blob: 16a33cb3a67e0e03f7f02944c86a6e59b37f79c8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Encoding contains functions and traits for FIDL2 encoding and decoding.
use crate::invoke_for_handle_types;
use {
crate::handle::{Handle, HandleBased, MessageBuf},
crate::{Error, Result},
fuchsia_zircon_status as zx_status,
static_assertions::{assert_not_impl_any, assert_obj_safe},
std::{cell::RefCell, cmp, convert::TryFrom, mem, ptr, str, u32, u64},
thread_local!(static CODING_BUF: RefCell<MessageBuf> = RefCell::new(MessageBuf::new()));
const MIN_TLS_CODING_BUF_SIZE: usize = 512;
/// Acquire a mutable reference to the thread-local encoding buffers.
/// This function may not be called recursively.
pub fn with_tls_coding_bufs<R>(f: impl FnOnce(&mut Vec<u8>, &mut Vec<Handle>) -> R) -> R {
CODING_BUF.with(|buf| {
let mut buf = buf.borrow_mut();
let (bytes, handles) = buf.split_mut();
if bytes.capacity() == 0 {
let res = f(bytes, handles);
/// Encodes the provided type into the thread-local encoding buffers.
/// This function may not be called recursively.
pub fn with_tls_encoded<T, E: From<Error>>(
val: &mut impl Encodable,
f: impl FnOnce(&mut Vec<u8>, &mut Vec<Handle>) -> std::result::Result<T, E>,
) -> std::result::Result<T, E> {
with_tls_coding_bufs(|bytes, handles| {
Encoder::encode(bytes, handles, val)?;
f(bytes, handles)
/// Resize a vector without zeroing added bytes.
/// The type `T` must be `Copy`. This is not enforced in the type signature
/// because it is used in generic contexts where verifying this requires looking
/// at control flow. See `decode_vector` for an example.
/// # Safety
/// This is unsafe when `new_len > old_len` because it leaves new elements at
/// indices `old_len..new_len` unintialized. The caller must overwrite all the
/// new elements before reading them. "Reading" includes any operation that
/// extends the vector, such as `push`, because this could reallocate the vector
/// and copy the uninitialized bytes.
/// FIDL conformance tests are used to validate that there are no uninitialized
/// bytes in the output across a range types and values.
unsafe fn resize_vec_no_zeroing<T>(buf: &mut Vec<T>, new_len: usize) {
if new_len > buf.capacity() {
buf.reserve(new_len - buf.len());
// Safety:
// - `new_len` must be less than or equal to `capacity()`:
// The if-statement above guarantees this.
// - The elements at `old_len..new_len` must be initialized:
// They are purposely left uninitialized, making this function unsafe.
/// Rounds `x` up if necessary so that it is a multiple of `align`.
/// Requires `align` to be a (nonzero) power of two.
pub fn round_up_to_align(x: usize, align: usize) -> usize {
debug_assert_ne!(align, 0);
debug_assert_eq!(align & (align - 1), 0);
(x + align - 1) & !(align - 1)
/// Split off the first element from a mutable slice.
fn split_off_first_mut<'a, T>(slice: &mut &'a mut [T]) -> Result<&'a mut T> {
split_off_front_mut(slice, 1).map(|res| &mut res[0])
/// Split of the first `n` mutable bytes from `slice`.
fn split_off_front_mut<'a, T>(slice: &mut &'a mut [T], n: usize) -> Result<&'a mut [T]> {
if n > slice.len() {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
let original = take_slice_mut(slice);
let (head, tail) = original.split_at_mut(n);
*slice = tail;
/// Empty out a mutable slice.
fn take_slice_mut<'a, T>(x: &mut &'a mut [T]) -> &'a mut [T] {
mem::replace(x, &mut [])
#[doc(hidden)] // only exported for macro use
pub fn take_handle<T: HandleBased>(handle: &mut T) -> Handle {
let invalid = T::from_handle(Handle::invalid());
mem::replace(handle, invalid).into_handle()
/// The maximum recursion depth of encoding and decoding.
/// Each nested aggregate type (structs, unions, arrays, or vectors) counts as one step in the
/// recursion depth.
pub const MAX_RECURSION: usize = 32;
/// Indicates that an optional value is present.
pub const ALLOC_PRESENT_U64: u64 = u64::MAX;
/// Indicates that an optional value is present.
pub const ALLOC_PRESENT_U32: u32 = u32::MAX;
/// Indicates that an optional value is absent.
pub const ALLOC_ABSENT_U64: u64 = 0;
/// Indicates that an optional value is absent.
pub const ALLOC_ABSENT_U32: u32 = 0;
/// Special ordinal signifying an epitaph message.
pub const EPITAPH_ORDINAL: u64 = 0xffffffffffffffffu64;
/// The current wire format magic number
pub const MAGIC_NUMBER_INITIAL: u8 = 1;
/// Context for encoding and decoding.
/// This is currently empty. We keep it around to ease the implementation of
/// context-dependent behavior for future migrations.
/// WARNING: Do not construct this directly unless you know what you're doing.
/// FIDL uses `Context` to coordinate soft migrations, so improper uses of it
/// could result in ABI breakage.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Context {}
impl Context {
/// Returns the header flags to set when encoding with this context.
fn header_flags(&self) -> HeaderFlags {
/// Encoding state
pub struct Encoder<'a> {
/// Buffer to write output data into.
/// New chunks of out-of-line data should be appended to the end of the `Vec`.
/// `buf` should be resized to be large enough for any new data *prior* to encoding the inline
/// portion of that data.
buf: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
/// Buffer to write output handles into.
handles: &'a mut Vec<Handle>,
/// Encoding context.
context: &'a Context,
/// The default context for encoding.
/// During migrations, this controls the default write path.
fn default_encode_context() -> Context {
Context {}
impl<'a> Encoder<'a> {
/// FIDL2-encodes `x` into the provided data and handle buffers.
pub fn encode<T: Encodable + ?Sized>(
buf: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
handles: &'a mut Vec<Handle>,
x: &mut T,
) -> Result<()> {
let context = default_encode_context();
Self::encode_with_context(&context, buf, handles, x)
/// FIDL2-encodes `x` into the provided data and handle buffers, using the
/// specified encoding context.
/// WARNING: Do not call this directly unless you know what you're doing.
/// FIDL uses `Context` to coordinate soft migrations, so improper uses of
/// this function could result in ABI breakage.
pub fn encode_with_context<T: Encodable + ?Sized>(
context: &Context,
buf: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
handles: &'a mut Vec<Handle>,
x: &mut T,
) -> Result<()> {
fn prepare_for_encoding<'a>(
context: &'a Context,
buf: &'a mut Vec<u8>,
handles: &'a mut Vec<Handle>,
ty_inline_size: usize,
) -> Encoder<'a> {
// An empty response can have size zero.
// This if statement is needed to not break the padding write below.
if ty_inline_size != 0 {
let aligned_inline_size = round_up_to_align(ty_inline_size, 8);
// Safety: The uninitialized elements are assigned in prepare_for_encoding and
// x.encode.
unsafe {
resize_vec_no_zeroing(buf, aligned_inline_size);
// Zero the last 8 bytes in the block to ensure padding bytes are zero.
let padding_ptr = buf.get_unchecked_mut(aligned_inline_size - 8);
*std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, *mut u64>(padding_ptr) = 0;
Encoder { buf, handles, context }
let mut encoder = prepare_for_encoding(context, buf, handles, x.inline_size(context));
x.encode(&mut encoder, 0, 0)
/// Returns the inline alignment of an object of type `Target` for this encoder.
pub fn inline_align_of<Target: Encodable>(&self) -> usize {
<Target as Layout>::inline_align(&self.context)
/// Returns the inline size of the given object for this encoder.
pub fn inline_size_of<Target: Encodable>(&self) -> usize {
<Target as Layout>::inline_size(&self.context)
/// Extends buf by `len` bytes and calls the provided closure to write
/// out-of-line data, with `offset` set to the start of the new region.
pub fn write_out_of_line<F>(&mut self, len: usize, recursion_depth: usize, f: F) -> Result<()>
F: FnOnce(&mut Encoder<'_>, usize, usize) -> Result<()>,
let new_offset = self.buf.len();
let new_depth = recursion_depth + 1;
let padded_len = round_up_to_align(len, 8);
// Safety: The uninitialized elements are assigned in self.padding and f.
unsafe {
// In order to zero bytes for padding, we assume that at least 8 bytes are in the
// out-of-line block.
debug_assert!(padded_len >= 8);
let new_len = self.buf.len() + padded_len;
resize_vec_no_zeroing(self.buf, new_len);
// Zero the last 8 bytes in the block to ensure padding bytes are zero.
let padding_ptr = self.buf.get_unchecked_mut(new_len - 8);
*std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, *mut u64>(padding_ptr) = 0;
f(self, new_offset, new_depth)
/// Validate that the recursion depth is within the limit.
pub fn check_recursion_depth(recursion_depth: usize) -> Result<()> {
if recursion_depth > MAX_RECURSION {
return Err(Error::MaxRecursionDepth);
/// Append bytes to the very end (out-of-line) of the buffer.
pub fn append_bytes(&mut self, bytes: &[u8]) {
let new_len = round_up_to_align(self.buf.len(), 8);
self.buf.resize(new_len, 0);
/// Append handles to the buffer.
pub fn append_handles(&mut self, handles: &mut [Handle]) {
for handle in handles {
/// Returns the encoder's context.
/// This is needed for accessing the context in macros during migrations.
pub fn context(&self) -> &Context {
/// Write padding at the specified offset.
pub fn padding(&mut self, offset: usize, len: usize) {
if len == 0 {
// In practice, this assertion should never fail because we ensure that
// padding is within an already allocated block outside of this
// function.
assert!(offset + len <= self.buf.len());
// Safety:
// - The pointer is valid for this range, as tested by the assertion above.
// - All u8 pointers are properly aligned.
unsafe {
std::ptr::write_bytes(self.buf.as_mut_ptr().offset(offset as isize), 0, len);
/// Decoding state
pub struct Decoder<'a> {
/// The out of line depth.
depth: usize,
/// Next out of line block in buf.
next_out_of_line: usize,
/// Buffer from which to read data.
buf: &'a [u8],
/// Buffer from which to read handles.
handles: &'a mut [Handle],
/// Decoding context.
context: &'a Context,
impl<'a> Decoder<'a> {
/// FIDL2-decodes a value of type `T` from the provided data and handle
/// buffers. Assumes the buffers came from inside a transaction message
/// wrapped by `header`.
pub fn decode_into<T: Decodable>(
header: &TransactionHeader,
buf: &'a [u8],
handles: &'a mut [Handle],
value: &mut T,
) -> Result<()> {
Self::decode_with_context(&header.decoding_context(), buf, handles, value)
/// FIDL2-decodes a value of type `T` from the provided data and handle
/// buffers, using the specified context.
/// WARNING: Do not call this directly unless you know what you're doing.
