blob: f91b7f853757dcc3c4de6fc542283f1bec61d702 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Defines a Fuchsia package.
# See:
# Fuchsia packages are a collection of any number of files (or resources), each
# with a unique path that is relative to the package's root.
# Package targets collect resources via their dependencies. These dependencies
# are typically either:
# * `fuchsia_component()` targets, which provide their component manifest and
# other files that the component needs (such as an executable)
# * other `fuchsia_package()` targets, declared as `subpackages`
# Packages can be defined as a collection of pairs each representing a file in
# the package. Each pair consists of the path in the package that is assigned
# to the file, and a path relative to the build system's output directory where
# the contents of the file will be sourced from.
# This mapping is generated at build time, and is known as the package
# manifest.
# To view the package manifest, For instance assume you have defined
# a package at `path/to/project:my_package` and built it:
# ```
# $ fx build path/to/project:my_package
# ```
# You can then find the path to the generated manifest:
# ```
# $ fx gn outputs out/default path/to/project:my_package_manifest
# ```
# The package name is defined by the target name.
# Some rules apply to package names.
# See:
# It's recommended for a package to depend on one or more `fuchsia_component()`
# targets, and zero or more `subpackages` and/or `renameable_subpackages`.
# Examples:
# ```
# fuchsia_package("my-package") {
# deps = [
# ":main_component",
# ]
# subpackages = [
# ":second_package",
# ]
# }
# ```
# ```
# fuchsia_package("my-package") {
# deps = [
# ":main_component",
# ]
# renameable_subpackages = [
# {
# package = ":second_package"
# },
# {
# name = "renamed-subpackage"
# package = ":third_package"
# }
# ]
# }
# ```
# ```
# fuchsia_package("my-package") {
# deps = [
# ":first_component",
# ":second_component",
# ]
# }
# ```
# Parameters
# package_name (optional)
# The name of the package.
# Type: string
# Default: target_name
# disable_elf_binaries_checks (optional)
# Set to true to disable ELF binaries verification checks. Useful
# if your package includes non-Fuchsia ELF binaries, or if some
# of them are unstripped.
# Type: boolean
# Default: false
# validate_structured_config (optional)
# If true, check that component manifests which declare config schemas have been
# packaged with the resources needed to resolve them at runtime. Only useful for
# those packages which fully generate their configuration during the build. If a
# component has configuration provided by assembly tooling, that happens after the
# package is built and this should be set to false to prevent spurious errors.
# Type: boolean
# Default: true
# is_system_package (optional)
# Used internally to implement fuchsia_system_package(), do not use!
# If this is true, this is a fuchsia_system_package(), and it is allowed
# to be included in //build/input:system_image.
# Type: boolean
# is_driver_package (optional)
# Used internally to implement fuchsia_driver_package(), do not use!
# If defined, this is a fuchsia_driver_package(). The only behavior
# difference is a fuchsia_driver_package can be added as a dependency
# to the boot image, and its contents will appear in the boot image.
# This flag will be removed eventually as fuchsia_driver_packages
# are included in the build in the correct way.
# Type: boolean
# repository (optional)
# The repository host name part of the package URL. Defaults to "".
# See
# for more details.
# Type: string
# Default:
# subpackages (optional)
# A list of `fuchsia_package` targets. Each target is converted into the
# equivalent of a `renameable_targets` entry with its `package` property set
# to the target, and no `name` override. All included `package` entries will
# be added as `deps` of the generated meta file, and do not need to be
# listed as additional `deps` of the `fuchsia_package` target.
# Subpackage names must be unique (relative to the containing package), but
# both `renameable_subpackages` and `subpackages` may be included,
# additively.
# Type: list of targets
# renameable_subpackages (optional)
# A list of subpackages defined by scoped variables `package` and an
# optional `name`. If `name` is omitted, the subpackage target's package
# name is used by default. The generated package will include a
# `subpackages` meta file that declares dependencies on the listed packages,
# using the current package hash of each package. All included `package`
# entries will be added as `deps` of the generated meta file, and do not
# need to be listed as additional `deps` of the `fuchsia_package` target.
# Subpackage names must be unique (relative to the containing package), but
# both `renameable_subpackages` and `subpackages` may be included,
# additively.
# Type: list of scopes
# shell_commands (optional)
# An explicit list of dependencies included as part of the fuchsia package invocation that are
# shell command dependencies to include in the shell command distribution manifest and it's
# subsequent metadata walk
# is_shell_package (optional)
# Used internally to implement fuchsia_shell_package(). Use with caution, as this flag marks
# all the package's binaries as shell commands and includes them in the shell_commands package
# during the generation of the legacy_assembly_input_bundle
# data_deps
# deps
# testonly
# visibility
template("fuchsia_package") {
if (current_toolchain == target_toolchain) {
package_name = target_name
if (defined(invoker.package_name)) {
package_name = invoker.package_name
repository = ""
if (defined(invoker.repository)) {
repository = invoker.repository
shell_commands_manifest_target = "${target_name}.shell_commands_manifest"
shell_commands_manifest = "$target_out_dir/$shell_commands_manifest_target"
_files = {
fini_manifest = "$target_out_dir/${target_name}_manifest"
package_out_dir = "$target_out_dir/$target_name"
package_manifest = "$package_out_dir/package_manifest.json"
# Generate the "meta/package" file
meta_package_target = "${target_name}_meta_package"
generate_meta_package(meta_package_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
package_name = package_name
if (defined(invoker.subpackages) ||
defined(invoker.renameable_subpackages) ||
defined(invoker.test_pkg__subpackages) ||
defined(invoker.test_pkg__renameable_subpackages)) {
subpackages_list = []
if (defined(invoker.renameable_subpackages)) {
subpackages_list = invoker.renameable_subpackages
if (defined(invoker.test_pkg__renameable_subpackages)) {
subpackages_list = invoker.test_pkg__renameable_subpackages
if (defined(invoker.subpackages)) {
foreach(subpackage, invoker.subpackages) {
subpackages_list += [
package = subpackage
if (defined(invoker.test_pkg__subpackages)) {
foreach(subpackage, invoker.test_pkg__subpackages) {
subpackages_list += [
package = subpackage
# Generate the "meta/fuchsia.pkg/subpackages" file
meta_subpackages_target = "${target_name}_meta_subpackages"
generate_meta_subpackages(meta_subpackages_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
subpackages = subpackages_list
_is_shell_package =
(defined(invoker.is_shell_package) && invoker.is_shell_package) ||
(defined(invoker.shell_commands) && invoker.shell_commands != [])
