blob: 4691a2945d6eaa4e8a3dde322e8b82b50fb14555 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include <object/port_dispatcher.h>
#include <vm/page_source.h>
// Page provider implementation that provides requested loaned physical pages.
// This is used by contiguous VMOs which have had pages decommitted, when the pages are again
// committed. The reason we use a PageProvider for this is it lines up well with the pager model in
// the sense that a page request can be processed while not holding the contiguous VMO's lock.
// PhysicalPageProvider always operates async (similar to PagerProxy), because we'd like to (in
// typical non-overlapping commit/decommit usage) have one batch that covers the entire commit,
// regardless of the fact that some of the pages may already be free and therefore could be
// immediately obtained. Quite often at least one page will be presently owned by a different
// VMO, so we may as well always do one big async batch that deals with all the presently
// non-FREE pages.
class PhysicalPageProvider : public PageProvider {
explicit PhysicalPageProvider(uint64_t size);
~PhysicalPageProvider() override;
// Called shortly after construction, before any use.
void Init(VmCowPages* cow_pages, PageSource* page_source, paddr_t phys_base);
// PageProvider methods.
const PageSourceProperties& properties() const final;
bool GetPageSync(uint64_t offset, VmoDebugInfo vmo_debug_info, vm_page_t** const page_out,
paddr_t* const pa_out) final;
void SendAsyncRequest(PageRequest* request) final;
void ClearAsyncRequest(PageRequest* request) final;
void SwapAsyncRequest(PageRequest* old, PageRequest* new_req) final;
void FreePages(list_node* pages) final;
bool DebugIsPageOk(vm_page_t* page, uint64_t offset) final;
// This also calls pmm_delete_lender()
void OnClose() final;
void OnDetach() final;
// Before actually waiting on the event, uses the calling thread (which isn't holding any locks)
// to process all the requests in pending_requests_.
zx_status_t WaitOnEvent(Event* event) final;
void Dump() final;
bool SupportsPageRequestType(page_request_type type) const final;
// If there are no more requests in pending_requests_, returns false and doesn't modify the out
// parameters.
// If pending_requests_ has another request, returns true and sets *reqeust_offset to the offset
// and *request_length to the length.
bool DequeueRequest(uint64_t* request_offset, uint64_t* request_length);
static constexpr paddr_t kInvalidPhysBase = static_cast<paddr_t>(-1);
// Only written once, under mtx_, just after construction. Reads after that don't need to be
// under mtx_.
// This is set to the physical base address of the associated VmCowPages. We track this here
// and not in VmCowPages because VmCowPages intentionally doesn't directly know about contiguous
// concerns such as phys_base_.
paddr_t phys_base_ = kInvalidPhysBase;
// Set to the total size in bytes of the associated VmCowPages, to allow for asserts that requests
// are in range. While we could ask VmCowPages each time, the size_ doesn't change for contiguous
// VMOs, so caching here keeps things simpler (for now).
const uint64_t size_ = 0;
VmCowPages* cow_pages_ = nullptr;
PageSource* page_source_ = nullptr;
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(PhysicalPageProvider) mtx_;
// Queue of page_request_t's that have come in while packet_ is busy. The
// head of this queue is sent to the port when packet_ is freed.
fbl::TaggedDoublyLinkedList<PageRequest*, PageProviderTag> pending_requests_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_);
bool detached_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = false;
bool closed_ TA_GUARDED(mtx_) = false;
// Queues the page request, putting it in pending_requests_;
void QueueRequestLocked(PageRequest* request) TA_REQ(mtx_);