blob: de3d80d91cc1822bc6c9fe4c099cd658b7bd2a8c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/netstack/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include "garnet/bin/mdns/service/dns_message.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mdns/service/mdns_agent.h"
#include "garnet/bin/mdns/service/mdns_transceiver.h"
#include "garnet/lib/inet/socket_address.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/time/time_point.h"
namespace mdns {
class InstanceProber;
class InstanceRequestor;
class InstanceResponder;
class ResourceRenewer;
// Implements mDNS.
class Mdns : public MdnsAgent::Host {
// Describes an initial instance publication or query response.
struct Publication {
static std::unique_ptr<Publication> Create(
inet::IpPort port,
const std::vector<std::string>& text = std::vector<std::string>());
inet::IpPort port_;
std::vector<std::string> text_;
uint32_t ptr_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes
uint32_t srv_ttl_seconds = 120; // default 2 minutes
uint32_t txt_ttl_seconds = 4500; // default 75 minutes
// Abstract base class for client-supplied subscriber.
class Subscriber {
virtual ~Subscriber();
// Unsubscribes from the service. If this |Subscriber| is already
// unsubscribed, this method does nothing.
void Unsubscribe();
// Called when a new instance is discovered.
virtual void InstanceDiscovered(const std::string& service,
const std::string& instance,
const inet::SocketAddress& v4_address,
const inet::SocketAddress& v6_address,
const std::vector<std::string>& text) = 0;
// Called when a previously discovered instance changes addresses or text.
virtual void InstanceChanged(const std::string& service,
const std::string& instance,
const inet::SocketAddress& v4_address,
const inet::SocketAddress& v6_address,
const std::vector<std::string>& text) = 0;
// Called when an instance is lost.
virtual void InstanceLost(const std::string& service,
const std::string& instance) = 0;
Subscriber() {}
void Connect(std::shared_ptr<InstanceRequestor> instance_requestor);
std::shared_ptr<InstanceRequestor> instance_subscriber_;
friend class Mdns;
// Abstract base class for client-supplied publisher.
class Publisher {
virtual ~Publisher();
// Sets subtypes for the service instance. If this |Publisher| is
// unpublished, this method does nothing.
void SetSubtypes(std::vector<std::string> subtypes);
// Initiates announcement of the service instance. If this |Publisher| is
// unpublished, this method does nothing.
void Reannounce();
// Unpublishes the service instance. If this |Publisher| is already
// unpublished, this method does nothing.
void Unpublish();
// Reports whether the publication attempt was successful. Publication can
// fail if the service instance is currently be published by another device
// on the subnet.
virtual void ReportSuccess(bool success) = 0;
// Provides instance information for initial announcements and query
// responses relating to the service instance specified in |AddResponder|.
// |query| indicates whether data is requested for an initial announcement
// (false) or in response to a query (true). If the publication relates to
// a subtype of the service, |subtype| contains the subtype, otherwise it is
// empty. If the publication provided by the callback is null, no
// announcement or response is transmitted.
virtual void GetPublication(
bool query, const std::string& subtype,
fit::function<void(std::unique_ptr<Publication>)> callback) = 0;
Publisher() {}
void Connect(std::shared_ptr<InstanceResponder> instance_responder);
std::shared_ptr<InstanceResponder> instance_responder_;
friend class Mdns;
using ResolveHostNameCallback = fit::function<void(
const std::string& host_name, const inet::IpAddress& v4_address,
const inet::IpAddress& v6_address)>;
virtual ~Mdns() override;
// Determines whether message traffic will be logged.
void SetVerbose(bool verbose);
// Starts the transceiver. |ready_callback| is called once we're is ready for
// calls to |ResolveHostName|, |SubscribeToService| and
// |PublishServiceInstance|.
void Start(fuchsia::netstack::NetstackPtr, const std::string& host_name,
fit::closure ready_callback);
// Stops the transceiver.
void Stop();
// Returns the host name currently in use. May be different than the host name
// passed in to |Start| if address probing detected conflicts.
std::string host_name() { return host_name_; }
// Resolves |host_name| to one or two |IpAddress|es. Must not be called before
// |Start|'s ready callback is called.
void ResolveHostName(const std::string& host_name, fxl::TimePoint timeout,
ResolveHostNameCallback callback);
// Subscribes to the specified service. The subscription is cancelled when
// the subscriber is deleted or its |Unsubscribe| method is called.
