blob: e748f38bf7e51311c63cbaa4e2b753c4e6288771 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library fuchsia.modular;
using fuchsia.mem;
// StoryCommands are POD structures that describe the set of operations that
// can be performed on a story by components outside the modular framework. All commands are:
// (1) Scoped to a single story
// (2) Idempotent: issuing the same command twice yields the same result
// (3) Symmetrical with observation: the same structures are used to describe
// operations to watchers of a story (through SessionWatcher) as are used
// to control a story.
union StoryCommand {
// Sets the focus state of the story to `set_focus_state.focused`.
SetFocusState set_focus_state;
// Adds a Mod.
AddMod add_mod;
// Removes an existing Mod.
RemoveMod remove_mod;
// Sets the value of a Link.
SetLinkValue set_link_value;
// Brings focus to a mod.
FocusMod focus_mod;
// Updates the kind_of_proto_story option in a story.
SetKindOfProtoStoryOption set_kind_of_proto_story_option;
struct SetFocusState {
bool focused;
// Adds a mod described by `intent` to the story with name `mod_name`. If
// `mod_name` already exists in the story, the mod is updated.
struct AddMod {
// The name of the mod within the story. The mod's name acts as the unique
// ID of the mod, scoped to the story in which it is contained. Since
// AddMod is reused for observation and mod names are vector<string>
// inside the framework, they are vector<string> here as well.
// Clients should treat the full vector as a single opaque value.
// Clients should provide `mod_name_transitional` instead.
// If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Convert to string
vector<string> mod_name;
// The name of the mod within the story. This should be used instead of
// `mod_name`. If provided, it is equivalent to passing `mod_name` with
// a single item. If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Remove
string? mod_name_transitional;
Intent intent;
// `surface_relation` defines the visual relationship between this mod and the
// mod at `surface_parent_mod_name`.
SurfaceRelation surface_relation;
vector<string>? surface_parent_mod_name;
// Removes the mod under `mod_name` from the story.
struct RemoveMod {
// The name of the mod within the story.
// Clients should provide `mod_name_transitional` instead.
// If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Convert to string
vector<string> mod_name;
// The name of the mod within the story. This should be used instead of
// `mod_name`. If provided, it is equivalent to passing `mod_name` with
// a single item. If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Remove
string? mod_name_transitional;
// Sets the value of link at `path` to `value`.
struct SetLinkValue {
LinkPath path;
fuchsia.mem.Buffer? value;
// Instructs the session shell to focus the mod under `mod_name`.
struct FocusMod {
// The name of the mod within the story.
// Clients should provide `mod_name_transitional` instead.
// If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Convert to string
vector<string> mod_name;
// The name of the mod within the story. This should be used instead of
// `mod_name`. If provided, it is equivalent to passing `mod_name` with
// a single item. If both are provided, `mod_name` is ignored.
// TODO(MF-148): Remove
string? mod_name_transitional;
// Updates the kind_of_proto_story option in a story.
struct SetKindOfProtoStoryOption {
bool value;