blob: 088ea20dfa14490adcfb0feb34561f1ec7ba0088 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2013, Google, Inc. All rights reserved
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
* Macros for writing unit tests.
* Sample usage:
* A test case runs a collection of unittests, with
* BEGIN_TEST_CASE and END_TEST_CASE at the beginning and end of the list of
* unitests, and UNITTEST for each individual test, as follows:
* UNITTEST(test_foo);
* UNITTEST(test_bar);
* UNITTEST(test_baz);
* "footest",
* "Test to be sure that your foos have proper bars");
* This creates an entry in the global unittest table and registers it with the
* unit test framework.
* A test looks like this, using the BEGIN_TEST and END_TEST macros at
* the beginning and end of the test and the EXPECT_* macros to
* validate test results, as shown:
* static bool test_foo()
* {
* ...declare variables and do stuff...
* int foo_value = foo_func();
* ...See if the stuff produced the correct value...
* EXPECT_EQ(1, foo_value, "foo_func failed");
* ... there are EXPECT_* macros for many conditions...
* EXPECT_TRUE(foo_condition(), "condition should be true");
* EXPECT_NE(ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT, foo_event(), "event timed out");
* ... and the "message" parameter is optional...
* EXPECT_NONNULL(get_data());
* }
* To your file, add lib/unittest to MODULE_DEPS:
* lib/unittest \
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/special-sections/special-sections.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <ktl/iterator.h>
// This function will help terminate the static analyzer when it reaches
// an assertion failure site. The bugs discovered by the static analyzer will
// be suppressed as they are expected by the test cases.
static inline void unittest_fails(void) {}
* Printf dedicated to the unittest library
* the default output is the printf
int unittest_printf(const char* format, ...) __PRINTFLIKE(1, 2);
* Macros to format the error string
#define EXPECTED_STRING "%s:\n expected "
#define UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF_FORMAT "\n [FAILED]\n %s:%d:\n "
#define UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF(str, x...) \
do { \
unittest_printf(UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF_FORMAT str, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ##x); \
} while (0)
* BEGIN_TEST and END_TEST go in a function that is called by RUN_TEST
* and that call the EXPECT_ macros.
#define BEGIN_TEST bool all_ok = true
#define END_TEST return all_ok
#define AUTO_TYPE_VAR(type) auto&
// The following helper function makes the "msg" argument optional so that you can write either:
// ASSERT_EQ(x, y, "Check that x equals y");
// or
// ASSERT_EQ(x, y);
static inline constexpr const char* unittest_get_msg(const char* msg = "") { return msg; }
* UTCHECK_* macros are used to check test results. Generally, one should
* prefer to use either the EXPECT_* (non-terminating) or ASSERT_*
* (terminating) forms of the macros. See below.
* The parameter after |term| is an optional message (const char*) to be printed
* if the check fails.
#define UTCHECK_EQ(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e != _a) { \
"), " \
"actual %s (%" PRIdPTR ")\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_NE(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e == (_a)) { \
"), %s" \
" to differ, but they are the same %" PRIdPTR "\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_LE(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e > _a) { \
") to be" \
" less-than-or-equal-to actual %s (%" PRIdPTR ")\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_LT(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e >= _a) { \
") to be" \
" less-than actual %s (%" PRIdPTR ")\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_GE(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e < _a) { \
") to be" \
" greater-than-or-equal-to actual %s (%" PRIdPTR ")\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_GT(expected, actual, term, ...) \
do { \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(expected) _e = (expected); \
const AUTO_TYPE_VAR(actual) _a = (actual); \
if (_e <= _a) { \
") to be" \
" greater-than actual %s (%" PRIdPTR ")\n", \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #expected, (intptr_t)_e, #actual, \
(intptr_t)_a); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
} \
} while (0)
#define UTCHECK_TRUE(actual, term, ...) \
if (!(actual)) { \
UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF("%s: %s is false\n", unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #actual); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
#define UTCHECK_FALSE(actual, term, ...) \
if (actual) { \
UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF("%s: %s is true\n", unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #actual); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
#define UTCHECK_NULL(actual, term, ...) \
if (actual != NULL) { \
UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF("%s: %s is non-null!\n", unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #actual); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
#define UTCHECK_NONNULL(actual, term, ...) \
if (actual == NULL) { \
UNITTEST_FAIL_TRACEF("%s: %s is null!\n", unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), #actual); \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
#define UTCHECK_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual, length, term, ...) \
if (!unittest_expect_bytes((expected), #expected, (actual), #actual, (length), \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
true)) { \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
#define UTCHECK_BYTES_NE(expected, actual, length, term, ...) \
if (!unittest_expect_bytes((expected), #expected, (actual), #actual, (length), \
unittest_get_msg(__VA_ARGS__), __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__, \
false)) { \
unittest_fails(); \
if (term) { \
return false; \
} \
all_ok = false; \
/* EXPECT_* macros check the supplied condition and will print a diagnostic
* message and flag the test as having failed if the condition fails. The test
* will continue to run, even if the condition fails.
