ranges(AddressRanges(AddressRange(kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr)));
// Function parameters.
auto param_value =
MakeVariableForTest("value", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
auto param_other =
MakeVariableForTest("other_param", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
function->set_parameters({LazySymbol(param_value), LazySymbol(param_other)});
// Function local variables.
auto var_value =
MakeVariableForTest("value", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
auto var_other = MakeVariableForTest("function_local", int32_type, kFunctionBeginAddr,
kFunctionEndAddr, var_loc);
function->set_variables({LazySymbol(var_value), LazySymbol(var_other)});
FindNameContext function_context(&setup.process(), symbol_context, function.get());
// Inner block.
uint64_t kBlockBeginAddr = 0x1100;
uint64_t kBlockEndAddr = 0x1200;
auto block = fxl::MakeRefCounted<CodeBlock>(DwarfTag::kLexicalBlock);
block->set_code_ranges(AddressRanges(AddressRange(kBlockBeginAddr, kBlockEndAddr)));
// Inner block variables.
auto block_value =
MakeVariableForTest("value", int32_type, kBlockBeginAddr, kBlockEndAddr, var_loc);
auto block_other =
MakeVariableForTest("block_local", int32_type, kBlockBeginAddr, kBlockEndAddr, var_loc);
block->set_variables({LazySymbol(block_value), LazySymbol(block_other)});
FindNameContext block_context(&setup.process(), symbol_context, block.get());
// ACTUAL TEST CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindNameOptions all_kinds(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
// Find "value" in the nested block should give the block's one.
ParsedIdentifier value_ident(var_value->GetAssignedName());
FoundName found = FindName(block_context, all_kinds, value_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(block_value.get(), found.variable());
// Find "value" in the function block should give the function's one.
found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, value_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(var_value.get(), found.variable());
EXPECT_EQ(var_value->GetAssignedName(), found.GetName());
// Find "::value" should match nothing.
ParsedIdentifier value_global_ident(IdentifierQualification::kGlobal,
found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, value_global_ident);
// Prefix search for "va" should find all three "values".
std::vector<FoundName> found_vector;
FindNameOptions prefix_options(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds); = FindNameOptions::kPrefix;
prefix_options.max_results = 100;
ParsedIdentifier va_identifier("va");
FindLocalVariable(prefix_options, block.get(), va_identifier, &found_vector);
ASSERT_EQ(3u, found_vector.size());
// Limiting the prefix result set to 1 should only fine one.
prefix_options.max_results = 1;
FindLocalVariable(prefix_options, block.get(), va_identifier, &found_vector);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_vector.size());
// Find "block_local" in the block should be found, but in the function it should not be.
ParsedIdentifier block_local_ident(block_other->GetAssignedName());
found = FindName(block_context, all_kinds, block_local_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(block_other.get(), found.variable());
EXPECT_EQ(block_other->GetAssignedName(), found.GetName());
found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, block_local_ident);
// Finding the other function parameter in the block should work.
ParsedIdentifier other_param_ident(param_other->GetAssignedName());
found = FindName(block_context, all_kinds, other_param_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(param_other.get(), found.variable());
// Look up the variable "ns::ns_value" using the name "ns_value" (no namespace) from within the
// context of the "ns::function()" function. The namespace of the function should be implicitly
// picked up.
ParsedIdentifier ns_value_ident(kNsVarName);
found = FindName(block_context, all_kinds, ns_value_ident);
EXPECT_EQ(ns_value.var.get(), found.variable());
EXPECT_EQ(kNsVarName, found.GetName());
// Loop up the global "ns_value" var with no global symbol context. This should fail and not
// crash.
FindNameContext block_no_modules_context;
block_no_modules_context.block = block.get();
found = FindName(block_no_modules_context, all_kinds, ns_value_ident);
// Break reference cycle for test teardown.
// This test only tests for finding object members. It doesn't set up the index which might find
// types, that's tested by FindIndexedName.
TEST(FindName, FindMember) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
DerivedClassTestSetup d;
FindNameContext context; // Empty context = local and object vars only.
FindNameOptions exact_var(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
// The two base classes each have a "b" member.
