blob: 6f0d5a74372ce9a7aef2602f7d64ec533aad3b7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "host.h"
#include "fidl/host_server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/log.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/hci_wrapper.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/transport/transport.h"
using namespace bt;
namespace bthost {
Host::Host(const bt_hci_protocol_t& hci_proto, std::optional<bt_vendor_protocol_t> vendor_proto)
: hci_proto_(hci_proto), vendor_proto_(vendor_proto) {}
Host::~Host() {}
// static
fbl::RefPtr<Host> Host::Create(const bt_hci_protocol_t& hci_proto,
std::optional<bt_vendor_protocol_t> vendor_proto) {
return fbl::AdoptRef(new Host(hci_proto, vendor_proto));
bool Host::Initialize(inspect::Node& root_node, InitCallback init_cb, ErrorCallback error_cb) {
auto dev = std::make_unique<hci::DdkDeviceWrapper>(hci_proto_, vendor_proto_);
auto hci_wrapper = hci::HciWrapper::Create(std::move(dev), async_get_default_dispatcher());
hci_ = hci::Transport::Create(std::move(hci_wrapper));
if (!hci_) {
bt_log(ERROR, "bt-host", "failed to initialize HCI transport");
return false;
gatt_ = gatt::GATT::Create();
gap_ = gap::Adapter::Create(hci_->WeakPtr(), gatt_->AsWeakPtr());
if (!gap_)
return false;
gap_->AttachInspect(root_node, "adapter");
// Called when the GAP layer is ready. We initialize the GATT profile after
// initial setup in GAP. The data domain will be initialized by GAP because it
// both sets up the HCI ACL data channel that L2CAP relies on and registers
// L2CAP services.
auto gap_init_callback = [callback = std::move(init_cb)](bool success) mutable {
bt_log(DEBUG, "bt-host", "GAP init complete (%s)", (success ? "success" : "failure"));
auto transport_closed_callback = [error_cb = std::move(error_cb)]() mutable {
bt_log(WARN, "bt-host", "bt-host: HCI transport has closed");
bt_log(DEBUG, "bt-host", "initializing GAP");
return gap_->Initialize(std::move(gap_init_callback), std::move(transport_closed_callback));
void Host::ShutDown() {
bt_log(DEBUG, "bt-host", "shutting down");
if (!gap_) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "bt-host", "already shut down");
// Closes all FIDL channels owned by |host_server_|.
host_server_ = nullptr;
// Make sure that |gap_| gets shut down and destroyed on its creation thread
// as it is not thread-safe.
gap_ = nullptr;
// This shuts down the GATT profile and all of its clients.
gatt_ = nullptr;
// Shuts down HCI command channel and ACL data channel.
hci_ = nullptr;
void Host::BindHostInterface(zx::channel channel) {
if (host_server_) {
bt_log(WARN, "bt-host", "Host interface channel already open!");
host_server_ =
std::make_unique<HostServer>(std::move(channel), gap_->AsWeakPtr(), gatt_->AsWeakPtr());
host_server_->set_error_handler([this](zx_status_t status) {
bt_log(DEBUG, "bt-host", "Host interface disconnected");
host_server_ = nullptr;
} // namespace bthost