blob: 4b774cccb6a7c15066db8d7fd0b8d5636dc2dc84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/ktrace/ktrace_internal.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <ktl/algorithm.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <ktl/unique_ptr.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
namespace ktrace_tests {
// A test version of KTraceState which overrides the ReportStaticNames and
// ReportThreadProcessNames behaviors for testing purposes.
class TestKTraceState : public ::internal::KTraceState {
using StartMode = internal::KTraceState::StartMode;
static constexpr uint32_t kDefaultBufferSize = 4096;
// Figure out how many 32 byte records we should be able to fit into our
// default buffer size, minus the two metadata records we consume up front. Since we
// always allocate buffers in multiples of page size, we should be able to
// assert that this is an integral number of records.
static_assert(kDefaultBufferSize > (sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2));
static_assert(((kDefaultBufferSize - (sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2)) % 32) == 0);
static constexpr uint32_t kMax32bRecords =
(kDefaultBufferSize - (sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2)) / 32;
static bool InitStartTest() {
constexpr uint32_t kAllGroups = KTRACE_GRP_ALL;
// Construct a ktrace state and initialize it, providing no group mask.
// No buffer should be allocated, and no calls should be made to any of
// the report hooks. The only thing which should stick during this
// operation is our target bufsize.
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, 0));
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&state.write_lock_};
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultBufferSize, state.target_bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.static_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.thread_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.grpmask());
// Attempting to start with no groups specified is not allowed. We should
// get "INVALID_ARGS" back.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, state.Start(0, StartMode::Saturate));
// Now go ahead and call start. This should cause the buffer to become
// allocated, and for both static and thread names to be reported (static
// before thread)
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&state.write_lock_};
EXPECT_GT(state.bufsize_, 0u);
EXPECT_LE(state.bufsize_, state.target_bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultBufferSize, state.target_bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, state.static_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, state.thread_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_LE(state.last_static_name_report_time_, state.last_thread_name_report_time_);
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// Perform a similar test, but this time passing a non-zero group mask to
// init. This should cause tracing to go live immediately.
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kAllGroups));
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&state.write_lock_};
EXPECT_GT(state.bufsize_, 0u);
EXPECT_LE(state.bufsize_, state.target_bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(kDefaultBufferSize, state.target_bufsize_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, state.static_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_EQ(1u, state.thread_name_report_count_);
EXPECT_LE(state.last_static_name_report_time_, state.last_thread_name_report_time_);
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// Initialize a trace, then start it in circular mode.
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, 0));
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Circular));
// Stopping and starting the trace again in circular mode should be OK.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Circular));
// Stopping and starting the trace again in saturate mode should be an
// error.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
// Rewinding the buffer should fix the issue.
// error.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
static bool NamesTest() {
// Create a small trace buffer and initialize it.
constexpr uint32_t kGroups = 0x3;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kGroups));
// Immediately after initialization, ktrace will write two metadata records
// expressing the version of the trace buffer format, as well as the
// resolution of the timestamps in the trace. Make sure that the offset
// reflects this.
uint32_t expected_offset = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
constexpr struct NameTestVector {
uint32_t tag;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t arg;
bool always;
bool expected_present;
const char* name;
} kTestVectors[] = {
// clang-format off
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x1, 0x1, 8), 0xbaad0000, 0xf00d0000, false, true, "Aria" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x2, 0x2, 16), 0xbaad0001, 0xf00d0001, false, true, "Andrew Adrian" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x3, 0x4, 24), 0xbaad0002, 0xf00d0002, false, false, "Aurora Angel Aaron" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x4, 0x8, 32), 0xbaad0003, 0xf00d0003, false, false,
"Axel Addison Austin Aubrey" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x5, 0x1, 40), 0xbaad0004, 0xf00d0004, true, true,
"Aaliyah Anna Alice Amir Allison Ariana" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x6, 0x1, 48), 0xbaad0005, 0xf00d0005, true, true,
"Autumn Ayden Ashton August Adeline Adriel Athena" },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x7, 0x1, 56), 0xbaad0006, 0xf00d0006, true, true,
"Archer Adalynn Arthur Alex Alaia Arianna", },
{ KTRACE_TAG(0x8, 0x1, 64), 0xbaad0007, 0xf00d0007, true, true,
"Ayla Alexandra Alan Ariel Adalyn Amaya Ace Amara Abraham" },
// clang-format on
// A small helper which computes the expected size of a name test vector.
