blob: a3ced44f8914461977f82cb6ac71c90c3ffe5a91 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use derivative::Derivative;
use std::collections::{BTreeSet, HashMap, VecDeque};
use std::sync::{Arc, Weak};
use crate::fs::devpts::*;
use crate::fs::*;
use crate::lock::{Mutex, RwLock};
use crate::mutable_state::*;
use crate::task::*;
use crate::types::*;
// CANON_MAX_BYTES is the number of bytes that fit into a single line of
// terminal input in canonical mode. See
const CANON_MAX_BYTES: usize = 4096;
// NON_CANON_MAX_BYTES is the maximum number of bytes that can be read at
// a time in non canonical mode.
// WAIT_BUFFER_MAX_BYTES is the maximum size of a wait buffer. It is based on
const WAIT_BUFFER_MAX_BYTES: usize = 131072;
const SPACES_PER_TAB: usize = 8;
// DISABLED_CHAR is used to indicate that a control character is disabled.
const DISABLED_CHAR: u8 = 0;
/// Global state of the devpts filesystem.
pub struct TTYState {
/// The terminal objects indexed by their identifier.
pub terminals: RwLock<HashMap<u32, Weak<Terminal>>>,
/// The devpts filesystem.
fs: FileSystemHandle,
/// The set of available terminal identifier.
pts_ids_set: Mutex<PtsIdsSet>,
impl TTYState {
pub fn new(fs: FileSystemHandle) -> Self {
Self {
terminals: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
pts_ids_set: Mutex::new(PtsIdsSet::new(DEVPTS_COUNT)),
/// Returns the next available terminal.
pub fn get_next_terminal(self: &Arc<Self>, task: &CurrentTask) -> Result<Arc<Terminal>, Errno> {
let id = self.pts_ids_set.lock().get()?;
let terminal = Arc::new(Terminal::new(self.clone(), id));
create_pts_node(&self.fs, task, id)?;
self.terminals.write().insert(id, Arc::downgrade(&terminal));
/// Release the terminal identifier into the set of available identifier.
pub fn release_terminal(&self, id: u32) -> Result<(), Errno> {
pub struct TerminalMutableState {
/// |true| is the terminal is locked.
#[derivative(Default(value = "true"))]
pub locked: bool,
/// Terminal size.
pub window_size: uapi::winsize,
/// Terminal configuration.
#[derivative(Default(value = "get_default_termios()"))]
termios: uapi::termios,
/// Location in a row of the cursor. Needed to handle certain special characters like
/// backspace.
column: usize,
/// Input queue of the terminal. Data flow from the main side to the replica side.
/// This option is never empty in the steady state of the terminal. Mutating methods on Queue
/// need a mutable borrow of this object. As rust borrow checker prevents multiple mutable
/// borrows, the queue is instead moved to the stack, the mutating method is called and the
/// queue is moved back to this object. This is safe because:
/// - Moving the queue to the stack requires a write lock on the terminal, which ensure
/// exclusive access to this object, so no other thread will try to access the queue.
/// - The methods on the queue that calls back to this object won't try to access the same
/// queue.
#[derivative(Default(value = "Queue::input_queue()"))]
input_queue: Option<Queue>,
/// Output queue of the terminal. Data flow from the replica side to the main side.
/// This option is never empty in the steady state of the terminal. Mutating methods on Queue
/// need a mutable borrow of this object. As rust borrow checker prevents multiple mutable
/// borrows, the queue is instead moved to the stack, the mutating method is called and the
/// queue is moved back to this object. This is safe because:
/// - Moving the queue to the stack requires a write lock on the terminal, which ensure
/// exclusive access to this object, so no other thread will try to access the queue.
/// - The methods on the queue that calls back to this object won't try to access the same
/// queue.
#[derivative(Default(value = "Queue::output_queue()"))]
output_queue: Option<Queue>,
/// Wait queue for the main side of the terminal.
main_wait_queue: WaitQueue,
/// Wait queue for the replica side of the terminal.
replica_wait_queue: WaitQueue,
/// The controlling sessions for the main side of the terminal.
main_controlling_session: Option<ControllingSession>,
/// The controlling sessions for the replica side of the terminal.
replica_controlling_session: Option<ControllingSession>,
/// State of a given terminal. This object handles both the main and the replica terminal.
pub struct Terminal {
/// The global devpts state.