ParsedIdentifier b_ident("b");
// Finding one member "b" should find the first one (Base1) because the options find the first
// match by default.
std::vector<FoundName> results;
FindMember(context, exact_var, d.derived_type.get(), b_ident, nullptr, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, results.size());
ASSERT_EQ(FoundName::kMemberVariable, results[0].kind());
EXPECT_EQ(d.kBase1Offset, results[0].member().data_member_offset());
EXPECT_EQ("b", results[0].GetName());
// Increase the limit, it should find both in order of Base1, Base2.
exact_var.max_results = 100;
FindMember(context, exact_var, d.derived_type.get(), b_ident, nullptr, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, results.size());
ASSERT_EQ(FoundName::kMemberVariable, results[0].kind());
ASSERT_EQ(FoundName::kMemberVariable, results[1].kind());
EXPECT_EQ(d.kBase1Offset, results[0].member().data_member_offset());
EXPECT_EQ(d.kBase2Offset, results[1].member().data_member_offset());
TEST(FindName, FindAnonUnion) {
// Makes this type:
// struct Outer {
// union Union {
// int inner;
// };
// }
// and makes sure that we can evaluate "outer.inner", transparently going into the anonymous
// union.
auto int_type = MakeInt32Type();
constexpr uint32_t kInnerOffset = 4; // Offset of "inner" inside the union.
constexpr char kInnerName[] = "inner";
auto union_type = MakeCollectionTypeWithOffset(DwarfTag::kUnionType, "", kInnerOffset,
{{kInnerName, int_type}});
constexpr uint32_t kUnionOffset = 2; // Offset of the union inside "Outer".
auto outer_type = MakeCollectionTypeWithOffset(DwarfTag::kStructureType, "Outer", kUnionOffset,
{{"", union_type}});
constexpr uint8_t kIntValue = 42;
ExprValue value(outer_type, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Padding: kInnerOffset + kUnionOffset bytes.
kIntValue, 0, 0, 0}); // 32-bit integer little-endian.
FindNameContext context; // Empty context = local and object vars only.
FindNameOptions exact_var(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
std::vector<FoundName> result;
FindMember(context, exact_var, outer_type.get(), ParsedIdentifier(kInnerName), nullptr, &result);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, result.size());
// The found value should be at the correct offset, accounting for both the union and integer
// offsets.
EXPECT_EQ(kInnerOffset + kUnionOffset, result[0].member().data_member_offset());
EXPECT_EQ(kInnerName, result[0].member().data_member()->GetAssignedName());
// This only tests the ModuleSymbols and function naming integration, the details of the index
// searching are tested by FindGlobalNameInModule()
TEST(FindName, FindIndexedName) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
const char kGlobalName[] = "global"; // Different variable in each.
const char kVar1Name[] = "var1"; // Only in module 1
const char kVar2Name[] = "var2"; // Only in module 2
const char kNotFoundName[] = "notfound";
ParsedIdentifier global_ident(kGlobalName);
ParsedIdentifier var1_ident(kVar1Name);
ParsedIdentifier var2_ident(kVar2Name);
ParsedIdentifier notfound_ident(kNotFoundName);
// Module 1.
auto module_symbols1 = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root1 = module_symbols1->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
TestIndexedGlobalVariable global1(module_symbols1.get(), &root1, kGlobalName);
TestIndexedGlobalVariable var1(module_symbols1.get(), &root1, kVar1Name);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress1 = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context1(kLoadAddress1);
setup.InjectModule("mod1", "1234", kLoadAddress1, module_symbols1);
// Module 2.
auto module_symbols2 = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root2 = module_symbols2->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
TestIndexedGlobalVariable global2(module_symbols2.get(), &root2, kGlobalName);
TestIndexedGlobalVariable var2(module_symbols2.get(), &root2, kVar2Name);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress2 = 0x2000;
SymbolContext symbol_context2(kLoadAddress2);
setup.InjectModule("mod2", "5678", kLoadAddress2, module_symbols2);
FindNameOptions all_opts(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
std::vector<FoundName> found;
// Searching for "global" in module1's context should give the global in that module.
FindNameContext mod1_context(&setup.process(), symbol_context1);
FindIndexedName(mod1_context, all_opts, ParsedIdentifier(), global_ident, true, &found);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global1.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Searching for "global" in module2's context should give the global in that module.
FindNameContext mod2_context(&setup.process(), symbol_context2);
FindIndexedName(mod2_context, all_opts, ParsedIdentifier(), global_ident, true, &found);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global2.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Searching for "var1" in module2's context should still find it even though its in the other
// module.
FindIndexedName(mod2_context, all_opts, ParsedIdentifier(), var1_ident, true, &found);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(var1.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Searching for "var2" with only target-level symbols should still find it.
FindIndexedName(FindNameContext(&, all_opts, ParsedIdentifier(), var2_ident, true,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(var2.var.get(), found[0].variable());
TEST(FindName, FindIndexedNameInModule) {
auto module_symbols = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root = module_symbols->index().root(); // Root of the index.
const char kVarName[] = "var";
const char kNsName[] = "ns";
FindNameOptions all_opts(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
std::vector<FoundName> found;
// Make a global variable in the toplevel namespace.
