blob: 0f47c33be794f9f35d2a57687341e9a9ad774049 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import collections
import os
import sys
# This program generates BUILD.bazel, WORKSPACE, .bazelrc from
Tok = collections.namedtuple('Tok', ['tok', 'value'])
def is_ident_start(c):
return (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z') or (c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or c == '_'
def is_ident_char(c):
return is_ident_start(c) or is_digit(c)
def is_digit(c):
return c >= '0' and c <= '9'
def is_whitespace(c):
return c in ' \t\r\n'
sym_name = {
',': 'comma',
'(': 'left_paren',
')': 'right_paren',
'{': 'left_mustache',
'}': 'right_mustache',
'[': 'left_square',
']': 'right_square',
'=': 'equals',
def is_symbol(c):
return c in sym_name.keys()
def tok(s):
if s == '':
return [], s
c = s[0]
if is_ident_start(c):
return tok_ident(s)
if c == '#':
return tok_comment(s)
if is_whitespace(c):
return tok_whitespace(s)
if is_symbol(c):
return tok_cont(Tok(sym_name[c], c), s[1:])
if c == '"':
return tok_string(s[1:])
print 'bad character: ' + s[0]
def tok_cont(token, s):
toks, rest = tok(s)
return [token] + toks, rest
def tok_comment(s):
while s != '' and s[0] != '\n':
s = s[1:]
return tok(s[1:])
def tok_ident(s):
ident = ''
while s and is_ident_char(s[0]):
ident += s[0]
s = s[1:]
return tok_cont(Tok('ident', ident), s)
def tok_string(s):
string = ''
while s[0] != '"':
string += s[0]
s = s[1:]
return tok_cont(Tok('string', string), s[1:])
def tok_whitespace(s):
while s and is_whitespace(s[0]):
s = s[1:]
return tok(s)
def tokenize(s):
toks, rest = tok(s)
if rest != '':
print 'dangling: ' + rest
return toks
Bundle = collections.namedtuple('Bundle', ['rule', 'name', 'values'])
def take(toks, tok):
if toks[0].tok != tok:
print 'expected %s, got %s' % (tok, toks[0].tok)
return toks.pop(0).value
def maybe_take(toks, tok):
if toks[0].tok != tok:
return None
return toks.pop(0).value
def parse_dict(toks):
d = {}
while not maybe_take(toks, 'right_mustache'):
key = take(toks, 'ident')
take(toks, 'equals')
value = parse_value(toks)
d[key] = value
return d
def parse_list(toks):
l = []
while not maybe_take(toks, 'right_square'):
if not maybe_take(toks, 'comma'):
take(toks, 'right_square')
return l
def parse_value(toks):
if maybe_take(toks, 'left_mustache'):
return parse_dict(toks)
if maybe_take(toks, 'left_square'):
return parse_list(toks)
s = maybe_take(toks, 'string')
if s is not None:
return s
s = maybe_take(toks, 'ident')
if s is not None:
if s == 'true':
return True
if s == 'false':
return False
print 'bad ident in value position: ' + s
print 'bad value token: %r' % toks
def parse(toks):
bundles = []
while toks:
rule = take(toks, 'ident')
take(toks, 'left_paren')
name = take(toks, 'string')
take(toks, 'right_paren')
body = None
if maybe_take(toks, 'left_mustache'):
body = parse_dict(toks)
bundles.append(Bundle(rule, name, body))
return bundles
def mapdep(n):
if n[0] == ':':
return n
m = {
'//third_party/googletest:gtest': '@com_google_googletest//:gtest',
'//third_party/googletest:gmock': None,
return m[n]
FUZZERS = ['bbr', 'internal_list', 'linearizer',
'packet_protocol', 'receive_mode', 'routing_header']
assert FUZZERS == sorted(FUZZERS)
with open('BUILD.bazel', 'w') as o:
with open('') as f:
for bundle in parse(tokenize(
if bundle.rule == 'source_set':
print >>o, 'cc_library('
print >>o, ' name="%s",' %
