blob: 84f89a0ac6a00929b0fadd78bda617011404d11a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <debug.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/ktrace.h>
#include <lib/ktrace/string_ref.h>
#include <lib/syscalls/zx-syscall-numbers.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <arch/user_copy.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <hypervisor/ktrace.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/iterator.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <object/thread_dispatcher.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
// The global ktrace state.
internal::KTraceState KTRACE_STATE;
namespace {
// One of these macros is invoked by for each syscall.
// These don't have kernel entry points.
#define VDSO_SYSCALL(...)
// These are the direct kernel entry points.
#define KERNEL_SYSCALL(name, type, attrs, nargs, arglist, prototype) [ZX_SYS_##name] = #name,
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wc99-designator"
constexpr const char* kSyscallNames[] = {
#include <lib/syscalls/>
#if defined(__clang__)
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
void ktrace_report_syscalls() {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ktl::size(kSyscallNames); ++i) {
ktrace_name_etc(TAG_SYSCALL_NAME, i, 0, kSyscallNames[i], true);
zx_ticks_t ktrace_ticks_per_ms() { return ticks_per_second() / 1000; }
StringRef* ktrace_find_probe(const char* name) {
for (StringRef* ref = StringRef::head(); ref != nullptr; ref = ref->next) {
if (!strcmp(name, ref->string)) {
return ref;
return nullptr;
void ktrace_add_probe(StringRef* string_ref) {
// Register and emit the string ref.
void ktrace_report_probes() {
for (StringRef* ref = StringRef::head(); ref != nullptr; ref = ref->next) {
ktrace_name_etc(TAG_PROBE_NAME, ref->id, 0, ref->string, true);
} // namespace
namespace internal {
KTraceState::~KTraceState() {
if (buffer_ != nullptr) {
VmAspace* aspace = VmAspace::kernel_aspace();
void KTraceState::Init(uint32_t target_bufsize, uint32_t initial_groups) {
Guard<Mutex> guard(&lock_);
ASSERT_MSG(target_bufsize_ == 0,
"Double init of KTraceState instance (tgt_bs %u, new tgt_bs %u)!", target_bufsize_,
ASSERT(is_started_ == false);
// Allocations are rounded up to the nearest page size.
target_bufsize_ = fbl::round_up(target_bufsize, static_cast<uint32_t>(PAGE_SIZE));
if (initial_groups != 0) {
if (AllocBuffer() == ZX_OK) {
is_started_ = true;
zx_status_t KTraceState::Start(uint32_t groups, StartMode mode) {
Guard<Mutex> guard(&lock_);
if (groups == 0) {
if (zx_status_t status = AllocBuffer(); status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
// If we are attempting to start in saturating mode, then check to be sure
// that we were not previously operating in circular mode. It is not legal to
// re-start a ktrace buffer in saturating mode which had been operating in
// circular mode.
if (mode == StartMode::Saturate) {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
if (circular_size_ != 0) {
// If we are not yet started, we need to report the current thread and process
// names.
if (!is_started_) {
// If we are changing from saturating mode, to circular mode, we need to
// update our circular bookkeeping.
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
if ((mode == StartMode::Circular) && (circular_size_ == 0)) {
// Mark the point at which the static data ends and the circular
// portion of the buffer starts (the "wrap offset").
DEBUG_ASSERT(wr_ <= bufsize_);
wrap_offset_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(ktl::min<uint64_t>(bufsize_, wr_));
circular_size_ = bufsize_ - wrap_offset_;
wr_ = 0;
is_started_ = true;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t KTraceState::Stop() {
Guard<Mutex> guard(&lock_);
// Start by setting the group mask to 0. This should prevent any new
// writers from starting write operations. The non-write lock should
// prevent anyone else from writing to this field while we are finishing
// the stop operation.