/// FIDL uses `Context` to coordinate soft migrations, so improper uses of
/// this function could result in ABI breakage.
pub fn decode_with_context<T: Decodable>(
context: &Context,
buf: &'a [u8],
handles: &'a mut [Handle],
value: &mut T,
) -> Result<()> {
let inline_size = T::inline_size(context);
let next_out_of_line = round_up_to_align(inline_size, 8);
if next_out_of_line > buf.len() {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
let mut decoder =
Decoder { depth: 0, next_out_of_line, buf, handles, context };
value.decode(&mut decoder, 0)?;
// Put this in a non-polymorphic helper function to reduce binary bloat.
fn post_decoding(
decoder: &Decoder,
padding_start: usize,
padding_end: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
if decoder.next_out_of_line < decoder.buf.len() {
return Err(Error::ExtraBytes);
if decoder.handles.len() != 0 {
return Err(Error::ExtraHandles);
for i in padding_start..padding_end {
if decoder.buf[i] != 0 {
return Err(Error::NonZeroPadding {
padding_start: padding_start,
non_zero_pos: i,
post_decoding(&decoder, inline_size, next_out_of_line)
/// Take the next handle from the `handles` list and shift the list down by one element.
pub fn take_handle(&mut self) -> Result<Handle> {
split_off_first_mut(&mut self.handles).map(take_handle)
/// Runs the provided closure inside an decoder modified
/// to read out-of-line data.
pub fn read_out_of_line<F, R>(&mut self, len: usize, f: F) -> Result<R>
F: FnOnce(&mut Decoder<'_>, usize) -> Result<R>,
// Compute offsets for out of line block.
let offset = self.next_out_of_line;
self.next_out_of_line = self.next_out_of_line + round_up_to_align(len, 8);
let end_block = self.next_out_of_line;
if self.next_out_of_line > self.buf.len() {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
// Descend into block.
self.depth += 1;
if self.depth > MAX_RECURSION {
return Err(Error::MaxRecursionDepth);
let res = f(self, offset)?;
self.depth -= 1;
// Validate padding bytes at the end of the block.
for i in offset + len..end_block {
if self.buf[i] != 0 {
return Err(Error::NonZeroPadding { padding_start: offset + len, non_zero_pos: i });
// Return.
/// The number of handles that have not yet been consumed.
pub fn remaining_handles(&self) -> usize {
/// A convenience method to skip over the specified number of zero bytes used for padding, also
/// checking that all those bytes are in fact zeroes.
pub fn check_padding(&self, offset: usize, len: usize) -> Result<()> {
if len == 0 {
// Skip body (so it can be optimized out).
return Ok(());
for i in offset..offset + len {
if self.buf[i] != 0 {
return Err(Error::NonZeroPadding { padding_start: offset, non_zero_pos: i });
/// Returns the inline alignment of an object of type `Target` for this decoder.
pub fn inline_align_of<Target: Decodable>(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the inline size of an object of type `Target` for this decoder.
pub fn inline_size_of<Target: Decodable>(&self) -> usize {
/// Returns the decoder's context.
/// This is needed for accessing the context in macros during migrations.
pub fn context(&self) -> &Context {
/// The position of the next out of line block and the end of the current
/// blocks.
pub fn next_out_of_line(&self) -> usize {
/// The buffer holding the message to be decoded.
pub fn buffer(&self) -> &[u8] {
/// A trait for specifying the inline layout of an encoded object.
pub trait Layout {
/// Returns the minimum required alignment of the inline portion of the
/// encoded object. It must be a (nonzero) power of two.
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize
Self: Sized;
/// Returns the size of the inline portion of the encoded object, including
/// padding for the type's minimum alignment.
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize
Self: Sized;
/// Returns `slice` viewed as bytes for types that support encoding and
/// decoding by simple copy. For all other types, returns `None`.
/// Simple copying only works for types when (1) the Rust data layout
/// matches the FIDL wire format, and (2) no validation is required. This is
/// the case for (arrays of) primitive integer types, because both FIDL and
/// Rust (we assume) use little-endian byte order, two's complement integer
/// representation, and arrays with no padding.
/// For more information:
fn slice_as_bytes(_slice: &mut [Self]) -> Option<&mut [u8]>
Self: Sized,
/// An object-safe extension of the `Layout` trait.
/// This trait should not be implemented directly. Instead, types should
/// implement `Layout` and rely on the automatic implementation of this one.
/// The purpose of this trait is to provide access to inline size and alignment
/// values through `dyn Encodable` trait objects, including generic contexts
/// where they are allowed such as `T: Encodable + ?Sized`.
pub trait LayoutObject: Layout {
/// See `Layout::inline_align`.
fn inline_align(&self, context: &Context) -> usize;
/// See `Layout::inline_size`.
fn inline_size(&self, context: &Context) -> usize;
impl<T: Layout> LayoutObject for T {
fn inline_align(&self, context: &Context) -> usize {
<T as Layout>::inline_align(context)
fn inline_size(&self, context: &Context) -> usize {
<T as Layout>::inline_size(context)
/// A type which can be FIDL2-encoded into a buffer.
/// Often an `Encodable` type should also be `Decodable`, but this is not always
/// the case. For example, both `String` and `&str` are encodable, but `&str` is
/// not decodable since it does not own any memory to store the string.
/// This trait is object-safe, meaning it is possible to create `dyn Encodable`
/// trait objects. Using them instead of generic `T: Encodable` types can help
/// reduce binary bloat. However, they can only be encoded directly: there are
/// no implementations of `Encodable` for enclosing types such as
/// `Vec<&dyn Encodable>`, and similarly for references, arrays, tuples, etc.
/// Types must implement either `encode` or `unsafe_encoder`:
/// * `encode`: The implementation cannot skip bounds checks. In particular,
/// it can only `encode` internal values, not `unsafe_encode` them.
/// * `unsafe_encode`: The implementation can skip bounds checks when
/// writing to `encoder.buf`, and can `unsafe_encode` internal values.
/// (Using both method's default impl will cause infinite recursion.)
/// We need `unsafe_encode` as a separate method, rather than just writing
/// unsafe blocks in `encode` implementations, so that we can call it
/// directly from other `unsafe_encode` methods (skipping the assert).
pub trait Encodable: LayoutObject {
/// Encode the object into the buffer. Any handles stored in the object are
/// swapped for `Handle::INVALID`. Callers should ensure that `offset` is a
/// multiple of `Layout::inline_align`, and that `encoder.buf` has room for
/// writing `Layout::inline_size` bytes at `offset`.
/// Implementations that encode out-of-line objects should pass
/// `recursion_depth` to `Encoder::write_out_of_line`, or manually call
/// `Encoder::check_recursion_depth(recursion_depth + 1)`.
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
assert!(offset + self.inline_size(encoder.context) <= encoder.buf.len());
unsafe { self.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth) }
/// Unsafe version of encode that does not check the buffer boundaries.
/// This exists for performance.
/// # Safety:
/// The caller must check that a write to the buffer of this object's
/// size will not exceed the buffer length.
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
/// A type which can be FIDL2-decoded from a buffer.
/// This trait is not object-safe, since `new_empty` returns `Self`. This is not
/// really a problem: there are not many use cases for `dyn Decodable`.
pub trait Decodable: Layout {
/// Creates a new value of this type with an "empty" representation.
fn new_empty() -> Self;
/// Decodes an object of this type from the provided buffer and list of handles.
/// On success, returns `Self`, as well as the yet-unused tails of the data and handle buffers.
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()>;
macro_rules! impl_layout {
($ty:ty, align: $align:expr, size: $size:expr) => {
impl Layout for $ty {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
macro_rules! impl_layout_forall_T {
($ty:ty, align: $align:expr, size: $size:expr) => {
impl<T: Layout> Layout for $ty {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
// Implements `Layout` for a primitive integer type, overriding `slice_as_bytes`
// to enable encoding and decoding by simple copy.
macro_rules! impl_layout_int {
($int_ty:ty) => {
impl Layout for $int_ty {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn slice_as_bytes(slice: &mut [Self]) -> Option<&mut [u8]> {
// This macro implements Encodable and Decodable for primitive integer types T.
// It ensures that T, [T; N], and Vec<T> are encoded/decoded by simple copy (via
// impl_layout_int), and that &[T] is encoded by simple copy (via
// impl_slice_encoding_by_copy).
// Some background on why we have the &[T] implementation: the FIDL type
// vector<T> becomes &mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = T> (borrowed) or Vec<T>
// (owned) for most types. The former is a poor fit for vectors of primitives:
// we cannot optimize encoding from an iterator. For this reason, vectors of
// primitives are special-cased in fidlgen to use &[T] as the borrowed type.
// Caveat: bool uses &mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = bool> because it cannot
// be optimized. Floats f32 and f64, though they cannot be optimized either, use
// &[f32] and &[f64].
// TODO(fxb/54368): Resolve this inconsistency.
macro_rules! impl_codable_int { ($($int_ty:ty,)*) => { $(
impl Encodable for $int_ty {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, _recursion_depth: usize) -> Result<()> {
debug_assert!(encoder.buf.len() >= offset + mem::size_of::<$int_ty>());
let ptr = encoder.buf.get_unchecked_mut(offset);
let int_ptr = std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, *mut $int_ty>(ptr);
*int_ptr = *self;
impl Decodable for $int_ty {
fn new_empty() -> Self { 0 as $int_ty }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
const SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<$int_ty>();
match <[u8; SIZE]>::try_from(&decoder.buf[offset .. offset+SIZE]) {
Ok(array) => {
*self = Self::from_le_bytes(array);
Err(_) => Err(Error::OutOfRange),
)* } }
// This is separate from impl_codable_int because floats will require validation
// in the future (FTP-055), so we can't encode/decode by simple copy.
macro_rules! impl_codable_float { ($($float_ty:ty,)*) => { $(
impl Layout for $float_ty {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize { mem::size_of::<$float_ty>() }
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize { mem::size_of::<$float_ty>() }
impl Encodable for $float_ty {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, _recursion_depth: usize) -> Result<()> {
debug_assert!(encoder.buf.len() >= offset + mem::size_of::<$float_ty>());
let ptr = encoder.buf.get_unchecked_mut(offset);
let float_ptr = std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, *mut $float_ty>(ptr);
*float_ptr = *self;
impl Decodable for $float_ty {
fn new_empty() -> Self { 0 as $float_ty }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
const SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<$float_ty>();
match <[u8; SIZE]>::try_from(&decoder.buf[offset .. offset+SIZE]) {
Ok(array) => {
*self = Self::from_le_bytes(array);
Err(_) => Err(Error::OutOfRange),
)* } }
// Common code used by impl_slice_encoding_by_{iter,copy}.
macro_rules! impl_slice_encoding_base {
($prim_ty:ty) => {
impl Layout for &[$prim_ty] {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
impl Layout for Option<&[$prim_ty]> {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
impl Encodable for Option<&[$prim_ty]> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match self {
None => encode_absent_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
Some(slice) => slice.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
// Encodes &[T] as a FIDL vector by encoding items one at a time.
macro_rules! impl_slice_encoding_by_iter {
($prim_ty:ty) => {
impl Encodable for &[$prim_ty] {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// Encodes &[T] as a FIDL vector by simple copy.
macro_rules! impl_slice_encoding_by_copy {
($prim_ty:ty) => {
impl Encodable for &[$prim_ty] {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
(self.len() as u64).unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
Encoder::check_recursion_depth(recursion_depth + 1)?;
if self.len() == 0 {
return Ok(());
// Encode by simple copy. See Layout::slice_as_bytes for more info.
let bytes = zerocopy::AsBytes::as_bytes(*self);
impl_codable_int!(u16, u32, u64, i16, i32, i64,);
impl_codable_float!(f32, f64,);
impl_layout!(bool, align: 1, size: 1);
impl Encodable for bool {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
_recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encoder.buf[offset] = if *self { 1 } else { 0 };
impl Decodable for bool {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
*self = match decoder.buf[offset] {
0 => false,
1 => true,
_ => return Err(Error::Invalid),
impl Encodable for u8 {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
_recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
debug_assert!(encoder.buf.len() >= offset + 1);
*encoder.buf.get_unchecked_mut(offset) = *self;
impl Decodable for u8 {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
*self = decoder.buf[offset];
impl Encodable for i8 {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
_recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
debug_assert!(encoder.buf.len() >= offset + 1);
*std::mem::transmute::<*mut u8, *mut i8>(encoder.buf.get_unchecked_mut(offset)) = *self;
impl Decodable for i8 {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
*self = decoder.buf[offset] as i8;
/// Encodes `slice` as a FIDL array.
