blob: 699aebcbc33ab6853d677b5f8a90e248cd9da5f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mix_stage.h"
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include <limits>
#include <trace/event.h>
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/base_renderer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/intermediate_buffer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/mixer.h"
#include "src/media/audio/audio_core/mixer/no_op.h"
#include "src/media/audio/lib/logging/logging.h"
namespace media::audio {
namespace {
TimelineFunction ReferenceClockToIntegralFrames(
TimelineFunction reference_clock_to_fractional_frames) {
TimelineRate frames_per_fractional_frame =
TimelineRate(1, FractionalFrames<uint32_t>(1).raw_value());
return TimelineFunction::Compose(TimelineFunction(frames_per_fractional_frame),
} // namespace
MixStage::MixStage(const Format& output_format, uint32_t block_size,
TimelineFunction reference_clock_to_fractional_frame)
: MixStage(
output_format, block_size,
fbl::MakeRefCounted<VersionedTimelineFunction>(reference_clock_to_fractional_frame)) {}
MixStage::MixStage(const Format& output_format, uint32_t block_size,
fbl::RefPtr<VersionedTimelineFunction> reference_clock_to_fractional_frame)
: MixStage(std::make_shared<IntermediateBuffer>(output_format, block_size,
reference_clock_to_fractional_frame)) {}
MixStage::MixStage(std::shared_ptr<Stream> output_stream)
: Stream(output_stream->format()), output_stream_(std::move(output_stream)) {}
std::shared_ptr<Mixer> MixStage::AddInput(std::shared_ptr<Stream> stream,
Mixer::Resampler resampler_hint) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::AddInput");
auto mixer = std::shared_ptr<Mixer>(
Mixer::Select(stream->format().stream_type(), format().stream_type(), resampler_hint)
if (!mixer) {
mixer = std::make_unique<audio::mixer::NoOp>();
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(stream_lock_);
streams_.emplace_back(StreamHolder{std::move(stream), mixer});
return mixer;
void MixStage::RemoveInput(const Stream& stream) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::RemoveInput");
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(stream_lock_);
auto it = std::find_if(streams_.begin(), streams_.end(), [stream = &stream](const auto& holder) {
return == stream;
FX_CHECK(it != streams_.end());
std::optional<Stream::Buffer> MixStage::LockBuffer(zx::time now, int64_t frame,
uint32_t frame_count) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::LockBuffer", "frame", frame, "length", frame_count);
memset(&cur_mix_job_, 0, sizeof(cur_mix_job_));
auto output_buffer = output_stream_->LockBuffer(now, frame, frame_count);
if (!output_buffer) {
return std::nullopt;
FX_DCHECK(output_buffer->start().Floor() == frame);
auto snapshot = output_stream_->ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames();
cur_mix_job_.buf = static_cast<float*>(output_buffer->payload());
cur_mix_job_.buf_frames = output_buffer->length().Floor();
cur_mix_job_.start_pts_of = frame;
cur_mix_job_.reference_clock_to_fractional_destination_frame = snapshot.timeline_function;
cur_mix_job_.reference_clock_to_fractional_destination_frame_gen = snapshot.generation;
// Fill the output buffer with silence.
size_t bytes_to_zero = cur_mix_job_.buf_frames * format().bytes_per_frame();
std::memset(cur_mix_job_.buf, 0, bytes_to_zero);
ForEachSource(TaskType::Mix, now);
return {Stream::Buffer(output_buffer->start(), output_buffer->length(), cur_mix_job_.buf, true)};
void MixStage::UnlockBuffer(bool release_buffer) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::UnlockBuffer");
Stream::TimelineFunctionSnapshot MixStage::ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames() const {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames");
return output_stream_->ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames();
void MixStage::Trim(zx::time time) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::Trim");
ForEachSource(TaskType::Trim, time);
void MixStage::ForEachSource(TaskType task_type, zx::time ref_time) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::ForEachSource");
std::vector<std::pair<std::shared_ptr<Stream>, std::shared_ptr<Mixer>>> streams;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(stream_lock_);
for (const auto& holder : streams_) {
streams.emplace_back(std::make_pair(, holder.mixer));
for (const auto& [stream, mixer] : streams) {
if (task_type == TaskType::Mix) {
MixStream(stream.get(), mixer.get(), ref_time);
} else {
void MixStage::MixStream(Stream* stream, Mixer* mixer, zx::time ref_time) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::MixStream");
// Ensure the mapping from source-frame to local-time is up-to-date.
