blob: ecd3054998a35cdd7cf78c43090efadeb1f52dc9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fidl/coding.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/message_part.h>
#include <lib/fidl/cpp/wire_format_metadata.h>
#include <lib/fidl/internal.h>
#include <lib/fidl/txn_header.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <vector>
namespace fidl {
class HLCPPIncomingMessage;
class HLCPPOutgoingMessage;
// An incoming FIDL transactional message body.
// A FIDL transactional message body has two parts: the |bytes| and the |handles|. The |bytes|
// represent only the transactional message's body, and may be a view into a larger buffer that
// is prepended by the transactional message's header bytes as well.
// A HLCPPIncomingBody object does not own the storage for the message parts.
class HLCPPIncomingBody {
// If an |HLCPPIncomingBody| is held by an |HLCPPIncomingMessage| (or, when used as a response to
// a Call, by an |HLCPPOutgoingMessage|), it is important that the |BytePart|s of the two
// containers are kept in sync: the |BytePart| of the |HLCPPIncomingMessage| should always contain
// a pointer 16 bytes before the pointer contained by the |HLCPPIncomingBody| it owns, and the
// |actual()| size of the former should be 16 bytes larger than the latter. By declaring these two
// potential owners friends, we allow them resize/modify this inner container whenever the outer
// one changes, while preventing users of |HLCPPIncomingBody| in the standalone case from directly
// modifying its innards.
friend class HLCPPIncomingMessage;
friend class HLCPPOutgoingMessage;
// Creates a message body without any storage.
HLCPPIncomingBody(BytePart bytes, HandleInfoPart handles);
HLCPPIncomingBody(const HLCPPIncomingBody& other) = delete;
HLCPPIncomingBody& operator=(const HLCPPIncomingBody& other) = delete;
HLCPPIncomingBody(HLCPPIncomingBody&& other);
HLCPPIncomingBody& operator=(HLCPPIncomingBody&& other);
// The storage for the bytes of the message body.
const BytePart& bytes() const { return bytes_; }
// The storage for the handles of the message body.
// When the message is encoded, the handle values are stored in this part of
// the message. When the message is decoded, this part of the message is
// empty and the handle values are stored in the bytes().
HandleInfoPart& handles() { return handles_; }
const HandleInfoPart& handles() const { return handles_; }
// The message body bytes interpreted as the given type.
template <typename T>
T* GetBytesAs() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(;
// Decodes the transactional message body in-place.
// |metadata| describes features/revision information about the wire format.
zx_status_t Decode(const WireFormatMetadata& metadata, const fidl_type_t* type,
const char** error_msg_out);
// Stop tracking the handles in stored in handles(), without closing them.
// Typically, these handles will be extracted during decode or the
// message's destructor, so this function will be unnecessary. However,
// for clients of ulib/fidl which decode message manually, this function
// is necessary to prevent extracted handles from being closed.
void ClearHandlesUnsafe();
BytePart bytes_;
HandleInfoPart handles_;
// Because |HLCPPIncomingBody| does not own its storage, these methods are only accessible to
// friend classes that are using |HLCPPIncomingBody| as a view.
void set_bytes(BytePart bytes) { bytes_ = static_cast<BytePart&&>(bytes); }
void resize_bytes(uint32_t num_bytes) { bytes_.set_actual(num_bytes); }
// An incoming FIDL transactional message.
// A FIDL transactional message has two parts: the |bytes| and the |handles|. The |bytes| are
// divided into a header (of type fidl_message_header_t) and a body, which follows the header.
// A HLCPPIncomingMessage object does not own the storage for the message parts.
class HLCPPIncomingMessage {
// Creates a message without any storage.
// Creates a message whose storage is backed by |bytes| and |handles|.
// The constructed |Message| object does not take ownership of the given
// storage, although does take ownership of zircon handles contained withing
// handles.
HLCPPIncomingMessage(BytePart bytes, HandleInfoPart handles);
HLCPPIncomingMessage(const HLCPPIncomingMessage& other) = delete;
HLCPPIncomingMessage& operator=(const HLCPPIncomingMessage& other) = delete;
HLCPPIncomingMessage(HLCPPIncomingMessage&& other);
HLCPPIncomingMessage& operator=(HLCPPIncomingMessage&& other);
// The header at the start of the message.
const fidl_message_header_t& header() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(;
fidl_message_header_t& header() {
return *reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(;
// The transaction ID in the message header.
zx_txid_t txid() const { return header().txid; }
void set_txid(zx_txid_t txid) { header().txid = txid; }
// The ordinal in the message header.
uint64_t ordinal() const { return header().ordinal; }
// Whether this message is in a supported version of the wire format.
