blob: a68eaa79b609b78bc22cdb52ed8b6293d0c27e2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/user_copy/user_iovec.h>
#include <lib/user_copy/user_ptr.h>
#include <lib/zx/status.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/rights.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <object/dispatcher.h>
#include <object/handle.h>
#include <vm/vm_object.h>
class VmObjectDispatcher final : public SoloDispatcher<VmObjectDispatcher, ZX_DEFAULT_VMO_RIGHTS>,
public VmObjectChildObserver {
enum class InitialMutability { kMutable, kImmutable };
static zx_status_t parse_create_syscall_flags(uint32_t flags, uint32_t* out_flags);
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t content_size,
InitialMutability initial_mutability,
KernelHandle<VmObjectDispatcher>* handle, zx_rights_t* rights) {
return Create(ktl::move(vmo), content_size, ZX_KOID_INVALID, initial_mutability, handle,
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t content_size, zx_koid_t pager_koid,
InitialMutability initial_mutability,
KernelHandle<VmObjectDispatcher>* handle, zx_rights_t* rights);
~VmObjectDispatcher() final;
// VmObjectChildObserver implementation.
void OnZeroChild() final;
void OnOneChild() final;
// SoloDispatcher implementation.
zx_obj_type_t get_type() const final { return ZX_OBJ_TYPE_VMO; }
void get_name(char (&out_name)[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]) const final;
zx_status_t set_name(const char* name, size_t len) final;
// Dispatcher implementation.
void on_zero_handles() final;
// VmObjectDispatcher own methods.
zx_status_t Read(VmAspace* current_aspace, user_out_ptr<char> user_data, size_t length,
uint64_t offset, size_t* out_actual);
zx_status_t ReadVector(VmAspace* current_aspace, user_out_iovec_t user_data, size_t length,
uint64_t offset, size_t* out_actual);
zx_status_t Write(VmAspace* current_aspace, user_in_ptr<const char> user_data, size_t length,
uint64_t offset, size_t* out_actual);
zx_status_t WriteVector(VmAspace* current_aspace, user_in_iovec_t user_data, size_t length,
uint64_t offset, size_t* out_actual);
zx_status_t SetSize(uint64_t);
zx_status_t GetSize(uint64_t* size);
zx_status_t RangeOp(uint32_t op, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, user_inout_ptr<void> buffer,
size_t buffer_size, zx_rights_t rights);
zx_status_t CreateChild(uint32_t options, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, bool copy_name,
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject>* child_vmo);
zx_status_t SetMappingCachePolicy(uint32_t cache_policy);
zx_info_vmo_t GetVmoInfo(zx_rights_t rights);
zx_status_t SetContentSize(uint64_t);
uint64_t GetContentSize() const;
// Attempts to resize the VMO to fit the |requested_content_size|. Returns the actual content size
// upon success, since the content size might have been expanded to partially accommodate
// |requested_content_size|. Otherwise returns the failure status.
zx::status<uint64_t> ExpandContentIfNeeded(uint64_t requested_content_size,
uint64_t zero_until_offset);
const fbl::RefPtr<VmObject>& vmo() const { return vmo_; }
zx_koid_t pager_koid() const { return pager_koid_; }
// The shrink lock exists to prevent the VMO from being shrunk whilst stream reads are taking
// place, which would otherwise cause errors to be returned to clients. Readers that care (e.g.
// reads that come via stream APIs) should acquire a ShrinkInhibitGuard whilst shrinking should
// acquire the ShrinkGuard. For now, a mutex is used but it is possible that this could become a
// reader/writer lock at some point.
using ShrinkInhibitGuard = Guard<Mutex>;
using ShrinkGuard = Guard<Mutex>;
Lock<Mutex>& shrink_lock() const { return shrink_lock_; }
explicit VmObjectDispatcher(fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> vmo, uint64_t size, zx_koid_t pager_koid,
InitialMutability initial_mutability);
// The 'const' here is load bearing; we give a raw pointer to
// ourselves to |vmo_| so we have to ensure we don't reset vmo_
// except during destruction.
fbl::RefPtr<VmObject> const vmo_;
// The content_size_lock_ is used to synchronize vmo_ operations and updates to content_size_.
// Ideally the existing dispatchers lock would be used, but presently it is possible for page
// requests to get waited on while this lock is held due to calls to vmo_->ZeroRange, and so
// prefer to use a separate lock that we can add instrumentation to without needing to change the
// entire dispatcher lock.
// TODO: Remove this and use dispatcher lock once content size operations will not block.
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(VmObjectDispatcher,
lockdep::LockFlagsActiveListDisabled) content_size_lock_;
// The size of the content stored in the VMO in bytes.
uint64_t content_size_ TA_GUARDED(content_size_lock_) = 0u;
// The koid of the related pager object, or ZX_KOID_INVALID if
// there is no related pager.
const zx_koid_t pager_koid_;
// Indicates whether the VMO was immutable at creation time.
const InitialMutability initial_mutability_;
// See the comment above near the shrink_lock() method. Note that this lock might be held whilst
// waiting for page requests to be fulfilled.
mutable DECLARE_MUTEX(VmObjectDispatcher, lockdep::LockFlagsActiveListDisabled) shrink_lock_;
zx_info_vmo_t VmoToInfoEntry(const VmObject* vmo, bool is_handle, zx_rights_t handle_rights);