UpdateSourceTrans(*stream, &mixer->bookkeeping());
// If the renderer is currently paused, subject_delta (not just step_size) is zero. This packet
// may be relevant eventually, but currently it contributes nothing.
if (!mixer->bookkeeping().dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.subject_delta()) {
bool release_buffer;
std::optional<Stream::Buffer> stream_buffer;
while (true) {
release_buffer = false;
// At this point we know we need to consume some source data, but we don't yet know how much.
// Here is how many destination frames we still need to produce, for this mix job.
uint32_t dest_frames_left = cur_mix_job_.buf_frames - cur_mix_job_.frames_produced;
if (dest_frames_left == 0) {
// Calculate this job's first and last sampling points, in source sub-frames. Use timestamps
// for the first and last dest frames we need, translated into the source (frac_frame)
// timeline.
auto& info = mixer->bookkeeping();
auto frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame =
stream_buffer ? stream_buffer->end()
: FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames(
cur_mix_job_.start_pts_of + cur_mix_job_.frames_produced));
FractionalFrames<int64_t> source_frames =
info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate().Scale(dest_frames_left)) +
// Try to grab the packet queue's front.
stream_buffer = stream->LockBuffer(ref_time, frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame.Floor(),
// If the queue is empty, then we are done.
if (!stream_buffer) {
// If the packet is discontinuous, reset our mixer's internal filter state.
if (!stream_buffer->is_continuous()) {
// Now process the packet at the front of the renderer's queue. If the packet has been
// entirely consumed, pop it off the front and proceed to the next. Otherwise, we are done.
release_buffer = ProcessMix(stream, mixer, *stream_buffer);
// If we have mixed enough destination frames, we are done with this mix, regardless of what
// we should now do with the source packet.
if (cur_mix_job_.frames_produced == cur_mix_job_.buf_frames) {
// If we still need to produce more destination data, but could not complete this source
// packet (we're paused, or the packet is in the future), then we are done.
if (!release_buffer) {
// We did consume this entire source packet, and we should keep mixing.
// Unlock queue (completing packet if needed) and proceed to the next source.
// Note: there is no point in doing this for Trim tasks, but it doesn't hurt anything, and it's
// easier than adding another function to ForEachSource to run after each renderer is processed,
// just to set this flag.
cur_mix_job_.accumulate = true;
void MixStage::SetupMix(Mixer* mixer) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::SetupMix");
// If we need to recompose our transformation from destination frame space to source fractional
// frames, do so now.
UpdateDestTrans(cur_mix_job_, &mixer->bookkeeping());
cur_mix_job_.frames_produced = 0;
bool MixStage::ProcessMix(Stream* stream, Mixer* mixer, const Stream::Buffer& source_buffer) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::ProcessMix");
// Bookkeeping should contain: the rechannel matrix (eventually).
// Sanity check our parameters.
// We had better have a valid job, or why are we here?
FX_DCHECK(cur_mix_job_.frames_produced <= cur_mix_job_.buf_frames);
auto& info = mixer->bookkeeping();
// If the renderer is currently paused, subject_delta (not just step_size) is zero. This packet
// may be relevant eventually, but currently it contributes nothing. Tell ForEachSource we are
// done, but hold the packet for now.
if (!info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.subject_delta()) {
return false;
// Have we produced enough? If so, hold this packet and move to next renderer.
if (cur_mix_job_.frames_produced >= cur_mix_job_.buf_frames) {
return false;
// At this point we know we need to consume some source data, but we don't yet know how much.
// Here is how many destination frames we still need to produce, for this mix job.
uint32_t dest_frames_left = cur_mix_job_.buf_frames - cur_mix_job_.frames_produced;
float* buf = cur_mix_job_.buf + (cur_mix_job_.frames_produced * format().channels());
// Calculate this job's first and last sampling points, in source sub-frames. Use timestamps for
// the first and last dest frames we need, translated into the source (frac_frame) timeline.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame =
cur_mix_job_.start_pts_of + cur_mix_job_.frames_produced));
// This represents (in the frac_frame source timeline) the time of the LAST dest frame we need.
// Without the "-1", this would be the first destination frame of the NEXT job.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_for_final_mix_job_frame =
frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame +
info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate().Scale(dest_frames_left - 1));
// If packet has no frames, there's no need to mix it; it may be skipped.
if (source_buffer.end() == source_buffer.start()) {
AUD_VLOG(TRACE) << " skipping an empty packet!";
return true;
FX_DCHECK(source_buffer.end() >= source_buffer.start() + 1);
// The above two calculated values characterize our demand. Now reason about our supply. Calculate
// the actual first and final frame times in the source packet.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_for_first_packet_frame = source_buffer.start();
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_for_final_packet_frame = source_buffer.end() - 1;
// If this source packet's final audio frame occurs before our filter's negative edge, centered at
// our first sampling point, then this packet is entirely in the past and may be skipped.
