blob: ba2846e50739c74d3334a18fd3d5cec8347e4962 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.camera3;
const MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH uint32 = 256;
/// A Device represents a unique physical camera present in the system. Only one client may connect
/// to an unbound physical camera, however the "Rebind" method can be used to create multiple
/// connections to it to be used by a coordinated set of clients.
protocol Device {
/// Returns an identifier for the camera. If present, identical devices on different systems
/// will have the same identifier. Clients may use this to determine if additional semantics
/// known a priori for a given device apply to the current camera.
// TODO( unify device identification
// go/unified-device-discovery will eliminate the need for this protocol
GetIdentifier() -> (struct {
identifier string:<MAX_IDENTIFIER_LENGTH, optional>;
/// Returns a list of configurations supported by the camera. All cameras will have at least
/// one configuration. The values returned are immutable - they will not change for the
/// lifetime of the client's connection to the Camera.
@deprecated("Use GetConfigurations2")
GetConfigurations() -> (struct {
configurations vector<Configuration>:MAX_CONFIGURATIONS_PER_CAMERA;
/// Returns a list of configurations supported by the camera. All cameras will have at least
/// one configuration. The values returned are immutable - they will not change for the
/// lifetime of the client's connection to the Camera.
GetConfigurations2() -> (struct {
configurations vector<Configuration2>:MAX_CONFIGURATIONS_PER_CAMERA;
/// Returns the index of the current configuration when it has changed from a previously
/// returned configuration, or is called by a client for the first time.
WatchCurrentConfiguration() -> (struct {
index uint32;
/// Sets the configuration using the provided index. Calling this method disconnects any
/// existing Stream clients associated with this camera. An epitaph of ZX_OK
/// will be sent for any connected Stream clients on closing.
SetCurrentConfiguration(struct {
index uint32;
/// Returns the camera's current mute state when it has changed from a previously returned
/// state, or is called by a client for the first time. A camera may be muted using
/// SetSoftwareMuteState or by a physical switch. If either muted mode is active, stream
/// clients associated with this physical camera will stop receiving new frames.
WatchMuteState() -> (struct {
software_muted bool;
hardware_muted bool;
/// Sets the current camera's software mute state. When transitioning to the muted state, this
/// method returns when the camera has successfully ceased sending new frames to stream
/// clients. When transitioning to the unmuted state, this method returns immediately.
SetSoftwareMuteState(struct {
muted bool;
}) -> ();
/// Connects to the Stream at the provided index. If any clients already exist for this stream,
/// the request is closed with the ZX_ERR_ALREADY_BOUND epitaph.
ConnectToStream(resource struct {
index uint32;
request server_end:Stream;
/// Request another connection to this Device. This allows a client to delegate different
/// operations to different coordinated clients.
Rebind(resource struct {
request server_end:Device;
/// Describes a distinct configuration for the camera.
type Configuration = struct {
/// Descriptions of streams that are concurrently available in the configuration.
streams vector<StreamProperties>:MAX_STREAMS_PER_CONFIGURATION;
/// Describes a distinct configuration for the camera.
type Configuration2 = table {
/// Descriptions of streams that are concurrently available in the configuration.
1: streams vector<StreamProperties2>:MAX_STREAMS_PER_CONFIGURATION;