blob: c24a7b3302f722e1e473b6789b2d68b9ca58c3f2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <ostream>
#include "timer.h"
namespace overnet {
class Bandwidth {
constexpr static Bandwidth Zero() { return Bandwidth(0); }
constexpr static Bandwidth FromBitsPerSecond(uint64_t bits_per_second) {
return Bandwidth(bits_per_second);
constexpr static Bandwidth BytesPerTime(uint64_t bytes, TimeDelta delta) {
return FromBitsPerSecond(8000000 * bytes / delta.as_us());
constexpr static Bandwidth FromKilobitsPerSecond(
uint64_t kilobits_per_second) {
return FromBitsPerSecond(kilobits_per_second * 1000);
constexpr TimeDelta SendTimeForBytes(uint64_t bytes) const {
return TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(8000000 * bytes / bits_per_second_);
constexpr uint64_t BytesSentForTime(TimeDelta time) const {
return bits_per_second_ * time.as_us() / 8000000;
constexpr uint64_t bits_per_second() const { return bits_per_second_; }
constexpr Bandwidth(uint64_t bits_per_second)
: bits_per_second_(bits_per_second) {}
uint64_t bits_per_second_;
inline bool operator>(Bandwidth a, Bandwidth b) {
return a.bits_per_second() > b.bits_per_second();
inline bool operator>=(Bandwidth a, Bandwidth b) {
return a.bits_per_second() >= b.bits_per_second();
inline bool operator<(Bandwidth a, Bandwidth b) {
return a.bits_per_second() < b.bits_per_second();
inline bool operator<=(Bandwidth a, Bandwidth b) {
return a.bits_per_second() <= b.bits_per_second();
inline bool operator==(Bandwidth a, Bandwidth b) {
return a.bits_per_second() == b.bits_per_second();
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, Bandwidth b) {
uint64_t bits_per_second = b.bits_per_second();
if (bits_per_second < 1000) {
out << bits_per_second << "bps";
} else if (bits_per_second < 1000000) {
out << (bits_per_second / 1000.0) << "Kbps";
} else {
out << (bits_per_second / 1000000.0) << "Mbps";
return out;
} // namespace overnet