blob: 349afaf9fedcc7b1bc4b1396d275146019deb0eb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <vm/evictor.h>
#include <vm/stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval.h>
#include "test_helper.h"
namespace vm_unittest {
// Custom pmm node to link with the evictor under test. Facilitates verifying the free count which
// is not possible with the global pmm node.
class TestPmmNode {
TestPmmNode() : evictor_(&node_, pmm_page_queues()) { evictor_.EnableEviction(); }
~TestPmmNode() {
// Pages that were evicted are being held in |node_|'s free list.
// Return them to the global pmm node before exiting.
ASSERT(node_.CountFreePages() == 0);
// Reduce free pages in |node_| by |num_pages|.
void DecrementFreePages(uint64_t num_pages) {
uint64_t free_count = node_.CountFreePages();
if (free_count < num_pages) {
num_pages = free_count;
list_node list = LIST_INITIAL_VALUE(list);
zx_status_t status = node_.AllocPages(num_pages, 0, &list);
ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// Return these pages to the global pmm. Our goal is to just reduce the free count of |node_|,
// we do not intend to use the allocated pages for anything.
vm_page_t* page;
list_for_every_entry (&list, page, vm_page_t, queue_node) {
Evictor::EvictionTarget GetOneShotEvictionTarget() const {
return evictor_.DebugGetOneShotEvictionTarget();
void SetMinDiscardableAge(zx_time_t age) { evictor_.DebugSetMinDiscardableAge(age); }
uint64_t FreePages() const { return node_.CountFreePages(); }
Evictor* evictor() { return &evictor_; }
PmmNode node_;
Evictor evictor_;
// Test that a one shot eviction target can be set as expected.
static bool evictor_set_target_test() {
TestPmmNode node;
auto expected = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = static_cast<bool>(rand() % 2),
.free_pages_target = static_cast<uint64_t>(rand()),
.min_pages_to_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(rand()),
.level =
(rand() % 2) ? Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest : Evictor::EvictionLevel::OnlyOldest,
auto actual = node.GetOneShotEvictionTarget();
ASSERT_EQ(actual.pending, expected.pending);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.free_pages_target, expected.free_pages_target);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.min_pages_to_free, expected.min_pages_to_free);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.level, expected.level);
// Test that multiple one shot eviction targets can be combined as expected.
static bool evictor_combine_targets_test() {
TestPmmNode node;
static constexpr int kNumTargets = 5;
Evictor::EvictionTarget targets[kNumTargets];
for (auto& target : targets) {
target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = static_cast<uint64_t>(rand() % 1000),
.min_pages_to_free = static_cast<uint64_t>(rand() % 1000),
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
Evictor::EvictionTarget expected = {};
for (auto& target : targets) {
expected.pending = expected.pending || target.pending;
expected.level = ktl::max(expected.level, target.level);
expected.min_pages_to_free += target.min_pages_to_free;
expected.free_pages_target = ktl::max(expected.free_pages_target, target.free_pages_target);
auto actual = node.GetOneShotEvictionTarget();
ASSERT_EQ(actual.pending, expected.pending);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.free_pages_target, expected.free_pages_target);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.min_pages_to_free, expected.min_pages_to_free);
ASSERT_EQ(actual.level, expected.level);
// Helper to create a pager backed vmo and commit all its pages.
static zx_status_t create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged>* vmo_out,
vm_page_t** out_pages = nullptr) {
// The size should be page aligned for TakePages and SupplyPages to work.
if (size % PAGE_SIZE) {
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
fbl::RefPtr<StubPageProvider> pager = fbl::MakeRefCountedChecked<StubPageProvider>(&ac);
if (!ac.check()) {
fbl::RefPtr<PageSource> src = fbl::MakeRefCountedChecked<PageSource>(&ac, ktl::move(pager));
if (!ac.check()) {
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
zx_status_t status = VmObjectPaged::CreateExternal(ktl::move(src), 0u, size, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Create an aux VMO to transfer pages into the pager-backed vmo.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> aux_vmo;
status = VmObjectPaged::Create(PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_ANY, 0u, size, &aux_vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
status = aux_vmo->CommitRange(0, size);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
VmPageSpliceList page_list;
status = aux_vmo->TakePages(0, size, &page_list);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
status = vmo->SupplyPages(0, size, &page_list);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Pin the pages momentarily to force the pages to be non-loaned pages. This allows us to be more
// strict with asserts that verify how many non-loaned pages are evicted. Loaned pages can also
// be evicted along the way to evicting non-loaned pages, but only non-loaned pages count as fully
// free.
