blob: 74af8cc224abb2e810d9c54e2963942843792610 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "varint.h"
#include <assert.h>
namespace overnet {
namespace varint {
uint8_t WireSizeFor(uint64_t x) {
if (x < (1ull << 7)) return 1;
if (x < (1ull << 14)) return 2;
if (x < (1ull << 21)) return 3;
if (x < (1ull << 28)) return 4;
if (x < (1ull << 35)) return 5;
if (x < (1ull << 42)) return 6;
if (x < (1ull << 49)) return 7;
if (x < (1ull << 56)) return 8;
if (x < (1ull << 63)) return 9;
return 10;
uint64_t MaximumLengthWithPrefix(uint64_t x) {
assert(x > 0);
uint64_t r = x - WireSizeFor(x);
while (r + 1 + WireSizeFor(r + 1) < x) r++;
return r;
// Write varint based on pre-calculated length, returns dst + wire_length as a
// convenience
uint8_t* Write(uint64_t x, uint8_t wire_length, uint8_t* dst) {
assert(wire_length == WireSizeFor(x));
switch (wire_length) {
// note carefully that every case in this switch expression falls through
// to the next case
case 10:
dst[9] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 63) | 0x80);
case 9:
dst[8] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 56) | 0x80);
case 8:
dst[7] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 49) | 0x80);
case 7:
dst[6] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 42) | 0x80);
case 6:
dst[5] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 35) | 0x80);
case 5:
dst[4] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 28) | 0x80);
case 4:
dst[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 21) | 0x80);
case 3:
dst[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 14) | 0x80);
case 2:
dst[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x >> 7) | 0x80);
case 1:
dst[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>((x) | 0x80);
dst[wire_length - 1] &= 0x7f;
return dst + wire_length;
namespace {
bool ReadFromArray(const uint8_t** bytes, uint64_t* value) {
const uint8_t* ptr = *bytes;
uint32_t b;
// Splitting into 32-bit pieces gives better performance on 32-bit
// processors.
uint32_t part0 = 0, part1 = 0, part2 = 0;
b = *(ptr++);
part0 = b;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part0 -= 0x80;
b = *(ptr++);
part0 += b << 7;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part0 -= 0x80 << 7;
b = *(ptr++);
part0 += b << 14;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part0 -= 0x80 << 14;
b = *(ptr++);
part0 += b << 21;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part0 -= 0x80 << 21;
b = *(ptr++);
part1 = b;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part1 -= 0x80;
b = *(ptr++);
part1 += b << 7;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part1 -= 0x80 << 7;
b = *(ptr++);
part1 += b << 14;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part1 -= 0x80 << 14;
b = *(ptr++);
part1 += b << 21;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part1 -= 0x80 << 21;
b = *(ptr++);
part2 = b;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
part2 -= 0x80;
b = *(ptr++);
part2 += b << 7;
if (!(b & 0x80)) goto done;
// "part2 -= 0x80 << 7" is irrelevant because (0x80 << 7) << 56 is 0.
// We have overrun the maximum size of a varint (10 bytes). Assume
// the data is corrupt.
return false;
*value = (static_cast<uint64_t>(part0)) |
(static_cast<uint64_t>(part1) << 28) |
(static_cast<uint64_t>(part2) << 56);
*bytes = ptr;
return true;
bool ReadSlow(const uint8_t** bytes, const uint8_t* end, uint64_t* value) {
// Slow path: This read might cross the end of the buffer, we fail if it
// does so
uint64_t result = 0;
int count = 0;
uint32_t b;
do {
if (count == 10) {
*value = 0;
return false;
if (*bytes == end) {
return false;
b = **bytes;
result |= static_cast<uint64_t>(b & 0x7f) << (7 * count);
} while (b & 0x80);
*value = result;
return true;
} // namespace
namespace impl {
bool ReadFallback(const uint8_t** bytes, const uint8_t* end, uint64_t* result) {
if (*bytes - end >= 10 ||
// Optimization: We're also safe if the buffer is non-empty and it ends
// with a byte that would terminate a varint.
(end > *bytes && !(end[-1] & 0x80))) {
return ReadFromArray(bytes, result);
} else {
return ReadSlow(bytes, end, result);
} // namespace impl
} // namespace varint
} // namespace overnet