blob: 170883520569ac3ce82994dca72fcf478d42856f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.ui.sketchy;
using fuchsia.ui.gfx;
union Command {
// Resource creation and lifecycle.
CreateResourceCmd create_resource;
ReleaseResourceCmd release_resource;
// Stroke commands.
ClearStrokeCmd clear_stroke;
BeginStrokeCmd begin_stroke;
ExtendStrokeCmd extend_stroke;
FinishStrokeCmd finish_stroke;
SetStrokeStyleCmd set_style;
SetStrokePathCmd set_path;
// StrokeGroup commands.
AddStrokeCmd add_stroke;
RemoveStrokeCmd remove_stroke;
ClearGroupCmd clear_group;
// Pen commands.
SetPenStyleCmd set_pen_style;
// Interaction with Scenic scene-graph:
// Import the specified Scenic resource. Currently only the following
// resource types are supported:
// - NODE: imported nodes enable the use of ui.fuchsia.ui.gfx.AddChildCmd to insert
// stroke-groups into a Scenic scene-graph.
// - MATERIAL: imported materials can be applied to a stroke-style.
fuchsia.ui.gfx.ImportResourceCmd scenic_import_resource;
// Attach a stroke-group as a child of the specified imported Scenic node.
fuchsia.ui.gfx.AddChildCmd scenic_add_child;
// Detach a stroke-group from the Scenic node that it is attached to, if any.
fuchsia.ui.gfx.DetachCmd scenic_detach;
// Set the material of a stroke-style. This material will be applied to any
// strokes/stroke-groups that use this style.
fuchsia.ui.gfx.SetMaterialCmd scenic_set_material;
// Instantiates a new resource.
struct CreateResourceCmd {
// The ID of the resource to create; this ID must not currently be used within
// the session. The client may use this ID to refer to the resource in
// subsequent commands.
uint32 id;
// Specifies the type of resource to construct, as well as any other required
// data.
ResourceArgs args;
// Releases the client's reference to the resource; it is then illegal to use
// the ID in subsequent Commands. Other references to the resource may exist, so
// releasing the resource does not result in its immediate destruction; it is
// only destroyed once the last reference is released. For example, after a
// stroke is added to a stroke-group, the group will keep the it alive even
// after the client releases the stroke.
// TODO: edge cases. What about releasing a stroke that is currently being
// drawn by Begin/Extend/FinishStrokeCmd?
struct ReleaseResourceCmd {
// The ID of the resource to be dereferenced. The ID must currently reference
// a resource (i.e. it must match one from a previous CreateResourceCmd, and
// must not have match one from a subsequent ReleaseResourceCmd).
uint32 id;
// Clear the path of the specified stroke. Must not be called in the middle of
// Begin/Extend/FinishStroke.
struct ClearStrokeCmd {
uint32 stroke_id;
// Start drawing a stroke with a pen.
struct BeginStrokeCmd {
// ID of the stroke to draw with the pen. This must be a new stroke, or one
// which has been cleared via ClearStrokeCmd.
uint32 stroke_id;
// ID of the pen to draw the stroke with.
uint32 pen_id;
// Describes the time, position, etc. that the stroke was started.
Touch touch;
// Continue drawing a stroke with a pen. The stroke must have previously been
// started (via BeginStrokeCmd), but not finished.
struct ExtendStrokeCmd {
// ID of the stroke that is being drawn.
uint32 stroke_id;
// ID of the pen that is drawing the stroke. Must match the ID provided
// to BeginStrokeCmd.
uint32 pen_id;
// Touch events that describe the trajectory of the stroke since the previous
// BeginStrokeCmd or ExtendStrokeCmd.
vector<Touch> touches;
// Procedurally-generated touch events that describe the predicted future
// trajectory of the stroke. Sketchy uses these to improve perceived latency
// while the stroke is being drawn, but they have no impact on the finished
// stroke.
// TODO: this may change to reflect however Mozart exposes predicted events.
vector<Touch> predicted_touches;
// Finish drawing a stroke with a pen.
struct FinishStrokeCmd {
// ID of the stroke that is being drawn.
uint32 stroke_id;
// ID of the pen that is drawing the stroke. Must match the ID provided
// to BeginStrokeCmd.
uint32 pen_id;
// Set the style of the specified stroke.
struct SetStrokeStyleCmd {
uint32 stroke_id;
uint32 style_id;
// Set the path of a stroke. This cannot be applied to a stroke that is in the
// middle of Begin/Extend/FinishStroke.
struct SetStrokePathCmd {
// ID of the stroke whose path is to be set.
uint32 stroke_id;
// Describes the stroke's new path.
StrokePath path;
// Add a stroke to a stroke-group. The stroke must not currently be a member of
// any group, including the specified group.
struct AddStrokeCmd {
uint32 group_id;
uint32 stroke_id;
// Remove a stroke from a stroke-group. The stroke must currently be a member
// of that group.
struct RemoveStrokeCmd {
uint32 group_id;
uint32 stroke_id;
// Remove all strokes from the specified stroke-group. These strokes may be
// re-added later to the same group, or a different one.
struct ClearGroupCmd {
uint32 group_id;
// Set the style that is applied to strokes that are subsequently drawn by the
// specified pen.
struct SetPenStyleCmd {
uint32 pen_id;
uint32 style_id;