blob: 0fc22102ed450801c53c563e06c4114e920917d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "xhci-event-ring.h"
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/fpromise/promise.h>
#include <lib/zx/clock.h>
#include "usb-xhci.h"
namespace usb_xhci {
// The minimum required number of event ring segment table entries.
static constexpr uint16_t kMinERSTEntries = 16;
zx_status_t EventRingSegmentTable::Init(size_t page_size, const zx::bti& bti, bool is_32bit,
uint32_t erst_max, ERSTSZ erst_size,
const dma_buffer::BufferFactory& factory,
fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio) {
erst_size_ = erst_size;
bti_ = &bti;
page_size_ = page_size;
is_32bit_ = is_32bit;
zx_status_t status = factory.CreatePaged(bti, page_size_, false, &erst_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (is_32bit && (erst_->phys()[0] >= UINT32_MAX)) {
count_ = page_size / sizeof(ERSTEntry);
if (count_ > erst_max) {
count_ = erst_max;
entries_ = static_cast<ERSTEntry*>(erst_->virt());
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EventRingSegmentTable::AddSegment(zx_paddr_t paddr) {
if (offset_ >= count_) {
if (offset_ > count_) {
ERSTEntry entry;
entry.address_low = static_cast<uint32_t>(paddr & UINT32_MAX);
entry.address_high = static_cast<uint32_t>(paddr >> 32);
entry.size = static_cast<uint16_t>(page_size_ / kMinERSTEntries);
entries_[offset_] = entry;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EventRing::Init(size_t page_size, const zx::bti& bti, fdf::MmioBuffer* buffer,
bool is_32bit, uint32_t erst_max, ERSTSZ erst_size, ERDP erdp_reg,
IMAN iman_reg, uint8_t cap_length, HCSPARAMS1 hcs_params_1,
CommandRing* command_ring, DoorbellOffset doorbell_offset, UsbXhci* hci,
HCCPARAMS1 hcc_params_1, uint64_t* dcbaa, uint16_t interrupter) {
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
erdp_reg_ = erdp_reg;
hcs_params_1_ = hcs_params_1;
mmio_ = buffer;
bti_ = &bti;
page_size_ = page_size;
is_32bit_ = is_32bit;
mmio_ = buffer;
iman_reg_ = iman_reg;
cap_length_ = cap_length;
command_ring_ = command_ring;
doorbell_offset_ = doorbell_offset;
hci_ = hci;
hcc_params_1_ = hcc_params_1;
dcbaa_ = dcbaa;
interrupter_ = interrupter;
auto status =
segments_.Init(page_size, bti, is_32bit, erst_max, erst_size, hci->buffer_factory(), mmio_);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return AddSegmentIfNone();
void EventRing::RemovePressure() {
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
size_t EventRing::GetPressure() {
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
return segments_.Pressure();
zx_status_t EventRing::AddSegmentIfNone() {
if (!erdp_phys_) {
return AddSegment();
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EventRing::AddTRB() {
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
if (trbs_ == segments_.TrbCount()) {
zx_status_t status = AddSegment();
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
return ZX_OK;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t EventRing::AddSegment() {
if (segments_.Pressure() < segments_.SegmentCount()) {
return ZX_OK;
std::unique_ptr<dma_buffer::ContiguousBuffer> buffer;
std::unique_ptr<dma_buffer::ContiguousBuffer> buffer_tmp;
zx_status_t status = hci_->buffer_factory().CreateContiguous(
*bti_, page_size_,
static_cast<uint32_t>(page_size_ == zx_system_get_page_size() ? 0 : page_size_ >> 12),
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
buffer = std::move(buffer_tmp);
if (is_32bit_ && (buffer->phys() >= UINT32_MAX)) {
zx_status_t status = segments_.AddSegment(buffer->phys());
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
bool needs_iterator = false;
if (!erdp_phys_) {
erdp_phys_ = buffer->phys();
erdp_virt_ = static_cast<TRB*>(buffer->virt());
needs_iterator = true;
buffers_.push_back(std::make_unique<SegmentBuf>(std::move(buffer), true));
if (needs_iterator) {
buffers_it_ = buffers_.begin();
return ZX_OK;
TRBPromise EventRing::HandlePortStatusChangeEvent(uint8_t port_id) {
auto sc = PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id).ReadFrom(mmio_);
std::optional<TRBPromise> pending_enumeration;
// Read status bits
bool needs_enum = false;
// xHCI doesn't provide a way of retrieving the port speed prior to a device being fully
// online (without using ACPI or another out-of-band mechanism).
