blob: 1a6407d2e16155dc7c9fdfe639e1d056455c8805 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/async/dispatcher.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <fbl/ref_ptr.h>
#include "lib/fidl/cpp/vector.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/common/uuid.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/gatt_defs.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/local_service_manager.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/persisted_data.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/remote_service.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/server.h"
#include "src/connectivity/bluetooth/core/bt-host/gatt/types.h"
#include "src/lib/fxl/memory/weak_ptr.h"
namespace bt {
namespace l2cap {
class Channel;
} // namespace l2cap
namespace gatt {
// This is the root object of the GATT layer. This object owns:
// * A single local attribute database
// * All client and server data bearers
// * L2CAP ATT fixed channels
class GATT {
using RemoteServiceWatcherId = uint64_t;
using PeerMtuListenerId = uint64_t;
// Constructs a production GATT object.
static std::unique_ptr<GATT> Create();
virtual ~GATT() = default;
// Registers the given connection with the GATT profile without initiating
// service discovery. Once a connection is registered with GATT, the peer can
// access local services and clients can call the "Remote Service" methods
// below using |peer_id|.
// |peer_id|: The identifier for the peer device that the link belongs to.
// This is used to identify the peer while handling certain events.
// |client|: The GATT client specific to this connection. This can be a production |Client| or a
// |FakeClient| for testing.
// |server_factory|: Factory method for a GATT server that operates on this connection. This can
// be a production |Server| or a |MockServer| for testing. Note: the server
// handles GATT server procedures, but importantly does *not* store any GATT
// server state itself.
virtual void AddConnection(PeerId peer_id, std::unique_ptr<Client> client,
Server::FactoryFunction server_factory) = 0;
// Unregisters the GATT profile connection to the peer with Id |peer_id|.
virtual void RemoveConnection(PeerId peer_id) = 0;
// |PeerMtuListener| will be notified when any MTU negotiation completes without an unrecoverable
// error. The PeerId is the peer using that MTU, and the uint16_t is the MTU.
using PeerMtuListener = fit::function<void(PeerId, uint16_t)>;
virtual PeerMtuListenerId RegisterPeerMtuListener(PeerMtuListener listener) = 0;
// Unregisters the PeerMtuListener associated with |listener_id|. Returns true if a listener was
// successfully unregistered, or false if |listener_id| was not associated with an active listener.
virtual bool UnregisterPeerMtuListener(PeerMtuListenerId listener_id) = 0;
// ==============
// Local Services
// ==============
// The methods below are for managing local GATT services that are available
// to data bearers in the server role.
// Registers the GATT service hierarchy represented by |service| with the
// local attribute database. Once successfully registered, the service will
// be available to remote clients.
// Objects under |service| must have unique identifiers to aid in value
// request handling. These identifiers will be passed to |read_handler| and
// |write_handler|.
// The provided handlers will be called to handle remote initiated
// transactions targeting the service.
// This method returns an opaque identifier on successful registration,
// which can be used by the caller to refer to the service in the future. This
// ID will be returned via |callback|.
// Returns |kInvalidId| on failure. Registration can fail if the attribute
// database has run out of handles or if the hierarchy contains
// characteristics or descriptors with repeated IDs.
using ServiceIdCallback = fit::function<void(IdType)>;
virtual void RegisterService(ServicePtr service, ServiceIdCallback callback,
ReadHandler read_handler, WriteHandler write_handler,
ClientConfigCallback ccc_callback) = 0;
// Unregisters the GATT service hierarchy identified by |service_id|. Has no
// effect if |service_id| is not a registered id.
virtual void UnregisterService(IdType service_id) = 0;
// Sends a characteristic handle-value notification|indication to a peer that has
// configured the characteristic for notifications|indications. Does
// nothing if the given peer has not configured the characteristic.
// |service_id|: The GATT service that the characteristic belongs to.
// |chrc_id|: The GATT characteristic that will be notified.
// |peer_id|: ID of the peer that the notification/indication will be sent to.
// |value|: The attribute value that will be included in the notification.
// |indicate_cb|: If nullptr, a notification will be sent. Otherwise, an
// indication will be attempted, and |indicate_cb| will be resolved when
// the indication is acknowledged by the peer or fails (e.g. if the peer is
// not connected, not configured for indications, or fails to confirm the
// indication within the ATT timeout of 30s (v5.3, Vol. 3, Part F 3.3.3)).
// TODO( Revise this API to involve fewer lookups.
virtual void SendUpdate(IdType service_id, IdType chrc_id, PeerId peer_id,
::std::vector<uint8_t> value, IndicationCallback indicate_cb) = 0;
// Like SendUpdate, but instead of updating a particular peer, sends a notification|indication to
// all connected peers that have configured notifications|indications.
// |indicate_cb|: If nullptr, notifications will be sent. Otherwise, indications will be sent, and
// |indicate_cb| will be resolved after all of the indications are successfully confirmed, or
// when any of the connected+configured-for-indications peers fail to confirm the indication
// within the ATT timeout of 30s (v5.3, Vol. 3, Part F 3.3.3)).
virtual void UpdateConnectedPeers(IdType service_id, IdType chrc_id, ::std::vector<uint8_t> value,
IndicationCallback indicate_cb) = 0;
// Sets a callback to run when certain local GATT database changes occur. These changes are to
// those database attributes which need to be persisted accross reconnects by bonded peers. This
// is used by the GAP adapter to store these changes in the peer cache. This should only be
// called by the GAP adapter.
virtual void SetPersistServiceChangedCCCCallback(PersistServiceChangedCCCCallback callback) = 0;
// Sets a callback to run when a peer connects. This used to set those database attributes which
// need to be persisted accross reconnects by bonded peers by reading them from the peer cache.
// This should only be called by the GAP adapter.
virtual void SetRetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback(RetrieveServiceChangedCCCCallback callback) = 0;
// ===============
// Remote Services
// ===============
// The methods below are for interacting with remote GATT services. These
// methods operate asynchronously.
// Initialize remote services (e.g. exchange MTU, perform service discovery) for the peer with
// the given |peer_id|.
// If |services_to_discover| is non-empty, only discover services with the given UUIDs.
virtual void InitializeClient(PeerId peer_id, std::vector<UUID> services_to_discover) = 0;
// Register a handler that will be notified when remote services are added, modified, or
// removed on the peer |peer_id|. Returns an ID that can be used to unregister the handler.
virtual RemoteServiceWatcherId RegisterRemoteServiceWatcherForPeer(
PeerId peer_id, RemoteServiceWatcher watcher) = 0;
// Remove the remote service watcher with ID |watcher_id|. Returns true if the handler
// existed and was successfully removed.
virtual bool UnregisterRemoteServiceWatcher(RemoteServiceWatcherId watcher_id) = 0;
// Returns the list of remote services that were found on the device with
// |peer_id|. If |peer_id| was registered but InitializeClient() has not been
// called yet, this request will be buffered until remote services have been
// discovered. If the connection is removed without discovery services,
// |callback| will be called with an error status.
virtual void ListServices(PeerId peer_id, std::vector<UUID> uuids,
ServiceListCallback callback) = 0;
// Connects the RemoteService with the given identifier found on the device with |peer_id|. A
// reference to the service will be returned if it exists, or nullptr will be returned otherwise.
virtual fbl::RefPtr<RemoteService> FindService(PeerId peer_id, IdType service_id) = 0;
fxl::WeakPtr<GATT> AsWeakPtr() { return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(); }
fxl::WeakPtrFactory<GATT> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace gatt
} // namespace bt