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// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "usb-xhci.h"
namespace usb_xhci {
// A reference counted class that automatically
// invokes a promise when its reference count reaches zero.
class AsyncAutoCall : public fbl::RefCounted<AsyncAutoCall> {
// Constructs an AsyncAutoCall bound to a UsbXhci instance.
// It is the caller's responsibility to ensure that this
// does not outlive UsbXhci. In order to do this, the caller
// should ensure the following invariants:
// * The caller cannot explicitly transfer an AsyncAutoCall
// between threads unless done through PostCallback on the UsbXhci
// instance.
// * The caller should ensure that an AsyncAutoCall does not outlive
// the scope of its associated promises.
// * All promises associated with this AsyncAutoCall should be bound
// to UsbXhci's dispatcher.
// UsbXhci will destroy its associated promises before being deleted,
// ensuring that any corresponding AsyncAutoCalls are freed prior to
// the UsbXhci pointer becoming invalid.
explicit AsyncAutoCall(UsbXhci* hci) : hci_(hci) { Init(); }
// Borrows the promise. The caller is expected to give it back by calling
// GivebackPromise after it is done manipulating the promise.
fpromise::promise<void, void> BorrowPromise() { return; }
void GivebackPromise(fpromise::promise<void, void> promise) { promise_ =; }
// Reinitializes a cancelled async auto call
void Reinit() { Init(); }
void Cancel() { completer_.reset(); }
// Control TRBs must be run on the primary interrupter. Section secondary interrupters
// cannot handle them..
~AsyncAutoCall() {
if (completer_.has_value()) {
hci_->ScheduleTask(kPrimaryInterrupter, promise_
.then([=](fpromise::result<void, void>& result)
-> fpromise::result<TRB*, zx_status_t> {
return fpromise::ok<TRB*>(nullptr);
void Init() {
fpromise::bridge<void, void> bridge;
promise_ = bridge.consumer.promise()
.then([=](fpromise::result<void, void>& result) { return result; })
completer_ = std::move(bridge.completer);
fpromise::promise<void, void> promise_;
std::optional<fpromise::completer<void, void>> completer_;
UsbXhci* hci_;
} // namespace usb_xhci