blob: 1f50254aaeea64b35a8c0bcb351926fea6ed5efb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#ifndef _KERNEL
#include <optional>
#define SMBIOS2_ANCHOR "_SM_"
#define SMBIOS3_ANCHOR "_SM3_"
namespace smbios {
enum class StructType : uint8_t {
BiosInfo = 0,
SystemInfo = 1,
Baseboard = 2,
SystemEnclosure = 3,
Processor = 4,
MemoryController = 5,
MemoryModule = 6,
Cache = 7,
PortConnector = 8,
SystemSlots = 9,
OnBoardDevices = 10,
OemStrings = 11,
SystemConfigOptions = 12,
BiosLanguage = 13,
EndOfTable = 127,
// SMBIOS common struct header
struct Header {
StructType type;
uint8_t length;
uint16_t handle;
static_assert(sizeof(Header) == 4, "");
// Utility for working with the table of null-terminated strings after each
// struct.
class StringTable {
// Construct a StringTable from a header and a max possible length. The
// length includes the formatted portion (h->length).
zx_status_t Init(const Header* h, size_t max_struct_len);
// Return the length of the StringTable, in bytes, including terminating NUL.
size_t length() const { return length_; }
// This operation is slow, and indexed from 1. |*out| is always assigned a
// null-terminated string, even on error.
zx_status_t GetString(size_t idx, const char** out) const;
// Convenience version that does not identify the error
const char* GetString(size_t idx) const {
const char* p;
GetString(idx, &p);
return p;
void Dump() const;
const char* start_ = nullptr;
size_t length_ = 0;
// Utility for comparing specification versions. Used to select which version
// of the spec to use for interpreting a struct.
struct SpecVersion {
SpecVersion(uint8_t major, uint8_t minor) : major_ver(major), minor_ver(minor) {}
// Returns true if this support for at least the queried version.
bool IncludesVersion(uint8_t spec_major_ver, uint8_t spec_minor_ver) const;
uint8_t major_ver;
uint8_t minor_ver;
enum class EntryPointVersion {
// Callback used when walking the structure table.
// If it returns ZX_ERR_STOP, the walk is aborted and returns ZX_OK
// If it returns ZX_OK or ZX_ERR_NEXT, the walk is continued.
// For any other return, the walk is aborted and returns the error returned by
// the callback.
using StructWalkCallback =
fit::inline_function<zx_status_t(SpecVersion version, const Header* h, const StringTable& st)>;
// System structure identifying where the SMBIOS structs are in memory.
struct EntryPoint2_1 {
uint8_t anchor_string[4]; // _SM_
uint8_t checksum;
uint8_t length;
// SMBIOS specification revision
uint8_t major_ver;
uint8_t minor_ver;
uint16_t max_struct_size;
uint8_t ep_rev; // Should be 0x00 for version SMBIOS 2.1 entry point
uint8_t formatted_area[5]; // Should be all 0x00 for ver 2.1
uint8_t intermediate_anchor_string[5]; // _DMI_
uint8_t intermediate_checksum;
uint16_t struct_table_length;
uint32_t struct_table_phys;
uint16_t struct_count;
uint8_t bcd_rev; // Should be 0x21
bool IsValid() const;
// Walk the known SMBIOS structures, assuming they are mapped at struct_table_virt. The
// callback will be called once for each structure found.
