blob: d17b3015206143a9bd0da3eb0ef580f1c62d0a24 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "compression/zstd-seekable-blob.h"
#include <lib/async-loop/cpp/loop.h>
#include <lib/async-loop/default.h>
#include <lib/fzl/vmo-mapper.h>
#include <lib/sync/completion.h>
#include <lib/zx/resource.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <zircon/device/block.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <blobfs/common.h>
#include <blobfs/compression-algorithm.h>
#include <blobfs/mkfs.h>
#include <block-client/cpp/fake-device.h>
#include <fbl/auto_call.h>
#include <zxtest/base/test.h>
#include <zxtest/zxtest.h>
#include "allocator/allocator.h"
#include "blob.h"
#include "blobfs.h"
#include "compression/zstd-seekable-blob-collection.h"
#include "test/blob_utils.h"
namespace blobfs {
namespace {
using blobfs::BlobInfo;
using blobfs::GenerateBlob;
constexpr uint32_t kNumFilesystemBlocks = 400;
constexpr int kCanaryInt = 0x00AC;
constexpr uint8_t kCanaryByte = 0xAC;
constexpr uint8_t kNotCanaryByte = static_cast<uint8_t>(~kCanaryByte);
void ZeroToSevenBlobSrcFunction(char* data, size_t length) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
uint8_t value = static_cast<uint8_t>(i % 8);
data[i] = value;
void CanaryBlobSrcFunction(char* data, size_t length) { memset(data, kCanaryInt, length); }
class ZSTDSeekableBlobTest : public zxtest::Test {
void SetUp() {
MountOptions options;
options.write_compression_algorithm = CompressionAlgorithm::ZSTD_SEEKABLE;
auto device =
std::make_unique<block_client::FakeBlockDevice>(kNumFilesystemBlocks, kBlobfsBlockSize);
ASSERT_OK(Blobfs::Create(loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(device), &options, zx::resource(),
ASSERT_OK(ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection::Create(vmoid_registry(), space_manager(),
transaction_handler(), node_finder(),
void AddBlobAndSync(std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo>* out_info) {
void CheckRead(uint32_t node_index, std::vector<uint8_t>* buf, std::vector<uint8_t>* expected_buf,
uint64_t data_byte_offset, uint64_t num_bytes) {
uint8_t* expected = expected_buf->data() + data_byte_offset;
compressed_blob_collection()->Read(node_index, buf->data(), data_byte_offset, num_bytes));
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(expected, buf->data(), num_bytes);
// Use a blob size that is large enough to avoid aborting compression.
uint64_t blob_size_ = 2 * kCompressionMinBytesSaved;
uint32_t LookupInode(const BlobInfo& info) {
Digest digest;
fbl::RefPtr<CacheNode> node;
EXPECT_OK(fs_->Cache().Lookup(digest, &node));
auto vnode = fbl::RefPtr<Blob>::Downcast(std::move(node));
return vnode->Ino();
virtual void AddBlob(std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo>* out_info) {
AddBlobWithSrcFunction(out_info, ZeroToSevenBlobSrcFunction);
void AddBlobWithSrcFunction(std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo>* out_info, BlobSrcFunction src_fn) {
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> root;
fs::Vnode* root_node = root.get();
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> info;
GenerateBlob(src_fn, "", blob_size_, &info);
memmove(info->path, info->path + 1, strlen(info->path)); // Remove leading slash.