* The last parameter is an optional const char* message to be included in the
* print diagnostic message.
#define EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_NE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_NE(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_LE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_LE(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_LT(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_LT(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_GE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_GE(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_GT(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_GT(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_TRUE(actual, ...) UTCHECK_TRUE(actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_FALSE(actual, ...) UTCHECK_FALSE(actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual, length, ...) \
UTCHECK_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual, length, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_BYTES_NE(bytes1, bytes2, length, ...) \
UTCHECK_BYTES_NE(bytes1, bytes2, length, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_EQ_LL(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ_LL(expected, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_NULL(actual, ...) UTCHECK_NULL(actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_NONNULL(actual, ...) UTCHECK_NONNULL(actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
#define EXPECT_OK(actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ(ZX_OK, actual, false, __VA_ARGS__)
/* ASSERT_* macros check the condition and will print a message and immediately
* abort a test with a filure status if the condition fails.
#define ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_NE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_NE(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_LE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_LE(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_LT(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_LT(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_GE(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_GE(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_GT(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_GT(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_TRUE(actual, ...) UTCHECK_TRUE(actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_FALSE(actual, ...) UTCHECK_FALSE(actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual, length, ...) \
UTCHECK_BYTES_EQ(expected, actual, length, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_BYTES_NE(bytes1, bytes2, length, ...) \
UTCHECK_BYTES_NE(bytes1, bytes2, length, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_EQ_LL(expected, actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ_LL(expected, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_NULL(actual, ...) UTCHECK_NULL(actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_NONNULL(actual, ...) UTCHECK_NONNULL(actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
#define ASSERT_OK(actual, ...) UTCHECK_EQ(ZX_OK, actual, true, __VA_ARGS__)
* Returns false if expected does or does not equal actual (based on expect_eq).
* Will print msg and a hexdump8 of the input buffers if the check fails.
bool unittest_expect_bytes(const uint8_t* expected, const char* expected_name,
const uint8_t* actual, const char* actual_name, size_t len,
const char* msg, const char* func, int line, bool expect_eq);
typedef bool (*unittest_fn_t)(void);
#ifndef _KERNEL
// In phys executables rather than the kernel proper, there is no
// infrastructure code for collecting the tests. Each suite is just
// a function that has to be called explicitly.
struct test_case_element {
const char* name;
unittest_fn_t fn;
bool unittest_testcase(const char* name, const test_case_element*, size_t n);
#define UNITTEST_START_TESTCASE(global_id) \
bool global_id(); \
bool global_id() { \
const test_case_element cases[] = {
// The assembly silliness is to prevent the compiler from deciding it
// can move the whole array into a static initializer with relocs.
#define UNITTEST(name, fn) \
[]() -> test_case_element { \
const char* _n; \
unittest_fn_t _f; \
__asm__("nop" : "=g"(_n), "=g"(_f) : "0"(name), "1"(fn)); \
return {_n, _f}; \
#define UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(global_id, name, desc) \
} \
; \
return unittest_testcase(name, cases, ktl::size(cases)); \
#else // _KERNEL
* The list of test cases is made up of these elements.
struct test_case_element {
struct test_case_element* next;
struct test_case_element* failed_next;
const char* name;
unittest_fn_t test_case;
* Registers a test case with the unit test framework.
void unittest_register_test_case(struct test_case_element* elem);
* Runs all registered test cases.
bool run_all_tests(void);
typedef struct unitest_registration {
const char* name;
unittest_fn_t fn;
} unittest_registration_t;
typedef struct unitest_testcase_registration {
const char* name;
const char* desc;
const unittest_registration_t* tests;
size_t test_cnt;
} unittest_testcase_registration_t;
#define UNITTEST_START_TESTCASE(_global_id) \
[[maybe_unused]] static void __unittest_table_##_global_id() {
#define UNITTEST(_name, _fn) (void)(_fn);
#define UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(_global_id, _name, _desc) }
#else // LK_DEBUGLEVEL != 0
#define UNITTEST_START_TESTCASE(_global_id) \
static const unittest_registration_t __unittest_table_##_global_id[] = {
#define UNITTEST(_name, _fn) {.name = _name, .fn = _fn},
#define UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(_global_id, _name, _desc) \
} \
; /* __unittest_table_##_global_id */ \
static const unittest_testcase_registration_t __unittest_case_##_global_id SPECIAL_SECTION( \
"", unittest_testcase_registration_t) = { \
.name = _name, \
.desc = _desc, \
.tests = __unittest_table_##_global_id, \
.test_cnt = std::size(__unittest_table_##_global_id), \
#endif // LK_DEBUGLEVEL == 0
#endif // !_KERNEL