blob: 69321fe289b12306ed79be903d53388144c61a35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{format_err, Error};
use async_utils::stream::{StreamItem, StreamWithEpitaph, WithEpitaph};
use bt_rfcomm::ServerChannel;
use fidl::endpoints::{create_request_stream, ClientEnd};
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth::ErrorCode;
use fidl_fuchsia_bluetooth_bredr as bredr;
use fuchsia_async as fasync;
use fuchsia_bluetooth::profile::{psm_from_protocol, ChannelParameters, Psm, ServiceDefinition};
use fuchsia_bluetooth::{types::PeerId, util::CollectExt};
use fuchsia_inspect_derive::Inspect;
use futures::{
self, channel::mpsc, future::BoxFuture, select, sink::SinkExt, stream::StreamExt, Future,
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::convert::{TryFrom, TryInto};
use tracing::{info, trace, warn};
use crate::fidl_service::Service;
use crate::profile::*;
use crate::rfcomm::RfcommServer;
use crate::types::{AdvertiseParams, ServiceGroup, ServiceGroupHandle, Services};
/// The returned result of a Profile.Advertise request.
enum AdvertiseResult {
/// The Advertise request needed RFCOMM - the client's event stream is returned.
EventStream(StreamWithEpitaph<bredr::ConnectionReceiverEventStream, ServiceGroupHandle>),
/// A connection request from the upstream server.
enum ConnectionEvent {
/// A normal connection request.
/// The upstream server canceled the advertisement, for any reason.
/// The tasks associated with a service advertisement.
struct AdvertiseTasks {
/// The Profile.Advertise() Future that resolves when advertisement terminates.
pub adv_task: BoxFuture<'static, ()>,
/// The relay task used to process incoming connection requests from the upstream
/// server.
pub relay_task: fasync::Task<()>,
/// The current advertisement status of the `ProfileRegistrar`.
enum AdvertiseStatus {
/// Currently advertising with a set of tasks processing requests.
/// We are not currently advertising.
/// The ProfileRegistrar handles requests over the `fidl.fuchsia.bluetooth.bredr.Profile` service.
/// Clients can advertise, search, and connect to services.
/// The ProfileRegistrar can be thought of as a relay for clients using Profile. Clients not
/// requesting RFCOMM services will be relayed directly to the upstream server.
/// The ProfileRegistrar manages a single RFCOMM advertisement group. If a new client
/// requests to advertise services, the server will unregister the active advertisement, group
/// together all the services, and re-register.
/// The ProfileRegistrar also manages the `RfcommServer` - which is responsible for handling
/// connections over the RFCOMM PSM.
pub struct ProfileRegistrar {
/// An upstream provider of the Profile service. Typically provided by bt-host.
profile_upstream: bredr::ProfileProxy,
/// The `active_registration` is the current processing task for connection requests
/// from the upstream server.
active_registration: AdvertiseStatus,
/// The currently advertised services.
registered_services: Services,
/// Sender used to relay connection requests from the upstream server.
connection_sender: Option<mpsc::Sender<ConnectionEvent>>,
/// Advertise future relays, which complete Advertise calls that do not interact with
/// RFCOMM. These must be polled separately from the handler_fut because of how fidl
/// asynchronous futures and select! interact.
advertise_relay_tasks: Vec<fasync::Task<()>>,
/// The RFCOMM server that handles allocating server channels, incoming
/// l2cap connections, outgoing l2cap connections, and multiplexing channels.
rfcomm_server: RfcommServer,
impl ProfileRegistrar {
pub fn new(profile_upstream: bredr::ProfileProxy) -> Self {
Self {
active_registration: AdvertiseStatus::NotAdvertising,
registered_services: Services::new(),
connection_sender: None,
advertise_relay_tasks: Vec::new(),
rfcomm_server: RfcommServer::new(),
/// Creates and returns a Task representing the running server. The returned task will process
/// `Profile` and `RfcommTest` requests from the `incoming_services` stream.
pub fn start(self, incoming_services: mpsc::Receiver<Service>) -> fasync::Task<()> {
let handler_fut = self.handle_fidl_requests(incoming_services);
/// Returns true if the requested `new_psms` do not overlap with the currently registered PSMs.
fn is_disjoint_psms(&self, new_psms: &HashSet<Psm>) -> bool {
/// Unregisters all the active services advertised by this server.