// Now wait until any lingering write operations have finished. This
// should never take any significant amount of time. If it does, we are
// probably operating in a virtual environment with a host who is being
// mean to us.
zx_time_t absolute_timeout = current_time() + ZX_SEC(1);
bool stop_synced;
do {
stop_synced = inflight_writes() == 0;
if (!stop_synced) {
} while (!stop_synced && (current_time() < absolute_timeout));
if (!stop_synced) {
// Great, we are now officially stopped. Record this.
is_started_ = false;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t KTraceState::RewindLocked() {
if (is_started_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(grpmask_and_inflight_writes_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire) == 0);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
// roll back to just after the metadata
rd_ = 0;
// After a rewind, we are no longer in circular buffer mode.
wrap_offset_ = 0;
circular_size_ = 0;
// We cannot add metadata rewind if we have not allocated a buffer yet.
if (buffer_ == nullptr) {
wr_ = 0;
return ZX_OK;
// Stash our version and timestamp resolution.
uint64_t n = ktrace_ticks_per_ms();
ktrace_rec_32b_t* rec = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_rec_32b_t*>(buffer_);
rec[0].tag = TAG_VERSION;
rec[0].a = KTRACE_VERSION;
rec[1].tag = TAG_TICKS_PER_MS;
rec[1].a = static_cast<uint32_t>(n);
rec[1].b = static_cast<uint32_t>(n >> 32);
// Stash our static metadata
return ZX_OK;
ssize_t KTraceState::ReadUser(void* ptr, uint32_t off, size_t len) {
Guard<Mutex> guard(&lock_);
// If we were never configured to have a target buffer, our "docs" say that we
// are supposed to return ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
if (!target_bufsize_) {
// We cannot read the buffer while it is in the started state.
if (is_started_) {
// If we are in the lock_, and we are stopped, then the group mask
// must be 0, and we must have synchronized with any in-flight writes by now.
DEBUG_ASSERT(grpmask_and_inflight_writes_.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire) == 0);
// Grab the write lock, then figure out what we need to copy. We need to make
// sure to drop the lock before calling CopyToUser (holding spinlocks while
// copying to user mode memory is not allowed because of the possibility of
// faulting).
// It may appear like a bad thing to drop the lock before performing the copy,
// but it really should not be much of an issue. The grpmask is disabled, so
// no new writes are coming in, and the lock_ is blocking any other threads
// which might be attempting command and control operations.
// The only potential place where another thread might contend on the write
// lock here would be if someone was trying to add a name record to the trace
// with the |always| flag set (ignoring the grpmask). This should only ever
// happen during rewind and start operations which are serialized by lock_.
struct Region {
Region() = default;
Region(void* _ptr, size_t _len) : ptr(_ptr), len(_len) {}
void* ptr{nullptr};
size_t len{0};
struct ToCopy {
size_t avail{0};
Region regions[3];
} to_copy = [this, &off, &len]() -> ToCopy {
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
// The amount of data we have to exfiltrate is equal to the distance between
// the read and the write pointers, plus the non-circular region of the buffer
// (if we are in circular mode).
const uint32_t avail = [this]() TA_REQ(write_lock_) -> uint32_t {
if (circular_size_ == 0) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(rd_ == 0);
DEBUG_ASSERT(wr_ <= bufsize_);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(wr_);
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT(rd_ <= wr_);
DEBUG_ASSERT((wr_ - rd_) <= circular_size_);
return static_cast<uint32_t>(wr_ - rd_) + wrap_offset_;
// constrain read to available buffer
if (off >= avail) {
return ToCopy{};
len = ktl::min<size_t>(len, avail - off);
ToCopy ret{.avail = avail};
uint32_t ndx = 0;
// Go ahead report the region(s) of data which need to be copied.
if (circular_size_ == 0) {
// Non-circular mode is simple.
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < ktl::size(ret.regions));
Region& r = ret.regions[ndx++];
r.ptr = buffer_ + off;
r.len = len;
} else {
// circular mode requires a bit more care.
size_t remaining = len;
// Start by consuming the non-circular portion of the buffer, taking into
// account the offset.
if (off < wrap_offset_) {
const size_t todo = ktl::min<size_t>(wrap_offset_ - off, remaining);
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < ktl::size(ret.regions));
Region& r = ret.regions[ndx++];
r.ptr = buffer_ + off;
r.len = todo;
remaining -= todo;
off = 0;
} else {
off -= wrap_offset_;
// Now consume as much of the circular payload as we have space for.