auto ExpectedNameRecordSize = [](const NameTestVector& vec) -> uint32_t {
// Strings are limited to ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN characters, including their null terminator.
size_t string_storage = ktl::min(strlen( + 1, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN);
// Total storage is the storage for the name header, plus the string
// storage, all rounded up to the nearest 8 bytes.
return (KTRACE_NAMESIZE + static_cast<uint32_t>(string_storage) + 7) & ~0x7;
// Add all of the name test vectors to the trace buffer. Verify that the
// buffer grows as we would expect while we do so.
uint32_t expected_present_count = 0;
for (const auto& vec : kTestVectors) {
state.WriteNameEtc(vec.tag,, vec.arg,, vec.always);
if (vec.expected_present) {
expected_offset += ExpectedNameRecordSize(vec);
// Now, stop the trace, enumerate the buffer, and make sure that the records
// we expect are present.
uint32_t records_enumerated = 0;
uint32_t vec_id = 0;
auto checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool {
const ktrace_rec_name_t& rec = *(reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_rec_name_t*>(hdr));
// Skip any records which should not have made it into the trace buffer.
while ((vec_id < ktl::size(kTestVectors)) && !kTestVectors[vec_id].expected_present) {
// We should still have a test vector to compare.
ASSERT_LT(vec_id, ktl::size(kTestVectors));
const auto& vec = kTestVectors[vec_id];
// The individual fields of the tag should all match, except for the
// length, which should have been overwritten when the record was
// added.
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedNameRecordSize(vec), KTRACE_LEN(rec.tag));
// ID and arg should have been directly copied into the record.
EXPECT_EQ(vec.arg, rec.arg);
// Name should match, up to the limit of ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1, and
// the record should be null terminated.
const size_t expected_name_len = ktl::min(strlen(, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1);
ASSERT_EQ(expected_name_len, strlen(;
EXPECT_BYTES_EQ(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(, expected_name_len);
ASSERT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(records_enumerated, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(expected_present_count, records_enumerated);
static bool WriteRecordsTest() {
// Create a small trace buffer and initialize it.
constexpr uint32_t kGroups = 0x3;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kGroups));
uint32_t expected_offset = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
// Exercise each of the supported forms of WriteRecord. There are 7 in total:
// 1) No payload
// 2) Payloads with 1-4 u32 arguments.
// 3) Payloads with 1-2 u64 arguments.
constexpr uint64_t kFirstTS = 0x1234567890abcdef;
constexpr uint32_t kBaseSz = sizeof(ktrace_header_t);
constexpr uint32_t kBaseU32 = 0xbaad0000;
constexpr uint64_t kBaseU64 = 0xbaadbaadf00d0000;
auto MakeTag = [](uint32_t wr_ndx, uint32_t arg_cnt, uint32_t arg_sz) {
const uint32_t sz = (kBaseSz + (arg_cnt * arg_sz) + 0x7) & ~0x7;
return KTRACE_TAG(wr_ndx + 1, 1, sz);
auto TS = [](uint32_t wr_ndx) { return kFirstTS + wr_ndx; };
auto U32 = [](uint32_t wr_ndx, uint32_t arg) { return kBaseU32 + (wr_ndx * 16) + arg; };
auto U64 = [](uint32_t wr_ndx, uint32_t arg) { return kBaseU64 + (wr_ndx * 16) + arg; };
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(0, 0, 0), TS(0));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(1, 1, 4), TS(1), U32(1, 0));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(2, 2, 4), TS(2), U32(2, 0), U32(2, 1));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(3, 3, 4), TS(3), U32(3, 0), U32(3, 1), U32(3, 2));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(4, 4, 4), TS(4), U32(4, 0), U32(4, 1), U32(4, 2), U32(4, 3));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(5, 1, 8), TS(5), U64(5, 0));
state.WriteRecord(MakeTag(6, 2, 8), TS(6), U64(6, 0), U64(6, 1));
// Now, stop the trace and read the records back out and verify their contents.
