blob: 1eb420c52bf47cbff7d063e180dcbf54bfb69b1d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/escher/profiling/timestamp_profiler.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/command_buffer.h"
#include "lib/escher/impl/vulkan_utils.h"
namespace escher {
static constexpr uint32_t kPoolSize = 100;
TimestampProfiler::TimestampProfiler(vk::Device device, float timestamp_period)
: device_(device), timestamp_period_(timestamp_period) {}
TimestampProfiler::~TimestampProfiler() {
FXL_DCHECK(ranges_.empty() && pools_.empty() && query_count_ == 0 &&
current_pool_index_ == 0);
void TimestampProfiler::AddTimestamp(impl::CommandBuffer* cmd_buf,
vk::PipelineStageFlagBits flags,
std::string name) {
QueryRange* range = ObtainRange(cmd_buf);
cmd_buf->vk().writeTimestamp(flags, range->pool, current_pool_index_);
results_.push_back(Result{0, 0, 0, std::move(name)});
std::vector<TimestampProfiler::Result> TimestampProfiler::GetQueryResults() {
uint32_t result_index = 0;
for (auto& range : ranges_) {
// We don't wait for results. Crash if results aren't immediately
// available.
vk::Result status = device_.getQueryPoolResults(
range.pool, range.start_index, range.count,
vk::ArrayProxy<Result>(range.count, &results_[result_index]),
sizeof(Result), vk::QueryResultFlagBits::e64);
FXL_DCHECK(status == vk::Result::eSuccess);
result_index += range.count;
FXL_CHECK(result_index == query_count_);
for (auto& pool : pools_) {
query_count_ = 0;
current_pool_index_ = 0;
// |timestamp_period_| is the number of nanoseconds per time unit reported by
// the timer query, so this is the number of microseconds in the same time
// per the same time unit. We need to use this below because an IEEE double
// doesn't have enough precision to hold nanoseconds since the epoch.
const double microsecond_multiplier = timestamp_period_ * 0.001;
for (size_t i = 0; i < results_.size(); ++i) {
// Avoid precision issues that we would have if we simply multiplied by
// timestamp_period_.
results_[i].raw_nanoseconds =
1000 * static_cast<uint64_t>(results_[i].raw_nanoseconds *
// Microseconds since the beginning of this timing query.
results_[i].time =
(results_[i].raw_nanoseconds - results_[0].raw_nanoseconds) / 1000;
// Microseconds since the previous event.
results_[i].elapsed = i == 0 ? 0 : results_[i].time - results_[i - 1].time;
return std::move(results_);
TimestampProfiler::QueryRange* TimestampProfiler::ObtainRange(
impl::CommandBuffer* cmd_buf) {
if (ranges_.empty() || current_pool_index_ == kPoolSize) {
return CreateRangeAndPool(cmd_buf);
} else if (ranges_.back().command_buffer != cmd_buf->vk()) {
return CreateRange(cmd_buf);
} else {
auto range = &ranges_.back();
FXL_DCHECK(current_pool_index_ < kPoolSize);
if (current_pool_index_ != range->start_index + range->count) {
FXL_LOG(INFO) << current_pool_index_ << " " << range->start_index << " "
<< range->count;
FXL_DCHECK(current_pool_index_ == range->start_index + range->count);
return range;
TimestampProfiler::QueryRange* TimestampProfiler::CreateRangeAndPool(
impl::CommandBuffer* cmd_buf) {
vk::QueryPoolCreateInfo info;
info.flags = vk::QueryPoolCreateFlags(); // no flags currently exist
info.queryType = vk::QueryType::eTimestamp;
info.queryCount = kPoolSize;
vk::QueryPool pool = ESCHER_CHECKED_VK_RESULT(device_.createQueryPool(info));
QueryRange range;
range.pool = pool;
range.command_buffer = cmd_buf->vk();
range.start_index = 0;
range.count = 0;
current_pool_index_ = 0;
return &ranges_.back();
TimestampProfiler::QueryRange* TimestampProfiler::CreateRange(
impl::CommandBuffer* cmd_buf) {
QueryRange& prev = ranges_.back();
FXL_DCHECK(!ranges_.empty() && current_pool_index_ < kPoolSize);
FXL_DCHECK(current_pool_index_ == prev.start_index + prev.count);
QueryRange range;
range.pool = prev.pool;
range.command_buffer = cmd_buf->vk();
range.start_index = prev.start_index + prev.count;
range.count = 0;
FXL_DCHECK(range.start_index == current_pool_index_);
return &ranges_.back();
} // namespace escher