blob: 8c86fd3fea477980ca2b722f791ea4cf43b49a0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <efi/boot-services.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
namespace efi {
// Boot services EFI stubs.
// The boot services EFI table is complicated enough that it would be
// difficult to fake out all the APIs properly. Instead, we provide these stubs
// to allow tests to easily mock out the functionality they need, either with
// gmock or by subclassing and implementing the functions they need.
// Some of the more trivial functionality will be implemented, but can still
// be overridden by subclasses.
// Tests that are willing to use gmock should generally prefer to use
// MockBootServices instead, which hooks up the proper mock wrappers and adds
// some additional utility functions.
class StubBootServices {
// IMPORTANT: only ONE StubBootServices can exist at a time. Since this is
// intended to be a global singleton in EFI this shouldn't be a problem,
// but if a test does attempt to create a second it will cause an exit().
virtual ~StubBootServices();
// Not copyable or movable.
StubBootServices(const StubBootServices&) = delete;
StubBootServices& operator=(const StubBootServices&) = delete;
// Returns the underlying efi_boot_services struct.
efi_boot_services* services() { return &services_; }
// EFI function implementations.
// There are a lot of functions here, don't bother adding them until we need them.
// efi_tpl (*RaiseTPL)(efi_tpl new_tpl);
// void (*RestoreTPL)(efi_tpl old_tpl);
// Default page allocation implementation is just to call malloc/free.
// |type| and |memory_type| are ignored, and freeing a different number of
// pages than were initially allocated is unsupported.
// Also initializes memory to some non-zero value.
virtual efi_status AllocatePages(efi_allocate_type type, efi_memory_type memory_type,
size_t pages, efi_physical_addr* memory);
virtual efi_status FreePages(efi_physical_addr memory, size_t pages);
virtual efi_status GetMemoryMap(size_t* memory_map_size, efi_memory_descriptor* memory_map,
size_t* map_key, size_t* desc_size, uint32_t* desc_version) {
// Default pool allocation implementation is just to call malloc/free.
virtual efi_status AllocatePool(efi_memory_type pool_type, size_t size, void** buf);
virtual efi_status FreePool(void* buf);
virtual efi_status CreateEvent(uint32_t type, efi_tpl notify_tpl, efi_event_notify notify_fn,
void* notify_ctx, efi_event* event) {
virtual efi_status SetTimer(efi_event event, efi_timer_delay type, uint64_t trigger_time) {
// efi_status (*WaitForEvent)(size_t num_events, efi_event* event, size_t* index);
// efi_status (*SignalEvent)(efi_event event);
virtual efi_status CloseEvent(efi_event event) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; }
virtual efi_status CheckEvent(efi_event event) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; }
// efi_status (*InstallProtocolInterface)(efi_handle* handle, const efi_guid* protocol,
// efi_interface_type intf_type, void* intf);
// efi_status (*ReinstallProtocolInterface)(efi_handle hadle, const efi_guid* protocol,
// void* old_intf, void* new_intf);
// efi_status (*UninstallProtocolInterface)(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol, void*
// intf); efi_status (*HandleProtocol)(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol, void**
// intf); efi_status (*RegisterProtocolNotify)(const efi_guid* protocol, efi_event event,
// void** registration);
virtual efi_status LocateHandle(efi_locate_search_type search_type, const efi_guid* protocol,
void* search_key, size_t* buf_size, efi_handle* buf) {
// efi_status (*LocateDevicePath)(const efi_guid* protocol, efi_device_path_protocol** path,
// efi_handle* device);
// efi_status (*InstallConfigurationTable)(const efi_guid* guid, void* table);
// efi_status (*LoadImage)(bool boot_policy, efi_handle parent_image_handle,
// efi_device_path_protocol* path, void* src, size_t src_size,
// efi_handle* image_handle);
// efi_status (*StartImage)(efi_handle image_handle, size_t* exit_data_size,
// char16_t** exit_data);
// efi_status (*Exit)(efi_handle image_handle, efi_status exit_status, size_t exit_data_size,
// char16_t* exit_data);
// efi_status (*UnloadImage)(efi_handle image_handle);
// efi_status (*ExitBootServices)(efi_handle image_handle, size_t map_key);
// efi_status (*GetNextMonotonicCount)(uint64_t* count);
// efi_status (*Stall)(size_t microseconds);
// efi_status (*SetWatchdogTimer)(size_t timeout, uint64_t watchdog_code, size_t data_size,
// char16_t* watchdog_data);
// efi_status (*ConnectController)(efi_handle controller_handle,
// efi_handle* driver_image_handle,
// efi_device_path_protocol* remaining_path, bool recursive);
// efi_status (*DisconnectController)(efi_handle controller_handle,
// efi_handle driver_image_handle,
// efi_handle child_handle);
virtual efi_status OpenProtocol(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol, void** intf,
efi_handle agent_handle, efi_handle controller_handle,
uint32_t attributes) {
virtual efi_status CloseProtocol(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol,
efi_handle agent_handle, efi_handle controller_handle) {
// efi_status (*OpenProtocolInformation)(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol,
// efi_open_protocol_information_entry** entry_buf,
// size_t* entry_count);
// efi_status (*ProtocolsPerHandle)(efi_handle handle, efi_guid*** protocol_buf,
// size_t* protocol_buf_count);
virtual efi_status LocateHandleBuffer(efi_locate_search_type search_type,
const efi_guid* protocol, void* search_key,
size_t* num_handles, efi_handle** buf) {
virtual efi_status LocateProtocol(const efi_guid* protocol, void* registration, void** intf) {
// efi_status (*InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces)(efi_handle* handle, ...);
// efi_status (*UninstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces)(efi_handle handle, ...);
// efi_status (*CalculateCrc32)(void* data, size_t len, uint32_t* crc32);
// Default implementation is memmove()/memset().