if (_is_shell_package) {
# Collect all distribution entries from deps.
distribution_manifest(shell_commands_manifest_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
visibility = [ ":*" ]
package_manifest_path = _files.package_manifest
if (defined(invoker.shell_commands)) {
deps = invoker.shell_commands
} else {
deps = invoker.deps
outputs = [ shell_commands_manifest ]
metadata = {
shell_commands_distribution_manifests = [
manifest_path = rebase_path(package_manifest_path, root_build_dir)
package_name = package_name
shell_commands_barrier = []
} else {
# Generate package manifest
package_manifest_target = "${target_name}_manifest"
fini_manifest(package_manifest_target) {
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (defined(invoker.shell_commands)) {
deps += invoker.shell_commands
deps += [ ":$meta_package_target" ]
visibility = [ ":*" ]
outputs = [ _files.fini_manifest ]
# Verify ELF binaries
verify_elf = !(defined(invoker.disable_elf_binaries_checks) &&
if (verify_elf) {
package_manifest_verify_target = "${target_name}.verify"
verify_manifest_elf_binaries(package_manifest_verify_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
manifest = _files.fini_manifest
check_unstripped_files = true
deps = [ ":$package_manifest_target" ]
_package_build_target = "${target_name}.pkg"
_validate_structured_config = false
if (defined(invoker.validate_structured_config)) {
_validate_structured_config = invoker.validate_structured_config
if (_validate_structured_config) {
_validate_config_target = "${target_name}.validate_config"
validate_packaged_config(_validate_config_target) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, [ "testonly" ])
package_manifest = _files.package_manifest
deps = [ ":$_package_build_target" ]
_is_driver_package =
defined(invoker.is_driver_package) && invoker.is_driver_package
not_needed([ "_is_driver_package" ])
_is_system_package = false
if (defined(invoker.is_system_package)) {
_is_system_package = invoker.is_system_package
# Build package
package_tool_package_build(_package_build_target) {
package_out_dir = _files.package_out_dir
manifest = ":$package_manifest_target"
if (defined(meta_subpackages_target)) {
meta_subpackages = ":$meta_subpackages_target"
metadata = {
if (defined(invoker.metadata)) {
forward_variables_from(invoker.metadata, "*")
if (!_is_system_package && !_is_driver_package) {
# Installing a Fuchsia package into another one should not also install
# its content to the root install location, which is why this metadata key
# is set to an empty list.
# An exception to this rule is fuchsia_system_package() instances whose
# content must end up in either the system image (handled by
# system_image_package_info below) or the boot filesystem (handled through
# distribution_manifest()).
# Another exception is fuchsia_driver_package(), whose content
# has to end up in the boot filesystem if the boot filesystem depends on it.
distribution_entries_barrier = []
# Used by system_image_fuchsia_packages_list() to allow embedding
# the content of this package into the system image, if necessary.
# The schema is the following:
# label: GN label of this target (used for debugging only).
# fini_manifest: path to FINI manifest listing this package's content.
# system_image_packaged_allowed_in_extra_deps: (optional)
# If defined, this is a fuchsia_system_package() instance, and its
# value determines whether it is allowed in extra dependency trees
# (see fuchsia_system_package() description for details). If undefined,
# this is a regular fuchsia_package().
system_image_package_info = [
label = get_label_info(":$target_name", "label_with_toolchain")
fini_manifest = rebase_path(_files.fini_manifest, root_build_dir)
system_image_package_barrier = []
system_image_extra_package_manifest_barrier = []
test_component_manifest_barrier = []
if (!defined(test_components_barrier)) {
# don't produce entries for non-test packages.
test_components_barrier = []
test_component_manifest_program_barrier = []
expect_includes_barrier = []
repository = repository
if (!defined(deps)) {
deps = []
if (verify_elf) {
deps += [ ":$package_manifest_verify_target" ]
# Ensure that even if the top-level package restricts its visibility,
# this package_tool_package_build target is visible to the top-level
# package.
if (defined(visibility)) {
visibility += [ ":${invoker.target_name}" ]
if (_is_shell_package) {
deps += [ ":$shell_commands_manifest_target" ]
group(target_name) {
public_deps = [ ":$_package_build_target" ]
deps = []
if (_validate_structured_config) {
deps += [ ":$_validate_config_target" ]
if (defined(invoker.subpackages) ||
defined(invoker.renameable_subpackages)) {
# If the package has subpackages, make it dep on the visibilty-based
# allow-list.
deps += [ "//build/packages:allowed_to_use_subpackages" ]
if (_is_driver_package) {
metadata = {
# Allow exclusion of driver packages by assembly
driver_package_barrier = []
} else {
# Fuchsia packages should only be built with target_toolchain. However, it
# is possible for package targets to be expanded in other toolchains (host,
# variant, etc.). In these cases, make fuchsia_package expand to nothing.
group(target_name) {
# Suppress unused variable warnings.
not_needed(invoker, "*")