constexpr struct {
uint32_t num_args;
uint32_t arg_size;
} kTestVectors[] = {{0, 0}, {1, 4}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}, {4, 4}, {1, 8}, {2, 8}};
uint32_t records_enumerated = 0;
uint32_t vec_id = 0;
auto checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool {
const ktrace_header_t& rec = *(reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_header_t*>(hdr));
ASSERT_LT(vec_id, ktl::size(kTestVectors));
const auto& vec = kTestVectors[vec_id];
const uint32_t expected_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(
(sizeof(ktrace_header_t) + (vec.num_args * vec.arg_size) + 0x7) & ~0x7);
const uint32_t expected_tag = MakeTag(vec_id, vec.num_args, vec.arg_size);
// Check the tag fields
EXPECT_EQ(expected_size, KTRACE_LEN(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GROUP(expected_tag), KTRACE_GROUP(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_EVENT(expected_tag), KTRACE_EVENT(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_FLAGS(expected_tag), KTRACE_FLAGS(rec.tag));
// Check the timestamp
EXPECT_EQ(TS(vec_id), rec.ts);
// Check the payload
switch (vec.arg_size) {
case 0:
case 4: {
auto payload = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(hdr + 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec.num_args; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(U32(vec_id, i), payload[i]);
} break;
case 8: {
auto payload = reinterpret_cast<const uint64_t*>(hdr + 1);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < vec.num_args; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(U64(vec_id, i), payload[i]);
} break;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(records_enumerated, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(7u, records_enumerated);
static bool WriteTinyRecordsTest() {
// Create a small trace buffer and initialize it.
constexpr uint32_t kGroups = 0x3;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kGroups));
uint32_t expected_offset = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
// Write a some tiny records
constexpr uint32_t kBaseArg = 0xbaad0000;
constexpr uint32_t kCnt = 15;
auto MakeTag = [](uint32_t wr_ndx) { return KTRACE_TAG(wr_ndx + 1, 1, 0); };
auto Arg = [](uint32_t wr_ndx) { return kBaseArg + wr_ndx; };
uint64_t prev_ts = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kCnt; ++i) {
state.WriteRecordTiny(MakeTag(i), Arg(i));
// Stop and validate.
uint32_t records_enumerated = 0;
uint32_t vec_id = 0;
auto checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool {
const ktrace_header_t& rec = *(reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_header_t*>(hdr));
// Check the tag fields
const uint32_t expected_tag = MakeTag(vec_id);
EXPECT_EQ(16u, KTRACE_LEN(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GROUP(expected_tag), KTRACE_GROUP(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_EVENT(expected_tag), KTRACE_EVENT(rec.tag));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_FLAGS(expected_tag), KTRACE_FLAGS(rec.tag));
// Check the timestamp. We are not allowed to provide an explicit
// timestamp, so the best we can do is make sure that they are
// monotonically increasing.
EXPECT_LE(prev_ts, rec.ts);
prev_ts = rec.ts;
// Check the payload. Tiny records store their argument in the TID
// field.
