blob: e88d98704501b37c2884453994b957b47c8afb32 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fit/promise.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <memory>
namespace media::audio {
// ThreadToken and ScopedThreadToken are small (empty) objects which are intended to be used with
// the clang static thread analysis framework in order to express that some data may only be
// accessed from a single thread. By obtaining the capability represented by a threads token in an
// async operation submitted to that threads dispatcher, users may assert at compile time that they
// are only touching members from a single thread.
// This requires that the |async_dispatcher_t| backing any async waits is single threaded since this
// class does not do any actual locking.
struct __TA_CAPABILITY("role") ThreadToken {};
class __TA_SCOPED_CAPABILITY ScopedThreadToken {
explicit ScopedThreadToken(const ThreadToken& token) __TA_ACQUIRE(token) {}
~ScopedThreadToken() __TA_RELEASE() {}
#define OBTAIN_EXECUTION_DOMAIN_TOKEN(_sym_name, _exe_domain) \
::media::audio::ScopedThreadToken _sym_name((_exe_domain)->token())
class ExecutionDomain {
ExecutionDomain(async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher, fit::executor* executor)
: dispatcher_(dispatcher), executor_(executor) {}
// The async_dispatcher_t* for the loop running this domain.
async_dispatcher_t* dispatcher() const { return dispatcher_; }
// The fit::executor for the loop running this domain. Useful for scheduling fit::promises for
// this domain.
fit::executor* executor() const { return executor_; }
// The |ThreadToken| that can be used to use static analysis to assert certain data members
// are only accessed on this thread.
// Ex:
// class Foo {
// public:
// void TouchData() {
// async::PostTask(domain_->dispatcher(), [] {
// // This is now allowed since we've obtained the capability guarding |data_|.
// data_.Mutate();
// });
// // This would be a compile-time error as we have not acquired the capability guarding
// // |data_|.
// //
// // data_.Touch();
// }
// private:
// ExecutionDomain* domain_;
// Data data_ __TA_GUARDED(domain_->token());
// };
const ThreadToken& token() const { return token_; }
// Convenience access to post a task to this domains dispatcher.
// Ex, we can write:
// threading_model().FidlDomain().PostTask([] {...});
// Instead of:
// async::PostTask(threading_model().FidlDomain().dispatcher(), [] {...});
zx_status_t PostTask(fit::closure task) const {
return async::PostTask(dispatcher_, std::move(task));
zx_status_t PostDelayedTask(fit::closure task, zx::duration delay) const {
return async::PostDelayedTask(dispatcher_, std::move(task), delay);
zx_status_t PostTaskForTime(fit::closure task, zx::time deadline) const {
return async::PostTaskForTime(dispatcher_, std::move(task), deadline);
// Convenience access to schedule a task to this domains executor.
// Ex, we can write:
// threading_model().FidlDomain().ScheduleTask(...);
// Instead of:
// threading_model().FidlDomain().executor().schedule_task(...);
void ScheduleTask(fit::pending_task task) const { executor_->schedule_task(std::move(task)); }
async_dispatcher_t* const dispatcher_;
fit::executor* executor_;
ThreadToken token_;
enum class MixStrategy {
// All mixing will happen on the same message loop used to run FIDL services.
// All mixing will happen on a single thread that is distinct from the thread used to run the
// FIDL services.
// A new message loop will be allocated for each and every call to |AcquireMixDomain|.
class ThreadingModel {
// Parameters which control the deadline profile used for mixing threads. These parameters end up
// directly leading to the high and low water mixing levels, and in combination with a device's
// external delay and fifo depth, the total best-case pipeline latency.
// The current selected numbers imply the following.
// Our deadline is 5 mSec, therefore our low water mark (FIFO depth distance from the HW RD/WR
// pointer) is also 5 mSec. Our capacity is 2 mSec, meaning that we need to get all of our mixing
// work done in 2 mSec, and we are functionally reserving (worst case) up to 40% of a core for
// overhead and for mixing. Finally, our period _must_ be >= our deadline, and so it is also
// 5mSec. This implies that our high water mark needs to be exactly 2x our low water mark and is
// 10mSec.
// So, a pipeline's total latency is currently going to be 10mSec + fifo depth + external delay.
static constexpr zx::duration kMixProfileCapacity = zx::usec(2200);
static constexpr zx::duration kMixProfileDeadline = zx::usec(5000);
static constexpr zx::duration kMixProfilePeriod = zx::usec(5000);
// Creates a |ThreadingModel| with a provided |MixStrategy|, which configures the behavior of
// |AcquireMixDomain|.
// See |MixStrategy| for more details on possible strategies.
static std::unique_ptr<ThreadingModel> CreateWithMixStrategy(MixStrategy mix_strategy);
virtual ~ThreadingModel() = default;
// Returns the |ExecutionDomain| used to run the primary |fuchsia::media::AudioCore| FIDL
// service. This domain will be valid for the lifetime of this object.
// This is a single-threaded dispatcher.
virtual ExecutionDomain& FidlDomain() = 0;
// Returns the |ExecutionDomain| used to run blocking IO. This domain will be valid for the
// the lifetime of this object.
// This is a single-threaded dispatcher.
virtual ExecutionDomain& IoDomain() = 0;
// We use a unique_ptr with a custom deleter to allow implementations to customize how the
// |ExecutionDomain| is vended to clients. For example, with the |kMixOnFidlThread| mix strategy,
// the returned domain will just be a pointer to the FIDL domain with a no-op deleter (since the
// pointer is not actually backed by a unique allocation). Conversely with the |kThreadPerMix|
// strategy, a new thread/dispatcher will be allocated for each acquired domain. In this situation
// the message loop will be free'd by the deleter.
using OwnedDomainPtr = std::unique_ptr<ExecutionDomain, fit::function<void(ExecutionDomain*)>>;
// Acquires an |ExecutionDomain| to use for mixing. The returned domain will live as long as the
// returned pointer.
// It is implementation defined if tasks will still execute after the returned |OwnedDomainPtr| is
// released; for shared dispatcher implementations these tasks will still run, while
// implementations that provide a unique dispatcher may choose to immediately shutdown the loop in
// response to the |OwnedDomainPtr| being released.
// This is a single-threaded dispatcher.
virtual OwnedDomainPtr AcquireMixDomain() = 0;
// Runs all the dispatchers. When the message loop backing |FidlDomain()| exits, the remaining
// domains will all be shutdown.
// When this method returns, all threads will be joined and all dispatchers stopped.
virtual void RunAndJoinAllThreads() = 0;
// Shuts down all |ExecutionDomains| provided by this |ThreadingModel|, causing
// |RunAndJoinAllThreads| to eventually return.
// This posts the quit operation to all message loops managed by this object, meaning all
// currently runnable tasks in each loop will have an opportunity to run before the loop exits.
virtual void Quit() = 0;
} // namespace media::audio