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
state: Arc<TTYState>,
/// The identifier of the terminal.
pub id: u32,
/// The mutable state of the Terminal.
mutable_state: RwLock<TerminalMutableState>,
impl Terminal {
pub fn new(state: Arc<TTYState>, id: u32) -> Self {
Self { state, id, mutable_state: RwLock::new(Default::default()) }
/// Sets the terminal configuration.
pub fn set_termios(self: &Arc<Self>, termios: uapi::termios) {
let signals = self.write().set_termios(termios);
/// `wait_async` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
pub fn main_wait_async(
self: &Arc<Self>,
waiter: &Arc<Waiter>,
events: FdEvents,
handler: EventHandler,
options: WaitAsyncOptions,
) -> WaitKey {
self.write().main_wait_async(waiter, events, handler, options)
/// `cancel_wait` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
pub fn main_cancel_wait(self: &Arc<Self>, key: WaitKey) -> bool {
/// `query_events` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
pub fn main_query_events(self: &Arc<Self>) -> FdEvents {
/// `read` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
pub fn main_read(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let (bytes, signals) = self.write().main_read(current_task, data)?;
if bytes == 0 {
} else {
/// `write` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
pub fn main_write(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let (bytes, signals) = self.write().main_write(current_task, data)?;
if bytes == 0 {
} else {
/// `wait_async` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
pub fn replica_wait_async(
self: &Arc<Self>,
waiter: &Arc<Waiter>,
events: FdEvents,
handler: EventHandler,
options: WaitAsyncOptions,
) -> WaitKey {
self.write().replica_wait_async(waiter, events, handler, options)
/// `cancel_wait` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
pub fn replica_cancel_wait(self: &Arc<Self>, key: WaitKey) -> bool {
/// `query_events` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
pub fn replica_query_events(self: &Arc<Self>) -> FdEvents {
/// `read` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
pub fn replica_read(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let (bytes, signals) = self.write().replica_read(current_task, data)?;
if bytes == 0 {
} else {
/// `write` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
pub fn replica_write(
self: &Arc<Self>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<usize, Errno> {
let (bytes, signals) = self.write().replica_write(current_task, data)?;
if bytes == 0 {
} else {
/// Send the pending signals to the associated foreground process groups if they exist.
fn send_signals(self: &Arc<Self>, signals: PendingSignals) {
for is_input in &[false, true] {
let signals = signals.signals(*is_input);
if !signals.is_empty() {
let process_group = self
.and_then(|cs| cs.foregound_process_group.upgrade());
if let Some(process_group) = process_group {
state_accessor!(Terminal, mutable_state);
/// Macro to help working with the terminal queues. This macro will handle moving the queue to the
/// stack, calling the method on it, moving it back to the terminal and returning the result.
/// See the comments on `input_queue` and `output_queue` for the reason.
/// This expect to be called with a single method call to either the input or output queue, on
/// self. Example:
/// ```
/// let bytes = with_queue!(, current_task, data))?;
/// ```
macro_rules! with_queue {
($self_:tt . $name:ident . $fn:ident ( $($param:expr),*$(,)?)) => {
let mut queue = $self_.$name . take().unwrap();
let result = queue.$fn( $($param),* );
$self_.$name = Some(queue);
/// Keep track of the signals to send when handling terminal content.
pub struct PendingSignals {
pub input_signals: Vec<Signal>,
pub output_signals: Vec<Signal>,
impl PendingSignals {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self { input_signals: vec![], output_signals: vec![] }
/// Add the given signal to the list of signal to send to the associate process group.
pub fn add(&mut self, signal: Signal, is_input: bool) {
if is_input {
} else {
/// Append all pending signals in `other` to `self`.