EXPECT_LE(Arg(vec_id), rec.tid);
ASSERT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(records_enumerated, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(kCnt, records_enumerated);
static bool SaturationTest() {
// Create a small trace buffer and initialize it.
constexpr uint32_t kGroups = KTRACE_GRP_PROBE;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kGroups));
// Write the (max - 1) 32 byte records to the buffer, then write a single 24 byte record.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMax32bRecords - 1; ++i) {
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 5u, 6u, 7u, 8u);
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_24(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 5u, 6u);
// The buffer will not think that it is full just yet.
uint32_t rcnt = 0;
auto checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool { return true; };
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kGroups), state.grpmask());
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, checker));
EXPECT_TRUE(state.CheckExpectedOffset(kDefaultBufferSize - 8));
EXPECT_EQ(kMax32bRecords, rcnt);
// Now write one more record, this time with a different payload.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kGroups, internal::KTraceState::StartMode::Saturate));
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 0xbaadf00d, 0xf00dbaad, ~0xbaadf00d,
// The buffer should now think that it is full (the group mask will be
// cleared), and all of the original records should be present (but not the
// new one).
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.grpmask());
auto payload_checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool {
auto payload = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(hdr + 1);
const uint32_t len = KTRACE_LEN(hdr->tag);
switch (len) {
case 32:
EXPECT_EQ(7u, payload[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(8u, payload[3]);
case 24:
EXPECT_EQ(5u, payload[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(6u, payload[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(32u, len);
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, payload_checker));
EXPECT_EQ(kMax32bRecords, rcnt);
static bool RewindTest() {
// Create a small trace buffer and initialize it.
constexpr uint32_t kGroups = KTRACE_GRP_PROBE;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kGroups));
uint32_t expected_offset = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
// Write a couple of records.
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 5u, 6u);
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 5u, 6u);
// The offset should have moved, and the number of records in the buffer should now be 2.
uint32_t rcnt = 0;
auto checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) -> bool { return true; };
EXPECT_TRUE(state.CheckExpectedOffset(expected_offset, CheckOp::LT));
EXPECT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kGroups), state.grpmask());
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, rcnt);
// Rewind. The offset should return to the beginning, and there
// should be no records in the buffer.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.grpmask());
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, rcnt);
// Start again, and this time saturate the buffer
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMax32bRecords + 10; ++i) {
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 5u, 6u, 7u, 8u);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.grpmask());
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(kMax32bRecords, rcnt);
// Finally, rewind again. The offset should return to the
// beginning, and there should be no records in the buffer.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, state.grpmask());
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(rcnt, checker));
EXPECT_EQ(0u, rcnt);
static bool StateCheckTest() {
constexpr uint32_t kAllGroups = KTRACE_GRP_ALL;
constexpr uint32_t kSomeGroups = 0x3;
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, 0));
// We didn't provide a non-zero initial set of groups, so the trace should
// not be started right now. Stopping, rewinding, and reading are all
// legal (although, stopping does nothing). We have not allocated our
// buffer yet, so not even the static metadata should be available to
// read.
ASSERT_EQ(0u, state.ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(0u), state.grpmask());
// Starting should succeed.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// Now that we are started, rewinding or should fail because of the state
// check.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, state.Rewind());
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, state.ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// Starting while already started should succeed, but change the active
// group mask.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kSomeGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kSomeGroups), state.grpmask());
// Stopping is still OK, and actually does something now (it clears the
// group mask).
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(0u), state.grpmask());
// Now that we are stopped, we can read, rewind, and stop again. Since we
// have started before, we expect that the amount of data available to
// read should be equal to the size of the two static metadata records.
const ssize_t expected_size = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_size, state.ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0));
// Same checks as before, but this time start in the started state after
// init by providing a non-zero set of groups.
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kAllGroups));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// We are started, so rewinding or reading should fail because of the
// state check.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, state.Rewind());
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE, state.ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kAllGroups), state.grpmask());
// "Restarting" should change the active group mask.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kSomeGroups, StartMode::Saturate));
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(kSomeGroups), state.grpmask());
// Stopping should work.
ASSERT_EQ(KTRACE_GRP_TO_MASK(0u), state.grpmask());
// Stopping again, rewinding, and reading are all OK now.
const ssize_t expected_size = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
ASSERT_EQ(expected_size, state.ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0));
static bool CircularWriteTest() {
enum class Padding { Needed, NotNeeded };
constexpr uint32_t kAllGroups = KTRACE_GRP_ALL;
constexpr ktl::array kPasses = {Padding::Needed, Padding::NotNeeded};
// Define a couple of lambdas and small amount of state which we will be
// using to verify the contents of the trace buffer after writing different
// patterns to it.
