blob: ef799636bc13406c2de6aaaea489a240ad1b7537 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <fuchsia/testing/runner/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/task.h>
#include "lib/component/cpp/startup_context.h"
#include "lib/test_runner/cpp/scope.h"
#include "lib/test_runner/cpp/test_runner_store_impl.h"
using fuchsia::testing::runner::TestResult;
using fuchsia::testing::runner::TestRunner;
namespace test_runner {
class TestRunObserver {
virtual void SendMessage(const std::string& test_id,
const std::string& operation,
const std::string& msg) = 0;
virtual void Teardown(const std::string& test_id, bool success) = 0;
virtual ~TestRunObserver();
class TestRunContext;
// Implements the TestRunner service which is available in the
// Environment of the test processes. Calls made to this service are
// forwarded to and handled by TestRunContext.
class TestRunnerImpl : public TestRunner {
TestRunnerImpl(fidl::InterfaceRequest<TestRunner> request,
TestRunContext* test_run_context);
const std::string& program_name() const;
bool waiting_for_termination() const;
// Will be called if this |TestRunner| is waiting for termination while
// another one calls |Teardown|. If this is called then when this does
// terminate it will call |Teardown|.
void TeardownAfterTermination();
// Indicates if there are test points that haven't been passed yet.
bool TestPointsRemaining() { return remaining_test_points_ > 0; }
// |TestRunner|
void Identify(fidl::StringPtr program_name,
IdentifyCallback callback) override;
// |TestRunner|
void ReportResult(TestResult result) override;
// |TestRunner|
void Fail(fidl::StringPtr log_message) override;
// |TestRunner|
void Done(DoneCallback callback) override;
// |TestRunner|
void Teardown(TeardownCallback callback) override;
// |TestRunner|
void WillTerminate(double withinSeconds) override;
// |TestRunner|
void SetTestPointCount(int64_t count) override;
// |TestRunner|
void PassTestPoint() override;
fidl::Binding<TestRunner> binding_;
TestRunContext* const test_run_context_;
std::string program_name_ = "UNKNOWN";
async::Task termination_task_;
bool teardown_after_termination_ = false;
int64_t remaining_test_points_ = -1;
// TestRunContext represents a single run of a test program. Given a test
// program to run, it runs it in a new Environment and provides the
// environment a TestRunner service to report completion. When tests are done,
// their completion is reported back to TestRunObserver (which is responsible
// for deleting TestRunContext). If the child application stops without
// reporting anything, we declare the test a failure.
class TestRunContext {
TestRunContext(std::shared_ptr<component::StartupContext> app_context,
TestRunObserver* connection, const std::string& test_id,
const std::string& url, const std::vector<std::string>& args);
// Called from TestRunnerImpl, the actual implemention of |TestRunner|.
void StopTrackingClient(TestRunnerImpl* client, bool crashed);
void ReportResult(TestResult result);
void Fail(const fidl::StringPtr& log_message);
void Teardown(TestRunnerImpl* teardown_client);
fuchsia::sys::ComponentControllerPtr child_controller_;
std::unique_ptr<Scope> child_env_scope_;
TestRunObserver* const test_runner_connection_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<TestRunnerImpl>> test_runner_clients_;
TestRunnerStoreImpl test_runner_store_;
// This is a tag that we use to identify the test that was run. For now, it
// helps distinguish between multiple test outputs to the device log.
const std::string test_id_;
bool success_;
} // namespace test_runner