blob: c328e120f1f15cdcdd05fe1ea9f6a5c4e49518ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/zircon-internal/unique-backtrace.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
#include <lib/elf-psabi/sp.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/default_stack_size.h>
#include <lib/zx/channel.h>
#include <lib/zx/exception.h>
#include <lib/zx/handle.h>
#include <lib/zx/process.h>
#include <lib/zx/thread.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/debug.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/exception.h>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#endif // __Fuchsia__
namespace {
// The rule defines ICF_WORKS to false when using various kinds of
// compiler instrumentation. Some of these cause identical functions in the
// source to become nonidentical code. So the baseline verification that ICF
// happens when expected can't be relied on in these builds.
constexpr bool kIcfExpected = ICF_WORKS;
// Since it's never inlined, this will always get the actual return address.
// However, it's up to its caller to make sure that the return address is the
// PC in the actual caller rather than the caller's caller (or on up) via
// either inlining or tail-call optimization.
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t RecordCaller() {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(__builtin_return_address(0));
// Even if inlined away, this prevents the compiler from thinking it knows the
// value. Thus it can't do tail-call optimization for the function call that
// yields the argument value.
uintptr_t Launder(uintptr_t value) {
// Clang doesn't really understand GCC constraints that give it multiple
// options to choose from, so it generates lousy code for "=g" or even "=rm".
__asm__("" : "=r"(value) : "0"(value));
return value;
// Hence these four calls will get their own true PC address and never their
// caller's address by dint of a tail-call-optimized jump to RecordCaller().
// Since they can't be inlined, they should always be appropriate candidates
// for ICF (or the LTO equivalent). The first pair are fully identical (unless
// modified by compiler instrumentation; see kIcfExpected, above), so they
// should be folded at link time into returning the same PC value at runtime.
// The second pair use the API under test to prevent that happening, so they
// should always have distinct PC values to return at runtime.
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IcfExpected1() { return Launder(RecordCaller()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IcfExpected2() { return Launder(RecordCaller()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IcfPrevented1() {
return Launder(RecordCaller());
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IcfPrevented2() {
return Launder(RecordCaller());
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, IcfExpected) {
uintptr_t caller1 = IcfExpected1();
uintptr_t caller2 = IcfExpected2();
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(caller1, caller2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, IcfPrevented) {
uintptr_t caller1 = IcfPrevented1();
uintptr_t caller2 = IcfPrevented2();
EXPECT_NE(caller1, caller2);
// ICF also works for indirect duplication: once two callees have been folded
// together, the callers become identical enough to be folded together
// themselves. This can be prevented in either (or both) of two ways:
// * Prevent the indirect deduplication "indirectly" by preventing the
// deduplication of the callees. Two callers with identical code but
// different relocations (call targets) cannot be folded together.
// * Prevent the indirect deduplication "directly" by preventing the
// deduplication of the callers. Even if the callees of the two callers get
// folded together, the callers themselves won't be.
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfExpected1() { return Launder(IcfExpected1()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfExpected2() { return Launder(IcfExpected2()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly1() { return Launder(IcfPrevented1()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly2() { return Launder(IcfPrevented2()); }
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfPreventedDirectly1() {
return Launder(RecordCaller());
[[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t IndirectIcfPreventedDirectly2() {
return Launder(RecordCaller());
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, IndirectIcfExpected) {
uintptr_t caller1 = IndirectIcfExpected1();
uintptr_t caller2 = IndirectIcfExpected2();
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(caller1, caller2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, IndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly) {
uintptr_t caller1 = IndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly1();
uintptr_t caller2 = IndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly2();
EXPECT_NE(caller1, caller2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, IndirectIcfPreventedDirectly) {
uintptr_t caller1 = IndirectIcfPreventedDirectly1();
uintptr_t caller2 = IndirectIcfPreventedDirectly2();
EXPECT_NE(caller1, caller2);
#ifdef __Fuchsia__
// kPcRegister is the PC member in the thread register state.
// kTrapExceptionType is the type of exception that __builtin_trap() causes.
#if defined(__aarch64__)
constexpr auto kPcRegister = &zx_thread_state_general_regs_t::pc;
constexpr zx_excp_type_t kTrapExceptionType = ZX_EXCP_SW_BREAKPOINT;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
constexpr auto kPcRegister = &zx_thread_state_general_regs_t::rip;
constexpr zx_excp_type_t kTrapExceptionType = ZX_EXCP_UNDEFINED_INSTRUCTION;
#error "what machine?"
// To test the crashing cases, we'll spawn a raw Zircon thread with no C
// library assistance so there are no hidden data structures to clean up after
// the thread is killed.
void CatchCrash(void (*crash_function)(), uintptr_t& crash_pc) {
constexpr size_t kCrashThreadStackSize = ZIRCON_DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE;
constexpr std::string_view kCrashThreadName = "zircon-internal crash test";
zx::thread crash_thread;
kCrashThreadName.size(), 0, &crash_thread));
// Set up to receive thread exceptions for the new thread.
zx::channel exception_channel;
ASSERT_OK(crash_thread.create_exception_channel(0, &exception_channel));
// Start it running with a stack and PC at the crash function's entry point.
std::unique_ptr<std::byte[]> crash_thread_stack =
const uintptr_t pc = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(crash_function);
const uintptr_t sp = compute_initial_stack_pointer(
reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(crash_thread_stack.get()), kCrashThreadStackSize);
ASSERT_OK(crash_thread.start(pc, sp, 0, 0));
// Wait for the exception message and/or thread death.
zx_wait_item_t wait_items[] = {
{.handle = exception_channel.get(), .waitfor = ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE},
{.handle = crash_thread.get(), .waitfor = ZX_THREAD_TERMINATED},
const zx_wait_item_t& wait_channel = wait_items[0];
const zx_wait_item_t& wait_thread = wait_items[1];
ASSERT_OK(zx::handle::wait_many(wait_items, std::size(wait_items), zx::time::infinite()));
// The exception should happen first while the thread is still alive.
