blob: 4e45acc7eb1e78028a17b2dbb6a570e0f9b2637d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
import (
fidl ""
cpp ""
type Generator struct {
tmpls *template.Template
type TypedArgument struct {
ArgumentName string
ArgumentValue string
ArgumentType cpp.Type
Pointer bool
Nullable bool
Access bool
MutableAccess bool
type formatParam func(cpp.Type, string) string
func formatParams(params []cpp.Parameter, prefixIfNonempty string, format formatParam) string {
if len(params) == 0 {
return ""
args := []string{}
for _, p := range params {
args = append(args, format(p.Type, p.Name))
if len(args) > 0 {
return prefixIfNonempty + strings.Join(args, ", ")
return ""
func closeHandles(argumentName string, argumentValue string, argumentType cpp.Type, pointer bool, nullable bool, access bool, mutableAccess bool) string {
if !argumentType.IsResource {
return ""
name := argumentName
value := argumentValue
if access {
name = fmt.Sprintf("%s()", name)
value = name
} else if mutableAccess {
name = fmt.Sprintf("mutable_%s()", name)
value = name
switch argumentType.Kind {
case cpp.TypeKinds.Handle, cpp.TypeKinds.Request, cpp.TypeKinds.Protocol:
if pointer {
if nullable {
return fmt.Sprintf("if (%s != nullptr) { %s->reset(); }", name, name)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s->reset();", name)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.reset();", name)
case cpp.TypeKinds.Array:
element_name := argumentName + "_element"
element_type := argumentType.ElementType
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s* %s =;\n", element_type, element_name, value))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("for (size_t i = 0; i < %s.size(); ++i, ++%s) {\n", value, element_name))
buf.WriteString(closeHandles(element_name, fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)", element_name), *element_type, true, false, false, false))
return buf.String()
case cpp.TypeKinds.Vector:
element_name := argumentName + "_element"
element_type := argumentType.ElementType
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s* %s = %s.mutable_data();\n", element_type, element_name, value))
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("for (uint64_t i = 0; i < %s.count(); ++i, ++%s) {\n", value, element_name))
buf.WriteString(closeHandles(element_name, fmt.Sprintf("(*%s)", element_name), *element_type, true, false, false, false))
return buf.String()
if pointer {
if nullable {
return fmt.Sprintf("if (%s != nullptr) { %s->_CloseHandles(); }", name, name)
return fmt.Sprintf("%s->_CloseHandles();", name)
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s._CloseHandles();", name)
// These are the helper functions we inject for use by the templates.
var (
utilityFuncs = template.FuncMap{
"Kinds": func() interface{} { return cpp.Kinds },
"FamilyKinds": func() interface{} { return cpp.FamilyKinds },
"TypeKinds": func() interface{} { return cpp.TypeKinds },
"Eq": func(a interface{}, b interface{}) bool { return a == b },
"StackUse": func(props cpp.LLContextProps) int {
return props.StackUseRequest + props.StackUseResponse
"CloseHandles": func(member cpp.Member,
access bool,
mutableAccess bool) string {
n, t := member.NameAndType()
return closeHandles(n, n, t, t.WirePointer, t.WirePointer, access, mutableAccess)
"EnsureNamespace": cpp.EnsureNamespace,
"PushNamespace": cpp.PushNamespace,
"PopNamespace": cpp.PopNamespace,
"EndOfFile": cpp.EndOfFile,
"UseNatural": cpp.UseNatural,
"UseWire": cpp.UseWire,
"Params": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, "", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", t.String(), n)
"CommaParams": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, ", ", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", t.String(), n)
"ParamNames": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, "", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return n
"CommaParamNames": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, ", ", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return n
"ParamsNoTypedChannels": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, "", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", t.WireNoTypedChannels(), n)
"ParamMoveNames": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, "", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("std::move(%s)", n)
"MessagePrototype": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, "", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return t.WireArgumentDeclaration(n)
"CommaMessagePrototype": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, ", ", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return t.WireArgumentDeclaration(n)
"InitMessage": func(params []cpp.Parameter) string {
return formatParams(params, ": ", func(t cpp.Type, n string) string {
return t.WireInitMessage(n)
func NewGenerator() *Generator {
tmpls := template.New("LLCPPTemplates").
templates := []string{
for _, t := range templates {
return &Generator{
tmpls: tmpls,
func generateFile(filename, clangFormatPath string, contentGenerator func(wr io.Writer) error) error {
if err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Dir(filename), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return err
file, err := fidl.NewLazyWriter(filename)
if err != nil {
return err
generatedPipe, err := cpp.NewClangFormatter(clangFormatPath).FormatPipe(file)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := contentGenerator(generatedPipe); err != nil {
return err
return generatedPipe.Close()
func (gen *Generator) generateHeader(wr io.Writer, tree cpp.Root) error {
return gen.tmpls.ExecuteTemplate(wr, "Header", tree)
func (gen *Generator) generateSource(wr io.Writer, tree cpp.Root) error {
return gen.tmpls.ExecuteTemplate(wr, "Source", tree)
func (gen *Generator) generateTestBase(wr io.Writer, tree cpp.Root) error {
return gen.tmpls.ExecuteTemplate(wr, "TestBase", tree)
// GenerateHeader generates the LLCPP bindings header, and writes it into
// the target filename.
func (gen *Generator) GenerateHeader(tree cpp.Root, filename, clangFormatPath string) error {
return generateFile(filename, clangFormatPath, func(wr io.Writer) error {
return gen.generateHeader(wr, tree)
// GenerateSource generates the LLCPP bindings source, and writes it into
// the target filename.
func (gen *Generator) GenerateSource(tree cpp.Root, filename, clangFormatPath string) error {
return generateFile(filename, clangFormatPath, func(wr io.Writer) error {
return gen.generateSource(wr, tree)
// GenerateTestBase generates the LLCPP bindings test base header, and
// writes it into the target filename.
func (gen *Generator) GenerateTestBase(tree cpp.Root, filename, clangFormatPath string) error {
return generateFile(filename, clangFormatPath, func(wr io.Writer) error {
return gen.generateTestBase(wr, tree)