/// This should be called when the upstream server drops the single service advertisement that
/// this server manages.
async fn unregister_all_services(&mut self) {
self.registered_services = Services::new();
/// Unregisters the group of services identified by `handle`. Re-registers any remaining
/// services.
/// This should be called when a profile client decides to stop advertising its services.
async fn unregister_service(&mut self, handle: ServiceGroupHandle) -> Result<(), Error> {
if !self.registered_services.contains(handle) {
return Err(format_err!("Attempt to unregister non-existent service: {:?}", handle));
// Remove the entry for this client.
let service_info = self.registered_services.remove(handle);
// Attempt to re-advertise.
/// Processes an incoming L2cap connection from the upstream server.
/// If the connection PSM is not RFCOMM, relays directly to the client.
/// Returns an error if the `protocol` is invalidly formatted, or if the provided
/// PSM is not represented by a client of the `ProfileRegistrar`.
fn handle_incoming_l2cap_connection(
&mut self,
peer_id: PeerId,
channel: bredr::Channel,
protocol: Vec<bredr::ProtocolDescriptor>,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
let local = protocol.iter().map(|p| p.into()).collect();
match psm_from_protocol(&local).ok_or(format_err!("No PSM provided"))? {
Psm::RFCOMM => self.rfcomm_server.new_l2cap_connection(peer_id, channel.try_into()?),
psm => {
match self.registered_services.iter().find(|(_, client)| client.contains_psm(psm)) {
Some((_, client)) => client.relay_connected(peer_id.into(), channel, protocol),
None => {
return Err(format_err!(
"Connection request for non-advertised PSM {:?}",
/// Validates that there is an active connection with the peer specified by `peer_id`. If not,
/// creates and delivers the L2CAP connection to the RFCOMM server.
async fn ensure_service_connection(&mut self, peer_id: PeerId) -> Result<(), ErrorCode> {
if self.rfcomm_server.is_active_session(&peer_id) {
return Ok(());
let mut connect_params = bredr::ConnectParameters::L2cap(bredr::L2capParameters {
psm: Some(bredr::PSM_RFCOMM),
let l2cap_channel =
match self.profile_upstream.connect(&mut peer_id.into(), &mut connect_params).await {
Ok(Ok(channel)) => channel.try_into().unwrap(),
Ok(Err(e)) => {
return Err(e);
Err(e) => {
warn!("Couldn't establish L2CAP connection with {:?}: {:?}", peer_id, e);
return Err(ErrorCode::Failed);
.new_l2cap_connection(peer_id, l2cap_channel)
.map_err(|_| ErrorCode::Failed)
/// Processes an outgoing L2Cap connection initiated by a client of the ProfileRegistrar.
/// Returns an error if the connection request fails.
async fn handle_outgoing_connection(
&mut self,
peer_id: PeerId,
mut connection: bredr::ConnectParameters,
responder: bredr::ProfileConnectResponder,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// If the provided `connection` is for a non-RFCOMM PSM, simply forward the outbound
// connection to the upstream Profile service.
// Otherwise, route to the RFCOMM server.
match &connection {
bredr::ConnectParameters::L2cap { .. } => {
let mut result = self
.connect(&mut peer_id.into(), &mut connection)
.unwrap_or_else(|_fidl_error| Err(ErrorCode::Failed));
let _ = responder.send(&mut result);
bredr::ConnectParameters::Rfcomm(bredr::RfcommParameters { channel, .. }) => {
let server_channel = match {
Some(Ok(sc)) => sc,
_ => {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(ErrorCode::InvalidArguments));
return Ok(());
// Ensure there is an RFCOMM Session between us and the peer.
if let Err(e) = self.ensure_service_connection(peer_id).await {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(e));
return Ok(());
// Open the RFCOMM channel.
self.rfcomm_server.open_rfcomm_channel(peer_id, server_channel, responder).await?;
/// Advertises `params` to the provided `profile_upstream`.
