blob: 50aa83f855d2243139e78f72656e6b55f8c6985b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3.8
# Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import os
import sys
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from parameterized import parameterized
import fidl_api_mapper
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
'--test_dir_path', help='Path to the test data directory.', required=True)
args = parser.parse_args()
TEST_DIR_PATH = args.test_dir_path
TEST_FILE_NAME = 'fidl.h'
# The python_host_test build rule calls `unittest.main`.
# So we need to get rid of the test arguments in order
# to prevent them from interfering with `unittest`'s args.
# Pop twice to get rid of the `--test_dir_path` flag and
# its value.
class DwarfdumpStreamingParserTest(unittest.TestCase):
'not_subprogram_skipped', [
'0x01: DW_TAG_member',
' DW_AT_name ("member_name")',
' DW_AT_decl_line (1)',
], {}),
'one_subprogram', [
'0x01: DW_TAG_subprogram',
' DW_AT_name ("function_name")',
' DW_AT_decl_line (1)',
], {
'DW_AT_name': '"function_name"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1'
'two_subprograms_sandwiching_non_subprogram', [
'0x01: DW_TAG_subprogram',
' DW_AT_name ("function_name_1")',
' DW_AT_decl_line (1)',
'0x99: DW_TAG_member',
' DW_AT_name ("member_name")',
' DW_AT_decl_line (1)',
'0x02: DW_TAG_subprogram',
' DW_AT_name ("function_name_2")',
' DW_AT_decl_line (2)',
], {
'DW_AT_name': '"function_name_1"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1'
'DW_AT_name': '"function_name_2"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '2'
def test_parse_line(self, name, dwarfdump_lines, expected_subprograms_dict):
parser = fidl_api_mapper.DwarfdumpStreamingParser()
for line in dwarfdump_lines:
self.assertEqual(parser.get_subprograms(), expected_subprograms_dict)
class FidlApiResolverTest(unittest.TestCase):
TEST_DATA_PATH = 'unknown'
'// cts-coverage-fidl-name:line_2',
'// cts-coverage-fidl-name:line_4',
'// cts-coverage-fidl-name:line_7',
('empty_subprograms_dict', {}, {}, {}),
'successfully_resolved_first_line', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '2',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {
'mangled_name': 'line_2'
'successfully_resolved_middle_line', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '4',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {
'mangled_name': 'line_4'
'successfully_resolved_last_line', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '7',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {
'mangled_name': 'line_7'
'non_annotated_function_is_skipped', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '5',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {}),
'line_number_too_large', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '100',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {}),
'subprogram_missing_filepath', {
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {}),
'subprogram_missing_line_number', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {}),
'subprogram_is_not_in_fidl_header', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '""',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {}, {}),
'subprogram_missing_mangled_name', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1',
}, {}, {}),
'subprogram_already_in_mapping', {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"fidl.h"',
'DW_AT_decl_line': '1',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
}, {
'mangled_name': 'fidl_api_name'
}, {
'mangled_name': 'fidl_api_name'
def test_add_new_mappings(
self, name, subprograms_dict, input_mapping_dict,
resolver = fidl_api_mapper.FidlApiResolver(
subprograms_dict, input_mapping_dict)
with mock.patch(
self.assertEqual(input_mapping_dict, expect_mapping_dict)
def test_add_new_mappings_snapshot_fidl_file(self):
# This testcase differs from "test_add_new_mappings" in that it uses
# a real generated FIDL binding header file snapshotted at a particular
# revision. So there's no need to mock the content of the file and we
# can just directly read it instead.
testdata_path = os.path.join(TEST_DIR_PATH, 'snapshot', TEST_FILE_NAME)
subprograms_dict = {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"%s"' % testdata_path,
'DW_AT_decl_line': '671',
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name"'
expect_mapping_dict = {
'mangled_name': ''
mapping_dict = {}
resolver = fidl_api_mapper.FidlApiResolver(
subprograms_dict, mapping_dict)
self.assertEqual(mapping_dict, expect_mapping_dict)
def test_add_new_mappings_generated_fidl_file(self):
# Test against generated fidl headers from the current build.
# Since the line of function declaration can change, we can just
# the following assertions:
# 1) At least 1 mapping can be added from iterating through all
# lines in the generated fidl header.
# 2) No crashes from iterating all lines.
testdata_path = os.path.join(TEST_DIR_PATH, 'generated', TEST_FILE_NAME)
num_lines = len(open(testdata_path).readlines())
subprograms_dict = {}
mapping_dict = {}
for line_num in range(1, num_lines + 1):
subprograms_dict = {
'DW_AT_decl_file': '"%s"' % testdata_path,
'DW_AT_decl_line': '%d' % line_num,
'DW_AT_linkage_name': '"mangled_name_%d"' % line_num
resolver = fidl_api_mapper.FidlApiResolver(
subprograms_dict, mapping_dict)