blob: 60c079e575a518b2732b57c1b5605f10af6de5f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/binding.h"
namespace fidl {
// Manages a set of bindings to implementations owned by the bound channels.
// The implementation pointer type of the binding is also parameterized,
// allowing the use of smart pointer types such as |std::unique_ptr<>| to
// reference the implementation.
// See also:
// * |InterfacePtrSet|, which is the client analog of |BindingSet|.
template <typename Interface, typename ImplPtr = Interface*>
class BindingSet {
using Binding = ::fidl::Binding<Interface, ImplPtr>;
using StorageType = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Binding>>;
using iterator = typename StorageType::iterator;
using const_iterator = typename StorageType::const_iterator;
BindingSet() = default;
BindingSet(const BindingSet&) = delete;
BindingSet& operator=(const BindingSet&) = delete;
// Adds a binding to the set.
// The given |ImplPtr| is bound to the channel underlying the
// |InterfaceRequest|. The binding is removed (and the |~ImplPtr| called)
// when the created binding has an error (e.g., if the remote endpoint of
// the channel sends an invalid message).
// Whether this method takes ownership of |impl| depends on |ImplPtr|. If
// |ImplPtr| is a raw pointer, then this method does not take ownership of
// |impl|. If |ImplPtr| is a |unique_ptr|, then running |~ImplPtr| when the
// binding generates an error will delete |impl| because |~ImplPtr| is
// |~unique_ptr|, which deletes |impl|.
void AddBinding(ImplPtr impl, InterfaceRequest<Interface> request) {
auto* binding = bindings_.back().get();
// Set the connection error handler for the newly added Binding to be a
// function that will erase it from the vector.
std::bind(&BindingSet::RemoveOnError, this, binding));
// Adds a binding to the set for the given implementation.
// Creates a channel for the binding and returns the client endpoint of
// the channel as an |InterfaceHandle|. If |AddBinding| fails to create the
// underlying channel, the returned |InterfaceHandle| will return false from
// |is_valid()|.
// The given |ImplPtr| is bound to the newly created channel. The binding is
// removed (and the |~ImplPtr| called) when the created binding has an error
// (e.g., if the remote endpoint of the channel sends an invalid message).
// Whether this method takes ownership of |impl| depends on |ImplPtr|. If
// |ImplPtr| is a raw pointer, then this method does not take ownership of
// |impl|. If |ImplPtr| is a |unique_ptr|, then running |~ImplPtr| when the
// binding generates an error will delete |impl| because |~ImplPtr| is
// |~unique_ptr|, which deletes |impl|.
InterfaceHandle<Interface> AddBinding(ImplPtr impl) {
InterfaceHandle<Interface> handle;
InterfaceRequest<Interface> request = handle.NewRequest();
if (!request)
return nullptr;
AddBinding(std::forward<ImplPtr>(impl), std::move(request));
return handle;
// Returns an InterfaceRequestHandler that binds the incoming
// InterfaceRequests this object.
InterfaceRequestHandler<Interface> GetHandler(ImplPtr impl) {
return [this, impl](InterfaceRequest<Interface> request) {
AddBinding(impl, std::move(request));
// Removes all the bindings from the set.
// Closes all the channels associated with this |BindingSet|.
void CloseAll() { bindings_.clear(); }
// Close a binding at the given iterator. The iterator must be valid and
// dereferenceable.
void CloseAndCheckForEmpty(const_iterator iterator) {
if (bindings_.empty() && empty_set_handler_)
// The number of bindings in this |BindingSet|.
size_t size() const { return bindings_.size(); }
// Called when the last binding has been removed from this |BindingSet|.
// This function is not called by |CloseAll| or by |~BindingSet|.
void set_empty_set_handler(fit::closure empty_set_handler) {
empty_set_handler_ = std::move(empty_set_handler);
// The bindings stored in this set.
// This collection of bindings can be invalidated when a |Binding| in the
// set encounters a connection error because connection errors causes the
// |BindingSet| to remove the |Binding| from the set.
const StorageType& bindings() const { return bindings_; }
// Called when a binding has an error to remove the binding from the set.
void RemoveOnError(Binding* binding) {
auto it = std::find_if(bindings_.begin(), bindings_.end(),
[binding](const std::unique_ptr<Binding>& b) {
return b.get() == binding;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(it != bindings_.end());
StorageType bindings_;
fit::closure empty_set_handler_;
} // namespace fidl