/// Returns a Future for the advertisement; this future should be polled in order to detect
/// when the advertisement has finished.
fn advertise(
profile_upstream: bredr::ProfileProxy,
params: AdvertiseParams,
connect_client: ClientEnd<bredr::ConnectionReceiverMarker>,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
let fidl_services = params
&mut fidl_services.into_iter(),
.map(|_| ())
/// Processes requests from the ConnectionReceiver stream and relays to the `sender`.
async fn connection_request_relay(
mut connect_requests: bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequestStream,
mut sender: mpsc::Sender<ConnectionEvent>,
) {
while let Some(connect_request) = {
match connect_request {
Ok(request) => {
let _ = sender.send(ConnectionEvent::Request(request)).await;
Err(e) => info!("Connection request error: {:?}", e),
// The upstream server has dropped the ConnectionReceiver. Let the
// receiver know that the advertisement has been canceled.
let _ = sender.send(ConnectionEvent::AdvertisementCanceled).await;
/// Attempts to build and advertise services from `self.registered_services`.
async fn refresh_advertisement(&mut self) {
let status =
std::mem::replace(&mut self.active_registration, AdvertiseStatus::NotAdvertising);
match status {
AdvertiseStatus::Advertising(AdvertiseTasks { adv_task, relay_task }) => {
// If we are currently advertising, drop the stream processing task to unregister
// the services. Wait for the advertisement to resolve before attempting to
// re-advertise.
let _ = adv_task.await;
trace!("Finished waiting for unregistration");
AdvertiseStatus::NotAdvertising => {}
// We are ready to advertise. Attempt to build the advertisement parameters, and create
// and save two tasks that 1) Make the Advertise request and wait for termination and
// 2) Process incoming requests from the upstream server.
if let Some(params) = self.registered_services.build_registration() {
trace!("Advertising from registered services: {:?}", params);
let (connect_client, connect_requests) =
// Spawn a task to advertise `params`.
let adv_fut =
ProfileRegistrar::advertise(self.profile_upstream.clone(), params, connect_client);
let adv_task = adv_fut.boxed();
// Spawn a task to handle incoming L2CAP connections.
let relay_task = fasync::Task::spawn(ProfileRegistrar::connection_request_relay(
self.active_registration =
AdvertiseStatus::Advertising(AdvertiseTasks { adv_task, relay_task });
/// Handles an incoming request to advertise a group of `services`.
/// At least one service in `services` must request RFCOMM.
/// The RFCOMM-requesting services are assigned ServerChannels. The services are then
/// registered together with the currently registered services.
/// Returns the event stream for the receiver tagged with a unique identifier for the
/// registered group of services. The event stream should be continuously polled in
/// order to detect when the client terminates the advertisement.
async fn add_managed_advertisement(
&mut self,
mut services: Vec<ServiceDefinition>,
parameters: ChannelParameters,
receiver: bredr::ConnectionReceiverProxy,
responder: bredr::ProfileAdvertiseResponder,
) -> Result<StreamWithEpitaph<bredr::ConnectionReceiverEventStream, ServiceGroupHandle>, Error>
// Validate that the new PSMs are disjoint because we unregister and re-register as a group.
let new_psms = psms_from_service_definitions(&services);
if !self.is_disjoint_psms(&new_psms) {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(ErrorCode::Failed));
return Err(format_err!("New advertisement requesting pre-allocated PSMs"));
// Create an entry for this group of services with a unique handle.
let next_handle =
self.registered_services.insert(ServiceGroup::new(receiver.clone(), parameters));
// If the RfcommServer has enough free Server Channels, allocate and update
// the RFCOMM-requesting services.