print >>o, ' srcs=[%s],' % ','.join(
'"%s"' % s for s in bundle.values['sources'])
if 'deps' in bundle.values:
print >>o, ' deps=[%s],' % ','.join(
'"%s"' % mapdep(s) for s in bundle.values['deps'] if mapdep(s) is not None)
print >>o, ')'
if bundle.rule == 'executable':
if bundle.values.get('testonly', False):
print >>o, 'cc_test('
print >>o, 'cc_binary('
print >>o, ' name="%s",' %
print >>o, ' srcs=[%s],' % ','.join(
'"%s"' % s for s in bundle.values['sources'])
print >>o, ' deps=[%s],' % ','.join(
'"%s"' % mapdep(s) for s in bundle.values['deps'] if mapdep(s) is not None)
print >>o, ')'
for fuzzer in FUZZERS:
print >>o, 'cc_binary('
print >>o, ' name="%s_fuzzer",' % fuzzer
srcs = ['' % fuzzer]
helpers_h = '%s_fuzzer_helpers.h' % fuzzer
if os.path.exists(helpers_h):
print >>o, ' srcs=[%s],' % ', '.join('"%s"' % s for s in srcs)
print >>o, ' deps=[":overnet", ":test_util"],'
print >>o, ')'
# This file is not checked in, but generated by
# Make changes there
name = 'com_google_googletest',
remote = '',
commit = 'd5266326752f0a1dadbd310932d8f4fd8c3c5e7d',
# This file is not checked in, but generated by
# Make changes there
build --client_env=CC=clang
build --copt -std=c++14
build:asan --strip=never
build:asan --copt -fsanitize=address
build:asan --copt -O0
build:asan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:asan --linkopt -fsanitize=address
build:asan --action_env=ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:color=always
build:asan --action_env=LSAN_OPTIONS=report_objects=1
build:asan-fuzzer --strip=never
build:asan-fuzzer --copt -fsanitize=fuzzer,address
build:asan-fuzzer --copt -fsanitize-coverage=trace-cmp
build:asan-fuzzer --copt -O0
build:asan-fuzzer --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:asan-fuzzer --linkopt -fsanitize=fuzzer,address
build:asan-fuzzer --action_env=ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_leaks=1:color=always
build:asan-fuzzer --action_env=LSAN_OPTIONS=report_objects=1
build:msan --strip=never
build:msan --copt -fsanitize=memory
build:msan --copt -O0
build:msan --copt -fsanitize-memory-track-origins
build:msan --copt -fsanitize-memory-use-after-dtor
build:msan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:msan --copt -fPIC
build:msan --linkopt -fsanitize=memory
build:msan --linkopt -fPIC
build:msan --action_env=MSAN_OPTIONS=poison_in_dtor=1
build:tsan --strip=never
build:tsan --copt -fsanitize=thread
build:tsan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:tsan --copt -DNDEBUG
build:tsan --linkopt -fsanitize=thread
build:tsan --action_env=TSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1
build:ubsan --strip=never
build:ubsan --copt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:ubsan --copt -DNDEBUG
build:ubsan --copt -fno-sanitize=function,vptr
build:ubsan --linkopt -fsanitize=undefined
build:ubsan --action_env=UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:print_stacktrace=1
build:ubsan-fuzzer --strip=never
build:ubsan-fuzzer --copt -fsanitize=fuzzer,undefined
build:ubsan-fuzzer --copt -fno-omit-frame-pointer
build:ubsan-fuzzer --copt -DNDEBUG
build:ubsan-fuzzer --copt -fno-sanitize=function,vptr
build:ubsan-fuzzer --linkopt -fsanitize=fuzzer,undefined
build:ubsan-fuzzer --action_env=UBSAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=1:print_stacktrace=1
with open('WORKSPACE', 'w') as o:
with open('.bazelrc', 'w') as o: