blob: 86ed65a0ef3a7262e7bb434bd84d57f3ea766f69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2013, Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <assert.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/affine/ratio.h>
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/arch/ticks.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/counters.h>
#include <lib/fit/defer.h>
#include <lib/fixed_point.h>
#include <lib/unittest/unittest.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <pow2.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/boot/driver-config.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/interrupt.h>
#include <arch/quirks.h>
#include <dev/interrupt.h>
#include <dev/timer/arm_generic.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/limits.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <phys/handoff.h>
#include <platform/boot_timestamps.h>
#include <platform/timer.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
// AArch64 timer control registers
#define TIMER_REG_CNTKCTL "cntkctl_el1"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTFRQ "cntfrq_el0"
// CNTP AArch64 registers
#define TIMER_REG_CNTP_CTL "cntp_ctl_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTP_CVAL "cntp_cval_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTP_TVAL "cntp_tval_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTPCT "cntpct_el0"
// CNTPS "AArch64" registers
#define TIMER_REG_CNTPS_CTL "cntps_ctl_el1"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTPS_CVAL "cntps_cval_el1"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTPS_TVAL "cntps_tval_el1"
// CNTV "AArch64" registers
#define TIMER_REG_CNTV_CTL "cntv_ctl_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTV_CVAL "cntv_cval_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTV_TVAL "cntv_tval_el0"
#define TIMER_REG_CNTVCT "cntvct_el0"
extern "C" {
arch::EarlyTicks kernel_virtual_entry_ticks;
KCOUNTER(platform_timer_set_counter, "platform.timer.set")
KCOUNTER(platform_timer_cancel_counter, "platform.timer.cancel")
namespace {
// Global saved config state
int timer_irq;
uint32_t timer_cntfrq; // Timer tick rate in Hz.
enum timer_irq_assignment {
timer_irq_assignment timer_assignment;
// event stream state
uint32_t event_stream_shift;
uint32_t event_stream_freq;
// TODO(fxb/91701): Make this ktl::atomic when we start to mutate the offset to
// deal with suspend.
uint64_t raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset{0};
} // anonymous namespace
zx_time_t cntpct_to_zx_time(uint64_t cntpct) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(cntpct < static_cast<uint64_t>(ktl::numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()));
return platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio().Scale(static_cast<int64_t>(cntpct));
static uint32_t read_cntp_ctl() { return __arm_rsr(TIMER_REG_CNTP_CTL); }
static uint32_t read_cntv_ctl() { return __arm_rsr(TIMER_REG_CNTV_CTL); }
static uint32_t read_cntps_ctl() { return __arm_rsr(TIMER_REG_CNTPS_CTL); }
static void write_cntp_ctl(uint32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntp_ctl: 0x%x %x\n", val, read_cntp_ctl());
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTP_CTL, val);
static void write_cntv_ctl(uint32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntv_ctl: 0x%x %x\n", val, read_cntv_ctl());
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTV_CTL, val);
static void write_cntps_ctl(uint32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntps_ctl: 0x%x %x\n", val, read_cntps_ctl());
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTPS_CTL, val);
static void write_cntp_cval(uint64_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntp_cval: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %" PRIu64 "\n", val, val);
__arm_wsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTP_CVAL, val);
static void write_cntv_cval(uint64_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntv_cval: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %" PRIu64 "\n", val, val);
__arm_wsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTV_CVAL, val);
static void write_cntps_cval(uint64_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntps_cval: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %" PRIu64 "\n", val, val);
__arm_wsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTPS_CVAL, val);
static void write_cntp_tval(int32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntp_tval: %d\n", val);
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTP_TVAL, val);
static void write_cntv_tval(int32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntv_tval: %d\n", val);
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTV_TVAL, val);
static void write_cntps_tval(int32_t val) {
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntps_tval: %d\n", val);
__arm_wsr(TIMER_REG_CNTPS_TVAL, val);
static uint64_t read_cntpct_a73() {
// Workaround for Cortex-A73 erratum 858921.
// Fix will be applied to all cores, as two consecutive reads should be
// faster than checking if core is A73 and branching before every read.
const uint64_t old_read = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTPCT);
// TODO( Prevent buggy compiler from CSE'ing the two samples!
// Remove this when the compiler is fixed.
__asm__ volatile("");
const uint64_t new_read = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTPCT);
return (((old_read ^ new_read) >> 32) & 1) ? old_read : new_read;
static uint64_t read_cntvct_a73() {
// Workaround for Cortex-A73 erratum 858921.