let required_server_channels =
services.iter().filter(|def| is_rfcomm_service_definition(def)).count();
if required_server_channels > self.rfcomm_server.available_server_channels().await {
let _ = responder.send(&mut Err(ErrorCode::Failed));
return Err(format_err!("RfcommServer not enough free Server Channels"));
for mut service in services.iter_mut().filter(|def| is_rfcomm_service_definition(def)) {
let server_channel = self
.expect("just checked");
update_svc_def_with_server_channel(&mut service, server_channel)?;
let service_info = self.registered_services.get_mut(next_handle).expect("just inserted");
// Attempt to re-advertise the updated services.
/// Makes a Profile.Advertise() request upstream, and returns a Future that relays the
/// result to the `responder` upon termination.
fn make_advertise_relay(
services: Vec<bredr::ServiceDefinition>,
parameters: bredr::ChannelParameters,
receiver: ClientEnd<bredr::ConnectionReceiverMarker>,
responder: bredr::ProfileAdvertiseResponder,
) -> impl Future<Output = ()> {
let adv_fut =
self.profile_upstream.advertise(&mut services.into_iter(), parameters, receiver);
async move {
let _ = adv_fut
.and_then(|mut r| responder.send(&mut r))
.map_err(|e| trace!("Relayed advertisement terminated: {:?}", e));
/// Handles a request over the Profile protocol.
/// If the request was an advertisement, returns either the event stream associated with
/// the advertise request, or a future to relay the advertisement request directly upstream.
async fn handle_profile_request(
&mut self,
request: bredr::ProfileRequest,
) -> Option<AdvertiseResult> {
match request {
bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { services, parameters, receiver, responder } => {
let services_local =
trace!("Received advertise request: {:?}", services_local);
if service_definitions_request_rfcomm(&services_local) {
let receiver = receiver.into_proxy().ok()?;
let parameters = ChannelParameters::try_from(&parameters).ok()?;
match self
.add_managed_advertisement(services_local, parameters, receiver, responder)
Err(e) => warn!("Error handling advertise request: {:?}", e),
Ok(evt_stream) => return Some(AdvertiseResult::EventStream(evt_stream)),
} else {
let relay_fut =
self.make_advertise_relay(services, parameters, receiver, responder);
return None;
bredr::ProfileRequest::Connect { peer_id, connection, responder, .. } => {
if let Err(e) =
self.handle_outgoing_connection(peer_id.into(), connection, responder).await
warn!("Error establishing outgoing connection {:?}", e);
bredr::ProfileRequest::Search { service_uuid, attr_ids, results, .. } => {
// Simply forward over the search to the Profile server.
let _ =, &attr_ids, results);
bredr::ProfileRequest::ConnectSco {
mut peer_id, initiator, params, receiver, ..
} => {
let _ = self.profile_upstream.connect_sco(
&mut peer_id,
&mut params.into_iter(),
/// Handles incoming connection requests from the processing task of the active service
/// advertisement.
/// There are two relevant cases:
/// 1) A connection request from the upstream Host Server. The incoming l2cap connection
/// must be handled - if PSM_RFCOMM, send to the RfcommServer, otherwise, relay
/// directly to the profile client.
/// 2) An epitaph of the relay task signaling the advertisement has canceled. This is
/// usually due to an error in the upstream server. We must clear all of the services.
async fn handle_connection_request(&mut self, request: ConnectionEvent) -> Result<(), Error> {
match request {
ConnectionEvent::Request(request) => {
let bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest::Connected {
peer_id, channel, protocol, ..
} = request;
self.handle_incoming_l2cap_connection(peer_id.into(), channel, protocol)
ConnectionEvent::AdvertisementCanceled => {
// The upstream server unexpectedly dropped the advertisement. We must clean up
// all of the state.