pub fn append(&mut self, mut other: Self) {
self.input_signals.append(&mut other.input_signals);
self.output_signals.append(&mut other.output_signals);
pub fn signals(&self, is_input: bool) -> &[Signal] {
if is_input {
} else {
state_implementation!(Terminal, TerminalMutableState, {
/// Returns the controlling session of the terminal. |is_main| is used to choose whether the
/// caller needs the controlling session of the main part of the terminal or the replica.
pub fn get_controlling_session(&self, is_main: bool) -> &Option<ControllingSession> {
if is_main {
} else {
/// Returns a mutable reference to the session of the terminal. |is_main| is used to choose
/// whether the caller needs the controlling session of the main part of the terminal or the
/// replica.
pub fn get_controlling_session_mut(
&mut self,
is_main: bool,
) -> &mut Option<ControllingSession> {
if is_main {
&mut self.main_controlling_session
} else {
&mut self.replica_controlling_session
/// Returns the terminal configuration.
pub fn termios(&self) -> &uapi::termios {
/// Returns the number of available bytes to read from the side of the terminal described by
/// `is_main`.
pub fn get_available_read_size(&self, is_main: bool) -> usize {
let queue = if is_main { self.output_queue() } else { self.input_queue() };
/// Sets the terminal configuration.
fn set_termios(&mut self, termios: uapi::termios) -> PendingSignals {
let old_canon_enabled = self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON);
self.termios = termios;
if old_canon_enabled && !self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) {
let signals = with_queue!(self.input_queue.on_canon_disabled(self));
} else {
/// `wait_async` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
fn main_wait_async(
&mut self,
waiter: &Arc<Waiter>,
events: FdEvents,
handler: EventHandler,
options: WaitAsyncOptions,
) -> WaitKey {
let current_events = self.main_query_events();
if current_events & events && !options.contains(WaitAsyncOptions::EDGE_TRIGGERED) {
waiter.wake_immediately(current_events.mask(), handler)
} else {
self.main_wait_queue.wait_async_events(waiter, events, handler)
/// `cancel_wait` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
fn main_cancel_wait(&mut self, key: WaitKey) -> bool {
/// `query_events` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
fn main_query_events(&self) -> FdEvents {
self.output_queue().read_readyness() | self.input_queue().write_readyness()
/// `read` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
fn main_read(
&mut self,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
let result = with_queue!(, current_task, data))?;
/// `write` implementation of the main side of the terminal.
fn main_write(
&mut self,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
let result = with_queue!(self.input_queue.write(self, current_task, data))?;
/// `wait_async` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
fn replica_wait_async(
&mut self,
waiter: &Arc<Waiter>,
events: FdEvents,
handler: EventHandler,
options: WaitAsyncOptions,
) -> WaitKey {
let current_events = self.replica_query_events();
if current_events & events && !options.contains(WaitAsyncOptions::EDGE_TRIGGERED) {
waiter.wake_immediately(current_events.mask(), handler)
} else {
self.replica_wait_queue.wait_async_events(waiter, events, handler)
/// `cancel_wait` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
fn replica_cancel_wait(&mut self, key: WaitKey) -> bool {
/// `query_events` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
fn replica_query_events(&self) -> FdEvents {
self.input_queue().read_readyness() | self.output_queue().write_readyness()
/// `read` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
fn replica_read(
&mut self,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
let result = with_queue!(, current_task, data))?;
/// `write` implementation of the replica side of the terminal.
fn replica_write(
&mut self,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
let result = with_queue!(self.output_queue.write(self, current_task, data))?;
/// Returns the input_queue. The Option is always filled, see `input_queue` description.
fn input_queue(&self) -> &Queue {
/// Returns the output_queue. The Option is always filled, see `output_queue` description.
fn output_queue(&self) -> &Queue {
/// Notify any waiters if the state of the terminal changes.
fn notify_waiters(&mut self) {
let main_events = self.main_query_events();
if main_events.mask() != 0 {
let replica_events = self.replica_query_events();
if replica_events.mask() != 0 {
/// Return whether a signal must be send when receiving `byte`, and if yes, which.
fn handle_signals(&mut self, byte: RawByte) -> Option<Signal> {
if !self.termios.has_local_flags(ISIG) {
return None;
/// Transform the given `buffer` according to the terminal configuration and append it to the
/// read buffer of the `queue`. The given queue is the input or output queue depending on
/// `is_input`. The transformation method might update the other queue, but in the case, it is
/// guaranteed that it won't have to update the initial one recursively. The transformation
/// might also update the state of the terminal.
