blob: 08f724c5c622be0bef773755ba34139f462091fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Fix null safety and remove this language version.
// @dart=2.9
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:fidl/fidl.dart' as fidl;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:zircon/zircon.dart';
import 'handles.dart';
// ignore: avoid_classes_with_only_static_members
abstract class Encoders {
// ignore: prefer_constructors_over_static_methods
static fidl.Encoder get v2 {
return fidl.Encoder(fidl.WireFormat.v2);
/// Returns list `result` where `result[i] == data[order[i]]`. Assumes all
/// indices are valid.
List<T> _reorderList<T>(List<T> data, List<int> order) => => data[index]).toList();
fidl.OutgoingMessage _encode<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
fidl.Encoder encoder, fidl.FidlType<T, I> type, T value) {
encoder.encodeMessageHeader(0, 0, fidl.CallStrictness.strict);
fidl.MemberType member = fidl.MemberType(
type: type,
offset: 0,
fidl.encodeMessage(encoder, type.inlineSize, member, value);
return encoder.message;
/// Ignores the 16-byte header to return the bytes of only the message body.
Uint8List _getMessageBodyBytes(fidl.OutgoingMessage message) {
return Uint8List.view(, fidl.kMessageHeaderSize, - fidl.kMessageHeaderSize);
T _decode<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(fidl.WireFormat wireFormat,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type, Uint8List bytes, List<HandleInfo> handleInfos) {
// The fidl.decodeMessage function assumes that the passed in FIDL message has
// a header, while the passed in byte array does not. This builder prepends
// an empty placeholder "header" to the byte array, allowing it be properly
// decoded by the function during tests.
BytesBuilder messageBytesBuilder = BytesBuilder(copy: false)
ByteData messageBytes = ByteData.view(
messageBytesBuilder.toBytes().buffer, 0, messageBytesBuilder.length);
// Mark that the message contains wire format v2 bytes.
messageBytes.setUint8(4, 2);
fidl.IncomingMessage message =
fidl.IncomingMessage(messageBytes, handleInfos);
fidl.MemberType member = fidl.MemberType(
type: type,
offset: 0,
return fidl.decodeMessage(message, type.inlineSize, member);
typedef FactoryFromHandles<T> = T Function(List<Handle> handles);
class EncodeSuccessCase<T, I extends Iterable<T>> {
EncodeSuccessCase(this.input, this.type, this.bytes,
{this.handles = const []});
final T input;
final fidl.FidlType<T, I> type;
final Uint8List bytes;
final List<Handle> handles;
static void run<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(fidl.Encoder encoder, String name,
T input, fidl.FidlType<T, I> type, Uint8List bytes) {
group(name, () {
EncodeSuccessCase(input, type, bytes)._checkEncode(encoder);
static void runWithHandles<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
fidl.Encoder encoder,
String name,
FactoryFromHandles<T> inputFactory,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
Uint8List bytes,
List<HandleDef> handleDefs,
List<int> handleOrder) {
final handles = createHandles(handleDefs);
final expectedHandles = _reorderList(handles, handleOrder);
final testCase = EncodeSuccessCase(inputFactory(handles), type, bytes,
handles: expectedHandles);
group(name, () {
tearDown(() {
void _checkEncode(fidl.Encoder encoder) {
test('encode', () {
final message = _encode(encoder, type, input);
expect(_getMessageBodyBytes(message), equals(bytes));
expect( => h.handle).toList(),
class DecodeSuccessCase<T, I extends Iterable<T>> {
DecodeSuccessCase(this.wireFormat, this.input, this.type, this.bytes,
{this.handleInfos = const []});
final fidl.WireFormat wireFormat;
final T input;
final fidl.FidlType<T, I> type;
final Uint8List bytes;
final List<HandleInfo> handleInfos;
static void run<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
String name,
fidl.WireFormat wireFormat,
T input,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
Uint8List bytes) {
group(name, () {
DecodeSuccessCase(wireFormat, input, type, bytes)._checkDecode();
static void runWithHandles<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
String name,
fidl.WireFormat wireFormat,
FactoryFromHandles<T> inputFactory,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
Uint8List bytes,
List<HandleDef> handleDefs,
List<int> handleOrder,
// this parameter can be made non-optional once it is emitted in GIDL
[List<int> unusedHandles = const []]) {
final handleInfos = createHandleInfos(handleDefs);
final handles = => handleInfo.handle).toList();
final inputHandles = _reorderList(handleInfos, handleOrder);
final testCase = DecodeSuccessCase(
wireFormat, inputFactory(handles), type, bytes,
handleInfos: inputHandles);
group(name, () {
test('unused handles are closed', () {
expect(_reorderList(handles, unusedHandles).map(isHandleClosed),
equals( => true)));
}, skip: unusedHandles.isEmpty ? null : 'no unused handles');
tearDown(() {
void _checkDecode() {
test('decode', () {
expect(_decode(wireFormat, type, bytes, handleInfos), equals(input));
typedef Factory<T> = T Function();
class EncodeFailureCase<T, I extends Iterable<T>> {
EncodeFailureCase(this.inputFactory, this.type, this.code);
final Factory<T> inputFactory;
final fidl.FidlType<T, I> type;
final fidl.FidlErrorCode code;
static void run<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
fidl.Encoder encoder,
String name,
Factory<T> inputFactory,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
fidl.FidlErrorCode code) {
group(name, () {
EncodeFailureCase(inputFactory, type, code)._checkEncodeFails(encoder);
static void runWithHandles<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
fidl.Encoder encoder,
String name,
FactoryFromHandles<T> inputFactory,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
fidl.FidlErrorCode code,
List<HandleDef> handleDefs) {
final handles = createHandles(handleDefs);
group(name, () {
EncodeFailureCase(() => inputFactory(handles), type, code)
test('handles are closed', () {
expect(, equals( => true)));
void _checkEncodeFails(fidl.Encoder encoder) {
test('encode fails', () {
expect(() {
final input = inputFactory();
_encode(encoder, type, input);
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<fidl.FidlError>()
.having((e) => e.code, 'code', equals(code))));
class DecodeFailureCase<T, I extends Iterable<T>> {
this.wireFormat, this.type, this.bytes, this.code, this.handleInfos);
final fidl.WireFormat wireFormat;
final fidl.FidlType<T, I> type;
final Uint8List bytes;
final fidl.FidlErrorCode code;
final List<HandleInfo> handleInfos;
/// run supports DecodeFailureCases both with and without handles, depending on whether
/// the optional parameters are provided.
// The two optional parameters can be merged into a single List<HandleSubtype> in the
// desired order, but it is simpler to reorder here than having special handling
// for decode failures in the GIDL backend.
static void run<T, I extends Iterable<T>>(
String name,
fidl.WireFormat wireFormat,
fidl.FidlType<T, I> type,
Uint8List bytes,
fidl.FidlErrorCode code,
[List<HandleDef> handleDefs = const [],
List<int> handleOrder = const []]) {
final handleInfos =
_reorderList(createHandleInfos(handleDefs), handleOrder);
final handles = => handleInfo.handle).toList();
group(name, () {
DecodeFailureCase(wireFormat, type, bytes, code, handleInfos)
test('handles are closed', () {
expect(, equals( => true)));
void _checkDecodeFails() {
test('decode fails', () {
() => _decode(wireFormat, type, bytes, handleInfos),
throwsA(const TypeMatcher<fidl.FidlError>()
.having((e) => e.code, 'code', equals(code))));