bool is_supported_version() const { return fidl_validate_txn_header(&header()) == ZX_OK; }
// The message body that follows the header.
const HLCPPIncomingBody& body_view() const { return body_view_; }
HLCPPIncomingBody& body_view() { return body_view_; }
// Is this a message containing only a header?
bool has_only_header() const { return bytes_.actual() == sizeof(fidl_message_header_t); }
// The message payload that follows the header interpreted as the given type.
template <typename T>
T* GetBodyViewAs() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(body_view_.bytes().data());
// The storage for the bytes of the transactional message.
const BytePart& bytes() const { return bytes_; }
// The message bytes interpreted as the given type.
template <typename T>
T* GetBytesAs() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(;
void set_bytes(BytePart bytes) {
bytes_ = static_cast<BytePart&&>(bytes);
body_view_.set_bytes(BytePart(bytes_, sizeof(fidl_message_header_t)));
void resize_bytes(uint32_t num_bytes) {
body_view_.resize_bytes(num_bytes - sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
// The storage for the handles of the transactional message.
// When the message is encoded, the handle values are stored in this part of the message. When the
// message is decoded, this part of the message is empty and the handle values are stored in the
// |bytes()|.
HandleInfoPart& handles() { return body_view_.handles(); }
const HandleInfoPart& handles() const { return body_view_.handles(); }
// Decodes the transactional message in-place.
// The transactional message must previously have been in an encoded state, for example, either by
// being read from a zx_channel_t or having been encoded using the |Encode| method.
zx_status_t Decode(const fidl_type_t* type, const char** error_msg_out);
// Read a transactional message from the given channel.
// The bytes read from the channel are stored in |bytes()| and the handles read from the channel
// are stored in |handles()|. Existing data in these buffers is overwritten.
zx_status_t Read(zx_handle_t channel, uint32_t flags);
// Stop tracking the handles in stored in handles(), without closing them.
// Typically, these handles will be extracted during decode or the
// message's destructor, so this function will be unnecessary. However,
// for clients of ulib/fidl which decode message manually, this function
// is necessary to prevent extracted handles from being closed.
void ClearHandlesUnsafe();
BytePart bytes_;
HLCPPIncomingBody body_view_;
// An outgoing FIDL transactional message body.
// A FIDL transactional message body has two parts: the |bytes| and the |handles|. The |bytes|
// represent only the transactional message's body, and may be a view into a larger buffer that
// is prepended by the transactional message's header bytes as well.
// A HLCPPOutgoingBody object does not own the storage for the message parts.
class HLCPPOutgoingBody {
// If an |HLCPPOutgoingBody| is held by an |HLCPPOutgoingMessage| it is important that the
// |BytePart|s of the two containers are kept in sync: the |BytePart| of the
// |HLCPPOutgoingMessage| should always contain a pointer 16 bytes before the pointer contained by
// the |HLCPPOutgoingBody| it owns, and the |actual()| size of the former should be 16 bytes
// larger than the latter. By declaring these two potential owners friends, we allow them
// resize/modify this inner container whenever the outer one changes, while preventing users of
// |HLCPPOutgoingBody| in the standalone case from directly modifying its innards.
friend class HLCPPOutgoingMessage;
// Creates a message body without any storage.
HLCPPOutgoingBody(BytePart bytes, HandleDispositionPart handles);
HLCPPOutgoingBody(const HLCPPOutgoingBody& other) = delete;
HLCPPOutgoingBody& operator=(const HLCPPOutgoingBody& other) = delete;
HLCPPOutgoingBody(HLCPPOutgoingBody&& other);
HLCPPOutgoingBody& operator=(HLCPPOutgoingBody&& other);
// The storage for the bytes of the message body.
const BytePart& bytes() const { return bytes_; }
// The storage for the handles of the message body.
// When the message is encoded, the handle values are stored in this part of
// the message. When the message is decoded, this part of the message is
// empty and the handle values are stored in the bytes().
HandleDispositionPart& handles() { return handles_; }
const HandleDispositionPart& handles() const { return handles_; }
// The message body bytes interpreted as the given type.
template <typename T>
T* GetBytesAs() const {
return reinterpret_cast<T*>(;
// Encodes the message body in-place.
// The message must previously have been in a decoded state, for example,
// either by being built in a decoded state using a |Builder| or having been
// decoded using the |Decode| method.
zx_status_t Encode(const fidl_type_t* type, const char** error_msg_out);
// Validates the message body in-place.
// The message must already be in an encoded state, for example, either by
// being read from a zx_channel_t or having been created in that state.