ASSERT_TRUE(wait_channel.pending & ZX_CHANNEL_READABLE);
// Read the exception message.
zx::exception exc;
zx_exception_info_t exc_info;
uint32_t nbytes = 0, nhandles = 0;
ASSERT_OK(, &exc_info, exc.reset_and_get_address(), sizeof(exc_info), 1,
&nbytes, &nhandles));
ASSERT_EQ(sizeof(exc_info), nbytes);
ASSERT_EQ(1u, nhandles);
// When the exception handle is closed (by the zx::exception destructor at
// the end of the function), the thread will resume from the exception. Set
// it up to "resume" by doing an immediate thread exit. This should make it
// safe to assume its stack will never be used again from here on out. (The
// stack will also be freed by a destructor at the end of the function.)
constexpr uint32_t kExceptionState = ZX_EXCEPTION_STATE_THREAD_EXIT;
ASSERT_OK(exc.set_property(ZX_PROP_EXCEPTION_STATE, &kExceptionState, sizeof(kExceptionState)));
// Check it was the exception we expect for __builtin_trap().
ASSERT_EQ(kTrapExceptionType, exc_info.type);
// Now fetch the thread's register state when it hit the __builtin_trap().
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t regs = {};
ASSERT_OK(crash_thread.read_state(ZX_THREAD_STATE_GENERAL_REGS, &regs, sizeof(regs)));
// Extract the PC of the crash site.
crash_pc = regs.*kPcRegister;
ASSERT_NE(0, crash_pc);
// The crashing entry points can't use anything but the basic stack.
#ifdef __clang__
#define BASIC_ABI [[clang::no_sanitize("all")]]
#define BASIC_ABI // We don't use anything in GCC that needs to be avoided.
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIcfExpected1() { __builtin_trap(); }
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIcfExpected2() { __builtin_trap(); }
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIcfPrevented1() { CRASH_WITH_UNIQUE_BACKTRACE(); }
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIcfPrevented2() { CRASH_WITH_UNIQUE_BACKTRACE(); }
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, CrashWithIcfExpected) {
uintptr_t crash1 = 0, crash2 = 0;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIcfExpected1, crash1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIcfExpected2, crash2));
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(crash1, crash2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, CrashWithIcfPrevented) {
uintptr_t crash1 = 0, crash2 = 0;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIcfPrevented1, crash1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIcfPrevented2, crash2));
EXPECT_NE(crash1, crash2);
BASIC_ABI [[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t BasicAbiRecordCaller() {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(__builtin_return_address(0));
BASIC_ABI uintptr_t BasicAbiLaunder(uintptr_t value) {
__asm__("" : "=r"(value) : "0"(value));
return value;
BASIC_ABI [[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t BasicAbiIcfExpected1() {
return BasicAbiLaunder(BasicAbiRecordCaller());
BASIC_ABI [[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t BasicAbiIcfExpected2() {
return BasicAbiLaunder(BasicAbiRecordCaller());
BASIC_ABI [[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t BasicAbiIndirectIcfExpected1() {
return BasicAbiLaunder(BasicAbiIcfExpected1());
BASIC_ABI [[gnu::noinline]] uintptr_t BasicAbiIndirectIcfExpected2() {
return BasicAbiLaunder(BasicAbiIcfExpected2());
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfExpected1() {
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfExpected2() {
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly1() { CrashWithIcfPrevented1(); }
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly2() { CrashWithIcfPrevented2(); }
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedDirectly1() {
BASIC_ABI [[noreturn]] void CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedDirectly2() {
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, BasicAbiIcfExpected) {
uintptr_t caller1 = BasicAbiIcfExpected1();
uintptr_t caller2 = BasicAbiIcfExpected2();
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(caller1, caller2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, BasicAbiIndirectIcfExpected) {
uintptr_t caller1 = BasicAbiIndirectIcfExpected1();
uintptr_t caller2 = BasicAbiIndirectIcfExpected2();
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(caller1, caller2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, CrashWithIndirectIcfExpected) {
uintptr_t crash1 = 0, crash2 = 0;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfExpected1, crash1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfExpected2, crash2));
if (kIcfExpected) {
EXPECT_EQ(crash1, crash2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedDirectly) {
uintptr_t crash1 = 0, crash2 = 0;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedDirectly1, crash1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedDirectly2, crash2));
EXPECT_NE(crash1, crash2);
TEST(ZirconInternalUniqueBacktraceTests, CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly) {
uintptr_t crash1 = 0, crash2 = 0;
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly1, crash1));
ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(CatchCrash(CrashWithIndirectIcfPreventedIndirectly2, crash2));
EXPECT_NE(crash1, crash2);
#endif // __Fuchsia__
} // namespace