// Returning true means we're done with the packet (it can be completed) and we would like another
if (frac_source_for_final_packet_frame <
(frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame - mixer->neg_filter_width())) {
FractionalFrames<int64_t> source_frac_frames_late = frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame -
mixer->neg_filter_width() -
auto clock_mono_late = zx::nsec(info.clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames.rate().Inverse().Scale(
stream->ReportUnderflow(frac_source_for_first_packet_frame, frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame,
return true;
// If this source packet's first audio frame occurs after our filter's positive edge, centered at
// our final sampling point, then this packet is entirely in the future and should be held.
// Returning false (based on requirement that packets must be presented in timestamp-chronological
// order) means that we have consumed all of the available packet "supply" as we can at this time.
if (frac_source_for_first_packet_frame >
(frac_source_for_final_mix_job_frame + mixer->pos_filter_width())) {
return false;
// If neither of the above, then evidently this source packet intersects our mixer's filter.
// Compute the offset into the dest buffer where our first generated sample should land, and the
// offset into the source packet where we should start sampling.
int64_t dest_offset_64 = 0;
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_offset_64 =
frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame - frac_source_for_first_packet_frame;
FractionalFrames<int64_t> frac_source_pos_edge_first_mix_frame =
frac_source_for_first_mix_job_frame + mixer->pos_filter_width();
// If the packet's first frame comes after the filter window's positive edge,
// then we should skip some frames in the destination buffer before starting to produce data.
if (frac_source_for_first_packet_frame > frac_source_pos_edge_first_mix_frame) {
const TimelineRate& dest_to_src = info.dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames.rate();
// The dest_buffer offset is based on the distance from mix job start to packet start (measured
// in frac_frames), converted into frames in the destination timeline. As we scale the
// frac_frame delta into dest frames, we want to "round up" any subframes that are present; any
// src subframes should push our dest frame up to the next integer. To do this, we subtract a
// single subframe (guaranteeing that the zero-fraction src case will truncate down), then scale
// the src delta to dest frames (which effectively truncates any resultant fraction in the
// computed dest frame), then add an additional 'round-up' frame (to account for initial
// subtract). Because we entered this IF in the first place, we have at least some fractional
// src delta, thus dest_offset_64 is guaranteed to become greater than zero.
FractionalFrames<int64_t> first_source_mix_point =
frac_source_for_first_packet_frame - frac_source_pos_edge_first_mix_frame;
dest_offset_64 = dest_to_src.Inverse().Scale(first_source_mix_point.raw_value() - 1) + 1;
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset_64 > 0);
frac_source_offset_64 += FractionalFrames<int64_t>::FromRaw(dest_to_src.Scale(dest_offset_64));
stream->ReportPartialUnderflow(frac_source_offset_64, dest_offset_64);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset_64 >= 0);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset_64 < static_cast<int64_t>(dest_frames_left));
auto dest_offset = static_cast<uint32_t>(dest_offset_64);
FX_DCHECK(frac_source_offset_64 <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max());
FX_DCHECK(frac_source_offset_64 >= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min());
auto frac_source_offset = FractionalFrames<int32_t>(frac_source_offset_64);
// Looks like we are ready to go. Mix.
FX_DCHECK(source_buffer.length() <= FractionalFrames<uint32_t>(FractionalFrames<int32_t>::Max()));
FX_DCHECK(frac_source_offset + mixer->pos_filter_width() >= FractionalFrames<uint32_t>(0));
bool consumed_source = false;
if (frac_source_offset + mixer->pos_filter_width() < source_buffer.length()) {
// When calling Mix(), we communicate the resampling rate with three parameters. We augment
// step_size with rate_modulo and denominator arguments that capture the remaining rate
// component that cannot be expressed by a 19.13 fixed-point step_size. Note: step_size and
// frac_source_offset use the same format -- they have the same limitations in what they can and
// cannot communicate.
// For perfect position accuracy, just as we track incoming/outgoing fractional source offset,
// we also need to track the ongoing subframe_position_modulo. This is now added to Mix() and
// maintained across calls, but not initially set to any value other than zero. For now, we are
// deferring that work, tracking it with MTWN-128.
// Q: Why did we solve this issue for Rate but not for initial Position?
