blob: 7606a20224525b01fb2393963b4b49d451795e6a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/uart/all.h>
// Forward-declared; fully declared in <phys/handoff.h>
struct PhysHandoff;
// Forward-declared; fully declared in <phys/arch/arch-handoff.h>.
struct ArchPhysHandoff;
// These routines initialize the kernel's drivers, as a function of the
// configurations described in the physboot hand-off, at two stages:
// * "early" refers to immediately after early platform initialization, before
// the VM and heap are set up;
// * "late" refers to immediately after the main platform initialization, once
// the VM, the heap, threading, and general kernel facilities are available.
// Defined in //zircon/kernel/dev/
void DriverHandoffEarly(const PhysHandoff& handoff);
void DriverHandoffLate(const PhysHandoff& handoff);
// Arch-specific subroutines of the above functions, respectively.
// Defined in //zircon/kernel/arch/$cpu/
void ArchDriverHandoffEarly(const ArchPhysHandoff& arch_handoff);
void ArchDriverHandoffLate(const ArchPhysHandoff& arch_handoff);
// Further arch-specific subroutines for the UART.
// TODO( These will go away when the UART driver can dealt
// with directly as an arch-agnostic libuart type.
void ArchUartDriverHandoffEarly(const uart::all::Driver& serial);
void ArchUartDriverHandoffLate(const uart::all::Driver& serial);