// In order to correctly enumerate devices, we use heuristics to try and determine
// whether or not a port is 2.0 or 3.0.
if (sc.CCS()) {
// Wait for the port to exit polling state, if applicable.
// Only 2.0 ports should go into a polling state, so if we get here,
// we can be sure that it's a 2.0 port. Some controllers may skip this step though....
if ((sc.PLS() == PORTSC::Polling) || (hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected &&
!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3)) {
// USB 2.0 port connect
if (!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected) {
// USB 2.0 requires a port reset to advance to U0
needs_enum = true;
} else {
// USB 3.0 port connect, since we got a connect status bit set,
// and were not polling.
if (!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected) {
needs_enum = true;
if ((sc.PLS() == PORTSC::U0) && (sc.PED()) && (!sc.PR()) &&
!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].link_active) {
// Set the link active bit here to prevent us from onlining the same device twice.
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].link_active = true;
needs_enum = false;
pending_enumeration = LinkUp(port_id);
// Link could be active from connect status change above.
// To prevent enumerating a device twice, we ensure that the link wasn't previously active
// before enumerating.
if ((sc.PLS() == PORTSC::U0) && sc.CCS() && !(hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].link_active)) {
if (!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected) {
// Spontaneous initialization of USB 3.0 port without going through
// CSC event. We know this is USB 3.0 since this cannot possibly happen
// with a 2.0 port.
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3 = true;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected = true;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].link_active = true;
if (!hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3) {
// USB 2.0 specification section
// states that we must wait 10 milliseconds.
needs_enum = false;
pending_enumeration =
hci_->Timeout(interrupter_, zx::deadline_after(zx::msec(10)))
.and_then([=](TRB*& result) { return LinkUp(static_cast<uint8_t>(port_id)); })
} else {
needs_enum = false;
pending_enumeration = LinkUp(static_cast<uint8_t>(port_id));
} else {
// For hubs, we need to take the device offline from the bus's standpoint before tearing down
// the hub. This means that the slot has to be kept alive until the hub driver is removed.
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].retry = false;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].link_active = false;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected = false;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3 = false;
if (hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].slot_id) {
ScheduleTask(hci_->DeviceOffline(hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].slot_id, nullptr).box());
// Update registers if not init
if (sc.OCC()) {
bool overcurrent = sc.OCA();
PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id)
if (overcurrent) {
zxlogf(ERROR, "Port %i has overcurrent active.", static_cast<int>(port_id));
} else {
zxlogf(ERROR, "Overcurrent event on port %i cleared.", static_cast<int>(port_id));
if (sc.CSC()) {
// Connect status change
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].retry = false;
PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id)
if (sc.PEC()) {
return fpromise::make_error_promise(ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE);
if (sc.PRC() || sc.WRC()) {
PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id)
if (pending_enumeration.has_value()) {
return *std::move(pending_enumeration);
if (needs_enum) {
return WaitForPortStatusChange(port_id)
.and_then([=](TRB*& trb) {
// Retry enumeration
HandlePortStatusChangeEventInterrupt(port_id, true);
return fpromise::ok(trb);
return fpromise::make_ok_promise(static_cast<TRB*>(nullptr));
TRBPromise EventRing::WaitForPortStatusChange(uint8_t port_id) {