// The test will be conducted in two passes; one pass where we fill up our
// buffer perfectly when we wrap, and another where we do not (and need a
// padding record). In both passes, we start by writing two records while
// we are in "saturation" mode. These records are part of the "static"
// region of the trace and should always be present. These static records
// also have distinct patterns that we can look for when verifying the
// contents of the trace.
// After writing these records and verifying the contents of the buffer, we
// restart in circular mode and write just enough in the way of records to
// fill the trace buffer, but not wrap it. These new "circular" records
// contain distinct payloads based on the order in which they were written
// and can be used for verification. In addition, we expect a padding
// record to be present during the padding pass, but _only_ once and _only_
// after we have forced the buffer to wrap.
uint32_t record_count = 0;
uint32_t expected_first_circular = 0;
uint32_t enumerated_records = 0;
bool saw_padding = false;
auto ResetPayloadCheckerState = [&](uint32_t first_circular) {
record_count = 0;
expected_first_circular = first_circular;
enumerated_records = 0;
saw_padding = false;
for (const Padding pass : kPasses) {
auto payload_checker = [&](const ktrace_header_t* hdr) {
auto payload = reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(hdr + 1);
const uint32_t len = KTRACE_LEN(hdr->tag);
if (record_count == 0) {
// Record number #0 should always be present, always be 32 bytes
// long, and always have the 0xAAAAAAAA, 0, 0, 0 payload.
ASSERT_EQ(32u, len);
EXPECT_EQ(0xaaaaaaaa, payload[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[3]);
} else if (record_count == 1) {
// Record number #1 should always be present, and will have a length
// of 24 or 32 bytes, and a 0xbbbbbbbb or 0xcccccccc payload,
// depending on whether or not this pass of the test is one where we
// expect to need a padding record or not.
// long, and always have the 0xAAAAAAAA, 0, 0, 0 payload.
if (pass == Padding::Needed) {
ASSERT_EQ(24u, len);
EXPECT_EQ(0xbbbbbbbb, payload[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[1]);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(32u, len);
EXPECT_EQ(0xcccccccc, payload[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, payload[3]);
} else {
// All subsequent records should either be a padding record, or a 32
// byte record whose payload values are a function of their index.
if (KTRACE_GROUP(hdr->tag) != 0) {
// A non-zero group indicates a normal record.
const uint32_t ndx = record_count + expected_first_circular - 2;
ASSERT_EQ(32u, len);
EXPECT_EQ(ndx + 0, payload[0]);
EXPECT_EQ(ndx + 1, payload[1]);
EXPECT_EQ(ndx + 2, payload[2]);
EXPECT_EQ(ndx + 3, payload[3]);
} else {
// A group of 0 indicates a padding record.
if (pass == Padding::Needed) {
// should only ever see (at most) a single padding record per check.
saw_padding = true;
} else {
ASSERT_TRUE(false); // we should not be seeing padding on a non-padding pass.
// Don't count padding records in the record count.
// Allocate our trace buffer and auto-start it during init in non-circular
// mode.
TestKTraceState state;
ASSERT_TRUE(state.Init(kDefaultBufferSize, kAllGroups));
// In order to run this test, we need enough space in our buffer after the
// 2 reserved metadata records for a least two "static" records, and a
// small number of extra records.