fbl::RefPtr<fs::Vnode> file;
ASSERT_OK(root_node->Create(&file, info->path, 0));
size_t actual;
EXPECT_OK(file->Write(info->data.get(), info->size_data, 0, &actual));
EXPECT_EQ(actual, info->size_data);
if (out_info != nullptr) {
*out_info = std::move(info);
zx_status_t Sync() {
sync_completion_t completion;
fs_->Sync([&completion](zx_status_t status) { sync_completion_signal(&completion); });
return sync_completion_wait(&completion, zx::duration::infinite().get());
SpaceManager* space_manager() { return fs_.get(); }
virtual NodeFinder* node_finder() { return fs_->GetNodeFinder(); }
fs::LegacyTransactionHandler* transaction_handler() { return fs_.get(); }
storage::VmoidRegistry* vmoid_registry() { return fs_.get(); }
ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection* compressed_blob_collection() {
return compressed_blob_collection_.get();
std::unique_ptr<Blobfs> fs_;
std::unique_ptr<ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection> compressed_blob_collection_;
async::Loop loop_{&kAsyncLoopConfigNoAttachToCurrentThread};
class ZSTDSeekableBlobWrongAlgorithmTest : public ZSTDSeekableBlobTest {
void SetUp() {
MountOptions options;
options.write_compression_algorithm = CompressionAlgorithm::ZSTD;
auto device =
std::make_unique<block_client::FakeBlockDevice>(kNumFilesystemBlocks, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Construct BlobFS with non-seekable ZSTD algorithm. This should cause errors in the seekable
// read path.
ASSERT_OK(Blobfs::Create(loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(device), &options, zx::resource(),
ASSERT_OK(ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection::Create(vmoid_registry(), space_manager(),
transaction_handler(), node_finder(),
class ZSTDSeekAndReadTest : public ZSTDSeekableBlobTest {
void SetUp() {
// Write uncompressed to test block device-level seek and read.
MountOptions options;
options.write_uncompressed = true;
// Use a blob size that will have a "leftover byte" in an extra block to test block read edge
// case.
blob_size_ = kBlobfsBlockSize + 1;
auto device =
std::make_unique<block_client::FakeBlockDevice>(kNumFilesystemBlocks, kBlobfsBlockSize);
// Construct BlobFS with non-seekable ZSTD algorithm. This should cause errors in the seekable
// read path.
loop_.dispatcher(), std::move(device), &options, CompressionAlgorithm::ZSTD_SEEKABLE,
zx::resource(), &fs_));
ASSERT_OK(ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection::Create(vmoid_registry(), space_manager(),
transaction_handler(), node_finder(),
void AddBlob(std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo>* out_info) final {
AddBlobWithSrcFunction(out_info, CanaryBlobSrcFunction);
class NullNodeFinder : public NodeFinder {
InodePtr GetNode(uint32_t node_index) final { return {}; }
class ZSTDSeekableBlobNullNodeFinderTest : public ZSTDSeekableBlobTest {
NodeFinder* node_finder() final { return &node_finder_; }
NullNodeFinder node_finder_;
// Ensure that a read with size that fits into one block but with data stored in two blocks loads
// data correctly.
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekAndReadTest, SmallReadOverTwoBlocks) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
// Use blob size that ensures reading last two bytes will load different blocks.
const uint64_t blob_data_size = kBlobfsBlockSize + 1;
ASSERT_EQ(blob_data_size, blob_info->size_data);
// Perform setup usually managed by `ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection`. This is done manually because
// the test will manually invoke `ZSTDSeek` and `ZSTDRead` rather than
// `ZSTDSeekableBlobCollection.Read()` invoking them indirectly.
zx::vmo read_buffer_vmo;
const uint64_t read_buffer_num_bytes = fbl::round_up(blob_data_size, kBlobfsBlockSize);
ASSERT_OK(zx::vmo::create(read_buffer_num_bytes, 0, &read_buffer_vmo));
fzl::VmoMapper mapper;
mapper.Map(read_buffer_vmo, 0, read_buffer_num_bytes, ZX_VM_PERM_READ | ZX_VM_PERM_WRITE));
// Note: `fzl::OwnedVmoMapper` would be cleaner than an auto call, but constraints on
// `ZSTDSeekableBlob::Create()` (which exist due to constraints on its clients) require using the
// unowned variant here.
auto unmap = fbl::MakeAutoCall([&]() { mapper.Unmap(); });
storage::OwnedVmoid vmoid(vmoid_registry());
uint32_t num_merkle_blocks = ComputeNumMerkleTreeBlocks(*node_finder()->GetNode(node_index));
auto blocks = std::make_unique<ZSTDCompressedBlockCollectionImpl>(
&mapper, &vmoid, 2 /* 2 blocks in only blob in test */, space_manager(),
transaction_handler(), node_finder(), node_index, num_merkle_blocks);
// Extract blocks pointer for use in testing `ZSTDRead` API before moving it.