/// Processes incoming service requests and events generated by clients of the
/// `Profile` protocol.
pub async fn handle_fidl_requests(mut self, mut incoming_services: mpsc::Receiver<Service>) {
// `bredr.Profile` FIDL requests.
let mut profile_requests = futures::stream::SelectAll::new();
// `RfcommTest` FIDL requests.
let mut test_requests = futures::stream::SelectAll::new();
// Internal channel used to relay requests over the `ConnectionReceiver` protocol.
let (connection_sender, mut connection_receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
self.connection_sender = Some(connection_sender);
// All client service advertisement event streams. Used to determine when the
// client wants to stop advertising its services.
let mut client_event_streams = futures::stream::SelectAll::new();
loop {
select! {
new_service = incoming_services.select_next_some() => {
match new_service {
Service::Profile(st) => profile_requests.push(st),
Service::RfcommTest(st) => test_requests.push(st),
profile_request = profile_requests.select_next_some() => {
let profile_request = match profile_request {
Ok(request) => request,
Err(e) => {
info!("Error from Profile request: {:?}", e);
match self.handle_profile_request(profile_request).await {
Some(AdvertiseResult::EventStream(evt_stream)) => client_event_streams.push(evt_stream),
_ => {},
connection_request = connection_receiver.select_next_some() => {
// Incoming connection request from the upstream Profile server.
if let Err(e) = self.handle_connection_request(connection_request).await {
warn!("Error processing incoming l2cap connection request: {:?}", e);
service_event = => {
// `Profile` client has terminated their service advertisement.
if let Some(StreamItem::Epitaph(service_id)) = service_event {
// Unregister the service from the ProfileRegistrar.
info!("Client {:?} unregistered service advertisement", service_id);
if let Err(e) = self.unregister_service(service_id).await {
warn!("Error unregistering service {:?}: {:?}", service_id, e);
request = test_requests.select_next_some() => {
match request {
Ok(req) => self.rfcomm_server.handle_test_request(req).await,
Err(e) => warn!("RfcommTest request is error: {:?}", e),
complete => break,
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::types::tests::{other_service_definition, rfcomm_service_definition};
use async_utils::PollExt;
use fidl::encoding::Decodable;
use fidl::endpoints::create_proxy_and_stream;
use futures::pin_mut;
use futures::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures_test::task::new_count_waker;
/// Returns true if the provided `service` has an assigned Server Channel.
fn service_def_has_assigned_server_channel(service: &bredr::ServiceDefinition) -> bool {
if let Some(protocol) = &service.protocol_descriptor_list {
for descriptor in protocol {
if descriptor.protocol == bredr::ProtocolIdentifier::Rfcomm {
if descriptor.params.is_empty() {
return false;
// The server channel should be the first element.
if let bredr::DataElement::Uint8(_) = descriptor.params[0] {
return true;
/// Creates a Profile::Search request.
fn generate_search_request(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
) -> (bredr::ProfileRequest, bredr::SearchResultsRequestStream) {
let (c, mut s) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>().unwrap();
let (results, server) = create_request_stream::<bredr::SearchResultsMarker>().unwrap();
assert!(, &[], results).is_ok());
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(x))) => (x, server),
x => panic!("Expected ProfileRequest but got: {:?}", x),
/// Creates a Profile::ConnectSco request.
fn generate_connect_sco_request(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
) -> (bredr::ProfileRequest, bredr::ScoConnectionReceiverRequestStream) {
let (profile_proxy, mut profile_request_stream) =
let (receiver_client, receiver_server) =
&mut PeerId(1).into(),
/*initiator=*/ true,
&mut vec![bredr::ScoConnectionParameters::new_empty()].into_iter(),
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(request))) => (request, receiver_server),
x => panic!("Expected ProfileRequest but got: {:?}", x),
/// Creates a Profile::Advertise request.
/// Returns the associated request stream, and the Advertise request as a Future.
fn make_advertise_request(
client: &bredr::ProfileProxy,
services: Vec<bredr::ServiceDefinition>,
) -> (
impl Future<Output = Result<Result<(), ErrorCode>, fidl::Error>>,
) {
let (connection, connection_stream) =
let adv_fut = client.advertise(
&mut services.into_iter(),
(connection_stream, adv_fut)
/// Creates a Profile::Connect request for an L2cap channel.