if (remaining) {
const uint32_t rd_offset = PtrToCircularOffset(rd_ + off);
DEBUG_ASSERT(rd_offset <= bufsize_);
size_t todo = ktl::min<size_t>(bufsize_ - rd_offset, remaining);
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < ktl::size(ret.regions));
Region& r = ret.regions[ndx++];
r.ptr = buffer_ + rd_offset;
r.len = todo;
remaining -= todo;
if (remaining) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(remaining <= (rd_offset - wrap_offset_));
DEBUG_ASSERT(ndx < ktl::size(ret.regions));
Region& r = ret.regions[ndx++];
r.ptr = buffer_ + wrap_offset_;
r.len = remaining;
return ret;
// null read is a query for trace buffer size
// TODO(johngro): What are we supposed to return here? The total number of
// available bytes, or the total number of bytes which would have been
// available had we started reading from |off|? Our "docs" say nothing about
// this. For now, I'm just going to maintain the existing behavior and return
// all of the available bytes, but someday the defined behavior of this API
// needs to be clearly specified.
if (ptr == nullptr) {
return to_copy.avail;
// constrain read to available buffer
if (off >= to_copy.avail) {
return 0;
// Go ahead and copy the data.
uint8_t* const ptr8 = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
size_t done = 0;
for (const auto& r : to_copy.regions) {
if (r.ptr != nullptr) {
zx_status_t copy_result = ZX_OK;
// Performing user copies whilst holding locks is not generally allowed, however in this case
// the entire purpose of lock_ is to serialize these operations and so is safe to be held for
// this copy.
// TOOD(fxb/101783): Determine if this should be changed to capture faults and resolve them
// outside the lock.
guard.CallUntracked([&] { copy_result = CopyToUser(ptr8 + done, r.ptr, r.len); });
if (copy_result != ZX_OK) {
done += r.len;
// Success!
return done;
// Write out a ktrace record with no payload.
template <>
void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(KTRACE_LEN(effective_tag) >= sizeof(ktrace_header_t));
AutoWriteInFlight inflight_manager(*this);
if (unlikely(!tag_enabled(effective_tag, inflight_manager.observed_grpmask()))) {
if (explicit_ts == kRecordCurrentTimestamp) {
explicit_ts = ktrace_timestamp();
if (PendingCommit reservation = Reserve(effective_tag); reservation.is_valid()) {
reservation.hdr()->ts = explicit_ts;
reservation.hdr()->tid = MakeTidField(effective_tag);
} else {
// Write out a ktrace record with the given arguments as a payload.
// Arguments must be of the same type.
template <typename... Args>
void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, Args... args) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(KTRACE_LEN(effective_tag) >= (sizeof(ktrace_header_t) + sizeof...(Args)));
AutoWriteInFlight inflight_manager(*this);
if (unlikely(!tag_enabled(effective_tag, inflight_manager.observed_grpmask()))) {
if (explicit_ts == kRecordCurrentTimestamp) {
explicit_ts = ktrace_timestamp();
if (PendingCommit reservation = Reserve(effective_tag); reservation.is_valid()) {
// Fill out most of the header. Do not commit the tag until we have the
// entire record written.
reservation.hdr()->ts = explicit_ts;
reservation.hdr()->tid = MakeTidField(effective_tag);
// Fill out the payload.
auto payload_src = {args...};
using PayloadType = typename decltype(payload_src)::value_type;
auto payload_tgt = reinterpret_cast<PayloadType*>(reservation.hdr() + 1);
uint32_t i = 0;
for (auto arg : payload_src) {
payload_tgt[i++] = arg;
} else {
void KTraceState::WriteRecordTiny(uint32_t tag, uint32_t arg) {
AutoWriteInFlight inflight_manager(*this);
if (unlikely(!tag_enabled(tag, inflight_manager.observed_grpmask()))) {
// Tiny records are always 16 bytes.