ASSERT(ZX_OK == vmo->CommitRangePinned(0, size));
vmo->Unpin(0, size);
// Get the pages after the pin, so that we find non-loaned pages.
if (out_pages) {
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < size; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
status = vmo->GetPage(i, 0, nullptr, nullptr, &out_pages[i / PAGE_SIZE], nullptr);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*vmo_out = ktl::move(vmo);
return ZX_OK;
// Test that the evictor can evict from pager backed vmos as expected.
static bool evictor_pager_backed_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo to evict pages from.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 22;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Only evict from pager backed vmos.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 20,
.min_pages_to_free = 10,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Free pages target was greater than min pages target. So precisely free pages target must have
// been evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Re-initialize the vmo and try again with a different target.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 10,
.min_pages_to_free = 20,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Min pages target was greater than free pages target. So precisely min pages target must have
// been evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_count + target.min_pages_to_free);
// Helper to create a fully committed discardable vmo, which is unlocked and can be evicted.
static zx_status_t create_committed_unlocked_discardable_vmo(uint64_t size,
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged>* vmo_out) {
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
zx_status_t status =
VmObjectPaged::Create(PMM_ALLOC_FLAG_ANY, VmObjectPaged::kDiscardable, size, &vmo);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Lock and commit the vmo.
status = vmo->TryLockRange(0, size);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
status = vmo->CommitRange(0, size);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// Unlock the vmo so that it can be discarded.
status = vmo->UnlockRange(0, size);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
*vmo_out = ktl::move(vmo);
return ZX_OK;
// Test that the evictor can discard from discardable vmos as expected.
static bool evictor_discardable_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a discardable vmo.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 22;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_committed_unlocked_discardable_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
TestPmmNode node;
// Only evict from discardable vmos.
// Set min discardable age to 0 to that the vmo is eligible for eviction.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 20,
.min_pages_to_free = 10,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No pager backed pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, 0u);
// Free pages target was greater than min pages target. So precisely free pages target must have
// been evicted. However, a discardable vmo can only be discarded in its entirety, so we can't
// check for equality with free pages target. We can't check for equality with |kNumPages| either
// as it is possible (albeit unlikely) that a discardable vmo other than the one we created
// here was discarded, since we're discarding from the global list of discardable vmos. In the
// future (if and) when vmos are PMM node aware, we will be able to control this better by
// creating a vmo backed by the test node.
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Re-initialize the vmo and try again with a different target.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_committed_unlocked_discardable_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 10,
.min_pages_to_free = 20,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No pager backed pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, 0u);
// Min pages target was greater than free pages target. So precisely min pages target must have
// been evicted. However, a discardable vmo can only be discarded in its entirety, so we can't
// check for equality with free pages target. We can't check for equality with |kNumPages| either
// as it is possible (albeit unlikely) that a discardable vmo other than the one we created
// here was discarded, since we're discarding from the global list of discardable vmos. In the
// future (if and) when vmos are PMM node aware, we will be able to control this better by
// creating a vmo backed by the test node.
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), free_count + target.min_pages_to_free);
// Test that the evictor can evict out of both discardable and pager backed vmos simultaneously.
static bool evictor_pager_backed_and_discardable_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed and a discardable vmo to share the eviction load.
static constexpr uint64_t kNumPages = 11;
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo_pager, vmo_discardable;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo_pager));
create_committed_unlocked_discardable_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo_discardable));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo_pager->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Half the pages will be evicted from pager backed and the other half from discardable vmos.