fpromise::bridge<TRB*, zx_status_t> bridge;
auto context = hci_->GetCommandRing()->AllocateContext();
context->completer = std::move(bridge.completer);
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].wait_for_port_status_change_ = std::move(context);
return bridge.consumer.promise();
void EventRing::CallPortStatusChanged(fbl::RefPtr<PortStatusChangeState> state) {
if (state->port_index < state->port_count) {
.then([=](fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t>& trb)
-> fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t> {
if (trb.is_error()) {
if (trb.error() == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) {
return trb;
return fpromise::ok(nullptr);
} else {
if (enumeration_queue_.is_empty()) {
enumerating_ = false;
} else {
enumerating_ = true;
auto enum_task = enumeration_queue_.pop_front();
.then([this, state, task = std::move(enum_task)](
fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t>& trb) mutable {
if (trb.is_error()) {
if (trb.error() == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) {
return trb;
} else {
state->port_index = state->port_count;
return trb;
void EventRing::HandlePortStatusChangeEventInterrupt(uint8_t port_id, bool preempt) {
auto ctx = hci_->GetCommandRing()->AllocateContext();
ctx->port_number = port_id;
fpromise::bridge<TRB*, zx_status_t> bridge;
ctx->completer = std::move(bridge.completer);
.then([=](fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t>& result) { return result; })
if (preempt) {
} else {
if (!enumerating_) {
auto state = fbl::MakeRefCounted<PortStatusChangeState>(0, 0);
zx_status_t EventRing::Ring0Bringup() {
enumerating_ = false;
return ZX_OK;
void EventRing::ScheduleTask(fpromise::promise<TRB*, zx_status_t> promise) {
auto continuation = promise.then([=](fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t>& result) {
if (result.is_error()) {
// ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE is a special value that we use to signal
// a fatal error in xHCI. When this occurs, we should immediately
// attempt to shutdown the controller. This error cannot be recovered from.
if (result.error() == ZX_ERR_BAD_STATE) {
return result;
void EventRing::RunUntilIdle() { executor_.run_until_idle(); }
std::variant<bool, std::unique_ptr<TRBContext>> EventRing::StallWorkaroundForDefectiveHubs(
std::unique_ptr<TRBContext> context) {
// Workaround for full-speed hub issue in Gateway keyboard
auto request = context->request->request();
if ((request->header.ep_address == 0) && (request->setup.b_request == USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR) &&
(request->setup.w_index == 0) && (request->setup.w_value == (USB_DT_DEVICE_QUALIFIER << 8))) {
usb_device_qualifier_descriptor_t* desc;
if ((context->request->Mmap(reinterpret_cast<void**>(&desc)) == ZX_OK) &&
(request->header.length >= sizeof(desc))) {
desc->b_device_protocol =
0; // Don't support multi-TT unless we're sure the device supports it.
ScheduleTask(hci_->UsbHciResetEndpointAsync(request->header.device_id, 0)
.and_then([ctx = std::move(context)](TRB*& result) {
ctx->request->Complete(ZX_OK, sizeof(*desc));
return fpromise::ok(result);
return true;
return context;
Control EventRing::AdvanceErdp() {
enum {
STOP = 0,
NEXT = 2,
} action = STOP;
reevaluate_ = false;
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
if (unlikely((reinterpret_cast<size_t>(erdp_virt_ + 1) / 4096) !=
(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(erdp_virt_) / 4096))) {
// Page transition -- next buffer
auto next_buffer = buffers_it_;
ZX_DEBUG_ASSERT(next_buffer != buffers_it_);
if (unlikely(next_buffer == buffers_.end())) {
// Last buffer: wrap around
action = WRAP_AROUND;
buffers_it_->new_segment = false;
} else if (unlikely(next_buffer->new_segment)) {
// New segment
// Check for valid Completion Code
if (static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(next_buffer->buf->virt())->CompletionCode() ==
CommandCompletionEvent::Invalid) {
// Invalid completion code. New segment not in use yet.