tag = (tag & 0xFFFFFFF0) | 2;
if (PendingCommit reservation = Reserve(tag); reservation.is_valid()) {
reservation.hdr()->ts = ktrace_timestamp();
reservation.hdr()->tid = arg;
} else {
void KTraceState::WriteNameEtc(uint32_t tag, uint32_t id, uint32_t arg, const char* name,
bool always) {
auto ShouldTrace = [tag, always](uint32_t mask) -> bool {
return tag_enabled(tag, mask) || always;
if (ShouldTrace(grpmask())) {
AutoWriteInFlight in_flight_manager(*this);
if (unlikely(!ShouldTrace(in_flight_manager.observed_grpmask()))) {
const uint32_t len = static_cast<uint32_t>(strnlen(name, ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN - 1));
// set size to: sizeof(hdr) + len + 1, round up to multiple of 8
tag = (tag & 0xFFFFFFF0) | ((KTRACE_NAMESIZE + len + 1 + 7) >> 3);
if (PendingCommit reservation = Reserve(tag); reservation.is_valid()) {
ktrace_rec_name_t* rec = reinterpret_cast<ktrace_rec_name_t*>(reservation.hdr());
rec->id = id;
rec->arg = arg;
memcpy(rec->name, name, len);
rec->name[len] = 0;
} else {
void KTraceState::ReportStaticNames() {
void KTraceState::ReportThreadProcessNames() {
zx_status_t KTraceState::AllocBuffer() {
// The buffer is allocated once, then never deleted. If it has already been
// allocated, then we are done.
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
if (buffer_) {
return ZX_OK;
// We require that our buffer be a multiple of page size, and non-zero. If
// the target buffer size ends up being zero, it is most likely because boot
// args set the buffer size to zero. For now, report NOT_SUPPORTED up the
// stack to signal to usermode tracing (hitting AllocBuffer via Start) that
// ktracing has been disabled.
// TODO(johngro): Do this rounding in Init
target_bufsize_ = static_cast<uint32_t>(target_bufsize_ & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1));
if (!target_bufsize_) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(is_started_ == false);
zx_status_t status;
VmAspace* aspace = VmAspace::kernel_aspace();
void* ptr;
if ((status = aspace->Alloc("ktrace", target_bufsize_, &ptr, 0, VmAspace::VMM_FLAG_COMMIT,
DiagsPrintf(INFO, "ktrace: cannot alloc buffer %d\n", status);
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
buffer_ = static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr);
bufsize_ = target_bufsize_;
DiagsPrintf(INFO, "ktrace: buffer at %p (%u bytes)\n", ptr, target_bufsize_);
// Rewind will take care of writing the metadata records in addition to the
// static name records as it resets the state.
[[maybe_unused]] zx_status_t rewind_res = RewindLocked();
DEBUG_ASSERT(rewind_res == ZX_OK);
return ZX_OK;
KTraceState::PendingCommit KTraceState::Reserve(uint32_t tag) {
constexpr uint32_t kUncommitedRecordTag = 0;
auto Commit = [](void* ptr, uint32_t tag) -> void {
ktl::atomic_ref(*static_cast<uint32_t*>(ptr)).store(tag, ktl::memory_order_release);
const uint32_t amt = KTRACE_LEN(tag);
DEBUG_ASSERT(amt >= sizeof(uint32_t));
Guard<SpinLock, IrqSave> write_guard{&write_lock_};
if (!bufsize_) {
return nullptr;
if (circular_size_ == 0) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(bufsize_ >= wr_);
const size_t space = bufsize_ - wr_;
// if there is not enough space, we are done.
if (space < amt) {
return nullptr;
// We have the space for this record. Stash the tag with a sentinel value
// of zero, indicating that there is a reservation here, but that the record
// payload has not been fully committed yet.
void* ptr = buffer_ + wr_;
Commit(ptr, kUncommitedRecordTag);
wr_ += amt;
return {ptr, tag};
} else {
// If there is not enough space in this circular buffer to hold our message,
// don't even try. Just give up.
if (amt > circular_size_) {
return nullptr;
while (true) {
// Start by figuring out how much space we want to reserve. Typically, we
// will just reserve the space we need for our record. If, however, the
// space at the end of the circular buffer is not enough to contiguously
// hold our record, we reserve that amount of space instead, so that we
// can put in a placeholder record at the end of the buffer which will be
// skipped, in addition to our actual record.
const uint32_t wr_offset = PtrToCircularOffset(wr_);
const uint32_t contiguous_space = bufsize_ - wr_offset;
const uint32_t to_reserve = ktl::min(contiguous_space, amt);
DEBUG_ASSERT((to_reserve > 0) && ((to_reserve & 0x7) == 0));
// Do we have the space for our reservation? If not, then
// move the read pointer forward until we do.