/// Returns the number of bytes extracted from the queue, as well as the pending signals
/// following the handling of the buffer.
fn transform(
&mut self,
is_input: bool,
queue: &mut Queue,
buffer: &[RawByte],
) -> (usize, PendingSignals) {
if is_input {
self.transform_input(queue, buffer)
} else {
self.transform_output(queue, buffer)
/// Transformation method for the output queue. See `transform`.
fn transform_output(
&mut self,
queue: &mut Queue,
original_buffer: &[RawByte],
) -> (usize, PendingSignals) {
let mut buffer = original_buffer;
// transform_output is effectively always in noncanonical mode, as the
// main termios never has ICANON set.
if !self.termios.has_output_flags(OPOST) {
if queue.read_buffer.len() > 0 {
queue.readable = true;
return (buffer.len(), PendingSignals::new());
let mut return_value = 0;
let mut signals = PendingSignals::new();
while buffer.len() > 0 {
let size = compute_next_character_size(buffer, &self.termios);
let mut character_bytes = buffer[..size].to_vec();
return_value += size;
buffer = &buffer[size..];
// It is guaranteed that character_bytes has at least one element.
if let Some(signal) = self.handle_signals(character_bytes[0]) {
signals.add(signal, false);
match character_bytes[0] {
b'\n' => {
if self.termios.has_output_flags(ONLRET) {
self.column = 0;
if self.termios.has_output_flags(ONLCR) {
queue.read_buffer.extend_from_slice(&[b'\r', b'\n']);
b'\r' => {
if self.termios.has_output_flags(ONOCR) && self.column == 0 {
if self.termios.has_output_flags(OCRNL) {
character_bytes[0] = b'\n';
if self.termios.has_output_flags(ONLRET) {
self.column = 0;
} else {
self.column = 0;
b'\t' => {
let spaces = SPACES_PER_TAB - self.column % SPACES_PER_TAB;
if self.termios.c_oflag & TABDLY == XTABS {
self.column += spaces;
queue.read_buffer.extend(std::iter::repeat(b' ').take(SPACES_PER_TAB));
self.column += spaces;
8 => {
// \b
if self.column > 0 {
self.column -= 1;
_ => {
self.column += 1;
queue.read_buffer.append(&mut character_bytes);
if queue.read_buffer.len() > 0 {
queue.readable = true;
(return_value, signals)
/// Transformation method for the input queue. See `transform`.
fn transform_input(
&mut self,
queue: &mut Queue,
original_buffer: &[RawByte],
) -> (usize, PendingSignals) {
let mut buffer = original_buffer;
// If there's a line waiting to be read in canonical mode, don't write
// anything else to the read buffer.
if self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) && queue.readable {
return (0, PendingSignals::new());
let max_bytes = if self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) {
} else {
let mut return_value = 0;
let mut signals = PendingSignals::new();
while buffer.len() > 0 && queue.read_buffer.len() < CANON_MAX_BYTES {
let size = compute_next_character_size(buffer, &self.termios);
let mut character_bytes = buffer[..size].to_vec();
// It is guaranteed that character_bytes has at least one element.
if let Some(signal) = self.handle_signals(character_bytes[0]) {
signals.add(signal, true);
match character_bytes[0] {
b'\r' => {
if self.termios.has_input_flags(IGNCR) {
buffer = &buffer[size..];
return_value += size;
if self.termios.has_input_flags(ICRNL) {
character_bytes[0] = b'\n';
b'\n' => {
if self.termios.has_input_flags(INLCR) {
character_bytes[0] = b'\r'
_ => {}
// In canonical mode, we discard non-terminating characters
// after the first 4095.
