blob: cdc941347a09ff59eab79b7a55773c6a591fdada [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:io' show File;
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'helpers.dart';
void main() {
// We run the fuchsia_microbenchmarks process multiple times. That is
// useful for tests that exhibit between-process variation in results
// (e.g. due to memory layout chosen when a process starts) -- it
// reduces the variation in the average that we report.
const int processRuns = 6;
// We override the default number of within-process iterations of
// each test case and use a lower value. This reduces the overall
// time taken and reduces the chance that these invocations hit
// Infra Swarming tasks' IO timeout (swarming_io_timeout_secs --
// the amount of time that a task is allowed to run without
// producing log output).
const int iterationsPerTestPerProcess = 120;
// For running with tracing enabled we run the following tests:
// - The Tracing suite, which creates exercises the trace-engine code via
// TRACE macros
// - Syscall/Null and Syscall/ManyArgs which exercise ktrace_tiny records
// - Channel/WriteRead which exercises regular ktrace records
const filterRegex =
test('fuchsia_microbenchmarks', () async {
final helper = await PerfTestHelper.make();
const resultsFile = '/tmp/perf_results.json';
final List<File> resultsFiles = [];
for (var process = 0; process < processRuns; ++process) {
final result = await helper.sl4fDriver.ssh
.run('/bin/fuchsia_microbenchmarks -p --quiet --out $resultsFile'
' --runs $iterationsPerTestPerProcess');
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
'results_microbenchmarks_process$process', 'fuchsiaperf_full.json'));
await helper.processResultsSummarized(resultsFiles);
}, timeout: Timeout.none);
// Run some of the microbenchmarks with tracing enabled to measure the
// overhead of tracing.
test('fuchsia_microbenchmarks_tracing_categories_enabled', () async {
final helper = await PerfTestHelper.make();
const resultsFile = '/tmp/perf_results_tracing.json';
final List<File> resultsFiles = [];
for (var process = 0; process < processRuns; ++process) {
final result = await helper.sl4fDriver.ssh
.run('/bin/trace record --spawn=true --buffering-mode=circular'
' --categories=kernel,benchmark /bin/fuchsia_microbenchmarks -p'
' --quiet --out $resultsFile --runs $iterationsPerTestPerProcess'
' --filter $filterRegex --enable-tracing');
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
// The json file fuchsia_microbenchmarks outputs will have the same suite
// and test names as the non perf ones. Here, we rewrite the suite names
// in the json file so catapult can distinguish them.
var resultsJson =
var results = jsonDecode(resultsJson);
for (var testResult in results) {
var suiteName = testResult['test_suite'];
testResult['test_suite'] = suiteName + '.tracing';
var localResults = await helper.dump.writeAsString(
await helper.processResultsSummarized(resultsFiles);
}, timeout: Timeout.none);
// Run some of the microbenchmarks with tracing enabled but each category
// disabled to measure the overhead of a trace event with the category turned
// off.
test('fuchsia_microbenchmarks_tracing_categories_disabled', () async {
final helper = await PerfTestHelper.make();
const resultsFile = '/tmp/perf_results_tracing_categories_disabled.json';
final List<File> resultsFiles = [];
for (var process = 0; process < processRuns; ++process) {
final result = await helper.sl4fDriver.ssh
.run('/bin/trace record --spawn=true --buffering-mode=circular'
' --categories=none /bin/fuchsia_microbenchmarks -p'
' --quiet --out $resultsFile --runs $iterationsPerTestPerProcess'
' --filter $filterRegex --enable-tracing');
expect(result.exitCode, equals(0));
// The json file fuchsia_microbenchmarks outputs will have the same suite
// and test names as the non perf ones. Here, we rewrite the suite names
// in the json file so catapult can distinguish them.
var resultsJson =
var results = jsonDecode(resultsJson);
for (var testResult in results) {
var suiteName = testResult['test_suite'];
testResult['test_suite'] = suiteName + '.tracing_categories_disabled';
var localResults = await helper.dump.writeAsString(
await helper.processResultsSummarized(resultsFiles);
}, timeout: Timeout.none);