TestIndexedGlobalVariable global(module_symbols.get(), &root, kVarName);
ParsedIdentifier var_ident(kVarName);
FindIndexedNameInModule(all_opts, module_symbols.get(), ParsedIdentifier(), var_ident, true,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Say we're in some nested namespace and search for the same name. It should find the variable in
// the upper namespace.
ParsedIdentifier nested_ns(kNsName);
FindIndexedNameInModule(all_opts, module_symbols.get(), nested_ns, var_ident, true, &found);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Add a variable in the nested namespace with the same name.
auto ns_node = root.AddChild(kNsName);
TestIndexedGlobalVariable ns(module_symbols.get(), ns_node, kVarName);
// Re-search for the same name in the nested namespace, it should get the nested one first.
FindIndexedNameInModule(all_opts, module_symbols.get(), nested_ns, var_ident, true, &found);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(ns.var.get(), found[0].variable());
// Now do the same search but globally qualify the input "::var" which should match only the
// toplevel one.
ParsedIdentifier var_global_ident(IdentifierQualification::kGlobal,
FindIndexedNameInModule(all_opts, module_symbols.get(), nested_ns, var_global_ident, true,
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global.var.get(), found[0].variable());
EXPECT_EQ(kVarName, found[0].GetName());
TEST(FindName, FindTypeName) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
auto module_symbols = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root = module_symbols->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
// Note space in "> >" which is how Clang likes to represent this.
const char kGlobalTypeName[] = "GlobalType<std::char_traits<char> >";
const char kChildTypeName[] = "ChildType<std::char_traits<char> >";
// Global class name.
ParsedIdentifier global_type_name(kGlobalTypeName);
auto global_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kClassType);
TestIndexedSymbol global_indexed(module_symbols.get(), &root, kGlobalTypeName, global_type);
// Child type definition inside the global class name. Currently types don't have child types and
// everything is found via the index.
ParsedIdentifier child_type_name(kChildTypeName);
ParsedIdentifier full_child_type_name;
Err err = ExprParser::ParseIdentifier(
"GlobalType<std::char_traits<char> >::ChildType<std::char_traits<char> >",
auto child_type = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kClassType);
TestIndexedSymbol child_indexed(module_symbols.get(), global_indexed.index_node, kChildTypeName,
// Declares a variable that points to the GlobalType. It will be the "this" pointer for the
// function. The address range of this variable doesn't overlap the function. This means we can
// never compute its value, but since it's syntactically in-scope, we should still be able to use
// its type to resolve type names on the current class.
auto global_type_ptr = fxl::MakeRefCounted<ModifiedType>(DwarfTag::kPointerType, global_type);
auto this_var = MakeVariableForTest("this", global_type_ptr, 0x9000, 0x9001,
{llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_reg0, llvm::dwarf::DW_OP_stack_value});
// Function as a member of GlobalType.
auto function = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Function>(DwarfTag::kSubprogram);
uint64_t kFunctionBeginAddr = 0x1000;
uint64_t kFunctionEndAddr = 0x2000;
function->set_code_ranges(AddressRanges(AddressRange(kFunctionBeginAddr, kFunctionEndAddr)));
// This context declares a target and a block but no current module, which means the block and all
// modules should be searched with no particular preference (most other code sets a preference so
// this tests that less common case).
FindNameContext function_context;
function_context.target_symbols = &;
function_context.block = function.get();
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context(kLoadAddress);
setup.InjectModule("mod", "1234", kLoadAddress, module_symbols);
// ACTUAL TEST CODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FindNameOptions all_kinds(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
// Look up from the global function.
FoundName found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, global_type_name);
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found.kind());
EXPECT_EQ(global_type.get(), found.type().get());
EXPECT_EQ(kGlobalTypeName, found.GetName());
// Prefix search same as above.
FindNameOptions prefix_opts(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds); = FindNameOptions::kPrefix;
prefix_opts.max_results = 10000;
std::vector<FoundName> found_vect;
ParsedIdentifier global_type_prefix("Gl");
FindName(function_context, prefix_opts, global_type_prefix, &found_vect);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_vect.size());
EXPECT_EQ(global_type.get(), found_vect[0].type().get());
// Look up the child function by full name.
found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, full_child_type_name);
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found.kind());
EXPECT_EQ(child_type.get(), found.type().get());
// Look up the child function by just the child name. Since the function is a member of
// GlobalType, ChildType is a member of "this" so it should be found.