if self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON)
&& queue.read_buffer.len() + size >= max_bytes
&& !self.termios.is_terminating(&character_bytes)
buffer = &buffer[size..];
return_value += size;
if queue.read_buffer.len() + size > max_bytes {
buffer = &buffer[size..];
return_value += size;
// If we get EOF, make the buffer available for reading.
if self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) && self.termios.is_eof(character_bytes[0]) {
queue.readable = true;
// Anything written to the read buffer will have to be echoed.
if self.termios.has_local_flags(ECHO) {
signals.append(with_queue!(self.output_queue.write_bytes(self, &character_bytes)));
// If we finish a line, make it available for reading.
if self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) && self.termios.is_terminating(&character_bytes)
queue.readable = true;
// In noncanonical mode, everything is readable.
if !self.termios.has_local_flags(ICANON) && queue.read_buffer.len() > 0 {
queue.readable = true;
(return_value, signals)
impl Drop for Terminal {
fn drop(&mut self) {
/// The controlling session of a terminal. Is is associated to a single side of the terminal,
/// either main or replica.
pub struct ControllingSession {
/// The controlling session.
pub session: Weak<Session>,
/// The foreground process group.
pub foregound_process_group: Weak<ProcessGroup>,
/// The identifier of the foreground process group. This is necessary because the leader must
/// be returned even if the process group has already been deleted.
pub foregound_process_group_leader: pid_t,
impl ControllingSession {
pub fn new(process_group: &Arc<ProcessGroup>) -> Option<Self> {
Some(Self {
session: Arc::downgrade(&process_group.session),
foregound_process_group: Arc::downgrade(process_group),
foregound_process_group_leader: process_group.leader,
pub fn set_foregound_process_group(&self, process_group: &Arc<ProcessGroup>) -> Option<Self> {
assert!(self.session.upgrade().as_ref() == Some(&process_group.session));
/// Helper trait for termios to help parse the configuration.
trait TermIOS {
fn has_input_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool;
fn has_output_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool;
fn has_local_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool;
fn is_eof(&self, c: RawByte) -> bool;
fn is_terminating(&self, character_bytes: &[RawByte]) -> bool;
fn signal(&self, c: RawByte) -> Option<Signal>;
impl TermIOS for uapi::termios {
fn has_input_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool {
self.c_iflag & flags == flags
fn has_output_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool {
self.c_oflag & flags == flags
fn has_local_flags(&self, flags: tcflag_t) -> bool {
self.c_lflag & flags == flags
fn is_eof(&self, c: RawByte) -> bool {
return c == self.c_cc[VEOF as usize] && self.c_cc[VEOF as usize] != DISABLED_CHAR;
fn is_terminating(&self, character_bytes: &[RawByte]) -> bool {
// All terminating characters are 1 byte.
if character_bytes.len() != 1 {
return false;
let c = character_bytes[0];
// Is this the user-set EOF character?
if self.is_eof(c) {
return true;
return false;
if c == b'\n' || c == self.c_cc[VEOL as usize] {
return true;
if c == self.c_cc[VEOL2 as usize] {
return self.has_local_flags(IEXTEN);
fn signal(&self, c: RawByte) -> Option<Signal> {
if c == self.c_cc[VINTR as usize] {
return Some(SIGINT);
if c == self.c_cc[VQUIT as usize] {
return Some(SIGQUIT);
if c == self.c_cc[VSUSP as usize] {
return Some(SIGSTOP);
/// Returns the number of bytes of the next character in `buffer`.
/// Depending on `termios`, this might consider ASCII or UTF8 encoding.
