blob: 7128d046385ec9611743818be852bccc2ab6bb7c [file] [log] [blame]
library test.bindingsdenylist;
using test.dependent;
// This file tests that all the bindings respect BindingsDenylist, and that the
// attribute works on all declaration kinds. Each binding should include the
// AllBindings constant and one other declaration. The associations are chosen
// to make this work (e.g. libfuzzer needs to have a protocol, only certain
// bindings emit anything for an empty service, etc.).
const AllBindings uint32 = 0;
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust")
type OnlySyzkaller = strict bits {
A = 1;
@bindings_denylist("cpp, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
type OnlyDart = strict enum {
A = 1;
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
type OnlyGo = struct {};
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, syzkaller")
type OnlyRust = table {};
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, rust, syzkaller")
type OnlyLlcpp = strict union {
1: x uint32;
// TODO( Libfuzzer depends on hlcpp and llcpp. A decision needs to be made on how
// to manage these dependencies. For now, this test does not denylist the dependencies.
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, rust, syzkaller")
protocol OnlyLibfuzzerAndDeps {};
// TODO( Unified C++ bindings depends on hlcpp and llcpp. A decision needs to be
// made on how to manage these dependencies. For now, this test does not denylist the dependencies.
@bindings_denylist("dart, go, libfuzzer, rust, syzkaller")
protocol OnlyCppAndDeps {};
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
service OnlyHlcpp {};
// This exists to test that when a particular method is denied to a binding, it's anonymous message
// body structs are also omitted.
protocol DenyEachBinding {
@bindings_denylist("cpp, hlcpp, llcpp, libfuzzer")
OnlyDenyCpp(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
OnlyDenyDart(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
OnlyDenyGo(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
OnlyDenyLibfuzzer(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
OnlyDenyRust(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
OnlyDenySyzkaller(struct {
a bool;
}) -> (struct {
b int32;
}) error uint32;
// None of the "ShouldNeverAppear..." types/methods should appear in any bindings, as they are
// children of parent declarations that are denylisted.
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
protocol Denied {
ShouldNeverAppearInAnyBinding(struct {
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_1 struct {
a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_2 table {
1: a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_3 flexible union {
1: a bool;
protocol Allowed {
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
Denied() -> (struct {
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_4 struct {
a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_5 table {
1: a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_6 flexible union {
1: a bool;
}) error uint32;
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
type DeniedAnonymous = struct {
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_7 struct {
a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_8 table {
1: a bool;
should_never_appear_in_any_binding_9 flexible union {
1: a bool;
// Even though this ContainsAllowed protocol is denylisted for all bindings, the one composed from
// the imported library into ImportsSameNameContext below should still appear in generated bindings.
// This means that all generated bindings should have an "AlwaysAppearsInImportingLibrary" method.
@bindings_denylist("cpp, dart, go, hlcpp, libfuzzer, llcpp, rust, syzkaller")
protocol ContainsAllowed {};
// This declaration should still appear in generated bindings, even though an identically name
// contexted and denylisted declaration is included from the dependent library via the protocol
// "compose" clause below.
type OnlyAppearsInImportingLibrary = struct {
member_only_appears_in_importing_library struct {
a bool;
protocol ImportsSameNameContext {
compose test.dependent.ContainsDenied;
compose test.dependent.ContainsAllowed;