fn encode_array<T: Encodable>(
slice: &mut [T],
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match T::slice_as_bytes(slice) {
Some(bytes) => {
// Encode by simple copy. See Layout::slice_as_bytes for more info.
encoder.buf[offset..offset + bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(bytes);
None => {
let stride = encoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
for (i, item) in slice.iter_mut().enumerate() {
item.encode(encoder, offset + i * stride, recursion_depth)?;
/// Decodes a FIDL array into `slice`.
fn decode_array<T: Decodable>(
slice: &mut [T],
decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match T::slice_as_bytes(slice) {
Some(bytes) => {
// Decode by simple copy. See Layout::slice_as_bytes for more info.
let size = bytes.len();
bytes.copy_from_slice(&decoder.buf[offset..offset + size]);
None => {
let stride = decoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
for (i, item) in slice.iter_mut().enumerate() {
item.decode(decoder, offset + i * stride)?;
macro_rules! impl_codable_for_fixed_array { ($($len:expr,)*) => { $(
impl<T: Layout> Layout for [T; $len] {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize { T::inline_align(context) }
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize { T::inline_size(context) * $len }
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for [T; $len] {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> Result<()> {
encode_array(self, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl<T: Decodable> Decodable for [T; $len] {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
let mut arr = mem::MaybeUninit::<[T; $len]>::uninit();
unsafe {
let arr_ptr = arr.as_mut_ptr() as *mut T;
for i in 0..$len {
ptr::write(arr_ptr.offset(i as isize), T::new_empty());
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
decode_array(self, decoder, offset)
)* } }
// Unfortunately, we cannot be generic over the length of a fixed array
// even though its part of the type (this will hopefully be added in the
// future) so for now we implement encodable for only the first 33 fixed
// size array types.
impl_codable_for_fixed_array!( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
// Hack for FIDL library fuchsia.sysmem
// Hack for FIDL library
/// Encode an optional vector-like component.
pub fn encode_vector<T: Encodable>(
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
slice_opt: Option<&mut [T]>,
) -> Result<()> {
match slice_opt {
None => encode_absent_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
Some(slice) => {
// Two u64: (len, present)
(slice.len() as u64).encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
// write_out_of_line must not be called with a zero-sized out-of-line block.
if slice.len() == 0 {
return Ok(());
let bytes_len = slice.len() * encoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
|encoder, offset, recursion_depth| {
encode_array(slice, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
/// Encode an missing vector-like component.
pub fn encode_absent_vector(
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
0u64.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
ALLOC_ABSENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)
/// Like `encode_vector`, but optimized for `&[u8]`.
fn encode_vector_from_bytes(
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
slice_opt: Option<&[u8]>,
) -> Result<()> {
match slice_opt {
None => encode_absent_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
Some(slice) => {
// Two u64: (len, present)
(slice.len() as u64).encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
Encoder::check_recursion_depth(recursion_depth + 1)?;
/// Like `encode_vector`, but encodes from an iterator.
pub fn encode_vector_from_iter<Iter, T>(
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
iter_opt: Option<Iter>,
) -> Result<()>
Iter: ExactSizeIterator<Item = T>,
T: Encodable,
match iter_opt {
None => encode_absent_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
Some(iter) => {
// Two u64: (len, present)
(iter.len() as u64).encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
if iter.len() == 0 {
return Ok(());
let bytes_len = iter.len() * encoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
|encoder, offset, recursion_depth| {
let stride = encoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
for (i, mut item) in iter.enumerate() {
item.encode(encoder, offset + stride * i, recursion_depth)?;
/// Attempts to decode a string into `string`, returning a `bool`
/// indicating whether or not a string was present.
fn decode_string(decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, string: &mut String, offset: usize) -> Result<bool> {
let mut len: u64 = 0;
len.decode(decoder, offset)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset + 8)?;
match present {
return if len == 0 { Ok(false) } else { Err(Error::UnexpectedNullRef) }
_ => return Err(Error::Invalid),
let len = len as usize;
decoder.read_out_of_line(len, |decoder, offset| {
let bytes = &decoder.buf[offset..offset + len];
string.push_str(str::from_utf8(bytes).map_err(|_| Error::Utf8Error)?);
/// Attempts to decode a FIDL vector into `vec`, returning a `bool` indicating
/// whether the vector was present.
fn decode_vector<T: Decodable>(
decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>,
vec: &mut Vec<T>,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<bool> {
let mut len: u64 = 0;
len.decode(decoder, offset)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset + 8)?;
match present {
return if len == 0 { Ok(false) } else { Err(Error::UnexpectedNullRef) }
_ => return Err(Error::Invalid),
let len = len as usize;
let bytes_len = len * decoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
decoder.read_out_of_line(bytes_len, |decoder, offset| {
if T::slice_as_bytes(vec).is_some() {
// Safety: The uninitalized elements are immediately written by
// `decode_array`, which always succeeds in the simple copy case.
unsafe {
resize_vec_no_zeroing(vec, len);
} else {
vec.resize_with(len, T::new_empty);
decode_array(vec, decoder, offset)?;
impl_layout!(&str, align: 8, size: 16);
impl Encodable for &str {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector_from_bytes(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, Some(self.as_bytes()))
impl_layout!(String, align: 8, size: 16);
impl Encodable for String {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector_from_bytes(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, Some(self.as_bytes()))
impl Decodable for String {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
if decode_string(decoder, self, offset)? {
} else {
impl_layout!(Option<&str>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl Encodable for Option<&str> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_bytes()),
impl_layout!(Option<String>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl Encodable for Option<String> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.as_ref().map(|x| x.as_bytes()),
impl Decodable for Option<String> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let was_some;
let string = self.get_or_insert(String::new());
was_some = decode_string(decoder, string, offset)?;
if !was_some {
*self = None
impl_layout_forall_T!(&mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = T>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for &mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = T> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector_from_iter(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, Some(self))
impl_layout_forall_T!(Vec<T>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for Vec<T> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, Some(self))
impl<T: Decodable> Decodable for Vec<T> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
if decode_vector(decoder, self, offset)? {
} else {
impl_layout_forall_T!(Option<&mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = T>>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for Option<&mut dyn ExactSizeIterator<Item = T>> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector_from_iter(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, self.as_mut().map(|x| &mut **x))
impl_layout_forall_T!(Option<Vec<T>>, align: 8, size: 16);
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for Option<Vec<T>> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
encode_vector(encoder, offset, recursion_depth, self.as_deref_mut())
impl<T: Decodable> Decodable for Option<Vec<T>> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let was_some;
let vec = self.get_or_insert(Vec::new());
was_some = decode_vector(decoder, vec, offset)?;
if !was_some {
*self = None
/// An shorthand macro for calling `Encodable::encode()` from generated code
/// with full parameters, without importing the `Encodable` trait.
/// This is intended to be used only by generated code.
macro_rules! fidl_encode {
($val:expr, $encoder:expr, $offset:expr, $recursion_depth:expr) => {
$crate::encoding::Encodable::encode($val, $encoder, $offset, $recursion_depth)
/// An shorthand macro for calling `Encodable::unsafe_encode()` from generated
/// code with full parameters, without importing the `Encodable` trait.
/// This is intended to be used only by generated code.
macro_rules! fidl_unsafe_encode {
($val:expr, $encoder:expr, $offset:expr, $recursion_depth:expr) => {
$crate::encoding::Encodable::unsafe_encode($val, $encoder, $offset, $recursion_depth)
/// A shorthand macro for calling `Decodable::decode()` on a type
/// without importing the `Decodable` trait.
/// This is intended to be used only by generated code.
macro_rules! fidl_decode {
($val:expr, $decoder:expr, $offset:expr) => {
$crate::encoding::Decodable::decode($val, $decoder, $offset)
/// A shorthand macro for calling `Decodable::new_empty()` on a type
/// without importing the `Decodable` trait.
macro_rules! fidl_new_empty {
($type:ty) => {
<$type as $crate::encoding::Decodable>::new_empty()
/// Declare a bits type and implement the FIDL coding traits for it.
/// Example:
/// ```rust
/// fidl_bits!(MyBits (u32) { BAR = 5, BAZ = 6, });
/// // expands to:
/// bitflags! {
/// struct MyBits: u32 {
/// const BAR = 5;
/// const BAZ = 6;
/// }
/// }
/// impl Encodable for MyBits { ... }
/// impl Decodable for MyBits { ... }
/// ```
macro_rules! fidl_bits {
($name:ident ($prim_ty:ident) { $($key:ident = $value:expr,)* }) => {
$crate::bitflags! {
pub struct $name: $prim_ty {
const $key = $value;
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
<$prim_ty as $crate::encoding::Layout>::inline_align(context)
fn inline_size(context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
<$prim_ty as $crate::encoding::Layout>::inline_size(context)
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize)
-> ::std::result::Result<(), $crate::Error>
$crate::fidl_encode!(&mut self.bits, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize)
-> ::std::result::Result<(), $crate::Error>
let mut prim = $crate::fidl_new_empty!($prim_ty);
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut prim, decoder, offset)?;
*self = Self::from_bits(prim).ok_or($crate::Error::Invalid)?;
/// Declare an enum type and implement the FIDL coding traits for it.
/// Example:
/// ```rust
/// fidl_enum!(MyEnum (u32) { BAR = 5, BAZ = 6, });
/// // expands to:
/// #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
/// #[repr($prim_ty)]
/// pub enum MyEnum {
/// BAR = 5,
/// BAZ = 6,
/// }
/// impl MyEnum {
/// pub fn from_primitive(prim: u32) -> Option<Self> { ... }
/// pub fn into_primitive(self) -> u32 { ... }
/// }
/// impl Encodable for MyEnum { ... }
/// impl Decodable for MyEnum { ... }
/// ```
macro_rules! fidl_enum {
($name:ident ($prim_ty:ident) { $($key:ident = $value:expr,)* }) => {
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub enum $name {
$key = $value,
impl $name {
pub fn from_primitive(prim: $prim_ty) -> Option<Self> {
match prim {
$value => Some($name::$key),
_ => None,
pub fn into_primitive(self) -> $prim_ty {
self as $prim_ty
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
<$prim_ty as $crate::encoding::Layout>::inline_align(context)
fn inline_size(context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
<$prim_ty as $crate::encoding::Layout>::inline_size(context)
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize)
-> ::std::result::Result<(), $crate::Error>
$crate::fidl_encode!(&mut (*self as $prim_ty), encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
// Returns the first declared variant
return $name::$key;
panic!("new_empty called on enum with no variants")
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize)
-> ::std::result::Result<(), $crate::Error>
let mut prim = $crate::fidl_new_empty!($prim_ty);
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut prim, decoder, offset)?;
*self = Self::from_primitive(prim).ok_or($crate::Error::Invalid)?;
impl_layout!(Handle, align: 4, size: 4);
impl Encodable for Handle {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
ALLOC_PRESENT_U32.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
let handle = take_handle(self);
impl Decodable for Handle {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let mut present: u32 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset)?;
match present {
ALLOC_ABSENT_U32 => return Err(Error::NotNullable),
_ => return Err(Error::Invalid),
*self = decoder.take_handle()?;
impl_layout!(Option<Handle>, align: 4, size: 4);
impl Encodable for Option<Handle> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match self {
Some(handle) => handle.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
None => ALLOC_ABSENT_U32.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
impl Decodable for Option<Handle> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let mut present: u32 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset)?;
match present {
*self = None;
*self = Some(decoder.take_handle()?);
_ => Err(Error::Invalid),
/// A macro for implementing the `Encodable` and `Decodable` traits for a type
/// which implements the `fuchsia_zircon::HandleBased` trait.