// Fix will be applied to all cores, as two consecutive reads should be
// faster than checking if core is A73 and branching before every read.
const uint64_t old_read = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTVCT);
// TODO( Prevent buggy compiler from CSE'ing the two samples!
// Remove this when the compiler is fixed.
__asm__ volatile("");
const uint64_t new_read = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTVCT);
return (((old_read ^ new_read) >> 32) & 1) ? old_read : new_read;
static uint64_t read_cntpct() { return __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTPCT); }
static uint64_t read_cntvct() { return __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTVCT); }
struct timer_reg_procs {
void (*write_ctl)(uint32_t val);
void (*write_cval)(uint64_t val);
void (*write_tval)(int32_t val);
uint64_t (*read_ct)();
uint64_t arch::EarlyTicks::*early_ticks;
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntp_procs = {
.write_ctl = write_cntp_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntp_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntp_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntpct,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntpct_el0,
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntp_procs_a73 = {
.write_ctl = write_cntp_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntp_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntp_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntpct_a73,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntpct_el0,
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntv_procs = {
.write_ctl = write_cntv_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntv_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntv_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntvct,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntvct_el0,
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntv_procs_a73 = {
.write_ctl = write_cntv_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntv_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntv_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntvct_a73,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntvct_el0,
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntps_procs = {
.write_ctl = write_cntps_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntps_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntps_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntpct,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntpct_el0,
__UNUSED static const struct timer_reg_procs cntps_procs_a73 = {
.write_ctl = write_cntps_ctl,
.write_cval = write_cntps_cval,
.write_tval = write_cntps_tval,
.read_ct = read_cntpct_a73,
.early_ticks = &arch::EarlyTicks::cntpct_el0,
static struct timer_reg_procs reg_procs = cntv_procs;
static struct timer_reg_procs reg_procs = cntp_procs;
static inline void write_ctl(uint32_t val) { reg_procs.write_ctl(val); }
static inline void write_cval(uint64_t val) { reg_procs.write_cval(val); }
__UNUSED static inline void write_tval(uint32_t val) { reg_procs.write_tval(val); }
static zx_ticks_t read_ct() {
zx_ticks_t cntpct = static_cast<zx_ticks_t>(reg_procs.read_ct());
LTRACEF_LEVEL(3, "cntpct: 0x%016" PRIx64 ", %" PRIi64 "\n", static_cast<uint64_t>(cntpct),
return cntpct;
static interrupt_eoi platform_tick(void* arg) {
zx_ticks_t platform_current_raw_ticks() { return read_ct(); }
zx_ticks_t platform_current_ticks() {
// TODO(fxb/91701): switch to the ABA method of reading the offset when we start
// to allow the offset to be changed as a result of coming out of system
// suspend.
return read_ct() + raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset;
zx_ticks_t platform_get_raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset() {
// TODO(fxb/91701): consider the memory order semantics of this load when the
// time comes.
return raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset;
zx_ticks_t platform_convert_early_ticks(arch::EarlyTicks sample) {
// Early tick timestamps are always raw ticks. We need to convert back to
// ticks by subtracting the raw_ticks to ticks offset.
return sample.*reg_procs.early_ticks + raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset;
zx_status_t platform_set_oneshot_timer(zx_time_t deadline) {
if (deadline < 0) {
deadline = 0;
// Add one to the deadline, since with very high probability the deadline
// straddles a counter tick. Adjust the deadline from normalized ticks to raw
// ticks in the process.
// TODO(fxb/91701): If/when we start to use the raw ticks -> ticks offset to
// manage fixing up the timer when coming out of suspend, we need to come back
// here and reconsider memory order issues.
const affine::Ratio time_to_ticks = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio().Inverse();
const uint64_t cntpct_deadline = time_to_ticks.Scale(deadline) + 1 - raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset;
// Even if the deadline has already passed, the ARMv8-A timer will fire the
// interrupt.
kcounter_add(platform_timer_set_counter, 1);
return 0;
void platform_stop_timer() {
kcounter_add(platform_timer_cancel_counter, 1);
void platform_shutdown_timer() {
bool platform_usermode_can_access_tick_registers() {
// We always use the ARM generic timer for the tick counter, and these
// registers are accessible from usermode
return true;
template <bool AllowDebugPrint = false>
static inline affine::Ratio arm_generic_timer_compute_conversion_factors(uint32_t cntfrq) {
affine::Ratio cntpct_to_nsec = {ZX_SEC(1), cntfrq};
if constexpr (AllowDebugPrint) {
dprintf(SPEW, "arm generic timer cntpct_per_nsec: %u/%u\n", cntpct_to_nsec.numerator(),
return cntpct_to_nsec;
// Run once on the boot cpu to decide if we want to start an event stream on each
// cpu and at what rate.
static void event_stream_init(uint32_t cntfrq) {
if (!gBootOptions->arm64_event_stream_enabled) {
// Compute the closest power of two from the timer frequency to get to the target.