// Set min discardable age to 0 to that the discardable vmo is eligible for eviction.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 20,
.min_pages_to_free = 10,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// It's hard to check for equality with discardable vmos in the picture. Refer to the comments in
// evictor_discardable_test regarding this. Perform some basic sanity checks on the number of
// pages evicted.
uint64_t expected_pages_freed = ktl::max(target.free_pages_target, target.min_pages_to_free);
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable + counts.pager_backed, expected_pages_freed);
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable, 0u);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, 0u);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Reset the vmos and try with a different target.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo_pager));
create_committed_unlocked_discardable_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo_discardable));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo_pager->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 10,
.min_pages_to_free = 20,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// It's hard to check for equality with discardable vmos in the picture. Refer to the comments in
// evictor_discardable_test regarding this. Perform some basic sanity checks on the number of
// pages evicted.
expected_pages_freed = ktl::max(target.free_pages_target, target.min_pages_to_free);
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable + counts.pager_backed, expected_pages_freed);
EXPECT_GE(counts.discardable, 0u);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, 0u);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), free_count + target.min_pages_to_free);
// Test that eviction meets the required free and min target as expected.
static bool evictor_free_target_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo to evict pages from.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 111;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Only evict from pager backed vmos.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 20,
.min_pages_to_free = 0,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Free pages target was greater than min pages target. So precisely free pages target must have
// been evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, target.free_pages_target);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Evict again with the same target.
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No new pages should have been evicted, as the free target was already met with the previous
// round of eviction, and no minimum pages were requested to be evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, 0u);
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_count);
// Evict again with a higher free memory target. No min pages target.
uint64_t delta_pages = 10;
target.free_pages_target += delta_pages;
target.min_pages_to_free = 0;
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Exactly delta_pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, delta_pages);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Free count increased by delta_pages.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
// Evict again with a higher free memory target and also a min pages target.
target.free_pages_target += delta_pages;
target.min_pages_to_free = delta_pages;
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Exactly delta_pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, delta_pages);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Free count increased by delta_pages.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
// Evict again with the same free target, but request a min number of pages to be freed.
target.min_pages_to_free = 2;
counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Exactly min pages evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// Free count increased by min pages.
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_count + target.min_pages_to_free);
// Test that pages are evicted when continuous eviction is enabled, and not evicted when disabled.
static bool evictor_continuous_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo to evict pages from.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 44;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Evict every 10 milliseconds.
// Enable eviction. Min pages target is 10 pages. Free mem target is 20 pages.
const uint64_t free_target = 20;
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(10u * PAGE_SIZE, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
// Poll the node's free count, relying on the test timeout to kill us if something goes wrong.
// The free target was 20 and min pages target was 10. We should see 20 pages freed.
while (node.FreePages() < free_target) {
printf("polling free count (case 1) ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// Get rid of all free pages and wait for eviction to happen again.
// Pages should be evicted per the free target again.
while (node.FreePages() < free_target) {
printf("polling free count (case 2) ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// No more pages should be evicted even though eviction is enabled, since we've already met our
// free target. Wait twice the eviction interval just to be sure.
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// No pages evicted after disabling eviction.
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), 0u);
// Test that the min pages target specified over multiple calls to enable continuous eviction is
// combined as expected.
static bool evictor_continuous_combine_targets_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo to evict pages from.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 22;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Evict every 10 milliseconds.
const uint64_t free_target = 4;
// Enable eviction. Min pages target is 5 pages. Free mem target is 4 pages.
// The free target is intentionally chosen to be smaller than the min target, so that we can
// reliably predict how many pages will be evicted, regardless of how the min target updates are
// interleaved between the test thread setting it and the eviction thread decrementing it after
// freeing pages.
// For example, consider the case where the free target was 6 pages, that is greater than the
// first min target of 5. There are three outcomes possible here (all valid from the evictor's
// point of view):
// 1) The second EnableContinuousEviction happens *before* the eviction thread has decremented the
// min target after freeing the first set of pages. Here the min target will be 13 when the
// eviction thread goes to decrement it, and the decrement amount will be 6 (since 6 pages were
// evicted per the free target with a min target of 5). The updated min target will be 7 and so
// further 7 pages will be evicted. A total of 13 pages are evicted.
// 2) The second EnableContinuousEviction happens *after* the eviction thread has decremented the
// min target after freeing the first set of pages. Here the min target will be 5 when the
// eviction thread goes to decrement it, the decrement amount will be 6, so the min target will be
// updated to 0. Now the new EnableContinuousEviction call will set min count to 8, so a further
// of 8 pages will be evicted. A total of 14 pages are evicted.
// 3) Both EnableContinuousEviction calls happen before the eviction thread has performed any
// eviction at all, i.e. it processes both requests together. It will see a min target of 13, a
// free target of 6, and will evict a total of 13 pages at once.