DEBUG_ASSERT((wr_ >= rd_) && ((wr_ - rd_) <= circular_size_));
size_t avail = circular_size_ - (wr_ - rd_);
while (avail < to_reserve) {
// We have to have space for a header tag.
const uint32_t rd_offset = PtrToCircularOffset(rd_);
DEBUG_ASSERT(bufsize_ - rd_offset >= sizeof(uint32_t));
// Make sure that we read the next tag in the sequence with acquire
// semantics. Before committing, records which have been reserved in
// the trace buffer will have their tag set to zero inside of the write
// lock. During commit, however, the actual record tag (with non-zero
// length) will be written to memory atomically with release semantics,
// outside of the lock.
uint32_t* rd_tag_ptr = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(buffer_ + rd_offset);
const uint32_t rd_tag =
const uint32_t sz = KTRACE_LEN(rd_tag);
// If our size is 0, it implies that we managed to wrap around and catch
// and catch the read pointer when it is pointing to a still uncommitted
// record. We are not in a position where we can wait. Simply fail the
// reservation.
if (sz == 0) {
return nullptr;
// Now go ahead and move read up.
rd_ += sz;
avail += sz;
// Great, we now have space for our reservation. If we have enough space
// for our entire record, go ahead and reserve the space now. Otherwise,
// stuff in a placeholder which fills all of the remaining contiguous
// space in the buffer, then try the allocation again.
void* ptr = buffer_ + wr_offset;
wr_ += to_reserve;
if (amt == to_reserve) {
Commit(ptr, kUncommitedRecordTag);
return {ptr, tag};
} else {
DEBUG_ASSERT(amt > to_reserve);
Commit(ptr, KTRACE_TAG(0u, 0u, to_reserve));
// Instantiate used versions of |KTraceState::WriteRecord|.
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint32_t a);
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint32_t a,
uint32_t b);
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint32_t a,
uint32_t b, uint32_t c);
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint32_t a,
uint32_t b, uint32_t c, uint32_t d);
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint64_t a);
template void KTraceState::WriteRecord(uint32_t effective_tag, uint64_t explicit_ts, uint64_t a,
uint64_t b);
} // namespace internal
zx_status_t ktrace_control(uint32_t action, uint32_t options, void* ptr) {
using StartMode = ::internal::KTraceState::StartMode;
switch (action) {
StartMode start_mode =
(action == KTRACE_ACTION_START) ? StartMode::Saturate : StartMode::Circular;
zx_status_t res = KTRACE_STATE.Start(options ? options : KTRACE_GRP_ALL, start_mode);
if (res == ZX_OK) {
ktrace_probe(TraceAlways, TraceContext::Thread, "ktrace_ready"_stringref);
return res;
return KTRACE_STATE.Stop();
return KTRACE_STATE.Rewind();
const char* const string_in = static_cast<const char*>(ptr);
StringRef* ref = ktrace_find_probe(string_in);
if (ref != nullptr) {
return ref->id;
struct DynamicStringRef {
explicit DynamicStringRef(const char* string) { memcpy(storage, string, sizeof(storage)); }
char storage[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN];
StringRef string_ref{storage};
// TODO(eieio,dje): Figure out how to constrain this to prevent abuse by
// creating huge numbers of unique probes.
fbl::AllocChecker alloc_checker;
DynamicStringRef* dynamic_ref = new (&alloc_checker) DynamicStringRef{string_in};
if (!alloc_checker.check()) {
return dynamic_ref->;
return ZX_OK;
static void ktrace_init(unsigned level) {
// There's no utility in setting up the singleton ktrace instance if there are
// no syscalls to access it. See zircon/kernel/syscalls/ for the
// corresponding syscalls. Note that because KTRACE_STATE grpmask starts at 0
// and will not be changed, the other functions in this file need not check
// for enabled-ness manually.
const bool syscalls_enabled = gBootOptions->enable_debugging_syscalls;
const uint32_t bufsize = syscalls_enabled ? (gBootOptions->ktrace_bufsize << 20) : 0;
const uint32_t initial_grpmask = gBootOptions->ktrace_grpmask;
if (!bufsize) {
dprintf(INFO, "ktrace: disabled\n");
KTRACE_STATE.Init(bufsize, initial_grpmask);
if (!initial_grpmask) {
dprintf(INFO, "ktrace: delaying buffer allocation\n");
// Finish initialization before starting userspace (i.e. before debug syscalls can occur).
LK_INIT_HOOK(ktrace, ktrace_init, LK_INIT_LEVEL_USER - 1)