// The mechanism to select the rate of the event counter is to select which bit in the virtual
// counter it should watch for a transition from 0->1 or 1->0 on. This has the effect of
// of selecting a power of two to divide the virtual counter by plus one.
// There's no real out of range value here. Everything gets clamped to a shift value of [0, 15].
uint shift;
for (shift = 0; shift <= 14; shift++) {
// Find a matching shift to the target frequency within range. If the target frequency is too
// large even for shift 0 then it'll just pick shift 0 because of the <=.
if (log2_uint_floor(cntfrq >> (shift + 1)) <=
log2_uint_floor(gBootOptions->arm64_event_stream_freq_hz)) {
// If we ran off the end of the for loop 15 is the max shift and is okay
DEBUG_ASSERT(shift <= 15);
// Save the computed state
event_stream_shift = shift;
event_stream_freq = (cntfrq >> (event_stream_shift + 1));
dprintf(INFO, "arm generic timer will enable event stream on all cpus: shift %u, %u Hz\n",
event_stream_shift, event_stream_freq);
static void event_stream_enable_percpu() {
if (!gBootOptions->arm64_event_stream_enabled) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(event_stream_shift <= 15);
// Enable the event stream
uint64_t cntkctl = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTKCTL);
// Set the trigger bit (field 7:4)
cntkctl &= ~(0xfUL << 4);
cntkctl |= event_stream_shift << 4; // EVNTI
// Clear the transition bit to 0
cntkctl &= ~(1 << 3); // ENVTDIR
// Enable the stream
cntkctl |= (1 << 2); // EVNTEN
__arm_wsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTKCTL, cntkctl);
dprintf(INFO, "arm generic timer cpu-%u: event stream enabled\n", arch_curr_cpu_num());
static void arm_generic_timer_init(uint32_t freq_override) {
if (freq_override == 0) {
// Read the firmware supplied cntfrq register. Note: it may not be correct
// in buggy firmware situations, so always provide a mechanism to override it.
timer_cntfrq = __arm_rsr(TIMER_REG_CNTFRQ);
LTRACEF("cntfrq: %#08x, %u\n", timer_cntfrq, timer_cntfrq);
} else {
timer_cntfrq = freq_override;
dprintf(INFO, "arm generic timer freq %u Hz\n", timer_cntfrq);
// No way to reasonably continue. Just hard stop.
ASSERT(timer_cntfrq != 0);
// Set up the hardware timer irq handler for this vector. Use the permanent irq handler
// registraion scheme since it is enabled on all cpus and does not need any locking
// for reentrancy and deregistration purposes.
zx_status_t status = register_permanent_int_handler(timer_irq, &platform_tick, NULL);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
// assert that access to the virtual counter is available in EL0
auto cntkctl = __arm_rsr64(TIMER_REG_CNTKCTL);
ASSERT(cntkctl & (1 << 1)); // EL0VCTEN
// Determine and compute values for the event stream if requested
// try to enable the event stream if requested
// enable the IRQ on the boot cpu
LTRACEF("unmask irq %d on cpu %u\n", timer_irq, arch_curr_cpu_num());
static void arm_generic_timer_init_secondary_cpu(uint level) {
// try to enable the event stream if requested
LTRACEF("unmask irq %d on cpu %u\n", timer_irq, arch_curr_cpu_num());
// secondary cpu initialize the timer just before the kernel starts with interrupts enabled
LK_INIT_HOOK_FLAGS(arm_generic_timer_init_secondary_cpu, arm_generic_timer_init_secondary_cpu,
void ArmGenericTimerInit(const dcfg_arm_generic_timer_driver_t& config) {
uint32_t irq_phys = config.irq_phys;
uint32_t irq_virt = config.irq_virt;
uint32_t irq_sphys = config.irq_sphys;
if (irq_phys && irq_virt && arm64_get_boot_el() < 2) {
// If we did not boot at EL2 or above, prefer the virtual timer.