/// This will return 1 if the encoding is UTF8 and the first bytes of buffer are not a valid utf8
/// sequence.
fn compute_next_character_size(buffer: &[RawByte], termios: &uapi::termios) -> usize {
if !termios.has_input_flags(IUTF8) {
return 1;
struct Receiver {
/// Whether the first codepoint has been decoded. Contains `None` until either the first
/// character has been decoded, or until the sequence is considered invalid. When not None,
/// it contains `true` if a character has been correctly decoded.
done: Option<bool>,
impl utf8parse::Receiver for Receiver {
fn codepoint(&mut self, _c: char) {
self.done = Some(true);
fn invalid_sequence(&mut self) {
self.done = Some(false);
let mut byte_count = 0;
let mut receiver = Receiver::default();
let mut parser = utf8parse::Parser::new();
while receiver.done.is_none() && byte_count < buffer.len() {
parser.advance(&mut receiver, buffer[byte_count]);
byte_count += 1;
if receiver.done == Some(true) {
} else {
/// Alias used to mark bytes in the queues that have not yet been processed and pushed into the
/// read buffer. See `Queue`.
type RawByte = u8;
/// Queue represents one of the input or output queues between a pty main and replica. Bytes
/// written to a queue are added to the read buffer until it is full, at which point they are
/// written to the wait buffer. Bytes are processed (i.e. undergo termios transformations) as they
/// are added to the read buffer. The read buffer is readable when its length is nonzero and
/// readable is true.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Queue {
/// The buffer of data ready to be read when readable is true. This data has been processed.
read_buffer: Vec<u8>,
/// Data that can't fit into readBuf. It is put here until it can be loaded into the read
/// buffer. Contains data that hasn't been processed.
wait_buffers: VecDeque<Vec<RawByte>>,
/// The length of the data in `wait_buffers`.
total_wait_buffer_length: usize,
/// Whether the read buffer can be read from. In canonical mode, there can be an unterminated
/// line in the read buffer, so readable must be checked.
readable: bool,
/// Whether this queue in the input queue. Needed to know how to transform received data.
is_input: bool,
impl Queue {
fn output_queue() -> Option<Self> {
Some(Queue { is_input: false, ..Default::default() })
fn input_queue() -> Option<Self> {
Some(Queue { is_input: true, ..Default::default() })
/// Returns whether the queue is ready to be written to.
fn write_readyness(&self) -> FdEvents {
if self.total_wait_buffer_length < WAIT_BUFFER_MAX_BYTES {
} else {
/// Returns whether the queue is ready to be read from.
fn read_readyness(&self) -> FdEvents {
if self.readable_size() > 0 {
} else {
/// Returns the number of bytes ready to be read.
fn readable_size(&self) -> usize {
if self.readable {
} else {
/// Read from the queue into `data`. Returns the number of bytes copied.
pub fn read(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
if !self.readable {
return error!(EAGAIN);
let max_bytes_to_write = std::cmp::min(self.read_buffer.len(), CANON_MAX_BYTES);
let written_to_userspace =, &self.read_buffer[..max_bytes_to_write])?;
// If everything has been read, this queue is no longer readable.
if self.read_buffer.len() == 0 {
self.readable = false;
let signals = self.drain_waiting_buffer(terminal);
Ok((written_to_userspace, signals))
/// Writes to the queue from `data`. Returns the number of bytes copied.
pub fn write(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>,
current_task: &CurrentTask,
data: &[UserBuffer],
) -> Result<(usize, PendingSignals), Errno> {
let room = WAIT_BUFFER_MAX_BYTES - self.total_wait_buffer_length;
let data_length = UserBuffer::get_total_length(data)?;
if room == 0 && data_length > 0 {
return error!(EAGAIN);
let mut buffer = vec![0 as RawByte; std::cmp::min(room, data_length)];
let read_from_userspace =, &mut buffer)?;
assert!(read_from_userspace == buffer.len());
let signals = self.push_to_waiting_buffer(terminal, buffer);
Ok((read_from_userspace, signals))
/// Writes the given `buffer` to the queue.
fn write_bytes(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>,
buffer: &[RawByte],
) -> PendingSignals {
self.push_to_waiting_buffer(terminal, buffer.to_vec())
/// Pushes the given buffer into the wait_buffers, and process the wait_buffers.
fn push_to_waiting_buffer(
&mut self,
terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>,
buffer: Vec<RawByte>,
) -> PendingSignals {
self.total_wait_buffer_length += buffer.len();
/// Processes the wait_buffers, filling the read buffer.