zx_status_t WalkStructs(uintptr_t struct_table_virt, StructWalkCallback cb) const;
SpecVersion version() const { return SpecVersion(major_ver, minor_ver); }
void Dump() const;
static_assert(sizeof(EntryPoint2_1) == 0x1f, "");
struct BiosInformationStruct2_0 {
Header hdr;
uint8_t vendor_str_idx;
uint8_t bios_version_str_idx;
uint16_t bios_starting_address_segment;
uint8_t bios_release_date_str_idx;
uint8_t bios_rom_size;
uint64_t bios_characteristics;
uint8_t bios_characteristics_ext[0];
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(BiosInformationStruct2_0) == 0x12, "");
struct BiosInformationStruct2_4 {
Header hdr;
uint8_t vendor_str_idx;
uint8_t bios_version_str_idx;
uint16_t bios_starting_address_segment;
uint8_t bios_release_date_str_idx;
uint8_t bios_rom_size;
uint64_t bios_characteristics;
uint16_t bios_characteristics_ext;
uint8_t bios_major_release;
uint8_t bios_minor_release;
uint8_t ec_major_release;
uint8_t ec_minor_release;
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(BiosInformationStruct2_4) == 0x18, "");
struct SystemInformationStruct2_0 {
Header hdr;
uint8_t manufacturer_str_idx;
uint8_t product_name_str_idx;
uint8_t version_str_idx;
uint8_t serial_number_str_idx;
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(SystemInformationStruct2_0) == 0x8, "");
struct SystemInformationStruct2_1 {
Header hdr;
uint8_t manufacturer_str_idx;
uint8_t product_name_str_idx;
uint8_t version_str_idx;
uint8_t serial_number_str_idx;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint8_t wakeup_type;
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(SystemInformationStruct2_1) == 0x19, "");
struct SystemInformationStruct2_4 {
Header hdr;
uint8_t manufacturer_str_idx;
uint8_t product_name_str_idx;
uint8_t version_str_idx;
uint8_t serial_number_str_idx;
uint8_t uuid[16];
uint8_t wakeup_type;
uint8_t sku_number_str_idx;
uint8_t family_str_idx;
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(SystemInformationStruct2_4) == 0x1b, "");
#ifndef _KERNEL
// Safe accessor for fields which may be out of the bounds of a structure.
// Some SMBIOS structures can be truncated at several different points, and
// this allows users to safetly read them.
// StructType must refer to a structure with a member "hdr" of type "Header".
template <typename StructType, typename FieldType>
std::optional<FieldType> ReadOptionalField(const StructType* s, FieldType StructType::*field) {
const auto end = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(s) + s->hdr.length;
const auto field_end = reinterpret_cast<const std::byte*>(&(s->*field) + 1);
if (field_end > end) {
return {};
// Use memcpy because some fields are misaligned and direct access to
// misaligned fields is undefined behavior. It should get optimized away.
FieldType value;
memcpy(&value, &(s->*field), sizeof(value));
return value;
struct BaseboardInformationStruct {
Header hdr;
uint8_t manufacturer_str_idx;
uint8_t product_name_str_idx;
uint8_t version_str_idx;
uint8_t serial_number_str_idx;
// All of these "unsafe" fields should be accessed using the accesor methods
// below. The fields are not marked private, since that would make this
// struct not standard layout.
uint8_t unsafe_asset_tag_str_idx;
uint8_t unsafe_feature_flags;
uint8_t unsafe_location_in_chassis_str_idx;
uint16_t unsafe_chassis_handle;
uint8_t unsafe_board_type;
uint8_t unsafe_contained_object_handles_count;
uint16_t contained_object_handles[];
std::optional<uint8_t> asset_tag_str_idx() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this, &BaseboardInformationStruct::unsafe_asset_tag_str_idx);
std::optional<uint8_t> feature_flags() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this, &BaseboardInformationStruct::unsafe_feature_flags);
std::optional<uint8_t> location_in_chassis_str_idx() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this, &BaseboardInformationStruct::unsafe_location_in_chassis_str_idx);
std::optional<uint16_t> chassis_handle() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this, &BaseboardInformationStruct::unsafe_chassis_handle);
std::optional<uint8_t> board_type() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this, &BaseboardInformationStruct::unsafe_board_type);
std::optional<uint8_t> contained_object_handles_count() const {
return ReadOptionalField(this,
void Dump(const StringTable& st) const;
static_assert(sizeof(BaseboardInformationStruct) == 0xf);
} // namespace smbios