blob: 71a97077dff429cb0c86e8530e5eb942a11d1c36 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fzl/owned-vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmar-manager.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <memory>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
namespace fzl {
// ResizeableVmoMapper is an extension of the basic OwnedVmoMapper utility which
// allows resizing of the mapping after it has been created.
class ResizeableVmoMapper : protected OwnedVmoMapper {
static std::unique_ptr<ResizeableVmoMapper> Create(
uint64_t size, const char* name,
zx_vm_option_t map_options = ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE,
fbl::RefPtr<VmarManager> vmar_manager = nullptr, uint32_t cache_policy = 0);
ResizeableVmoMapper() = default;
~ResizeableVmoMapper() { Reset(); }
// Move support
ResizeableVmoMapper(ResizeableVmoMapper&& other) { MoveFromOther(&other); }
ResizeableVmoMapper& operator=(ResizeableVmoMapper&& other) {
return *this;
// See |VmoMapper::CreateAndMap|
zx_status_t CreateAndMap(uint64_t size, const char* name,
zx_vm_option_t map_options = ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE,
fbl::RefPtr<VmarManager> vmar_manager = nullptr,
uint32_t cache_policy = 0);
// See |VmoMapper::Map|
zx_status_t Map(zx::vmo vmo, uint64_t size = 0,
zx_vm_option_t map_options = ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE,
fbl::RefPtr<VmarManager> vmar_manager = nullptr);
// Attempts to reduce both the VMO size and the VMAR mapping from |size_| to |size|.
// The start address of the mapping, |start_|, remains unchanged as a result of this call.
// Failure conditions:
// Attempting to shrink the mapping to a size of zero or requesting a "shrink" that would increase
// the mapping size returns an error.
// If |size| is not page-aligned, shrinking will fail.
// On failure, the mapping will be safe to use, but will remain at its original size.
zx_status_t Shrink(size_t size);
// Attempts to increase both the VMO size and the VMAR mapping from |size_| to |size|.
// Note that the VMAR mapping, and hence its start address, |start_|, might change. So it is not
// safe to retain any pointers computed using the old mapping's addresses. The client is
// expected to ensure their usage of the mapping is safe across a call to Grow().
// Unlike shrinking, it's permissible to grow to a non-page-aligned |size|.
// Failure conditions:
// Attempting to grow the mapping to a size smaller than the current size will return an error.
// On failure, the mapping will be safe to use, but will remain at its original size.
zx_status_t Grow(size_t size);
using OwnedVmoMapper::Release;
using OwnedVmoMapper::Reset;
using OwnedVmoMapper::vmo;
using VmoMapper::manager;
using VmoMapper::size;
using VmoMapper::start;
void MoveFromOther(ResizeableVmoMapper* other) {
map_options_ = other->map_options_;
zx_vm_option_t map_options_ = 0;
} // namespace fzl