blob: 6a875c653a90f02cde57f47f08fc8edd827fa313 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/crypto/entropy/jitterentropy_collector.h>
#include <lib/lazy_init/lazy_init.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#define JITTERENTROPY_MEM_SIZE (64u * 1024u)
namespace {
// TODO(andrewkrieger): after optimizing jitterentropy parameters
// (see, replace JITTERENTROPY_MEM_SIZE by the optimal
// size.
uint8_t g_collector_storage[JITTERENTROPY_MEM_SIZE];
lazy_init::LazyInit<crypto::entropy::JitterentropyCollector, lazy_init::CheckType::None,
} // namespace
namespace crypto {
namespace entropy {
zx_status_t JitterentropyCollector::GetInstance(Collector** ptr) {
if (ptr == nullptr) {
static JitterentropyCollector* instance = nullptr;
static ktl::atomic<bool> initialized = {false};
// Release-acquire ordering guarantees that, once a thread has stored a
// value in |initialized| with |memory_order_release|, any other thread that
// later loads |initialized| with |memory_order_acquire| will see the result
// that the first thread wrote to |instance|. In particular, any thread that
// reads |initialized| as 1 will see |instance| as having been initialized.
// Note that this doesn't protect against concurrent access: if two threads
// both enter GetInstance while |initialized| is still 0, they might both
// try to run the initialization code. That's why the comment in
// jitterentropy_collector.h requires that GetInstance() runs to completion
// first before concurrent calls are allowed.
if (!initialized.load(ktl::memory_order_acquire)) {
if (jent_entropy_init() != 0) {
// Initialization failed; keep instance == nullptr
instance = nullptr;
} else {
g_collector.Initialize(g_collector_storage, sizeof(g_collector_storage));
instance = &g_collector.Get();
}, ktl::memory_order_release);
if (instance) {
*ptr = instance;
return ZX_OK;
} else {
*ptr = nullptr;
// TODO( Test jitterentropy in different environments (especially on
// different platforms/architectures, and in multi-threaded mode). Ensure
// entropy estimate is safe enough.
// Testing with NIST SP800-90B non-iid and restart tests show that, with the
// default parameters below (bs=64, bc=512, ml=32, ll=1, raw=true), each byte
// of data contributes approximately 0.5 bit of entropy on astro. A safety
// factor of 0.1 gives us 0.5 * 0.1 * 1000 = 50 bits of entropy for 1000
// bytes of random data.
JitterentropyCollector::JitterentropyCollector(uint8_t* mem, size_t len)
: Collector("jitterentropy", /* entropy_per_1000_bytes */ 50) {
// TODO( optimize default jitterentropy parameters and
// update them in //zircon/kernel/lib/boot-options/include/lib/boot-options/
const uint32_t bs = gBootOptions->jitterentropy_bs;
const uint32_t bc = gBootOptions->jitterentropy_bc;
mem_loops_ = gBootOptions->jitterentropy_ml;
lfsr_loops_ = gBootOptions->jitterentropy_ll;
use_raw_samples_ = gBootOptions->jitterentropy_raw;
jent_entropy_collector_init(&ec_, mem, len, bs, bc, mem_loops_, /*stir=*/true);
size_t JitterentropyCollector::DrawEntropy(uint8_t* buf, size_t len) {
// TODO( Test jitterentropy in multi-CPU environment. Disable
// interrupts, or otherwise ensure that jitterentropy still performs well in
// multi-threaded systems.
Guard<Mutex> guard(&lock_);
if (use_raw_samples_) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
buf[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(jent_lfsr_var_stat(&ec_, lfsr_loops_, mem_loops_));
return len;
} else {
ssize_t err = jent_read_entropy(&ec_, reinterpret_cast<char*>(buf), len);
return (err < 0) ? 0 : static_cast<size_t>(err);
} // namespace entropy
} // namespace crypto