blob: df6dfacebe9393c5ee2641f1e09f2f66e4726b84 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
// This proto is located at
import "google/type/date.proto";
// Monorail contains the project configuration for the Monorail issue tracker.
message Monorail {
string project = 1;
string component = 2;
// IssueTracker contains the project configuration for the Google
// Issue Tracker service.
message IssueTracker {
int64 component_id = 1;
message Tracker {
repeated Monorail monorail = 1;
repeated IssueTracker issue_tracker = 2;
// for_automation defines whether this tracker should be used by automated
// processes (e.g. alerts).
bool for_automation = 3;
message Presubmit {
repeated string review_notify = 1;
repeated string auto_reviewers = 2;
message Metadata {
// name is the name of the API/Package/Program.
string name = 1;
string description = 2;
// url points to some documentation/landing page.
string url = 3;
// Date this metadata was last reviewed by a human.
google.type.Date last_reviewed_date = 4;
repeated Tracker trackers = 5;
// presubmits are used for defining presubmits.
// The field is marked repeated for future expansion, but only
// one message should be used.
repeated Presubmit presubmits = 6;