constexpr uint32_t kOverhead = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
constexpr uint32_t kExtraRecords = 5;
const uint32_t kStaticOverhead = 32 + ((pass == Padding::Needed) ? 24 : 32);
ASSERT_GE(kDefaultBufferSize, (kOverhead + kStaticOverhead + (32 * kExtraRecords)));
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0u, 0u, 0u);
if (pass == Padding::Needed) {
ASSERT_NE(0u, (kDefaultBufferSize - (kOverhead + kStaticOverhead)) % 32);
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_24(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 0xbbbbbbbb, 0u);
} else {
ASSERT_EQ(0u, (kDefaultBufferSize - (kOverhead + kStaticOverhead)) % 32);
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, 0xcccccccc, 0u, 0u, 0u);
ASSERT_TRUE(state.CheckExpectedOffset(kOverhead + kStaticOverhead));
// Stop the trace and verify that we have the records we expect. Right
// now, we expect to find only a pair of static records after the
// metadata.
const uint32_t kMaxCircular32bRecords =
(kDefaultBufferSize - (kOverhead + kStaticOverhead)) / 32u;
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(enumerated_records, payload_checker));
EXPECT_EQ(2u, enumerated_records);
// OK, now restart in circular mode, and write the maximum number of 32
// byte records we can, without causing a wrap.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Circular));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kMaxCircular32bRecords; ++i) {
const uint32_t ndx = i;
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, ndx + 0, ndx + 1, ndx + 2,
ndx + 3);
// Stop, and check the contents.
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(enumerated_records, payload_checker));
EXPECT_EQ(2u + kMaxCircular32bRecords, enumerated_records);
// Start one last time, writing our extra records. This should cause the
// circular section of the ktrace buffer to wrap, requiring a padding
// record if (and only if) this is the padding pass. Our first "circular"
// record should start with a payload index equal to the number of extra
// records we wrote.
ASSERT_OK(state.Start(kAllGroups, StartMode::Circular));
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < kExtraRecords; ++i) {
const uint32_t ndx = i + kMaxCircular32bRecords;
state.WriteRecord(TAG_PROBE_32(1), kRecordCurrentTimestamp, ndx + 0, ndx + 1, ndx + 2,
ndx + 3);
// Stop, and check the contents.
EXPECT_TRUE(state.TestAllRecords(enumerated_records, payload_checker));
if (pass == Padding::Needed) {
EXPECT_EQ(2u + kMaxCircular32bRecords + 1u, enumerated_records);
} else {
EXPECT_EQ(2u + kMaxCircular32bRecords, enumerated_records);
// Actual class implementation starts here. All members are private, the only
// public members of the class are the static test hooks.
// clang-format off
enum class CheckOp { LT, LE, EQ, GT, GE };
// clang-format on
TestKTraceState() {
// disable diagnostic printfs in the test instances of KTrace we create.
disable_diags_printfs_ = true;
// TODO(johngro): The default KTraceState implementation never cleans up its
// buffer allocation, as it assumes that it is being used as a global
// singleton, and that the kernel will never "exit". Test instances of
// KTraceState *must* clean themselves up, however. Should we push this
// behavior down one level into the default KTraceState implementation's
// destructor, even though it (currently) does not ever have any reason to
// destruct?
~TestKTraceState() {
if (buffer_ != nullptr) {
VmAspace* aspace = VmAspace::kernel_aspace();
// We interpose ourselves in the Init path so that we can allocate the side
// buffer we will use for validation.
[[nodiscard]] bool Init(uint32_t target_bufsize, uint32_t initial_groups) {
// Tests should always be allocating in units of page size.
ASSERT_EQ(0u, target_bufsize & (PAGE_SIZE - 1));
// Double init is not allowed.
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
validation_buffer_.reset(new (&ac) uint8_t[target_bufsize]);
validation_buffer_size_ = target_bufsize;
KTraceState::Init(target_bufsize, initial_groups);
// Make sure that the buffer size we requested was allocated exactly.
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&write_lock_};
ASSERT_GE(target_bufsize, bufsize_);
void ReportStaticNames() override {
last_static_name_report_time_ = current_time();
void ReportThreadProcessNames() override {
last_thread_name_report_time_ = current_time();
zx_status_t CopyToUser(void* dst, const void* src, size_t len) override {
::memcpy(dst, src, len);
return ZX_OK;
// Check to make sure that the buffer is not operating in circular mode, and
// that the write pointer is at the offset we expect.