// UEFI documentation doesn't mention whether the pointers have to be valid
// when length is 0, so to be cautious the default implementation will also
// explicitly fail the test if the pointers are invalid.
virtual void CopyMem(void* dest, const void* src, size_t len);
virtual void SetMem(void* buf, size_t len, uint8_t val);
// efi_status (*CreateEventEx)(uint32_t type, efi_tpl notify_tpl, efi_event_notify notify_fn,
// const void* notify_ctx, const efi_guid* event_group,
// efi_event* event);
efi_boot_services services_;
// gmock matcher for an efi_guid.
// We have to alias to <efi_guid> type explicitly because the compiler can't
// deduce the efi_guid struct type from a generic aggregate initializer.
// Example usage:
MATCHER_P(MatchGuidT, guid, "") { return memcmp(&guid, arg, sizeof(guid)) == 0; }
constexpr auto MatchGuid = MatchGuidT<efi_guid>;
// Subclasses StubBootServices to mock out methods using gmock.
// This will likely be the most common way to test boot services, but gmock
// is significantly more complicated than gtest and some projects may prefer
// to avoid it, so the base class is still available for direct use.
class MockBootServices : public StubBootServices {
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, GetMemoryMap,
(size_t * memory_map_size, efi_memory_descriptor* memory_map, size_t* map_key,
size_t* desc_size, uint32_t* desc_version),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, CreateEvent,
(uint32_t type, efi_tpl notify_tpl, efi_event_notify notify_fn, void* notify_ctx,
efi_event* event),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, SetTimer, (efi_event event, efi_timer_delay type, uint64_t trigger_time),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, CloseEvent, (efi_event event), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, CheckEvent, (efi_event event), (override));
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, LocateHandle,
(efi_locate_search_type search_type, const efi_guid* protocol, void* search_key,
size_t* buf_size, efi_handle* buf),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, OpenProtocol,
(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol, void** intf, efi_handle agent_handle,
efi_handle controller_handle, uint32_t attributes),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, CloseProtocol,
(efi_handle handle, const efi_guid* protocol, efi_handle agent_handle,
efi_handle controller_handle),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, LocateHandleBuffer,
(efi_locate_search_type search_type, const efi_guid* protocol, void* search_key,
size_t* num_handles, efi_handle** buf),
MOCK_METHOD(efi_status, LocateProtocol,
(const efi_guid* protocol, void* registration, void** intf), (override));
// Registers an expectation for protocol opening and closing.
// This sets up gmock expectations for the most common case, where a protocol
// is successfully opened and closed. See below for variants than open or
// close only.
// Currently |agent_handle|, |controller_handle|, and |attributes| parameters
// to OpenProtocol()/CloseProtocol() are not checked and can be anything.
// handle: expected handle.
// guid: expected protocol GUID.
// protocol: the protocol table to copy out from OpenProtocol().
void ExpectProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid, void* protocol) {
ExpectOpenProtocol(handle, guid, protocol);
ExpectCloseProtocol(handle, guid);
// Registers expectations for protocol opening or closing only.
// Used less commonly, in cases like helper functions opening a protocol
// but then returning it to the caller rather than closing it.
void ExpectOpenProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid, void* protocol);
void ExpectCloseProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid);
// Similar to ExpectProtocol(), but instead of using EXPECT_CALL to ensure
// that the protocol is opened and closed, just registers some default
// behavior using ON_CALL/WillByDefault.
// This is more useful if you want to inject a test protocol, but don't care
// how many times it's opened or closed.
void SetDefaultProtocol(efi_handle handle, efi_guid guid, void* protocol);
} // namespace efi