// TODO(cramertj) replace when specialization is stable
macro_rules! handle_based_codable {
($($ty:ident$(:- <$($generic:ident,)*>)*, )*) => { $(
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Layout for $ty<$($($generic,)*)*> {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 4 }
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 4 }
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Encodable for $ty<$($($generic,)*)*> {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize)
-> $crate::Result<()>
let mut handle = $crate::encoding::take_handle(self);
$crate::fidl_encode!(&mut handle, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Decodable for $ty<$($($generic,)*)*> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
<$ty<$($($generic,)*)*> as $crate::handle::HandleBased>::from_handle($crate::handle::Handle::invalid())
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize)
-> $crate::Result<()>
let mut handle = $crate::handle::Handle::invalid();
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut handle, decoder, offset)?;
*self = <$ty<$($($generic,)*)*> as $crate::handle::HandleBased>::from_handle(handle);
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Layout for Option<$ty<$($($generic,)*)*>> {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 4 }
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 4 }
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Encodable for Option<$ty<$($($generic,)*)*>> {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize)
-> $crate::Result<()>
match self {
Some(handle) => $crate::fidl_encode!(handle, encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
None => $crate::fidl_encode!(&mut $crate::encoding::ALLOC_ABSENT_U32, encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
impl<$($($generic,)*)*> $crate::encoding::Decodable for Option<$ty<$($($generic,)*)*>> {
fn new_empty() -> Self { None }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let mut handle: Option<$crate::handle::Handle> = None;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut handle, decoder, offset)?;
*self =;
)* }
impl Layout for zx_status::Status {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
impl Encodable for zx_status::Status {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
_recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
type Raw = zx_status::zx_status_t;
encoder.buf[offset..offset + mem::size_of::<Raw>()]
impl Decodable for zx_status::Status {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
type Raw = zx_status::zx_status_t;
const SIZE: usize = mem::size_of::<Raw>();
match <[u8; SIZE]>::try_from(&decoder.buf[offset..offset + SIZE]) {
Ok(array) => {
*self = Self::from_raw(Raw::from_le_bytes(array));
Err(_) => Err(Error::OutOfRange),
/// The body of a FIDL Epitaph
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct EpitaphBody {
/// The error status
pub error: zx_status::Status,
impl Layout for EpitaphBody {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
<zx_status::Status as Layout>::inline_align(context)
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
<zx_status::Status as Layout>::inline_size(context)
impl Encodable for EpitaphBody {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.error.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl Decodable for EpitaphBody {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
Self { error: zx_status::Status::new_empty() }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
self.error.decode(decoder, offset)
macro_rules! handle_encoding {
($x:tt, $availability:ident) => {
type $x = crate::handle::$x;
/// A trait that provides automatic support for nullable types.
/// Types that implement this trait will automatically receive `Encodable` and
/// `Decodable` implementations for `Option<Box<Self>>` (nullable owned type),
/// and `Encodable` for `Option<&mut Self>` (nullable borrowed type).
pub trait Autonull: Encodable + Decodable {
/// Returns true if the type is naturally able to be nullable.
/// Types that return true (e.g., xunions) encode `Some(x)` the same as `x`,
/// and `None` as a full bout of inline zeros. Types that return false
/// (e.g., structs) encode `Some(x)` as `ALLOC_PRESENT_U64` with an
/// out-of-line payload, and `None` as `ALLOC_ABSENT_U64`.
fn naturally_nullable(context: &Context) -> bool;
impl<T: Autonull> Layout for Option<&mut T> {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
if T::naturally_nullable(context) {
<T as Layout>::inline_align(context)
} else {
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
if T::naturally_nullable(context) {
<T as Layout>::inline_size(context)
} else {
impl<T: Autonull> Encodable for Option<&mut T> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
if T::naturally_nullable(encoder.context) {
match self {
Some(x) => x.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
None => {
// This is an empty xunion.
encoder.padding(offset, 24);
} else {
match self {
Some(x) => {
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
|encoder, offset, recursion_depth| {
x.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
None => ALLOC_ABSENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth),
impl<T: Autonull> Layout for Option<Box<T>> {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
<Option<&mut T> as Layout>::inline_align(context)
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
<Option<&mut T> as Layout>::inline_size(context)
impl<T: Autonull> Encodable for Option<Box<T>> {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// Call Option<&mut T>'s encode method.
self.as_deref_mut().encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
// Presence indicators always include at least one non-zero byte,
// while absence indicators should always be entirely zeros.
fn check_for_presence(
decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
inline_size: usize,
) -> Result<bool> {
Ok(decoder.buf[offset..offset + inline_size].iter().any(|byte| *byte != 0))
impl<T: Autonull> Decodable for Option<Box<T>> {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
if T::naturally_nullable(decoder.context) {
let inline_size = decoder.inline_size_of::<T>();
let present = check_for_presence(decoder, offset, inline_size)?;
if present {
self.get_or_insert_with(|| Box::new(T::new_empty())).decode(decoder, offset)
} else {
*self = None;
// Eat the full `inline_size` bytes including the
// ALLOC_ABSENT that we only peeked at before
decoder.check_padding(offset, inline_size)?;
} else {
let mut present: u64 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset)?;
match present {
decoder.read_out_of_line(decoder.inline_size_of::<T>(), |decoder, offset| {
self.get_or_insert_with(|| Box::new(T::new_empty())).decode(decoder, offset)
*self = None;
_ => Err(Error::Invalid),
/// A macro which implements the FIDL `Encodable` and `Decodable` traits
/// for an existing struct.
macro_rules! fidl_struct {
name: $name:ty,
members: [$(
$member_name:ident {
ty: $member_ty:ty,
offset_v1: $member_offset_v1:expr,
size_v1: $size_v1:expr,
align_v1: $align_v1:expr,
) => {
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let mut padding_start = 0;
encoder.padding(offset + padding_start, $member_offset_v1 - padding_start);
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut self.$member_name, encoder, offset + $member_offset_v1, recursion_depth)?;
padding_start = $member_offset_v1 + encoder.inline_size_of::<$member_ty>();
encoder.padding(offset + padding_start, encoder.inline_size_of::<Self>() - padding_start);
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
Self {
$member_name: $crate::fidl_new_empty!($member_ty),
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let mut padding_start = 0;
decoder.check_padding(offset + padding_start, $member_offset_v1 - padding_start)?;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut self.$member_name, decoder, offset + $member_offset_v1)?;
padding_start = $member_offset_v1 + decoder.inline_size_of::<$member_ty>();
decoder.check_padding(offset + padding_start, decoder.inline_size_of::<Self>() - padding_start)?;
impl $crate::encoding::Autonull for $name {
fn naturally_nullable(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> bool {
/// A macro which implements the FIDL `Encodable` and `Decodable` traits
/// for an existing struct by doing a direct copy using zerocopy::AsBytes.
macro_rules! fidl_struct_copy {
name: $name:ty,
members: [$(
$member_name:ident {
ty: $member_ty:ty,
offset_v1: $member_offset_v1:expr,
size_v1: $size_v1:expr,
align_v1: $align_v1:expr,
) => {
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize {
fn slice_as_bytes(slice: &mut [Self]) -> Option<&mut [u8]> {
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
fn encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, _recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let bytes = zerocopy::AsBytes::as_bytes(self);
encoder.buf[offset..offset + bytes.len()].copy_from_slice(bytes);
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
Self {
$member_name: $crate::fidl_new_empty!($member_ty),
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let bytes: &mut [u8] = zerocopy::AsBytes::as_bytes_mut(self);
let size = bytes.len();
bytes.copy_from_slice(&decoder.buf[offset..offset + size]);
impl $crate::encoding::Autonull for $name {
fn naturally_nullable(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> bool {
/// A macro which creates an empty struct and implements the FIDL `Encodable` and `Decodable`
/// traits for it.
macro_rules! fidl_empty_struct {
($(#[$attrs:meta])* $name:ident) => {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash)]
pub struct $name;
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 1 }
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 1 }
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut 0u8, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self { $name }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let mut x = 0u8;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut x, decoder, offset)?;
if x == 0 {
} else {
impl $crate::encoding::Autonull for $name {
fn naturally_nullable(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> bool {
/// Encode the provided value behind a FIDL "envelope".
pub fn encode_in_envelope(
val: &mut Option<&mut dyn Encodable>,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
// u32 num_bytes
// u32 num_handles
// 64-bit presence indicator
match val {
Some(x) => {
// Start at offset 8 because we write the first 8 bytes (number of bytes and number
// number of handles, both u32) at the end.
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
let bytes_before = encoder.buf.len();
let handles_before = encoder.handles.len();
|e, offset, recursion_depth| x.encode(e, offset, recursion_depth),
let mut bytes_written = (encoder.buf.len() - bytes_before) as u32;
let mut handles_written = (encoder.handles.len() - handles_before) as u32;
bytes_written.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
handles_written.encode(encoder, offset + 4, recursion_depth)?;
None => {
0u32.encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?; // num_bytes
0u32.encode(encoder, offset + 4, recursion_depth)?; // num_handles
ALLOC_ABSENT_U64.encode(encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
/// Decodes an unknown field in a table. If it is non-empty, also skips over the
/// unknown out-of-line payload.
pub fn decode_unknown_table_field(decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let mut num_bytes: u32 = 0;
num_bytes.decode(decoder, offset)?;
let mut num_handles: u32 = 0;
num_handles.decode(decoder, offset + 4)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset + 8)?;
match present {
ALLOC_PRESENT_U64 => decoder.read_out_of_line(num_bytes as usize, |decoder, _offset| {
for _ in 0..num_handles {
if num_bytes != 0 {
} else {
_ => Err(Error::Invalid),
/// A macro which implements the table empty constructor and the FIDL `Encodable` and `Decodable`
/// traits for an existing struct whose fields are all `Option`s and may or may not appear in the
/// wire-format representation.
macro_rules! fidl_table {
name: $name:ty,
members: {$(
// NOTE: members must be in order from lowest to highest ordinal
$member_name:ident {
ty: $member_ty:ty,
ordinal: $ordinal:expr,
) => {
impl $name {
/// Generates an empty table, with every field set to `None`.
pub fn empty() -> Self {
Self {$(
$member_name: None,
// Implementation of unsafe_encode that isn't an unsafe function to avoid a large unsafe block that may
// lead to unintended unsafe operations.
fn unsafe_encode_impl(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let members: &mut [(u64, Option<&mut dyn $crate::encoding::Encodable>)] = &mut [$(
($ordinal, self.$member_name.as_mut().map(|x| x as &mut dyn $crate::encoding::Encodable)),
// Cut off the `None` elements at the tail of the table
let last_some_index = members.iter().rposition(|x| x.1.is_some());
let members = if let Some(i) = last_some_index {
&mut members[..(i + 1)]
} else {
&mut []
// Vector header
let max_ordinal = members.last().map(|v| v.0).unwrap_or(0);
unsafe {
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut (max_ordinal as u64), encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut $crate::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
// write_out_of_line must not be called with a zero-sized out-of-line block.
if max_ordinal == 0 {
return Ok(());
let bytes_len = (max_ordinal as usize) * 16;
encoder.write_out_of_line(bytes_len, recursion_depth, |encoder, offset, recursion_depth| {
let mut prev_end_offset: usize = 0;
for (ref ordinal, encodable) in members.iter_mut() {
// Write at offset+(ordinal-1)*16, since ordinals are one-based and envelopes are 16 bytes.
let cur_offset = (*ordinal as usize - 1) * 16;
// Zero reserved fields.
encoder.padding(offset + prev_end_offset, cur_offset - prev_end_offset);
// Encode present field.