if (Control::FromTRB(reinterpret_cast<TRB*>(buffers_.front().buf->virt())).Cycle() ==
ccs_) {
// Empty ring, according to spec, we should re-evaluate next time. Set the reevaluate_ bit
// to true and return an invalid TRB to stop advancement of pointer.
reevaluate_ = true;
return Control::Get().FromValue(0).set_Cycle(!ccs_);
// Non-empty ring. Wrap around to beginning.
action = WRAP_AROUND;
} else {
// Valid completion code. New segment already in use.
action = NEXT;
} else {
// Not new segment.
action = NEXT;
buffers_it_->new_segment = false;
} else {
action = INCREMENT;
switch (action) {
// Increment within segment
erdp_phys_ += sizeof(TRB);
} break;
case NEXT: {
// Next segment
erdp_virt_ = reinterpret_cast<TRB*>((*buffers_it_).buf->virt());
erdp_phys_ = (*buffers_it_).buf->phys();
segment_index_ = (segment_index_ + 1) & 0b111;
} break;
// Wrap around to first segment
ccs_ = !ccs_;
buffers_it_ = buffers_.begin();
erdp_virt_ = reinterpret_cast<TRB*>((*buffers_it_).buf->virt());
erdp_phys_ = (*buffers_it_).buf->phys();
segment_index_ = 0;
} break;
default: {
zxlogf(ERROR, "This should not happen.");
} break;
if (unlikely(buffers_it_->new_segment)) {
// New buffer. CCS is invalid. Increment only if completion code is not invalid.
return Control::FromTRB(erdp_virt_)
.set_Cycle((static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(erdp_virt_)->CompletionCode() !=
? ccs_
: !ccs_);
return Control::FromTRB(erdp_virt_);
zx_status_t EventRing::HandleIRQ() {
bool avoid_yield = false;
zx_paddr_t last_phys = 0;
// avoid_yield is used to indicate that we are in "realtime mode"
// When in this mode, we should avoid yielding our timeslice to the scheduler
// if at all possible, because yielding could result in us getting behind on our
// deadlines. Currently; we only ever need this on systems
// that don't support cache coherency where we may have to go through the loop
// several times due to stale values in the cache (after invalidating of course).
// On systems with a coherent cache this isn't necessary.
// Additionally; if we had a guarantee from the scheduler that we
// would be woken up in <125 microseconds (length of USB frame),
// we could safely yield after flushing our caches and wouldn't need this loop.
do {
avoid_yield = false;
for (Control control = reevaluate_ ? AdvanceErdp() : Control::FromTRB(erdp_virt_);
control.Cycle() == ccs_; control = AdvanceErdp()) {
switch (control.Type()) {
case Control::PortStatusChangeEvent: {
// Section 4.3 -- USB device intialization
// Section (Port Status change TRB)
auto change_event = static_cast<PortStatusChangeEvent*>(erdp_virt_);
uint8_t port_id = static_cast<uint8_t>(change_event->PortID());
auto event = std::move(hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].wait_for_port_status_change_);
// Resume interrupted wait
if (event) {
} else {
} break;
case Control::CommandCompletionEvent: {
auto completion_event = static_cast<CommandCompletionEvent*>(erdp_virt_);
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) {
TRB* trb = command_ring_->PhysToVirt(erdp_virt_->ptr);
// Advance dequeue pointer
std::unique_ptr<TRBContext> context;
zx_status_t status = command_ring_->CompleteTRB(trb, &context);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
if (status != ZX_OK) {
return status;
if (completion_event->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::SlotNotEnabledError) {
// Invoke the callback to pre-process the command first.
// The command MAY mutate the state of the completion event.