/// Returns the associated result future
fn make_l2cap_connection_request(
client: &bredr::ProfileProxy,
peer_id: PeerId,
psm: u16,
) -> impl Future<Output = Result<Result<bredr::Channel, ErrorCode>, fidl::Error>> {
&mut peer_id.into(),
&mut bredr::ConnectParameters::L2cap(bredr::L2capParameters {
psm: Some(psm),
fn new_client(
exec: &mut fasync::TestExecutor,
mut service_sender: mpsc::Sender<Service>,
) -> bredr::ProfileProxy {
let (profile_client, profile_server) =
let send_fut = service_sender.send(Service::Profile(profile_server));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut send_fut);
/// Starts the `ProfileRegistrar` processing task.
fn setup_handler_fut(
server: ProfileRegistrar,
) -> (mpsc::Sender<Service>, impl Future<Output = ()>) {
let (service_sender, service_receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
let handler_fut = server.handle_fidl_requests(service_receiver);
(service_sender, handler_fut)
/// Creates the ProfileRegistrar with the upstream Profile service.
fn setup_server() -> (fasync::TestExecutor, ProfileRegistrar, bredr::ProfileRequestStream) {
let exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let (client, server) = create_proxy_and_stream::<bredr::ProfileMarker>().unwrap();
let profile_server = ProfileRegistrar::new(client);
(exec, profile_server, server)
/// Exercises a service advertisement with an empty set of services.
/// In practice, the upstream Host Server will reject this request but the RFCOMM
/// server will still classify the request as non-RFCOMM only, and relay directly
/// to the Profile Server.
/// This test validates that the parameters are relayed directly to the Profile Server. Also
/// validates that when the upstream Advertise call resolves, the result is relayed to the
/// client.
fn test_handle_empty_advertise_request() {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to `bt-rfcomm`.
let client = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise empty services.
let services = vec![];
let (_connection_stream, adv_fut) = make_advertise_request(&client, services);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// The advertisement request should be relayed directly upstream.
let responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { responder, .. }))) => responder,
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
// Upstream decides to resolve the Advertise call.
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client should be notified, and it's advertisement should terminate.
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).is_ready());
/// Exercises a service advertisement with no RFCOMM services.
/// The ProfileRegistrar server should classify the request as non-RFCOMM only, and relay
/// directly to the upstream Profile Server.
fn test_handle_advertise_request_with_no_rfcomm() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let services =
let (_connection_stream, adv_fut) = make_advertise_request(&client, services);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// The advertisement request should be relayed directly upstream.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { .. }))) => {}
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
/// Exercises connecting l2cap channels while advertising.
/// The ProfileRegistrar should classify the request as non-RFCOMM, relaying the advertisement
/// directly, and also relay all l2cap channel requests at the same time.
fn test_connect_l2cap_channels_while_advertising() {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let services =
let (_connection_stream, adv_fut) = make_advertise_request(&client, services);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// The advertisement request should be relayed directly upstream.
let _adv_responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { responder, .. }))) => responder,
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
// Connect an l2cap channel to a peer, which should be relayed directly upstream.
let expected_peer_id = PeerId(1);
let connect_fut =
make_l2cap_connection_request(&client, expected_peer_id, bredr::PSM_AVDTP);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// The advertisement request should be relayed directly upstream.
let connect_responder = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Connect {
responder, peer_id, ..
}))) => {
assert_eq!(peer_id, expected_peer_id.into());
x => panic!("Expected connect request, got: {:?}", x),
let (waker, fut_wake_count) = new_count_waker();
let mut counting_ctx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
// Polling the handler should register the waker for this connect response.
.poll(&mut counting_ctx)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
let woke_count_before = fut_wake_count.get();
// Send a response from the upstream Profile request
connect_responder.send(&mut Err(ErrorCode::TimedOut)).expect("upstream connect response");
// Run all the other background tasks that got awoke.