// A: We solved this issue for *rate* because its effect accumulates over time, causing clearly
// measurable distortion that becomes crippling with larger jobs. For *position*, there is no
// accumulated magnification over time -- in analyzing the distortion that this should cause,
// mix job size affects the distortion's frequency but not its amplitude. We expect the effects
// to be below audible thresholds. Until the effects are measurable and attributable to this
// jitter, we will defer this work.
auto prev_dest_offset = dest_offset;
auto prev_frac_source_offset = frac_source_offset;
auto reference_clock_to_integral_frame = ReferenceClockToIntegralFrames(
// Check whether we are still ramping
bool ramping = info.gain.IsRamping();
if (ramping) {
std::min(dest_frames_left - dest_offset, Mixer::Bookkeeping::kScaleArrLen),
int32_t raw_source_offset = frac_source_offset.raw_value();
consumed_source = mixer->Mix(buf, dest_frames_left, &dest_offset, source_buffer.payload(),
source_buffer.length().raw_value(), &raw_source_offset,
frac_source_offset = FractionalFrames<int32_t>::FromRaw(raw_source_offset);
FX_DCHECK(dest_offset <= dest_frames_left);
AUD_VLOG_OBJ(SPEW, this) << " consumed from " << std::hex << std::setw(8)
<< prev_frac_source_offset.raw_value() << " to " << std::setw(8)
<< frac_source_offset.raw_value() << ", of " << std::setw(8)
<< source_buffer.length().raw_value();
// If src is ramping, advance by delta of dest_offset
if (ramping) {
info.gain.Advance(dest_offset - prev_dest_offset, reference_clock_to_integral_frame.rate());
} else {
// This packet was initially within our mix window. After realigning our sampling point to the
// nearest dest frame, it is now entirely in the past. This can only occur when down-sampling
// and is made more likely if the rate conversion ratio is very high. We've already reported
// a partial underflow when realigning, so just complete the packet and move on to the next.
consumed_source = true;
if (consumed_source) {
FX_DCHECK(frac_source_offset + mixer->pos_filter_width() >= source_buffer.length());
cur_mix_job_.frames_produced += dest_offset;
FX_DCHECK(cur_mix_job_.frames_produced <= cur_mix_job_.buf_frames);
return consumed_source;
void MixStage::UpdateSourceTrans(const Stream& stream, Mixer::Bookkeeping* bk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::UpdateSourceTrans");
auto snapshot = stream.ReferenceClockToFractionalFrames();
bk->clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames = snapshot.timeline_function;
// If local->media transformation hasn't changed since last time, we're done.
if (bk->source_trans_gen_id == snapshot.generation) {
// Transformation has changed. Update gen; invalidate dest-to-src generation.
bk->source_trans_gen_id = snapshot.generation;
bk->dest_trans_gen_id = kInvalidGenerationId;
void MixStage::UpdateDestTrans(const MixJob& job, Mixer::Bookkeeping* bk) {
TRACE_DURATION("audio", "MixStage::UpdateDestTrans");
// We should only be here if we have a valid mix job. This means a job which supplies a valid
// transformation from local time to output frames.
FX_DCHECK(job.reference_clock_to_fractional_destination_frame_gen != kInvalidGenerationId);
// If generations match, don't re-compute -- just use what we have already.
if (bk->dest_trans_gen_id == job.reference_clock_to_fractional_destination_frame_gen) {
// Assert we can map from local time to fractional renderer frames.
FX_DCHECK(bk->source_trans_gen_id != kInvalidGenerationId);
// Combine the job-supplied local-to-output transformation, with the renderer-supplied mapping of
// local-to-input-subframe, to produce a transformation which maps from output frames to
// fractional input frames.
TimelineFunction reference_clock_to_integral_frame =
TimelineFunction& dest = bk->dest_frames_to_frac_source_frames;
dest = bk->clock_mono_to_frac_source_frames * reference_clock_to_integral_frame.Inverse();
// Finally, compute the step size in subframes. IOW, every time we move forward one output frame,
// how many input subframes should we consume. Don't bother doing the multiplications if already
// we know the numerator is zero.
if (!dest.rate().subject_delta()) {
bk->step_size = 0;
bk->denominator = 0; // shouldn't also need to clear rate_mod and pos_mod
} else {
int64_t tmp_step_size = dest.rate().Scale(1);
FX_DCHECK(tmp_step_size >= 0);
FX_DCHECK(tmp_step_size <= std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
bk->step_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(tmp_step_size);
bk->denominator = bk->SnapshotDenominatorFromDestTrans();
bk->rate_modulo = dest.rate().subject_delta() - (bk->denominator * bk->step_size);
// Done, update our dest_trans generation.
bk->dest_trans_gen_id = job.reference_clock_to_fractional_destination_frame_gen;
} // namespace media::audio