// Does not modify the message.
zx_status_t Validate(const internal::WireFormatVersion& version, const fidl_type_t* type,
const char** error_msg_out) const;
// Stop tracking the handles in stored in handles(), without closing them.
// Typically, these handles will be extracted during decode or the
// message's destructor, so this function will be unnecessary. However,
// for clients of ulib/fidl which decode message manually, this function
// is necessary to prevent extracted handles from being closed.
void ClearHandlesUnsafe();
BytePart bytes_;
HandleDispositionPart handles_;
void set_bytes(BytePart bytes) { bytes_ = static_cast<BytePart&&>(bytes); }
void resize_bytes(uint32_t num_bytes) { bytes_.set_actual(num_bytes); }
// An outgoing FIDL transactional message.
// A FIDL transactional message has two parts: the |bytes| and the |handles|. The |bytes| are
// divided into a header (of type fidl_message_header_t) and a body, which follows the header.
// A HLCPPOutgoingMessage object does not own the storage for the message parts.
class HLCPPOutgoingMessage {
// Creates a message without any storage.
// Creates a message whose storage is backed by |bytes| and |handles|.
// The constructed |Message| object does not take ownership of the given
// storage, although does take ownership of zircon handles contained withing
// handles.
HLCPPOutgoingMessage(BytePart bytes, HandleDispositionPart handles);
HLCPPOutgoingMessage(const HLCPPOutgoingMessage& other) = delete;
HLCPPOutgoingMessage& operator=(const HLCPPOutgoingMessage& other) = delete;
HLCPPOutgoingMessage(HLCPPOutgoingMessage&& other);
HLCPPOutgoingMessage& operator=(HLCPPOutgoingMessage&& other);
// The header at the start of the message.
const fidl_message_header_t& header() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(;
fidl_message_header_t& header() {
return *reinterpret_cast<fidl_message_header_t*>(;
// The transaction ID in the message header.
zx_txid_t txid() const { return header().txid; }
void set_txid(zx_txid_t txid) { header().txid = txid; }
// The ordinal in the message header.
uint64_t ordinal() const { return header().ordinal; }
// The message body that follows the header.
const HLCPPOutgoingBody& body_view() const { return body_view_; }
// Is this a message containing only a header?
bool has_only_header() const { return bytes_.actual() == sizeof(fidl_message_header_t); }
// The storage for the bytes of the transactional message.
const BytePart& bytes() const { return bytes_; }
void set_bytes(BytePart bytes) {
bytes_ = static_cast<BytePart&&>(bytes);
body_view_.set_bytes(BytePart(bytes_, sizeof(fidl_message_header_t)));
void resize_bytes(uint32_t num_bytes) {
body_view_.resize_bytes(num_bytes - sizeof(fidl_message_header_t));
// The storage for the handles of the message.
// When the message is encoded, the handle values are stored in this part of
// the message. When the message is decoded, this part of the message is
// empty and the handle values are stored in the bytes().
HandleDispositionPart& handles() { return body_view_.handles(); }
const HandleDispositionPart& handles() const { return body_view_.handles(); }
// Encodes the transactional message body in-place.
// The message must previously have been in a decoded state, for example,
// either by being built in a decoded state using a |Builder| or having been
// decoded using the |Decode| method.
zx_status_t Encode(const fidl_type_t* type, const char** error_msg_out);
// Validates the transactional message body in-place.
// The message must already be in an encoded state, for example, either by
// being read from a zx_channel_t or having been created in that state.
// Does not modify the message.
zx_status_t Validate(const fidl_type_t* type, const char** error_msg_out) const;
// Writes a transactional message to the given channel.
// The bytes stored in bytes() are written to the channel and the handles
// stored in handles() are written to the channel.
// If this method returns ZX_OK, handles() will be empty because they were
// consumed by this operation.
zx_status_t Write(zx_handle_t channel, uint32_t flags);
// Issues a synchronous send and receive transaction on the given channel.
// The bytes stored in bytes() are written to the channel and the handles
// stored in handles() are written to the channel. The bytes read from the
// channel are stored in response->bytes() and the handles read from the
// channel are stored in response->handles().
// If this method returns ZX_OK, handles() will be empty because they were
// consumed by this operation.
zx_status_t Call(zx_handle_t channel, uint32_t flags, zx_time_t deadline,
HLCPPIncomingMessage* response);
// Stop tracking the handles in stored in handles(), without closing them.
// Typically, these handles will be extracted during decode or the
// message's destructor, so this function will be unnecessary. However,
// for clients of ulib/fidl which decode message manually, this function
// is necessary to prevent extracted handles from being closed.
void ClearHandlesUnsafe();
BytePart bytes_;
HLCPPOutgoingBody body_view_;
} // namespace fidl