$crate::encoding::encode_in_envelope(encodable, encoder, offset + cur_offset, recursion_depth)?;
prev_end_offset = cur_offset + 16;
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 8 }
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 16 }
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
self.unsafe_encode_impl(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
// Decode envelope vector header
let mut len: u64 = 0;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut len, decoder, offset)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut present, decoder, offset+8)?;
if present != $crate::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64 {
return Err($crate::Error::Invalid);
let len = len as usize;
let bytes_len = len * 16; // envelope inline_size is 16
decoder.read_out_of_line(bytes_len, |decoder, offset| {
// Decode the envelope for each type.
// u32 num_bytes
// u32_num_handles
// 64-bit presence indicator
let mut _next_ordinal_to_read = 0;
let mut next_offset = offset;
let end_offset = offset + bytes_len;
_next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
if next_offset >= end_offset {
// The remaining fields have been omitted, so set them to None
self.$member_name = None;
} else {
// Decode unknown envelopes for gaps in ordinals.
while _next_ordinal_to_read < $ordinal {
$crate::encoding::decode_unknown_table_field(decoder, next_offset)?;
_next_ordinal_to_read += 1;
next_offset += 16;
let mut num_bytes: u32 = 0;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut num_bytes, decoder, next_offset)?;
let mut num_handles: u32 = 0;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut num_handles, decoder, next_offset + 4)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
$crate::fidl_decode!(&mut present, decoder, next_offset + 8)?;
let next_out_of_line = decoder.next_out_of_line();
let handles_before = decoder.remaining_handles();
match present {
$crate::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64 => {
|d, offset| {
let val_ref =
|| $crate::fidl_new_empty!($member_ty));
$crate::fidl_decode!(val_ref, d, offset)?;
$crate::encoding::ALLOC_ABSENT_U64 => {
if num_bytes != 0 {
return Err($crate::Error::UnexpectedNullRef);
self.$member_name = None;
_ => return Err($crate::Error::Invalid),
if decoder.next_out_of_line() != (next_out_of_line + (num_bytes as usize)) {
return Err($crate::Error::Invalid);
if handles_before != (decoder.remaining_handles() + (num_handles as usize)) {
return Err($crate::Error::Invalid);
next_offset += 16;
// Decode the remaining unknown envelopes.
while next_offset < end_offset {
$crate::encoding::decode_unknown_table_field(decoder, next_offset)?;
next_offset += 16;
/// Decodes the inline portion of a xunion. Returns (ordinal, num_bytes, num_handles).
pub fn decode_xunion_inline_portion(
decoder: &mut Decoder,
offset: usize,
) -> Result<(u64, u32, u32)> {
let mut ordinal: u64 = 0;
ordinal.decode(decoder, offset)?;
let mut num_bytes: u32 = 0;
num_bytes.decode(decoder, offset + 8)?;
let mut num_handles: u32 = 0;
num_handles.decode(decoder, offset + 12)?;
let mut present: u64 = 0;
present.decode(decoder, offset + 16)?;
if present != ALLOC_PRESENT_U64 {
return Err(Error::Invalid);
Ok((ordinal, num_bytes, num_handles))
impl<O, E> Layout for std::result::Result<O, E>
O: Layout,
E: Layout,
fn inline_align(_context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_size(_context: &Context) -> usize {
impl<O, E> Encodable for std::result::Result<O, E>
O: Encodable,
E: Encodable,
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
match self {
Ok(val) => {
// Encode success ordinal
1u64.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
// If the inline size is 0, meaning the type is (),
// encode a zero byte instead because () in this context
// means an empty struct, not an absent payload.
if encoder.inline_size_of::<O>() == 0 {
encode_in_envelope(&mut Some(&mut 0u8), encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)
} else {
encode_in_envelope(&mut Some(val), encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)
Err(val) => {
// Encode error ordinal
2u64.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
encode_in_envelope(&mut Some(val), encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)
impl<O, E> Decodable for std::result::Result<O, E>
O: Decodable,
E: Decodable,
fn new_empty() -> Self {
Ok(<O as Decodable>::new_empty())
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let (ordinal, _, _) = decode_xunion_inline_portion(decoder, offset)?;
let member_inline_size = match ordinal {
1 => {
// If the inline size is 0, meaning the type is (), use an inline
// size of 1 instead because () in this context means an empty
// struct, not an absent payload.
cmp::max(1, decoder.inline_size_of::<O>())
2 => decoder.inline_size_of::<E>(),
_ => return Err(Error::UnknownUnionTag),
decoder.read_out_of_line(member_inline_size, |decoder, offset| {
match ordinal {
1 => {
if let Ok(_) = self {
// Do nothing, read the value into the object
} else {
// Initialize `self` to the right variant
*self = Ok(fidl_new_empty!(O));
if let Ok(val) = self {
// If the inline size is 0, then the type is ().
// () has a different wire-format representation in
// a result vs outside of a result, so special case
// decode.
if decoder.inline_size_of::<O>() == 0 {
decoder.check_padding(offset, 1)
} else {
val.decode(decoder, offset)
} else {
2 => {
if let Err(_) = self {
// Do nothing, read the value into the object
} else {
// Initialize `self` to the right variant
*self = Err(fidl_new_empty!(E));
if let Err(val) = self {
val.decode(decoder, offset)
} else {
// Should be unreachable, since we already checked above.
ordinal => panic!("unexpected ordinal {:?}", ordinal),
/// A macro which declares a new FIDL xunion as a Rust enum and implements the
/// FIDL encoding and decoding traits for it.
macro_rules! fidl_xunion {
name: $name:ident,
members: [$(
$member_name:ident {
ty: $member_ty:ty,
ordinal: $member_ordinal:expr,
// Flexible xunions only: name of the unknown variant.
$( unknown_member: $unknown_name:ident, )?
) => {
$( #[$attrs] )*
pub enum $name {
$member_name ( $member_ty ),
$unknown_name {
ordinal: u64,
bytes: Vec<u8>,
handles: Vec<$crate::handle::Handle>,
impl $name {
fn ordinal(&self) -> u64 {
match *self {
$name::$member_name(_) => $member_ordinal,
$name::$unknown_name { ordinal, .. } => ordinal,
impl $crate::encoding::Layout for $name {
fn inline_align(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 8 }
fn inline_size(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> usize { 24 }
impl $crate::encoding::Encodable for $name {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
let mut ordinal = self.ordinal();
// Encode ordinal
$crate::fidl_encode!(&mut ordinal, encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
match self {
$name::$member_name ( val ) => $crate::encoding::encode_in_envelope(&mut Some(val), encoder, offset+8, recursion_depth),
$name::$unknown_name { ordinal: _, bytes, handles } => {
// Throw the raw data from the unrecognized variant
// back onto the wire. This will allow correct proxies even in
// the event that they don't yet recognize this union variant.
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut (bytes.len() as u32), encoder, offset + 8, recursion_depth)?;
$crate::fidl_unsafe_encode!(&mut (handles.len() as u32), encoder, offset + 12, recursion_depth)?;
&mut $crate::encoding::ALLOC_PRESENT_U64, encoder, offset + 16, recursion_depth
$crate::encoding::Encoder::check_recursion_depth(recursion_depth + 1)?;
impl $crate::encoding::Decodable for $name {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
return $name::$member_name($crate::fidl_new_empty!($member_ty));
$name::$unknown_name { ordinal: 0, bytes: vec![], handles: vec![] }
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut $crate::encoding::Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> $crate::Result<()> {
#![allow(irrefutable_let_patterns, unused)]
let (ordinal, num_bytes, num_handles) = $crate::encoding::decode_xunion_inline_portion(decoder, offset)?;
let member_inline_size = match ordinal {
$member_ordinal => decoder.inline_size_of::<$member_ty>(),
_ => {
// We need the expansion to refer to $unknown_name,
// so just create and discard it as a string.
// Flexible xunion: unknown payloads are considered
// a wholly-inline string of bytes.
num_bytes as usize
// Strict xunion: reject unknown ordinals.
_ => return Err($crate::Error::UnknownUnionTag),
decoder.read_out_of_line(member_inline_size, |decoder, offset| {
match ordinal {
$member_ordinal => {
if let $name::$member_name(_) = self {
// Do nothing, read the value into the object
} else {
// Initialize `self` to the right variant
*self = $name::$member_name(
if let $name::$member_name(val) = self {
$crate::fidl_decode!(val, decoder, offset)?;
} else {
ordinal => {
let bytes = decoder.buffer()[offset.. offset+(num_bytes as usize)].to_vec();
let mut handles = Vec::with_capacity(num_handles as usize);
for _ in 0..num_handles {
*self = $name::$unknown_name { ordinal, bytes, handles };
// This should be unreachable, since we already
// checked for unknown ordinals above and returned
// an error in the strict case.
ordinal => panic!("unexpected ordinal {:?}", ordinal)
impl $crate::encoding::Autonull for $name {
fn naturally_nullable(_context: &$crate::encoding::Context) -> bool {
/// Header for transactional FIDL messages
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct TransactionHeader {
/// Transaction ID which identifies a request-response pair
tx_id: u32,
/// Flags set for this message. MUST NOT be validated by bindings
flags: [u8; 3],
/// Magic number indicating the message's wire format. Two sides with
/// different magic numbers are incompatible with each other.
magic_number: u8,
/// Ordinal which identifies the FIDL method
ordinal: u64,
impl TransactionHeader {
/// Returns whether the message containing this TransactionHeader is in a
/// compatible wire format
pub fn is_compatible(&self) -> bool {
self.magic_number == MAGIC_NUMBER_INITIAL
fidl_struct! {
name: TransactionHeader,
members: [
tx_id {
ty: u32,
offset_v1: 0,
flags {
ty: [u8; 3],
offset_v1: 4,
magic_number {
ty: u8,
offset_v1: 7,
ordinal {
ty: u64,
offset_v1: 8,
size_v1: 16,
align_v1: 8,
bitflags! {
/// Bitflags type for transaction header flags.
pub struct HeaderFlags: u32 {
/// Indicates that unions in the transaction message body are encoded
/// using the xunion format.
impl Into<[u8; 3]> for HeaderFlags {
fn into(self) -> [u8; 3] {
let bytes = self.bits.to_le_bytes();
[bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2]]
impl TransactionHeader {
/// Creates a new transaction header with the default encode context and magic number.
pub fn new(tx_id: u32, ordinal: u64) -> Self {
TransactionHeader::new_full(tx_id, ordinal, &default_encode_context(), MAGIC_NUMBER_INITIAL)
/// Creates a new transaction header with a specific context and magic number.
pub fn new_full(tx_id: u32, ordinal: u64, context: &Context, magic_number: u8) -> Self {
TransactionHeader { tx_id, flags: context.header_flags().into(), magic_number, ordinal }
/// Returns the header's transaction id.
pub fn tx_id(&self) -> u32 {
/// Returns the header's message ordinal.
pub fn ordinal(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns true if the header is for an epitaph message.
pub fn is_epitaph(&self) -> bool {
self.ordinal == EPITAPH_ORDINAL
/// Returns the magic number.
pub fn magic_number(&self) -> u8 {
/// Returns the header's flags as a `HeaderFlags` value.
pub fn flags(&self) -> HeaderFlags {
let bytes = [self.flags[0], self.flags[1], self.flags[2], 0];
/// Returns the context to use for decoding the message body associated with
/// this header. During migrations, this is dependent on `self.flags()` and
/// controls dynamic behavior in the read path.
pub fn decoding_context(&self) -> Context {
Context {}
/// Transactional FIDL message
pub struct TransactionMessage<'a, T> {
/// Header of the message
pub header: TransactionHeader,
/// Body of the message
pub body: &'a mut T,
impl<T: Layout> Layout for TransactionMessage<'_, T> {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
cmp::max(<TransactionHeader as Layout>::inline_align(context), T::inline_align(context))
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
<TransactionHeader as Layout>::inline_size(context) + T::inline_size(context)
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for TransactionMessage<'_, T> {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.header.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
offset + encoder.inline_size_of::<TransactionHeader>(),
// To decode TransactionMessage<MyObject>, use this pattern:
// let (header, body_bytes) = decode_transaction_header(bytes)?;
// let mut my_object = MyObject::new_empty();
// Decoder::decode_into(&header, body_bytes, handles, &mut my_object)?;
// We _could_ implement Decodable for TransactionMessage<T>, but it would only
// work when you know the type T upfront, which is often not the case (for
// example, it might depend on the ordinal). To avoid having two code paths that
// could get out of sync, we simply do not implement Decodable.
assert_not_impl_any!(TransactionMessage<()>: Decodable);
/// Decodes the transaction header from a message.