irq_phys = 0;
const char* timer_str = "";
if (irq_phys) {
timer_str = "phys";
timer_irq = irq_phys;
timer_assignment = IRQ_PHYS;
reg_procs = cntp_procs;
} else if (irq_virt) {
timer_str = "virt";
timer_irq = irq_virt;
timer_assignment = IRQ_VIRT;
reg_procs = cntv_procs;
} else if (irq_sphys) {
timer_str = "sphys";
timer_irq = irq_sphys;
timer_assignment = IRQ_SPHYS;
reg_procs = cntps_procs;
} else {
panic("no irqs set in arm_generic_timer_pdev_init\n");
// We cannot actually reset the value on the ticks timer, so instead we use
// the time of clock selection (now) to define the zero point on our ticks
// timeline moving forward.
raw_ticks_to_ticks_offset = -reg_procs.read_ct();
dprintf(INFO, "arm generic timer using %s timer, irq %d\n", timer_str, timer_irq);
// Called once per cpu in the system post cpu detection.
static void late_update_reg_procs(uint) {
ASSERT(timer_assignment == IRQ_PHYS || timer_assignment == IRQ_VIRT ||
timer_assignment == IRQ_SPHYS);
// If at least one of the cpus are an A73, switch the read hooks to a specialized
// A73 errata workaround version. Note this will duplicately run on every
// core in the system.
if (arm64_read_percpu_ptr()->microarch == ARM_CORTEX_A73) {
if (timer_assignment == IRQ_PHYS) {
reg_procs = cntp_procs_a73;
} else if (timer_assignment == IRQ_VIRT) {
reg_procs = cntv_procs_a73;
} else if (timer_assignment == IRQ_SPHYS) {
reg_procs = cntps_procs_a73;
} else {
panic("no irqs set in late_update_reg_procs\n");
dprintf(INFO, "arm generic timer applying A73 workaround\n");
LK_INIT_HOOK_FLAGS(late_update_reg_procs, &late_update_reg_procs, LK_INIT_LEVEL_PLATFORM_EARLY + 1,
* Tests
namespace {
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr uint32_t kMinTestFreq = 1;
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr uint32_t kMaxTestFreq = ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
[[maybe_unused]] constexpr uint32_t kCurTestFreq = 0;
inline uint64_t abs_int64(int64_t a) { return (a > 0) ? a : -a; }
bool test_time_conversion_check_result(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t limit) {
if (a != b) {
uint64_t diff = abs_int64(a - b);
ASSERT_LE(diff, limit);
#if 0
static void test_zx_time_to_cntpct(uint32_t cntfrq, zx_time_t zx_time) {
uint64_t cntpct = zx_time_to_cntpct(zx_time);
const uint64_t nanos_per_sec = ZX_SEC(1);
uint64_t expected_cntpct = ((uint64_t)cntfrq * zx_time + nanos_per_sec / 2) / nanos_per_sec;
test_time_conversion_check_result(cntpct, expected_cntpct, 1);
LTRACEF_LEVEL(2, "zx_time_to_cntpct(%" PRIi64 "): got %" PRIu64
", expect %" PRIu64 "\n",
zx_time, cntpct, expected_cntpct);
bool test_time_to_cntpct(uint32_t cntfrq) {
affine::Ratio time_to_ticks;
if (cntfrq == kCurTestFreq) {
uint64_t tps = ticks_per_second();
ASSERT_LE(tps, ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
cntfrq = static_cast<uint32_t>(tps);
time_to_ticks = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio().Inverse();
} else {
time_to_ticks = arm_generic_timer_compute_conversion_factors(cntfrq).Inverse();
constexpr uint64_t VECTORS[] = {
60 * 60 * 24,
60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
60 * 60 * 24 * (365 * 10 + 2),
60ULL * 60 * 24 * (365 * 100 + 2),
for (auto vec : VECTORS) {
uint64_t cntpct = time_to_ticks.Scale(vec);
constexpr uint32_t nanos_per_sec = ZX_SEC(1);
uint64_t expected_cntpct = ((uint64_t)cntfrq * vec + (nanos_per_sec / 2)) / nanos_per_sec;
if (!test_time_conversion_check_result(cntpct, expected_cntpct, 1)) {
printf("FAIL: zx_time_to_cntpct(%" PRIu64 "): got %" PRIu64 ", expect %" PRIu64 "\n", vec,
cntpct, expected_cntpct);
bool test_cntpct_to_time(uint32_t cntfrq) {
affine::Ratio ticks_to_time;
if (cntfrq == kCurTestFreq) {
uint64_t tps = ticks_per_second();
ASSERT_LE(tps, ktl::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
cntfrq = static_cast<uint32_t>(tps);
ticks_to_time = platform_get_ticks_to_time_ratio();
} else {
ticks_to_time = arm_generic_timer_compute_conversion_factors(cntfrq);
constexpr uint64_t VECTORS[] = {
60 * 60 * 24,
60 * 60 * 24 * 365,
60 * 60 * 24 * (365 * 10 + 2),
60ULL * 60 * 24 * (365 * 50 + 2),
for (auto vec : VECTORS) {
zx_time_t expected_zx_time = ZX_SEC(vec);
uint64_t cntpct = (uint64_t)cntfrq * vec;
zx_time_t zx_time = ticks_to_time.Scale(cntpct);
const uint64_t limit = (1000 * 1000 + cntfrq - 1) / cntfrq;
if (!test_time_conversion_check_result(zx_time, expected_zx_time, limit)) {
printf("cntpct_to_zx_time(0x%" PRIx64 "): got 0x%" PRIx64 ", expect 0x%" PRIx64 "\n", cntpct,
static_cast<uint64_t>(zx_time), static_cast<uint64_t>(expected_zx_time));
// Verify that the event stream will break CPUs out of WFE.