found = FindName(function_context, all_kinds, child_type_name);
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found.kind());
EXPECT_EQ(child_type.get(), found.type().get());
TEST(FindName, FindTemplateName) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
auto module_symbols = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root = module_symbols->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
// Declare two functions, one's a template, the other has the same prefix but isn't.
const char kTemplateIntName[] = "Template<int>";
const char kTemplateNotName[] = "TemplateNot";
ParsedIdentifier template_int_name(kTemplateIntName);
ParsedIdentifier template_not_name(kTemplateNotName);
auto template_int = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kClassType);
TestIndexedSymbol template_int_indexed(module_symbols.get(), &root, kTemplateIntName,
auto template_not = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kClassType);
TestIndexedSymbol template_not_indexed(module_symbols.get(), &root, kTemplateNotName,
// Search for names globally within the target.
FindNameContext context(&;
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context(kLoadAddress);
setup.InjectModule("mod", "1234", kLoadAddress, module_symbols);
FindNameOptions all_types(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds);
// The string "Template" should be identified as one.
ParsedIdentifier template_name("Template");
auto found = FindName(context, all_types, template_name);
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kTemplate, found.kind());
EXPECT_EQ("Template", found.GetName());
// The string "TemplateNot" is a type, it should be found as such.
std::vector<FoundName> found_vect;
FindName(context, all_types, template_not_name, &found_vect);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, found_vect.size());
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found_vect[0].kind());
// Now search only for templates, "TemplateNot" should not be found.
FindNameOptions templates_only(FindNameOptions::kNoKinds);
templates_only.find_templates = true;
FindName(context, templates_only, template_not_name, &found_vect);
// Prefix search for "Templ" should get both full types. Since prefix searching doesn't currently
// work for templates, we won't get a template record. These results will need to be updated if
// template prefix matching is added.
FindNameOptions all_prefixes(FindNameOptions::kAllKinds); = FindNameOptions::kPrefix;
all_prefixes.max_results = 100;
ParsedIdentifier templ_name("Templ");
FindName(context, all_prefixes, templ_name, &found_vect);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, found_vect.size());
// Both results are types.
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found_vect[0].kind());
EXPECT_EQ(FoundName::kType, found_vect[1].kind());
// Can appear in either order.
EXPECT_TRUE((found_vect[0].type().get() == template_int.get() &&
found_vect[1].type().get() == template_not.get()) ||
(found_vect[0].type().get() == template_not.get() &&
found_vect[1].type().get() == template_int.get()));
TEST(FindName, FindType) {
ProcessSymbolsTestSetup setup;
auto module_symbols1 = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root1 = module_symbols1->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 1.
auto module_symbols2 = fxl::MakeRefCounted<MockModuleSymbols>("");
auto& root2 = module_symbols2->index().root(); // Root of the index for module 2.
const char kStructName[] = "Struct";
ParsedIdentifier struct_name(kStructName);
// Make and index the forward declaration in module 1.
auto fwd_decl = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kStructureType);
TestIndexedSymbol fwd_decl_indexed(module_symbols1.get(), &root1, kStructName, fwd_decl);
// Make and index a definition in module 2.
auto def = fxl::MakeRefCounted<Collection>(DwarfTag::kClassType);
TestIndexedSymbol def_indexed(module_symbols2.get(), &root2, kStructName, def);
// Set the modules as loaded.
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress1 = 0x1000;
SymbolContext symbol_context1(kLoadAddress1);
setup.InjectModule("mod1", "1234", kLoadAddress1, module_symbols1);
constexpr uint64_t kLoadAddress2 = 0x2000;
SymbolContext symbol_context2(kLoadAddress2);
setup.InjectModule("mod2", "5678", kLoadAddress2, module_symbols2);
// Search for names starting from "mod1" so the output ordering is guaranteed.
FindNameContext context(&setup.process(), symbol_context1);
// Finding types should return both the forward definition and the definition.
FindNameOptions find_types(FindNameOptions::kNoKinds);
find_types.find_types = true;
find_types.max_results = 100;
std::vector<FoundName> results;
FindName(context, find_types, struct_name, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(2u, results.size());
// The forward-declaration should be found first since it's in the "current" module we passed to
// FindName.
EXPECT_EQ(fwd_decl.get(), results[0].type().get());
EXPECT_EQ(def.get(), results[1].type().get());
// Now find only definitions.
FindNameOptions find_type_defs(FindNameOptions::kNoKinds);
find_type_defs.find_type_defs = true;
find_type_defs.max_results = 100;
// Should find only the definition now.
FindName(context, find_type_defs, struct_name, &results);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, results.size());
EXPECT_EQ(def.get(), results[0].type().get());
} // namespace zxdb