/// Returns the header and a reference to the tail of the message.
pub fn decode_transaction_header(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(TransactionHeader, &[u8])> {
let mut header = TransactionHeader::new_empty();
let context = Context {};
let header_len = <TransactionHeader as Layout>::inline_size(&context);
if bytes.len() < header_len {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
let (header_bytes, body_bytes) = bytes.split_at(header_len);
let handles = &mut [];
Decoder::decode_with_context(&context, header_bytes, handles, &mut header)?;
Ok((header, body_bytes))
/// Header for persistently stored FIDL messages
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct PersistentHeader {
/// Flags set for this message. MUST NOT be validated by bindings
flags: [u8; 3],
/// Magic number indicating the message's wire format. Two sides with
/// different magic numbers are incompatible with each other.
magic_number: u8,
fidl_struct! {
name: PersistentHeader,
members: [
flags {
ty: [u8; 3],
offset_v1: 4,
magic_number {
ty: u8,
offset_v1: 7,
size_v1: 16,
align_v1: 8,
impl PersistentHeader {
/// Creates a new `PersistentHeader` with the default encode context and magic number.
pub fn new() -> Self {
PersistentHeader::new_full(&default_encode_context(), MAGIC_NUMBER_INITIAL)
/// Creates a new `PersistentHeader` with a specific context and magic number.
pub fn new_full(context: &Context, magic_number: u8) -> Self {
PersistentHeader { flags: context.header_flags().into(), magic_number }
/// Returns the magic number.
pub fn magic_number(&self) -> u8 {
/// Returns the header's flags as a `HeaderFlags` value.
pub fn flags(&self) -> HeaderFlags {
let bytes = [self.flags[0], self.flags[1], self.flags[2], 0];
/// Returns the context to use for decoding the message body associated with
/// this header. During migrations, this is dependent on `self.flags()` and
/// controls dynamic behavior in the read path.
pub fn decoding_context(&self) -> Context {
Context {}
/// Returns whether the message containing this `PersistentHeader` is in a
/// compatible wire format.
pub fn is_compatible(&self) -> bool {
self.magic_number == MAGIC_NUMBER_INITIAL
/// Persistently stored FIDL message
pub struct PersistentMessage<'a, T> {
/// Header of the message
pub header: PersistentHeader,
/// Body of the message
pub body: &'a mut T,
impl<T: Layout> Layout for PersistentMessage<'_, T> {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
cmp::max(<PersistentHeader as Layout>::inline_align(context), T::inline_align(context))
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
<PersistentHeader as Layout>::inline_size(context) + T::inline_size(context)
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for PersistentMessage<'_, T> {
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
self.header.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
offset + encoder.inline_size_of::<PersistentHeader>(),
/// Encode the referred parameter into persistent binary form.
/// Generates and adds message header to the returned bytes.
pub fn encode_persistent<T: Encodable>(body: &mut T) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let msg = &mut PersistentMessage { header: PersistentHeader::new(), body };
let mut combined_bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
let mut handles = Vec::<Handle>::new();
Encoder::encode(&mut combined_bytes, &mut handles, msg)?;
debug_assert!(handles.is_empty(), "Persistent message contains handles");
/// Creates persistent header to encode it and the message body separately.
pub fn create_persistent_header() -> PersistentHeader {
/// Encode PersistentHeader to persistent binary form.
pub fn encode_persistent_header(header: &mut PersistentHeader) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut header_bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
Encoder::encode(&mut header_bytes, &mut Vec::new(), header)?;
/// Encode the message body to to persistent binary form.
pub fn encode_persistent_body<T: Encodable>(
body: &mut T,
header: &PersistentHeader,
) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
let mut combined_bytes = Vec::<u8>::new();
let mut handles = Vec::<Handle>::new();
&mut combined_bytes,
&mut handles,
debug_assert!(handles.is_empty(), "Persistent message contains handles");
/// Decode the type expected from the persistent binary form.
pub fn decode_persistent<T: Decodable>(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<T> {
let context = Context {};
let header_len = <PersistentHeader as Layout>::inline_size(&context);
if bytes.len() < header_len {
return Err(Error::OutOfRange);
let (header_bytes, body_bytes) = bytes.split_at(header_len);
let header = decode_persistent_header(header_bytes)?;
decode_persistent_body(body_bytes, &header)
/// Decodes the persistently stored header from a message.
/// Returns the header and a reference to the tail of the message.
pub fn decode_persistent_header(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<PersistentHeader> {
let mut header = PersistentHeader::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(&header.decoding_context(), bytes, &mut [], &mut header)?;
/// Decodes the persistently stored header from a message.
/// Returns the header and a reference to the tail of the message.
pub fn decode_persistent_body<T: Decodable>(bytes: &[u8], header: &PersistentHeader) -> Result<T> {
let mut output = T::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(&header.decoding_context(), bytes, &mut [], &mut output)?;
// Implementations of Encodable for (&mut Head, ...Tail) and Decodable for (Head, ...Tail)
macro_rules! tuple_impls {
() => {};
(($idx:tt => $typ:ident), $( ($nidx:tt => $ntyp:ident), )*) => {
* Invoke recursive reversal of list that ends in the macro expansion implementation
* of the reversed list
tuple_impls!([($idx, $typ);] $( ($nidx => $ntyp), )*);
tuple_impls!($( ($nidx => $ntyp), )*); // invoke macro on tail
* ([accumulatedList], listToReverse); recursively calls tuple_impls until the list to reverse
+ is empty (see next pattern)
([$(($accIdx:tt, $accTyp:ident);)+]
($idx:tt => $typ:ident), $( ($nidx:tt => $ntyp:ident), )*) => {
tuple_impls!([($idx, $typ); $(($accIdx, $accTyp); )*] $( ($nidx => $ntyp), ) *);
// Finally expand into the implementation
([($idx:tt, $typ:ident); $( ($nidx:tt, $ntyp:ident); )*]) => {
impl<$typ, $( $ntyp ),*> Layout for ($typ, $( $ntyp, )*)
where $typ: Layout,
$( $ntyp: Layout, )*
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
let mut max = 0;
if max < $typ::inline_align(context) {
max = $typ::inline_align(context);
if max < $ntyp::inline_align(context) {
max = $ntyp::inline_align(context);
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
let mut offset = 0;
offset += $typ::inline_size(context);
offset = round_up_to_align(offset, $ntyp::inline_align(context));
offset += $ntyp::inline_size(context);
impl<$typ, $( $ntyp ,)*> Encodable for ($typ, $( $ntyp ,)*)
where $typ: Encodable,
$( $ntyp: Encodable,)*
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(&mut self, encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>, offset: usize, recursion_depth: usize) -> Result<()> {
// Tuples are encoded like structs.
// $idx is always 0 for the first element.
self.$idx.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)?;
let mut cur_offset = 0;
cur_offset += encoder.inline_size_of::<$typ>();
// Skip to the start of the next field
let member_offset =
round_up_to_align(cur_offset, encoder.inline_align_of::<$ntyp>());
encoder.padding(offset + cur_offset, member_offset - cur_offset);
self.$nidx.unsafe_encode(encoder, offset + member_offset, recursion_depth)?;
cur_offset = member_offset + encoder.inline_size_of::<$ntyp>();
encoder.padding(offset + cur_offset, encoder.inline_size_of::<Self>() - cur_offset);
impl<$typ, $( $ntyp ),*> Decodable for ($typ, $( $ntyp, )*)
where $typ: Decodable,
$( $ntyp: Decodable, )*
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, decoder: &mut Decoder<'_>, offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
let mut cur_offset = 0;
self.$idx.decode(decoder, offset)?;
cur_offset += decoder.inline_size_of::<$typ>();
// Skip to the start of the next field
let member_offset =
round_up_to_align(cur_offset, decoder.inline_align_of::<$ntyp>());
decoder.check_padding(offset + cur_offset, member_offset - cur_offset)?;
self.$nidx.decode(decoder, offset + member_offset)?;
cur_offset = member_offset + decoder.inline_size_of::<$ntyp>();
// Skip to the end of the struct's size
decoder.check_padding(offset + cur_offset, decoder.inline_size_of::<Self>() - cur_offset)?;
(10 => K),
(9 => J),
(8 => I),
(7 => H),
(6 => G),
(5 => F),
(4 => E),
(3 => D),
(2 => C),
(1 => B),
(0 => A),
// The unit type has 0 size because it represents the absent payload after the
// transaction header in the reponse of a two-way FIDL method such as this one:
// Method() -> ();
// However, the unit type is also used in the following situation:
// MethodWithError() -> () error int32;
// In this case the response type is std::result::Result<(), i32>, but the ()
// represents an empty struct, which has size 1. To accommodate this, the encode
// and decode methods on std::result::Result handle the () case specially.
