blob: 31dcc3fc25edbe708d987d7b150735b040a64944 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/devmgr-launcher/launch.h>
#include <lib/zx/job.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <fbl/string.h>
#include <fbl/unique_fd.h>
namespace devmgr_integration_test {
class IsolatedDevmgr {
IsolatedDevmgr(const IsolatedDevmgr&) = delete;
IsolatedDevmgr& operator=(const IsolatedDevmgr&) = delete;
IsolatedDevmgr(IsolatedDevmgr&& other);
IsolatedDevmgr& operator=(IsolatedDevmgr&& other);
// Path to the test sysdev driver
static inline constexpr char kSysdevDriver[] = "/boot/driver/test/";
// Get an args structure pre-populated with the test sysdev driver, the
// test control driver, and the test driver directory.
static devmgr_launcher::Args DefaultArgs();
// Launch a new isolated devmgr. The instance will be destroyed when
// |*out|'s dtor runs.
static zx_status_t Create(devmgr_launcher::Args args, IsolatedDevmgr* out);
// Get a fd to the root of the isolate devmgr's devfs. This fd
// may be used with openat() and fdio_watch_directory().
const fbl::unique_fd& devfs_root() const { return devfs_root_; }
const zx::channel& svc_root_dir() const { return svc_root_dir_; }
zx::channel TakeSvcRootDir() { return std::move(svc_root_dir_); }
// Borrow the handle to the job containing the isolated devmgr. This may be
// used for things like binding to an exception port.
const zx::job& containing_job() const { return job_; }
void reset() { *this = IsolatedDevmgr(); }
using GetBootItemFunction = devmgr_launcher::GetBootItemFunction;
// Opaque structure for the internal state used for serving /svc
struct SvcLoopState;
zx_status_t SetupSvcLoop(zx::channel bootsvc_server, zx::channel fshost_outgoing_client,
GetBootItemFunction get_boot_item,
std::map<std::string, std::string>&& boot_args);
// If |job_| exists, terminate it.
void Terminate();
// Job that contains the devmgr environment
zx::job job_;
// Channel for the root of outgoing services
zx::channel svc_root_dir_;
// FD to the root of devmgr's devfs
fbl::unique_fd devfs_root_;
// Channel for component lifecycle events
zx::channel component_lifecycle_client_;
// Opaque state associated with the async_loop_
std::unique_ptr<SvcLoopState> svc_loop_state_;
// Wait for |file| to appear in |dir|, and open it when it does.
zx_status_t WaitForFile(const fbl::unique_fd& dir, const char* file, fbl::unique_fd* out);
// Waits for the relative |path| starting in |dir| to appear, and opens it.
zx_status_t RecursiveWaitForFile(const fbl::unique_fd& dir, const char* path, fbl::unique_fd* out);
// Waits for the relative |path| starting in |dir| to appear, and opens it in Read only mode.
zx_status_t RecursiveWaitForFileReadOnly(const fbl::unique_fd& dir, const char* path,
fbl::unique_fd* out);
// DirWatcher can be used to detect when a file has been removed from the filesystem.
// Example usage:
// std::unique_ptr<DirWatcher> watcher;
// zx_status_t status = DirWatcher::Create(dir_fd, &watcher);
// ...
// // Trigger removal of file here.
// ...
// status = watcher->WaitForRemoval(filename, deadline);
class DirWatcher {
// |dir_fd| is the directory to watch.
static zx_status_t Create(fbl::unique_fd dir_fd, std::unique_ptr<DirWatcher>* out_dir_watcher);
// Users should call Create instead. This is public for make_unique.
explicit DirWatcher(zx::channel client) : client_(std::move(client)) {}
// Returns ZX_OK if |filename| is removed from the directory before the given timeout elapses.
// If no filename is specified, this will wait for any file in the directory to be removed.
zx_status_t WaitForRemoval(const fbl::String& filename, zx::duration timeout);
zx::channel client_;
} // namespace devmgr_integration_test