// To avoid this inconsistency, we let the min target drive how many pages are evicted as opposed
// to the free target, by setting the free target lower than the min target. In case 1) the
// decrement amount will be 5, so a further of 8 pages will be evicted, i.e. a total of 13. In
// case 2) as well, the decrement amount will be 5, so a further of 8 pages will be evicted i.e. a
// total of 13. And in case 3) as well, a total of 13 pages will be evicted.
// Note that the opposite case (free target larger than min target) is covered in
// evictor_continuous_test.
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(5u * PAGE_SIZE, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
// Verify that two successive calls to enable combine the min page targets.
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(8u * PAGE_SIZE, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
// The free target is 4 pages. The combined min target is 13 pages. We should see 13 pages
// evicted.
uint64_t expected_free_count = 13;
while (node.FreePages() < expected_free_count) {
printf("polling free count ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), expected_free_count);
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// Make sure eviction is disabled so that the TestPmmNode destructor can clean up freed pages.
// Test that pages are evicted as expected when continuous eviction is enabled and disabled
// repeatedly.
static bool evictor_continuous_repeated_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo to evict pages from.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 44;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo));
// Promote the pages for eviction.
vmo->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Evict every 10 milliseconds.
uint64_t free_target = 4;
// Enable eviction. Min pages target is 5 pages. Free mem target is 4 pages.
// The free target is intentionally chosen to be smaller than the min target, so that we can
// reliably predict how many pages will be evicted, regardless of how the min target updates are
// interleaved between the test thread setting it and the eviction thread decrementing it after
// freeing pages.
// For example, consider the case where the free target was 6 pages, that is greater than the
// first min target of 5. There are two outcomes possible here (both valid from the evictor's
// point of view):
// 1) The second EnableContinuousEviction happens *before* the eviction thread has decremented the
// min target after freeing the first set of pages. Here the min target will be 12 when the
// eviction thread goes to decrement it, and the decrement amount will be 6 (since 6 pages were
// evicted per the free target with a min target of 5). The updated min target will be 6 and so
// further 6 pages will be evicted. A total of 12 pages are evicted.
// 2) The second EnableContinuousEviction happens *after* the eviction thread has decremented the
// min target after freeing the first set of pages. Here the min target will be 5 when the
// eviction thread goes to decrement it, the decrement amount will be 6, so the min target will be
// updated to 0. Now the new EnableContinuousEviction call will set min count to 7, so a further
// of 7 pages will be evicted. A total of 13 pages are evicted.
// To avoid this inconsistency, we let the min target drive how many pages are evicted as opposed
// to the free target, by setting the free target lower than the min target. In case 1) the
// decrement amount will be 5, so a further of 7 pages will be evicted, i.e. a total of 12. In
// case 2) as well, the decrement amount will be 5, so a further of 7 pages will be evicted i.e. a
// total of 12.
// Note that the opposite case (free target larger than min target) is covered in
// evictor_continuous_test.
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(5u * PAGE_SIZE, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
// Poll the node's free count, relying on the test timeout to kill us if something goes wrong.
// The free target was 4 and min pages target was 5. We should see 5 pages freed.
uint64_t expected_free_count = 5;
while (node.FreePages() < expected_free_count) {
printf("polling free count (case 1) ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), expected_free_count);
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// Enable eviction again with a different min pages target.
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(7u * PAGE_SIZE, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
expected_free_count += 7;
// We should see another 7 pages freed.
while (node.FreePages() < expected_free_count) {
printf("polling free count (case 2) ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), expected_free_count);
EXPECT_GE(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// Verify that we can disable and re-enable eviction.
// Set a free target that is higher than the current free count to ensure we see some more pages
// evicted.
// We're not relying on min target here to avoid another similar race as outlined above with
// combining min targets. Here, the eviction thread could decrement the min target (based on the
// previously freed 7 pages) before or after the following EnableContinuousEviction call. Say we
// were setting the min target to M keeping the free target the same as before, then we could have
// two cases (both valid from the evictor's point of view):
// 1) Eviction thread decrements by 7 *before* we enable. After the eviction thread is done, the
// min target is going to be zero (regardless of the order of the disable call above, which also
// resets to zero). When we enable, we will set the min target to M, and so M pages will be
// evicted the next time.