// It is important that it be called prior to further processing of the event.
if (context->completer.has_value()) {
} break;
case Control::TransferEvent: {
auto completion = static_cast<TransferEvent*>(erdp_virt_);
auto state = &hci_->GetDeviceState()[completion->SlotID() - 1];
fbl::AutoLock l(&state->transaction_lock());
if (!state->IsValid()) {
std::unique_ptr<TRBContext> context;
TransferRing* ring;
uint8_t endpoint_id = static_cast<uint8_t>(completion->EndpointID() - 1);
if (unlikely(endpoint_id == 0)) {
ring = &state->GetTransferRing();
} else {
ring = &state->GetTransferRing(endpoint_id - 1);
if (completion->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::RingOverrun) {
if (completion->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::RingUnderrun) {
TRB* trb;
if (unlikely(!erdp_virt_->ptr || (completion->CompletionCode() ==
CommandCompletionEvent::EndpointNotEnabledError))) {
trb = nullptr;
} else {
trb = ring->PhysToVirt(erdp_virt_->ptr);
if (completion->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::MissedServiceError) {
// Resynchronize (
// Advance until resynchronized or ring is exhausted
auto completions = ring->Resynchronize(hci_->UsbHciGetCurrentFrame());
for (auto& completion : completions) {
completion.request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO, 0);
zx_status_t status = ZX_ERR_IO;
size_t short_transfer_len = 0;
TRB* first_trb = trb;
if (trb) {
if (completion->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::ShortPacket) {
ring->HandleShortPacket(trb, &short_transfer_len, &first_trb,
if (trb != first_trb) {
// We'll get a second event for this TRB -- but we need to log the fact that this
// was a short transfer.
status = ring->CompleteTRB(first_trb, &context);
if (completion->CompletionCode() == CommandCompletionEvent::StallError) {
auto completions = ring->TakePendingTRBs();
if (context) {
if (completions.is_empty()) {
auto result = StallWorkaroundForDefectiveHubs(std::move(context));
if (std::holds_alternative<bool>(result)) {
context = std::move(std::get<std::unique_ptr<TRBContext>>(result));
context->request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO_REFUSED, 0);
for (auto cb = completions.begin(); cb != completions.end(); cb++) {
cb->request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO_REFUSED, 0);
if (status != ZX_OK) {
auto completions = ring->TakePendingTRBs();
if (context) {
context->request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO, 0);
for (auto cb = completions.begin(); cb != completions.end(); cb++) {
cb->request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO, 0);
// NOTE: No need to shutdown the whole slot.
// It may only be an endpoint-specific failure.
if ((completion->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::Success) &&
(completion->CompletionCode() != CommandCompletionEvent::ShortPacket)) {
// asix-88179 will stall the endpoint if we're sending data too fast.
// The driver expects us to give it a ZX_ERR_IO_INVALID response when
// this happens.
context->request->Complete(ZX_ERR_IO_INVALID, 0);
if (context->short_length || context->transfer_len_including_short_trb) {
ZX_OK, context->transfer_len_including_short_trb - context->short_length);
} else {
context->request->Complete(ZX_OK, context->request->request()->header.length);
} break;
case Control::MFIndexWrapEvent: {
} break;
case Control::HostControllerEvent: {
// NOTE: We can't really do anything here.
// This typically indicates some kind of error condition.
// If something strange is happening, it might be a good idea
// to add a printf here and log the completion code.
} break;
if (last_phys != erdp_phys_) {
fbl::AutoLock l(&segment_mutex_);
erdp_reg_ =
last_phys = erdp_phys_;
if (!hci_->HasCoherentState()) {
// Check for stale value in cache
if (Control::FromTRB(erdp_virt_).Cycle() == ccs_) {
avoid_yield = true;
} while (avoid_yield);
return ZX_OK;
TRBPromise EventRing::LinkUp(uint8_t port_id) {
// Port is in U0 state (link up)
// Enumerate device
return EnumerateDevice(hci_, port_id, std::nullopt);
void EventRing::Usb2DeviceAttach(uint16_t port_id) {
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected = true;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3 = false;
auto sc = PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id).ReadFrom(mmio_);
PORTSC::Get(cap_length_, port_id)
void EventRing::Usb3DeviceAttach(uint16_t port_id) {
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_connected = true;
hci_->GetPortState()[port_id - 1].is_USB3 = true;
} // namespace usb_xhci