impl_layout!((), align: 1, size: 0);
impl Encodable for () {
fn encode(
&mut self,
_: &mut Encoder<'_>,
_offset: usize,
_recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
impl Decodable for () {
fn new_empty() -> Self {
fn decode(&mut self, _: &mut Decoder<'_>, _offset: usize) -> Result<()> {
impl<T: Layout> Layout for &mut T {
fn inline_align(context: &Context) -> usize {
fn inline_size(context: &Context) -> usize {
impl<T: Encodable> Encodable for &mut T {
fn encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
(&mut **self).encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
unsafe fn unsafe_encode(
&mut self,
encoder: &mut Encoder<'_>,
offset: usize,
recursion_depth: usize,
) -> Result<()> {
(&mut **self).unsafe_encode(encoder, offset, recursion_depth)
mod test {
use super::*;
use matches::assert_matches;
use std::{f32, f64, fmt, i64, u64};
pub const CONTEXTS: &[&Context] = &[&Context {}];
pub fn encode_decode<T: Encodable + Decodable>(ctx: &Context, start: &mut T) -> T {
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, start).expect("Encoding failed");
let mut out = T::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
fn encode_assert_bytes<T: Encodable>(ctx: &Context, mut data: T, encoded_bytes: &[u8]) {
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut data).expect("Encoding failed");
assert_eq!(&**buf, encoded_bytes);
fn assert_identity<T>(mut x: T, cloned: T)
T: Encodable + Decodable + PartialEq + fmt::Debug,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
assert_eq!(cloned, encode_decode(ctx, &mut x));
macro_rules! identities { ($($x:expr,)*) => { $(
assert_identity($x, $x);
)* } }
fn encode_decode_byte() {
identities![0u8, 57u8, 255u8, 0i8, -57i8, 12i8,];
fn encode_decode_multibyte() {
0u64, 1u64, u64::MAX, u64::MIN,
0i64, 1i64, i64::MAX, i64::MIN,
0f32, 1f32, f32::MAX, f32::MIN,
0f64, 1f64, f64::MAX, f64::MIN,
fn encode_decode_nan() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let nan32 = encode_decode(ctx, &mut f32::NAN);
let nan64 = encode_decode(ctx, &mut f64::NAN);
fn encode_decode_out_of_line() {
vec![1, 2, 3],
Some(vec![1, 2, 3]),
Some(vec![vec![1, 2, 3]]),
Some(vec![Some(vec![1, 2, 3])]),
Some(vec![None, Some("foo".to_string())]),
vec!["foo".to_string(), "bar".to_string()],
pub fn assert_identity_slice<'a, T>(ctx: &Context, mut start: &'a [T])
&'a [T]: Encodable,
Vec<T>: Decodable,
T: PartialEq + fmt::Debug,
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut start).expect("Encoding failed");
let mut out = Vec::<T>::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(start, &out[..]);
fn encode_slices_of_primitives() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[] as &[u8]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[0u8]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[1u8, 2, 3, 4, 5, 255]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[] as &[i8]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[0i8]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[1i8, 2, 3, 4, 5, -128, 127]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[] as &[u64]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[0u64]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[1u64, 2, 3, 4, 5, u64::MAX]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[] as &[f32]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[0.0f32]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[1.0f32, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, f32::MIN, f32::MAX]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[] as &[f64]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[0.0f64]);
assert_identity_slice(ctx, &[1.0f64, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, f64::MIN, f64::MAX]);
fn encode_decode_bits() {
fidl_bits!(Buttons(u32) {
PLAY = 1,
PAUSE = 2,
STOP = 4,
assert_eq!(Buttons::from_bits(1), Some(Buttons::PLAY));
assert_eq!(Buttons::from_bits(12), None);
assert_eq!(Buttons::STOP.bits(), 4);
Buttons::from_bits(1).expect("should be Play"),
Buttons::from_bits(Buttons::PAUSE.bits()).expect("should be Pause"),
fn encode_decode_enum() {
fidl_enum!(Animal(i32) {
Dog = 0,
Cat = 1,
Frog = 2,
assert_eq!(Animal::from_primitive(0), Some(Animal::Dog));
assert_eq!(Animal::from_primitive(3), None);
assert_eq!(Animal::Cat.into_primitive(), 1);
Animal::from_primitive(0).expect("should be dog"),
Animal::from_primitive(Animal::Cat.into_primitive()).expect("should be cat"),
fn result_encode_empty_ok_value() {
identities![(), Ok::<(), i32>(()),];
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
// An empty response is represented by () and has zero size.
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, (), &[]);
// But in the context of an error result type Result<(), ErrorType>, the
// () in Ok(()) is treated as an empty struct (with size 1).
Ok::<(), i32>(()),
0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // success ordinal
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // success ordinal [cont.]
0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 8 bytes (rounded up from 1)
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // 0 handles
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // present
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // present [cont.]
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // empty struct + 3 bytes padding
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // padding
fn result_with_size_non_multiple_of_align() {
type Res = std::result::Result<(Vec<u8>, bool), u32>;
Res::Ok((vec![], true)),
Res::Ok((vec![], false)),
Res::Ok((vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5], true)),
fn result_and_xunion_compat() {
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
name: OkayOrError,
members: [
Okay {
ty: u64,
ordinal: 1,
Error {
ty: u32,
ordinal: 2,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
let mut out: std::result::Result<u64, u32> = Decodable::new_empty();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut OkayOrError::Okay(42u64))
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, Ok(42));
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut OkayOrError::Error(3u32))
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, Err(3));
fn result_and_xunion_compat_smaller() {
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
name: OkayOrError,
members: [
Okay {
ty: Empty,
ordinal: 1,
Error {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
// result to xunion
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut Ok::<(), i32>(()))
.expect("Encoding failed");
let mut out = OkayOrError::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, OkayOrError::Okay(Empty {}));
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut Err::<(), i32>(5))
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, OkayOrError::Error(5));
// xunion to result
let mut out: std::result::Result<(), i32> = Decodable::new_empty();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut OkayOrError::Okay(Empty {}))
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, Ok(()));
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut OkayOrError::Error(3i32))
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, Err(3));
fn encode_decode_result() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut test_result: std::result::Result<String, u32> = Ok("fuchsia".to_string());
let mut test_result_err: std::result::Result<String, u32> = Err(5);
match encode_decode(ctx, &mut test_result) {
Ok(ref out_str) if "fuchsia".to_string() == *out_str => {}
x => panic!("unexpected decoded value {:?}", x),
match &encode_decode(ctx, &mut test_result_err) {
Err(err_code) if *err_code == 5 => {}
x => panic!("unexpected decoded value {:?}", x),
fn encode_decode_result_array() {
use std::result::Result;
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut input: [Result<_, u32>; 2] = [Ok("a".to_string()), Ok("bcd".to_string())];
match encode_decode(ctx, &mut input) {
[Ok(ref ok1), Ok(ref ok2)]
if *ok1 == "a".to_string() && *ok2 == "bcd".to_string() => {}
x => panic!("unexpected decoded value {:?}", x),
let mut input: [Result<String, u32>; 2] = [Err(7), Err(42)];
match encode_decode(ctx, &mut input) {
[Err(ref err1), Err(ref err2)] if *err1 == 7 && *err2 == 42 => {}
x => panic!("unexpected decoded value {:?}", x),
let mut input = [Ok("abc".to_string()), Err(42)];
match encode_decode(ctx, &mut input) {
[Ok(ref ok1), Err(ref err2)] if *ok1 == "abc".to_string() && *err2 == 42 => {}
x => panic!("unexpected decoded value {:?}", x),
struct Foo {
byte: u8,
bignum: u64,
string: String,
fidl_struct! {
name: Foo,
members: [
byte {
ty: u8,
offset_v1: 0,
bignum {
ty: u64,
offset_v1: 8,
string {
ty: String,
offset_v1: 16,
size_v1: 32,
align_v1: 8,
fn encode_decode_struct() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let out_foo = encode_decode(
&mut Some(Box::new(Foo { byte: 5, bignum: 22, string: "hello world".to_string() })),
.expect("should be some");
assert_eq!(out_foo.byte, 5);
assert_eq!(out_foo.bignum, 22);
assert_eq!(out_foo.string, "hello world");
let out_foo: Option<Box<Foo>> = encode_decode(ctx, &mut Box::new(None));
fn decode_struct_with_invalid_padding_fails() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let foo = &mut Foo { byte: 0, bignum: 0, string: String::new() };
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, foo).expect("Encoding failed");
buf[1] = 42;
let out = &mut Foo::new_empty();
let result = Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, out);
Err(Error::NonZeroPadding { padding_start: 1, non_zero_pos: 1 })
fn encode_decode_tuple() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut start: (&mut u8, &mut u64, &mut String) =
(&mut 5, &mut 10, &mut "foo".to_string());
let mut out: (u8, u64, String) = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut start)
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(*start.0, out.0);
assert_eq!(*start.1, out.1);
assert_eq!(*start.2, out.2);
fn encode_decode_struct_as_tuple() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut start = Foo { byte: 5, bignum: 10, string: "foo".to_string() };
let mut out: (u8, u64, String) = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut start)
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(start.byte, out.0);
assert_eq!(start.bignum, out.1);
assert_eq!(start.string, out.2);
fn encode_decode_tuple_as_struct() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut start = (&mut 5u8, &mut 10u64, &mut "foo".to_string());
let mut out: Foo = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut start)
.expect("Encoding failed");
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(*start.0, out.byte);
assert_eq!(*start.1, out.bignum);
assert_eq!(*start.2, out.string);
fn encode_decode_tuple_msg() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut body_start = (&mut "foo".to_string(), &mut 5);
let mut body_out: (String, u8) = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut body_start).unwrap();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut body_out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(body_start.0, &mut body_out.0);
assert_eq!(body_start.1, &mut body_out.1);
pub struct MyTable {
pub num: Option<i32>,
pub num_none: Option<i32>,
pub string: Option<String>,
pub handle: Option<Handle>,
fidl_table! {
name: MyTable,
members: {
num {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 1,
num_none {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
string {
ty: String,
ordinal: 3,
handle {
ty: Handle,
ordinal: 4,
struct EmptyTableCompiles {}
fidl_table! {
name: EmptyTableCompiles,
members: {},
struct TablePrefix {
num: Option<i32>,
num_none: Option<i32>,
fidl_table! {
name: TablePrefix,
members: {
num {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 1,
num_none {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
fn empty_table() {
let mut table: MyTable = MyTable::empty();
assert_eq!(None, table.num);
table = MyTable { num: Some(32), ..MyTable::empty() };
assert_eq!(Some(32), table.num);
assert_eq!(None, table.string);
fn table_encode_prefix_decode_full() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut table_prefix_in = TablePrefix { num: Some(5), num_none: None };
let mut table_out: MyTable = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_prefix_in).unwrap();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(table_out.num, Some(5));
assert_eq!(table_out.num_none, None);
assert_eq!(table_out.string, None);
assert_eq!(table_out.handle, None);
fn table_encode_omits_none_tail() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
// "None" fields at the tail of a table shouldn't be encoded at all.
let mut table_in = MyTable {
num: Some(5),
// These fields should all be omitted in the encoded repr,
// allowing decoding of the prefix to succeed.