fn drain_waiting_buffer(&mut self, terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>) -> PendingSignals {
let mut total = 0;
let mut signals_to_return = PendingSignals::new();
while let Some(wait_buffer) = self.wait_buffers.pop_front() {
let (count, signals) = terminal.transform(self.is_input, self, &wait_buffer);
total += count;
if count != wait_buffer.len() {
self.total_wait_buffer_length -= total;
/// Called when the queue is moved from canonical mode, to non canonical mode.
fn on_canon_disabled(&mut self, terminal: &mut TerminalWriteGuard<'_>) -> PendingSignals {
let signals = self.drain_waiting_buffer(terminal);
if !self.read_buffer.is_empty() {
self.readable = true;
// Returns the ASCII representation of the given char. This will assert if the character is not
// ascii.
fn get_ascii(c: char) -> u8 {
let mut dest: [u8; 1] = [0];
c.encode_utf8(&mut dest);
// Returns the control character associated with the given letter.
fn get_control_character(c: char) -> cc_t {
get_ascii(c) - get_ascii('A') + 1
// Returns the default control characters of a terminal.
fn get_default_control_characters() -> [cc_t; 19usize] {
get_control_character('C'), // VINTR = ^C
get_control_character('\\'), // VQUIT = ^\
get_ascii('\x7f'), // VERASE = DEL
get_control_character('U'), // VKILL = ^U
get_control_character('D'), // VEOF = ^D
0, // VTIME
1, // VMIN
0, // VSWTC
get_control_character('Q'), // VSTART = ^Q
get_control_character('S'), // VSTOP = ^S
get_control_character('Z'), // VSUSP = ^Z
0, // VEOL
get_control_character('R'), // VREPRINT = ^R
get_control_character('O'), // VDISCARD = ^O
get_control_character('W'), // VWERASE = ^W
get_control_character('V'), // VLNEXT = ^V
0, // VEOL2
0, // Remaining data in the array,
0, // Remaining data in the array,
// Returns the default replica terminal configuration.
fn get_default_termios() -> uapi::termios {
uapi::termios {
c_iflag: uapi::ICRNL | uapi::IXON,
c_oflag: uapi::OPOST | uapi::ONLCR,
c_cflag: uapi::B38400 | uapi::CS8 | uapi::CREAD,
c_lflag: uapi::ISIG
| uapi::ICANON
| uapi::ECHO
| uapi::ECHOE
| uapi::ECHOK
| uapi::ECHOCTL
| uapi::ECHOKE
| uapi::IEXTEN,
c_line: 0,
c_cc: get_default_control_characters(),
struct PtsIdsSet {
pts_count: u32,
next_id: u32,
reclaimed_ids: BTreeSet<u32>,
impl PtsIdsSet {
pub fn new(pts_count: u32) -> Self {
Self { pts_count, next_id: 0, reclaimed_ids: BTreeSet::new() }
pub fn release(&mut self, id: u32) {
pub fn get(&mut self) -> Result<u32, Errno> {
match self.reclaimed_ids.iter().next() {
Some(e) => {
let value = e.clone();
None => {
if self.next_id < self.pts_count {
let id = self.next_id;
self.next_id += 1;
} else {
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_ascii_conversion() {
assert_eq!(get_ascii(' '), 32);
fn test_control_character() {
assert_eq!(get_control_character('C'), 3);
fn test_invalid_ascii_conversion() {
fn test_compute_next_character_size_non_utf8() {
let termios = get_default_termios();
for i in 0..=255 {
let array: &[u8] = &[i, 0xa9, 0];
assert_eq!(compute_next_character_size(array, &termios), 1);
fn test_compute_next_character_size_utf8() {
let mut termios = get_default_termios();
termios.c_iflag = termios.c_iflag | IUTF8;
for i in 0..128 {
let array: &[RawByte] = &[i, 0xa9, 0];
assert_eq!(compute_next_character_size(array, &termios), 1);
let array: &[RawByte] = &[0xc2, 0xa9, 0];
assert_eq!(compute_next_character_size(array, &termios), 2);
let array: &[RawByte] = &[0xc2, 255, 0];
assert_eq!(compute_next_character_size(array, &termios), 1);