blob: 8978b3182a9ae7a02344480011b1ba89ec6e1984 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.identity.account;
/// A high level assessment of the degree to which the account owner is
/// authenticated and consequently which resources are available for the
/// account. The detailed definitions of these states and the transistions
/// between them depend on product-specific policy. Some states may not apply
/// for some products.
type AuthStateSummary = flexible enum {
/// All encrypted storage for the account is locked. No account resources
/// will be available until after authentication using a storage unlock
/// authentication mechanism.
/// Some encrypted storage for the account is unlocked but local interaction
/// with the account will not allowed until after authentication. Some
/// account resources may be available in this state.
/// All encrypted storage for the account is unlocked. Local interaction
/// is allowed.
/// All encrypted storage for the account is unlocked. Local interaction
/// is allowed, and the account owner has recently been authenticated.
/// An assessment of the current presence and engagement of an account owner,
/// under the provided scenario, including the system's confidence in that
/// assessment and its timeliness.
type AuthState = table {
/// A high level assessment of the degree to which the account owner is
/// authenticated.
1: summary AuthStateSummary;
// TODO( Add additional fields to express timeliness and
// confidence. Potentially re-add presence and/or engagement.
/// An expression of the types of changes to an auth state that should be
/// reported over listener interfaces. By default no changes will be reported.
type AuthChangeGranularity = table {
/// If true, any changes in the `AuthStateSummary` enumeration will be
/// reported.
1: summary_changes bool;