// This signals counting_ctx's waker because the advertising task is woken bv the send,
// which will read from the FIDL channel and wake anyone who received a message.
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut futures::future::pending::<()>());
// Should be woken now
let woke_count_after = fut_wake_count.get();
woke_count_after > woke_count_before,
"connection didn't get woken: {} <= {}",
// Polling again should return the result.
.poll(&mut counting_ctx)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut connect_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(Err(ErrorCode::TimedOut))) => {}
x => panic!("Expected connect request to be complete, got {:?}", x),
/// Service advertisement with only RFCOMM services. The services should be assigned
/// Server Channels and be relayed upstream.
fn test_handle_advertise_request_with_only_rfcomm() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let services = vec![bredr::ServiceDefinition::try_from(&rfcomm_service_definition(None))?];
let (_connection_stream, adv_fut) = make_advertise_request(&client, services);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// Upstream should receive Advertise request for a service with an assigned server channel.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { services, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(services.len(), 1);
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
/// Service advertisement with both RFCOMM and non-RFCOMM services. Only the RFCOMM
/// services should be assigned Server Channels, and the group should be registered upstream.
fn test_handle_advertise_request_with_all_services() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let services = vec![
let n = services.len();
let (_connection_stream, adv_fut) = make_advertise_request(&client, services);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Expect an advertise request with all n services - validate that the RFCOMM services
// have assigned server channels.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise { services, .. }))) => {
assert_eq!(services.len(), n);
let res = services
.filter(|service| {
.map(|service| service_def_has_assigned_server_channel(&service))
.fold(true, |acc, elt| acc || elt);
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
/// Tests handling two advertise requests with overlapping PSMs. The first one
/// should succeed and be relayed upstream. The second one should fail since it
/// is requesting already-allocated PSMs - the responder should be notified of the error.
fn test_handle_advertise_requests_same_psm() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client1 = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let psm = Psm::new(10);
let services1 = vec![
let (_connection_stream1, adv_fut1) = make_advertise_request(&client1, services1);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut1).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// Save the Advertise parameters.
let _adv_req1 = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(request))) => request,
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
// A different client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx. It decides to try to advertise over same
// PSM.
let client2 = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
let services2 = vec![
let (_connection_stream2, adv_fut2) = make_advertise_request(&client2, services2);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut2).expect_pending("should should be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// Advertisement 1 is OK. Advertisement 2 should resolve immediately with an ErrorCode.
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut1).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut2) {
Poll::Ready(Ok(Err(e))) => assert_eq!(e, ErrorCode::Failed),
x => panic!("Expected Ready with ErrorCode but got {:?}", x),
/// Tests that independent service advertisements from multiple clients are correctly
/// grouped together and re-registered.
fn test_handle_multiple_service_advertisements() -> Result<(), Error> {
let (mut exec, server, mut upstream_requests) = setup_server();
let (service_sender, handler_fut) = setup_handler_fut(server);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// A new client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx.
let client1 = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client decides to advertise.
let psm1 = Psm::new(10);
let services1 = vec![
let n1 = services1.len();
let (_connection_stream1, adv_fut1) = make_advertise_request(&client1, services1);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut1).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while service_sender is live");
// First advertisement request relayed upstream.
let (_receiver1, responder1) = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise {
receiver, responder, ..