[[nodiscard]] bool CheckExpectedOffset(size_t expected, CheckOp op = CheckOp::EQ)
TA_EXCL(write_lock_) {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&write_lock_};
switch (op) {
// clang-format off
case CheckOp::LT: EXPECT_LT(expected, wr_); break;
case CheckOp::LE: EXPECT_LE(expected, wr_); break;
case CheckOp::EQ: EXPECT_EQ(expected, wr_); break;
case CheckOp::GT: EXPECT_GT(expected, wr_); break;
case CheckOp::GE: EXPECT_GE(expected, wr_); break;
// clang-format on
EXPECT_EQ(0u, rd_);
EXPECT_EQ(0u, circular_size_);
template <typename Checker>
bool TestAllRecords(uint32_t& records_enumerated_out, const Checker& do_check)
TA_EXCL(write_lock_) {
// Make sure that we give a value to all of our out parameters.
records_enumerated_out = 0;
// Make sure that Read reports a reasonable size needed to read the buffer.
ssize_t available = ReadUser(nullptr, 0, 0);
ASSERT_GE(available, 0);
ASSERT_LE(static_cast<size_t>(available), validation_buffer_size_);
// Now actually read the data, make sure that we read the same amount that
// the size operation told us we would need to read.
size_t to_validate = ReadUser(validation_buffer_.get(), 0, validation_buffer_size_);
ASSERT_EQ(static_cast<size_t>(available), to_validate);
uint32_t rd_offset = sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t) * 2;
ASSERT_GE(to_validate, rd_offset);
// We expect all trace buffers to start with a metadata records indicating the
// version of the trace buffer format, and the clock resolution. Verify that
// these are present.
const uint8_t* buffer = validation_buffer_.get();
const ktrace_rec_32b_t& version_rec = reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_rec_32b_t*>(buffer)[0];
const ktrace_rec_32b_t& clock_res_rec = reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_rec_32b_t*>(buffer)[1];
EXPECT_EQ(TAG_VERSION, version_rec.tag);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t), KTRACE_LEN(version_rec.tag));
const uint64_t clock_res = ticks_per_second() / 1000;
EXPECT_EQ(TAG_TICKS_PER_MS, clock_res_rec.tag);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(clock_res), clock_res_rec.a);
EXPECT_EQ(static_cast<uint32_t>(clock_res >> 32), clock_res_rec.b);
EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(ktrace_rec_32b_t), KTRACE_LEN(clock_res_rec.tag));
// If something goes wrong while testing records, report _which_ record has
// trouble, to assist with debugging.
auto ReportRecord = fit::defer(
[&]() { printf("\nFAILED while enumerating record (%u)\n", records_enumerated_out); });
while (rd_offset < to_validate) {
auto hdr = reinterpret_cast<const ktrace_header_t*>(buffer + rd_offset);
// Zero length records are not legal.
ASSERT_GT(KTRACE_LEN(hdr->tag), 0u);
// Make sure the record matches expectations.
// Advance to the next record.
rd_offset += KTRACE_LEN(hdr->tag);
EXPECT_EQ(rd_offset, to_validate);
zx_time_t last_static_name_report_time_{0};
zx_time_t last_thread_name_report_time_{0};
uint32_t static_name_report_count_{0};
uint32_t thread_name_report_count_{0};
ktl::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> validation_buffer_;
size_t validation_buffer_size_{0};
} // namespace ktrace_tests
UNITTEST("init/start", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::InitStartTest)
UNITTEST("names", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::NamesTest)
UNITTEST("write record", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::WriteRecordsTest)
UNITTEST("write tiny record", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::WriteTinyRecordsTest)
UNITTEST("saturation", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::SaturationTest)
UNITTEST("rewind", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::RewindTest)
UNITTEST("state check", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::StateCheckTest)
UNITTEST("circular", ktrace_tests::TestKTraceState::CircularWriteTest)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(ktrace_tests, "ktrace", "KTrace tests")