auto blocks_for_file = blocks.get();
std::unique_ptr<ZSTDSeekableBlob> blob;
ASSERT_OK(ZSTDSeekableBlob::Create(node_index, &mapper, std::move(blocks), &blob));
ZSTDSeekableFile file = ZSTDSeekableFile{
.blob = blob.get(),
.blocks = blocks_for_file,
.byte_offset = 0,
// `ZSTDRead()` attempts to compensate for the fact that the entire blob is a
// `ZSTDSeekableHeader` followed by an archive. Hence, configure the number of bytes of the
// archive as `sizeof(entire blob) - sizeof(ZSTDSeekableHeader)`.
.num_bytes = blob_data_size - sizeof(ZSTDSeekableHeader),
.status = ZX_OK,
// Seek to point at last two bytes of blob. These bytes are in different blocks.
ASSERT_EQ(0, ZSTDSeek(&file, -2, SEEK_END));
uint8_t expected[2] = {kCanaryByte, kCanaryByte};
uint8_t buf[2] = {kNotCanaryByte, kNotCanaryByte};
ASSERT_EQ(0, ZSTDRead(&file, buf, 2));
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(expected, buf, 2);
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobTest, CompleteRead) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(blob_info->size_data);
std::vector<uint8_t> expected(blob_info->size_data);
ZeroToSevenBlobSrcFunction(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, blob_info->size_data);
ASSERT_OK(compressed_blob_collection()->Read(node_index,, 0, blob_info->size_data));
ASSERT_BYTES_EQ(,, blob_info->size_data);
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobTest, PartialRead) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(blob_info->size_data);
// Load whole blob contents (because it's less error-prone). Only some will be used for
// verification.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected_buf(blob_info->size_data);
ZeroToSevenBlobSrcFunction(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, blob_info->size_data);
// Use some small primes to choose "near the end, but not at the end" read of a prime number of
// bytes.
uint64_t data_byte_offset = blob_info->size_data - 29;
uint64_t num_bytes = 19;
CheckRead(node_index, &buf, &expected_buf, data_byte_offset, num_bytes);
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobTest, MultipleReads) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(blob_info->size_data);
// Load whole blob contents (because it's less error-prone). Only some will be used for
// verification.
std::vector<uint8_t> expected_buf(blob_info->size_data);
ZeroToSevenBlobSrcFunction(reinterpret_cast<char*>(, blob_info->size_data);
// Use some small primes to choose "near the end, but not at the end" read of a prime number of
// bytes.
uint64_t data_byte_offset = blob_info->size_data - 29;
uint64_t num_bytes = 19;
CheckRead(node_index, &buf, &expected_buf, data_byte_offset, num_bytes);
uint64_t data_byte_offset = blob_info->size_data - 89;
uint64_t num_bytes = 61;
CheckRead(node_index, &buf, &expected_buf, data_byte_offset, num_bytes);
uint64_t data_byte_offset = blob_info->size_data - 53;
uint64_t num_bytes = 37;
CheckRead(node_index, &buf, &expected_buf, data_byte_offset, num_bytes);
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobTest, BadOffset) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
// Attempt to read one byte passed the end of the blob.
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(1);
compressed_blob_collection()->Read(node_index,, blob_info->size_data, 1));
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobTest, BadSize) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
// Attempt to read two bytes: the last byte in the blob, and one byte passed the end.
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(2);
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_IO_DATA_INTEGRITY, compressed_blob_collection()->Read(
node_index,, blob_info->size_data - 1, 2));
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobNullNodeFinderTest, BadNode) {
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(1);
// Attempt to read a byte from a node that doesn't exist.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS, compressed_blob_collection()->Read(42,, 0, 1));
TEST_F(ZSTDSeekableBlobWrongAlgorithmTest, BadFlags) {
std::unique_ptr<BlobInfo> blob_info;
uint32_t node_index = LookupInode(*blob_info);
std::vector<uint8_t> buf(1);
// Attempt to read a byte from a blob that is not zstd-seekable.
ASSERT_EQ(ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, compressed_blob_collection()->Read(node_index,, 0, 1));
} // namespace
} // namespace blobfs