num_none: None,
string: None,
handle: None,
let mut table_prefix_out: TablePrefix = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_in).unwrap();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_prefix_out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(table_prefix_out.num, Some(5));
assert_eq!(table_prefix_out.num_none, None);
fn table_decode_ignores_unrecognized_tail() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut table_in = MyTable {
num: Some(5),
num_none: None,
string: Some("foo".to_string()),
handle: None,
let mut table_prefix_out: TablePrefix = Decodable::new_empty();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_in).unwrap();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut table_prefix_out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(table_prefix_out.num, Some(5));
assert_eq!(table_prefix_out.num_none, None);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct SimpleTable {
x: Option<i64>,
y: Option<i64>,
fidl_table! {
name: SimpleTable,
members: {
x {
ty: i64,
ordinal: 1,
y {
ty: i64,
ordinal: 5,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct TableWithStringAndVector {
foo: Option<String>,
bar: Option<i32>,
baz: Option<Vec<u8>>,
fidl_table! {
name: TableWithStringAndVector,
members: {
foo {
ty: String,
ordinal: 1,
bar {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
baz {
ty: Vec<u8>,
ordinal: 3,
fn table_golden_simple_table_with_xy() {
let simple_table_with_xy: &[u8] = &[
5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // max ordinal
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 1: num bytes / num handles
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 2: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 3: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 4: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 5: num bytes / num handles
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // field X
67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // field Y
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
SimpleTable { x: Some(42), y: Some(67) },
fn table_golden_simple_table_with_y() {
let simple_table_with_y: &[u8] = &[
5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // max ordinal
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 1: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 2: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 3: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 4: num bytes / num handles
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // no alloc
8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 5: num bytes / num handles
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
67, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // field Y
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, SimpleTable { x: None, y: Some(67) }, simple_table_with_y);
fn table_golden_string_and_vector_hello_27() {
let table_with_string_and_vector_hello_27: &[u8] = &[
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // max ordinal
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
24, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 1: num bytes / num handles
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // envelope 1: alloc present
8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // envelope 2: num bytes / num handles
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // envelope 2: alloc present
5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // element 1: length
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // element 1: alloc present
104, 101, 108, 108, 111, 0, 0, 0, // element 1: hello
27, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // element 2: value
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
TableWithStringAndVector {
foo: Some("hello".to_string()),
bar: Some(27),
baz: None,
fn table_golden_empty_table() {
let empty_table: &[u8] = &[
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // max ordinal
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, // alloc present
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, SimpleTable { x: None, y: None }, empty_table);
struct TableWithGaps {
second: Option<i32>,
fourth: Option<i32>,
fidl_table! {
name: TableWithGaps,
members: {
second {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
fourth {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 4,
fn encode_decode_table_with_gaps() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut table = TableWithGaps { second: Some(1), fourth: Some(2) };
let table_out = encode_decode(ctx, &mut table);
assert_eq!(table_out.second, Some(1));
assert_eq!(table_out.fourth, Some(2));
fn encode_empty_envelopes_for_reserved_table_fields() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut table = TableWithGaps { second: Some(1), fourth: Some(2) };
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, &mut Vec::new(), &mut table).unwrap();
// Expected layout:
// 0x00 table header
// 0x10 envelope 1 (reserved)
// 0x20 envelope 2 (second)
// 0x30 envelope 3 (reserved)
// 0x40 envelope 4 (fourth)
assert_eq!(&buf[0x10..0x20], &[0; 16]);
assert_eq!(&buf[0x30..0x40], &[0; 16]);
fn decode_table_missing_gaps() {
struct TableWithoutGaps {
first: Option<i32>,
second: Option<i32>,
fidl_table! {
name: TableWithoutGaps,
members: {
first {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 1,
second {
ty: i32,
ordinal: 2,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
// This test shows what would happen when decoding a TableWithGaps
// that was incorrectly encoded _without_ gaps.
// Ordinal: #1 #2 #3 #4
// Encoded: first second
// Decoding: _____ second _____ fourth
// Field #1 is assumed to be a new field in a reserved slot (i.e.
// the sender is newer than us), so it is ignored. Fields #3 and #4
// are assumed to be None because the tail is omitted.
let mut table = TableWithoutGaps { first: Some(1), second: Some(2) };
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, &mut Vec::new(), &mut table).unwrap();
let mut out = TableWithGaps::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, &mut Vec::new(), &mut out).unwrap();
assert_eq!(out.second, Some(2));
assert_eq!(out.fourth, None);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, zerocopy::AsBytes, zerocopy::FromBytes)]
pub struct DirectCopyStruct {
a: u64,
b: u32,
c: u16,
d: u16,
fidl_struct_copy! {
name: DirectCopyStruct,
members: [
a {
ty: u64,
offset_v1: 0,
b {
ty: u32,
offset_v1: 8,
c {
ty: u16,
offset_v1: 12,
d {
ty: u16,
offset_v1: 14,
size_v1: 16,
align_v1: 8,
fn direct_copy_struct_encode() {
let bytes = &[
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, //
0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, //
let mut obj =
DirectCopyStruct { a: 0x0807060504030201, b: 0x0c0b0a09, c: 0x0e0d, d: 0x100f };
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, &mut obj, bytes);
fn direct_copy_struct_decode() {
let bytes = &[
0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, //
0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, //
let obj = DirectCopyStruct { a: 0x0807060504030201, b: 0x0c0b0a09, c: 0x0e0d, d: 0x100f };
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut out = DirectCopyStruct::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, bytes, &mut [], &mut out).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(out, obj);
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Int64Struct {
x: u64,
fidl_struct! {
name: Int64Struct,
members: [
x {
ty: u64,
offset_v1: 0,
size_v1: 8,
align_v1: 8,
// Ensure single-variant xunion compiles (no irrefutable pattern errors).
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: SingleVariantXUnion,
members: [
B {
ty: bool,
ordinal: 1,
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: TestSampleXUnion,
members: [
U {
ty: u32,
ordinal: 0x29df47a5,
St {
ty: SimpleTable,
ordinal: 0x6f317664,
unknown_member: __UnknownVariant,
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: TestSampleXUnionStrict,
members: [
U {
ty: u32,
ordinal: 0x29df47a5,
St {
ty: SimpleTable,
ordinal: 0x6f317664,
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: TestSampleXUnionExpanded,
members: [
SomethinElse {
ty: Handle,
ordinal: 55,
unknown_member: __UnknownVariant,
fn xunion_golden_u() {
let xunion_u_bytes = &[
0xa5, 0x47, 0xdf, 0x29, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // xunion discriminator + padding
0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // num bytes + num handles
0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, // presence indicator
0xef, 0xbe, 0xad, 0xde, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // content + padding
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, TestSampleXUnion::U(0xdeadbeef), xunion_u_bytes);
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, TestSampleXUnionStrict::U(0xdeadbeef), xunion_u_bytes);
// The nullable representation Option<Box<T>> has the same layout.
fn xunion_golden_null() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, None::<Box<TestSampleXUnion>>, &[0; 24]);
encode_assert_bytes(ctx, None::<Box<TestSampleXUnionStrict>>, &[0; 24]);
fn encode_decode_transaction_msg() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let header = TransactionHeader { tx_id: 4, ordinal: 6, flags: [0; 3], magic_number: 1 };
let body = "hello".to_string();
let start = &mut TransactionMessage { header, body: &mut body.clone() };
let (buf, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handles, start).expect("Encoding failed");
let (out_header, out_buf) =
decode_transaction_header(&**buf).expect("Decoding header failed");
assert_eq!(header, out_header);
let mut body_out = String::new();
Decoder::decode_into(&header, out_buf, handles, &mut body_out)
.expect("Decoding body failed");
assert_eq!(body, body_out);
fn encode_decode_persistent_combined() {
let mut body = "hello".to_string();
let buf = encode_persistent(&mut body).expect("Encoding failed");
let body_out = decode_persistent::<String>(&buf).expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(body, body_out);
fn encode_decode_persistent_separate() {
let mut body = "hello".to_string();
let mut another_body = "world".to_string();
let mut header = create_persistent_header();
let buf_header = encode_persistent_header(&mut header).expect("Header encoding failed");
let buf_body = encode_persistent_body(&mut body, &header).expect("Body encoding failed");
let buf_another_body =
encode_persistent_body(&mut another_body, &header).expect("Body encoding failed");
let header_out = decode_persistent_header(&buf_header).expect("Header decoding failed");
assert_eq!(header, header_out);
let body_out =
decode_persistent_body::<String>(&buf_body, &header).expect("Body decoding failed");
assert_eq!(body, body_out);
let another_body_out = decode_persistent_body::<String>(&buf_another_body, &header)
.expect("Another body decoding failed");
assert_eq!(another_body, another_body_out);
fn array_of_arrays() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut input = &mut [&mut [1u32, 2, 3, 4, 5], &mut [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]];
let (bytes, handles) = (&mut vec![], &mut vec![]);
assert!(Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, bytes, handles, &mut input).is_ok());
let mut output = <[[u32; 5]; 2]>::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, bytes, handles, &mut output).expect(
"Array decoding failed\n\
bytes: {:X?}",
output.iter_mut().map(|v| v.as_mut()).collect::<Vec<_>>().as_mut_slice()
fn xunion_with_out_of_line_data() {
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: XUnion,
members: [
Variant {
ty: Vec<u8>,
ordinal: 1,
unknown_member: __UnknownVariant,
XUnion::Variant(vec![1, 2, 3]),
Some(Box::new(XUnion::Variant(vec![1, 2, 3]))),
fn strict_xunion_rejects_unknown_ordinal() {
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
name: StrictBoolXUnion,
members: [
B {
ty: bool,
ordinal: 12345,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut input = TestSampleXUnion::U(1);
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut input).unwrap();
let mut strict_xunion = StrictBoolXUnion::new_empty();
let result = Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut strict_xunion);
assert_matches!(result, Err(Error::UnknownUnionTag));
fn xunion_with_64_bit_ordinal() {
fidl_xunion! {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
name: BigOrdinal,
members: [
X {
ty: u64,
ordinal: 0xffffffffu64,
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut x = BigOrdinal::X(0);
assert_eq!(x.ordinal(), 0xffffffffu64);
assert_eq!(encode_decode(ctx, &mut x).ordinal(), 0xffffffffu64);
fn extra_data_is_disallowed() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut output = ();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, &[0], &mut [], &mut output),
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, &[], &mut [Handle::invalid()], &mut output),
fn encode_default_context() {
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode(buf, &mut Vec::new(), &mut 1u8).expect("Encoding failed");
assert_eq!(&**buf, &[1u8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
#[cfg(target_os = "fuchsia")]
mod zx_test {
use super::test::*;
use super::*;
use crate::handle::AsHandleRef;
use fuchsia_zircon as zx;
fn encode_handle() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let mut handle = Handle::from(zx::Port::create().expect("Port creation failed"));
let raw_handle = handle.raw_handle();
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut handle)
.expect("Encoding failed");
let mut handle_out = Handle::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut handle_out)
.expect("Decoding failed");
assert_eq!(raw_handle, handle_out.raw_handle());
fn encode_decode_table() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
// create a random handle to encode and then decode.
let handle = zx::Vmo::create(1024).expect("vmo creation failed");
let raw_handle = handle.raw_handle();
let mut starting_table = MyTable {
num: Some(5),
num_none: None,
string: Some("foo".to_string()),
handle: Some(handle.into_handle()),
let table_out = encode_decode(ctx, &mut starting_table);
assert_eq!(table_out.num, Some(5));
assert_eq!(table_out.num_none, None);
assert_eq!(table_out.string, Some("foo".to_string()));
assert_eq!(table_out.handle.unwrap().raw_handle(), raw_handle);
fn flexible_xunion_unknown_variant_transparent_passthrough() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
let handle = Handle::from(zx::Port::create().expect("Port creation failed"));
let raw_handle = handle.raw_handle();
let mut input = TestSampleXUnionExpanded::SomethinElse(handle);
// encode expanded and decode as xunion w/ missing variant
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut input)
.expect("Encoding TestSampleXUnionExpanded failed");
let mut intermediate_missing_variant = TestSampleXUnion::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut intermediate_missing_variant)
.expect("Decoding TestSampleXUnion failed");
// Ensure we've recorded the unknown variant
if let TestSampleXUnion::__UnknownVariant { .. } = intermediate_missing_variant {
// ok
} else {
panic!("unexpected variant")
let buf = &mut Vec::new();
let handle_buf = &mut Vec::new();
Encoder::encode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut intermediate_missing_variant)
.expect("encoding unknown variant failed");
let mut out = TestSampleXUnionExpanded::new_empty();
Decoder::decode_with_context(ctx, buf, handle_buf, &mut out)
.expect("Decoding final output failed");
if let TestSampleXUnionExpanded::SomethinElse(handle_out) = out {
assert_eq!(raw_handle, handle_out.raw_handle());
} else {
panic!("wrong final variant")
fn encode_epitaph() {
for ctx in CONTEXTS {
EpitaphBody { error: zx::Status::UNAVAILABLE },
encode_decode(ctx, &mut EpitaphBody { error: zx::Status::UNAVAILABLE })