// Start one thread for each CPU that's online and active. Each thread will then disable
// interrupts and issue a series of WFEs. If the event stream is working as expected, each thread
// will eventually complete its series of WFEs and terminate. If the event stream is not working
// as expected, one or more threads will hang.
bool test_event_stream() {
if (!gBootOptions->arm64_event_stream_enabled) {
printf("event stream disabled, skipping test\n");
struct Args {
ktl::atomic<uint32_t> waiting{0};
auto func = [](void* args_) -> int {
auto* args = reinterpret_cast<Args*>(args_);
InterruptDisableGuard guard;
// Signal that we are ready.
// Wait until everyone else is ready.
while (args->waiting.load() > 0) {
// If the event stream is working, it (or something else) will break us out on each iteration.
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
// The SEVL sets the event flag for this CPU. The first WFE consumes the now set event
// flag. By setting then consuming, we can be sure the second WFE will actually wait for an
// event.
__asm__ volatile("sevl;wfe;wfe");
printf("cpu-%u done\n", arch_curr_cpu_num());
return 0;
Args args;
Thread* threads[SMP_MAX_CPUS]{};
// How many online+active CPUs do we have?
uint32_t num_cpus = ktl::popcount(mp_get_online_mask() & mp_get_active_mask());;
// Create a thread bound to each online+active CPU, but don't start them just yet.
cpu_num_t last = 0;
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); ++i) {
if (mp_is_cpu_online(i) && mp_is_cpu_active(i)) {
threads[i] = Thread::Create("test_event_stream", func, &args, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
last = i;
// Because these threads have hard affinity and will disable interrupts we need to take care in
// how we start them. If we start one that's bound to our current CPU, we may get preempted
// deadlock. To avoid this, bind the current thread to the *last* online+active CPU.
const cpu_mask_t orig_mask = Thread::Current::Get()->GetCpuAffinity();
auto restore_mask =
fit::defer([&orig_mask]() { Thread::Current::Get()->SetCpuAffinity(orig_mask); });
// Now that we're running on the last online+active CPU we can simply start them in order.
for (cpu_num_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); ++i) {
if (threads[i] != nullptr) {
// Finally, wait for them to complete.
for (size_t i = 0; i < percpu::processor_count(); ++i) {
if (threads[i] != nullptr) {
threads[i]->Join(nullptr, ZX_TIME_INFINITE);
} // namespace
UNITTEST("Time --> CNTPCT (min freq)", []() -> bool { return test_time_to_cntpct(kMinTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("Time --> CNTPCT (max freq)", []() -> bool { return test_time_to_cntpct(kMaxTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("Time --> CNTPCT (cur freq)", []() -> bool { return test_time_to_cntpct(kCurTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("CNTPCT --> Time (min freq)", []() -> bool { return test_cntpct_to_time(kMinTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("CNTPCT --> Time (max freq)", []() -> bool { return test_cntpct_to_time(kMaxTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("CNTPCT --> Time (cur freq)", []() -> bool { return test_cntpct_to_time(kCurTestFreq); })
UNITTEST("Event Stream", test_event_stream)
UNITTEST_END_TESTCASE(arm_clock_tests, "arm_clock", "Tests for ARM tick count and current time")