// 2) Eviction thread decrements by 7 *after* we enable. The eviction thread will find the min
// target to be M, and so will decrement it by 7. The resulting target will be |M-7| or 0,
// depending on whether M is greater than 7 or smaller, respectively. So we will evict either
// |M-7| or 0 pages.
// To avoid this scenario, we let the free target drive the next round of eviction, and set the
// min target to 0. In both cases, the eviction thread will evict further pages based on the delta
// between free target and the current free count.
free_target = expected_free_count + 3;
node.evictor()->EnableContinuousEviction(0, free_target * PAGE_SIZE,
// We should see another 3 pages freed.
while (node.FreePages() < free_target) {
printf("polling free count (case 3) ...\n");
EXPECT_EQ(node.FreePages(), free_target);
// Make sure eviction is disabled so that the TestPmmNode destructor can clean up freed pages.
// Test that the evictor can evict DontNeed hinted pager backed pages as expected.
static bool evictor_dont_need_pager_backed_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo with committed pages.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo1;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 5;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo1));
// Promote the pages for eviction. This will put these pages in the DontNeed queue.
vmo1->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
// Now touch these pages, changing the queue stashed in their vm_page_t without actually moving
// them from the DontNeed queue. The expectation is that the next eviction attempt will fix up the
// queue for these pages.
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumPages; i++) {
uint8_t data;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, vmo1->Read(&data, i * PAGE_SIZE, sizeof(data)));
// Create another pager backed vmo, which has newer pages compared to the previous one. This will
// supply the pages below that actually get evicted.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo2;
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo2));
// Promote the pages for eviction. This will put these pages in the DontNeed queue in LRU order,
// i.e. they will be considered for eviction only after vmo1's pages.
vmo2->HintRange(0, kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, VmObject::EvictionHint::DontNeed);
TestPmmNode node;
// Only evict from pager backed vmos.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
.free_pages_target = 5,
.min_pages_to_free = 5,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Free pages target was the same as min pages target. So precisely free pages target must have
// been evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.pager_backed, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, target.free_pages_target);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// vmo1 should have no pages evicted from it.
EXPECT_EQ(kNumPages, vmo1->AttributedPages());
// Tests that evicted pages are removed from the VMO *and* added to the pmm free pool. Regression
// test for
static bool evictor_evicted_pages_are_freed_test() {
AutoVmScannerDisable scanner_disable;
// Create a pager backed vmo with committed pages.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObjectPaged> vmo;
static constexpr size_t kNumPages = 5;
vm_page_t* pages[kNumPages];
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_OK, create_precommitted_pager_backed_vmo(kNumPages * PAGE_SIZE, &vmo, pages));
// Verify that the vmo has committed pages.
EXPECT_EQ(kNumPages, vmo->AttributedPages());
// Rotate page queues a few times so the newly committed pages above are eligible for eviction.
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
TestPmmNode node;
// Only evict from pager backed vmos.
auto target = Evictor::EvictionTarget{
.pending = true,
// Ensure that all evictable pages end up evicted, so we can verify that the vmo we created
// has no pages remaining.
.free_pages_target = UINT64_MAX,
.min_pages_to_free = 0,
.level = Evictor::EvictionLevel::IncludeNewest,
// The node starts off with zero pages.
uint64_t free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, 0u);
auto counts = node.evictor()->EvictOneShotFromPreloadedTarget();
// No discardable pages were evicted.
EXPECT_EQ(counts.discardable, 0u);
// Evicted pager backed pages should be more than or equal to the vmo's pages. If there were no
// other evictable pages, we should at least have been able to evict from the vmo we created.
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, kNumPages);
EXPECT_GE(counts.pager_backed, target.min_pages_to_free);
// The node has the desired number of free pages now, and a minimum of min pages have been freed.
free_count = node.FreePages();
EXPECT_GE(free_count, kNumPages);
EXPECT_GE(free_count, target.min_pages_to_free);
// All the evicted pages should have ended up in the node's free list. Pages that were evicted in
// this test is the only way we can end up with free pages in this node. This verifies that
// pages evicted from pager-backed vmos are freed.
EXPECT_EQ(free_count, counts.pager_backed);
// Verify that the vmo has no committed pages remaining. Evicted pages are removed from the vmo.
EXPECT_EQ(0u, vmo->AttributedPages());
// Verify free state for each page.
for (auto page : pages) {
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(evictor_tests, "evictor", "Evictor tests")
} // namespace vm_unittest