blob: bb08bf6abe13b97967c1d2147b8c1e3906faa5ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/byte_buffer.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/hci-spec/protocol.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/l2cap/pdu.h"
namespace bt::l2cap {
enum class FrameCheckSequenceOption {
kNoFcs, // FCS is not appended to the L2CAP frame
kIncludeFcs // FCS is appended to the L2CAP frame
// Represents an unfragmented view of a complete L2CAP frame, used to construct PDUs. Unlike PDU,
// this does not own its underlying data and is read-only. To avoid extraneous copies, the only way
// to access the view is to perform a copy from a slice of the view.
class OutboundFrame final {
OutboundFrame(ChannelId channel_id, const ByteBuffer& data, FrameCheckSequenceOption fcs_option);
// Returns the total size of the frame including the L2CAP Basic Header and Information payload.
[[nodiscard]] size_t size() const;
// Fills |fragment_payload| with frame data starting at |offset| into the frame, up to the
// fragment's capacity or the end of this frame, whichever comes first.
void WriteToFragment(MutableBufferView fragment_payload, size_t offset);
using BasicHeaderBuffer = StaticByteBuffer<sizeof(BasicHeader)>;
using FrameCheckSequenceBuffer = StaticByteBuffer<sizeof(FrameCheckSequence)>;
bool include_fcs() const { return fcs_option_ == FrameCheckSequenceOption::kIncludeFcs; }
// Build wire representation of Basic L2CAP header for this frame.
BasicHeaderBuffer MakeBasicHeader() const;
// Build wire representation of Frame Check Sequence for this frame.
// Used to initialize |fcs_|. All other fields must have already been initialized.
FrameCheckSequenceBuffer MakeFcs() const;
const ChannelId channel_id_;
const BufferView data_;
const FrameCheckSequenceOption fcs_option_;
const std::optional<FrameCheckSequenceBuffer> fcs_;
// A Fragmenter is used to construct L2CAP PDUs composed of fragments that can
// be sent over the HCI ACL data channel. This is intended for building PDUs
// that will be sent in the host-to-controller direction only.
// Each instance of Fragmenter is intended to operate on a single logical link.
// This class is not thread-safe. External locking should be provided if an
// instance will be accessed on multiple threads.
class Fragmenter final {
// |max_acl_payload_size| is the maximum number of bytes that should be
// allowed in a ACL data packet, exluding the header. |connection_handle|
// represents the logical link that this Fragmenter operates on.
// NOTE: |max_acl_payload_size| is required by the spec to be at least 27 (see
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 5.4.2). We do not enforce this here
// as unit tests are allowed to pass a smaller number.
Fragmenter(hci_spec::ConnectionHandle connection_handle,
uint16_t max_acl_payload_size = hci_spec::kMaxACLPayloadSize);
void set_max_acl_payload_size(size_t value) { max_acl_payload_size_ = value; }
// Constructs and returns a PDU to be sent over the L2CAP channel |channel_id|. |data| will be
// treated as the Information payload of a B-frame, i.e. the PDU will contain:
// <Basic L2CAP header><data>[FCS]
// All L2CAP frames have a Basic L2CAP header and optionally an FCS footer and can be constructed
// using this method.
// If |flushable| is true, then this will build an automatically flushable L2CAP PDU.
// Automatically flushable packets are sent over ACL-U logical links based on the setting of an
// automatic flush timer. Only non-automatically flushable PDUs can be sent over LE-U links (see
// Core Spec v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, Section 5.4.2).
[[nodiscard]] PDU BuildFrame(ChannelId channel_id, const ByteBuffer& data,
FrameCheckSequenceOption fcs_option, bool flushable = false) const;
hci_spec::ConnectionHandle connection_handle_;
size_t max_acl_payload_size_;
} // namespace bt::l2cap