// Multiple subscriptions may be created for a given service name. Must not be
// called before |Start|'s ready callback is called.
void SubscribeToService(const std::string& service_name,
Subscriber* subscriber);
// Publishes a service instance. Returns false if and only if the instance was
// already published locally. The instance is unpublished when the publisher
// is deleted or its |Unpublish| method is called. Must not be called before
// |Start|'s ready callback is called.
bool PublishServiceInstance(const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& instance_name,
bool perform_probe, Publisher* publisher);
// Writes log messages describing lifetime traffic.
void LogTraffic();
enum class State {
struct TaskQueueEntry {
TaskQueueEntry(MdnsAgent* agent, fit::closure task, fxl::TimePoint time)
: agent_(agent), task_(std::move(task)), time_(time) {}
MdnsAgent* agent_;
// mutable because std::priority_queue doesn't provide a non-const accessor
// for its contents which makes it otherwise impossible to move the closure
// out of the queue when it is time to dispatch the task
mutable fit::closure task_;
fxl::TimePoint time_;
bool operator<(const TaskQueueEntry& other) const {
return time_ > other.time_;
struct ReplyAddressHash {
std::size_t operator()(const ReplyAddress& reply_address) const noexcept {
return std::hash<inet::SocketAddress>{}(reply_address.socket_address()) ^
<< 1);
// Starts a probe for a conflicting host name. If a conflict is detected, a
// new name is generated and this method is called again. If no conflict is
// detected, |host_full_name_| gets set and the service is ready to start
// other agents.
void StartAddressProbe(const std::string& host_name);
// Determines what host name to try next after a conflict is detected and
// calls |StartAddressProbe| with that name.
void OnHostNameConflict();
// MdnsAgent::Host implementation.
void PostTaskForTime(MdnsAgent* agent, fit::closure task,
fxl::TimePoint target_time) override;
void SendQuestion(std::shared_ptr<DnsQuestion> question) override;
void SendResource(std::shared_ptr<DnsResource> resource,
MdnsResourceSection section,
const ReplyAddress& reply_address) override;
void SendAddresses(MdnsResourceSection section,
const ReplyAddress& reply_address) override;
void Renew(const DnsResource& resource) override;
void RemoveAgent(const MdnsAgent* agent,
const std::string& published_instance_full_name) override;
// Adds an agent and, if |started_|, starts it.
void AddAgent(std::shared_ptr<MdnsAgent> agent);
// Adds an instance responder after performing optional probe for conflicts.
bool AddInstanceResponder(const std::string& service_name,
const std::string& instance_name, inet::IpPort port,
std::shared_ptr<InstanceResponder> agent,
bool perform_probe);
// Sends any messages found in |outbound_messages_by_reply_address_| and
// clears |outbound_messages_by_reply_address_|.
void SendMessages();
// Distributes questions to all the agents except the resource renewer.
void ReceiveQuestion(const DnsQuestion& question,
const ReplyAddress& reply_address);
// Distributes resources to all the agents, starting with the resource
// renewer.
void ReceiveResource(const DnsResource& resource,
MdnsResourceSection section);
// Runs tasks in |task_queue_| using |dispatcher_|.
void PostTask();
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher_;
MdnsTransceiver transceiver_;
std::string original_host_name_;
fit::closure ready_callback_;
uint32_t next_host_name_deduplicator_ = 2;
std::string host_name_;
std::string host_full_name_;
State state_ = State::kNotStarted;
std::priority_queue<TaskQueueEntry> task_queue_;
fxl::TimePoint posted_task_time_ = fxl::TimePoint::Max();
std::unordered_map<ReplyAddress, DnsMessage, ReplyAddressHash>
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<MdnsAgent>> agents_awaiting_start_;
std::unordered_map<const MdnsAgent*, std::shared_ptr<MdnsAgent>> agents_;
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<InstanceRequestor>>
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<InstanceResponder>>
std::shared_ptr<DnsResource> address_placeholder_;
bool verbose_ = false;
#endif // MDNS_TRACE
std::shared_ptr<ResourceRenewer> resource_renewer_;
bool prohibit_agent_removal_ = false;
#ifdef NDEBUG
#define DPROHIBIT_AGENT_REMOVAL() ((void)0)
#define DALLOW_AGENT_REMOVAL() ((void)0)
#define DPROHIBIT_AGENT_REMOVAL() (prohibit_agent_removal_ = true)
#define DALLOW_AGENT_REMOVAL() (prohibit_agent_removal_ = false)
#endif // NDEBUG
} // namespace mdns