}))) => (receiver, responder),
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
// A different client connects to bt-rfcomm.cmx. It decides to try to advertise over same
// PSM.
let client2 = {
let client = new_client(&mut exec, service_sender.clone());
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// Client 2 decides to advertise three services.
let psm2 = Psm::new(15);
let n2 = 3;
let services2 = vec![
let (_connection_stream2, adv_fut2) = make_advertise_request(&client2, services2);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut2).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
// We expect ProfileRegistrar to unregister the current active advertisement. Respond to
// the unregister request by responding over the responder.
let _ = responder1.send(&mut Ok(()));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handler_fut);
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut futures::future::pending::<()>());
// We expect a new advertisement upstream.
let (_receiver2, _responder2) = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise {
}))) => {
assert_eq!(services.len(), n1 + n2);
(receiver, responder)
x => panic!("Expected advertise request, got: {:?}", x),
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut1).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut adv_fut2).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
/// This test validates that client Search requests are relayed directly upstream.
fn test_handle_search_request() {
let (mut exec, mut server, mut profile_requests) = setup_server();
let (search_request, _stream) = generate_search_request(&mut exec);
let handle_fut = server.handle_profile_request(search_request);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handle_fut).is_ready());
// The search request should be relayed directly to the Profile Server.
let () = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Search { .. }))) => {}
x => panic!("Expected search request, got: {:?}", x),
/// This test validates that client ConnectSco requests are relayed directly upstream.
fn test_handle_connect_sco_request() {
let (mut exec, mut server, mut profile_requests) = setup_server();
let (connect_sco_request, _receiver_server) = generate_connect_sco_request(&mut exec);
let handle_fut = server.handle_profile_request(connect_sco_request);
assert!(exec.run_until_stalled(&mut handle_fut).is_ready());
// The connect request should be relayed directly to the Profile Server.
let () = match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut {
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::ConnectSco { .. }))) => {}
x => panic!("Expected search request, got: {:?}", x),
/// This tests validates that 1) The call to Profile.Advertise correctly registers upstream and
/// 2) When the call resolves, the Future resolves.
fn test_advertise_relay() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let (upstream, mut upstream_server) =
let (connect_client, _connect_requests) =
let params = AdvertiseParams { services: vec![], parameters: ChannelParameters::default() };
let advertise_fut = ProfileRegistrar::advertise(upstream, params, connect_client);
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut advertise_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
let (_connection_receiver, responder) = match exec
Poll::Ready(Some(Ok(bredr::ProfileRequest::Advertise {
receiver, responder, ..
}))) => (receiver, responder),
x => panic!("Expected Advertise request but got: {:?}", x),
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut advertise_fut).expect_pending("should still be advertising");
// Upstream server decides to terminate advertisement - we expect the Future to finish.
let _ = responder.send(&mut Ok(()));
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut advertise_fut).expect("advertisement should finish");
/// This test validates that incoming connection requests are correctly relayed
/// to the Sender of the connection task.
fn test_connection_request_relay() {
let mut exec = fasync::TestExecutor::new().unwrap();
let (connect_client, connect_requests) =
let (sender, mut receiver) = mpsc::channel(0);
let relay_fut = ProfileRegistrar::connection_request_relay(connect_requests, sender);
let receiver_fut =;
// The task should still be active and no messages sent.
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut relay_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while receiver is live");
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut receiver_fut).expect_pending("should wait for connection");
// Upstream server gives us a connection.
let id = PeerId(123);
let mut protocol = vec![];
.connected(&mut id.into(), bredr::Channel::new_empty(), &mut protocol.iter_mut())
// Run the relay fut - should still be running.
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut relay_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while receiver is live");
// The relay should've sent the ConnectionEvent to the receiver.
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut receiver_fut) {
bredr::ConnectionReceiverRequest::Connected { .. },
))) => {}
x => panic!("Expected connection request but got {:?}", x),
// Upstream drops ConnectionReceiver client for some reason.
// The relay should notify the sender that the stream has terminated (i.e relay Canceled).
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut relay_fut)
.expect_pending("shouldn't be done while receiver is live");
match exec.run_until_stalled(&mut receiver_fut) {
Poll::Ready(Some(ConnectionEvent::AdvertisementCanceled)) => {}
x => panic!("Expected Canceled but got: {:?}", x),
// Relay should be finished since the channel is closed.
let _ = exec.run_until_stalled(&mut futures::future::pending::<()>());
exec.run_until_stalled(&mut relay_fut).expect("relay should finish");