blob: 880ea8ecc0ccd584f9f3d7a839c213aaa03ff67c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fxl/logging.h>
#include <lib/fxl/synchronization/thread_annotations.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
class PtsManager {
class LookupResult {
// Outside of PtsManager, can only be copied, not created from scratch and
// not assigned.
LookupResult(const LookupResult& from) = default;
bool is_end_of_stream() const { return is_end_of_stream_; }
bool has_pts() const { return !is_end_of_stream_; }
uint64_t pts() const { return pts_; }
friend class PtsManager;
LookupResult() = delete;
LookupResult& operator=(const LookupResult& from) = default;
LookupResult(bool is_end_of_stream, bool has_pts, uint64_t pts)
: is_end_of_stream_(is_end_of_stream), has_pts_(has_pts), pts_(pts) {
// PTS == 0 is valid, but if we don't have a PTS, the field must be set to
// 0. In other words, we still need the sparate has_pts_ to tell whether
// we have a PTS when the pts field is 0 - this way all pts values are
// usable.
FXL_DCHECK(has_pts_ || !pts_);
FXL_DCHECK(!(is_end_of_stream_ && has_pts_));
// If is_end_of_stream_, there is no PTS. Instead, the stream is over.
const bool is_end_of_stream_ = false;
// If !has_pts_, the pts_ field is not meaningful (but is set to 0).
const bool has_pts_ = false;
// If has_pts(), the pts field is meaningful.
// When has_pts(), the PTS of the frame.
// When !has_pts(), 0.
const uint64_t pts_ = 0;
// Offset is the byte offset into the stream of the beginning of the frame.
void InsertPts(uint64_t offset, uint64_t pts);
// |end_of_stream_offset| is the first byte offset which is not part of the
// input stream data (stream offset of last input stream byte + 1).
void SetEndOfStreamOffset(uint64_t end_of_stream_offset);
// Offset must be within the frame that's being looked up. Only the last 100
// PTS inserted are kept around (last 100 by stream offset).
const LookupResult Lookup(uint64_t offset);
std::mutex lock_;
std::map<uint64_t, LookupResult> offset_to_result_;