blob: 7bef413ef64600eec241cfb3f92e847a4dcc6603 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include <memory>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <vector>
#include <fbl/condition_variable.h>
#include <fbl/function.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/mutex.h>
#include <fbl/vector.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <io-scheduler/stream.h>
#include <io-scheduler/stream-op.h>
#include <io-scheduler/worker.h>
namespace ioscheduler {
// Reordering rules for the scheduler.
// Allow reordering of Read class operations with respect to each other.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionReorderReads = (1u << 0);
// Allow reordering of Write class operations with respect to each other.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionReorderWrites = (1u << 1);
// Allow reordering of Read class operations ahead of Write class operations.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionReorderReadsAheadOfWrites = (1u << 2);
// Allow reordering of Write class operations ahead of Read class operations.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionReorderWritesAheadOfReads = (1u << 3);
// Disallow any reordering.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionStrictlyOrdered = 0;
// Allow all reordering options.
constexpr uint32_t kOptionFullyOutOfOrder = (kOptionReorderReads |
kOptionReorderWrites |
kOptionReorderReadsAheadOfWrites |
// Maximum priority for a stream.
constexpr uint32_t kMaxPriority = 31;
// Suggested default priority for a stream.
constexpr uint32_t kDefaultPriority = 8;
// Callback interface from Scheduler to client. Callbacks are made from within
// the Scheduler library to the client implementation. All callbacks are made
// with no locks held and are allowed to block. Any callbacks may be invoked
// simultanously, and one may be called multiple times concurrently, but never
// with the same data. Notably, Acquire(), Issue(), and Release() may be called
// multiple times after CancelAcquire() has been called.
class SchedulerClient {
// CanReorder
// Compare if ops can be reordered with respect to each other. This
// function is called for every pair of ops whose position in
// the stream is being considered for reorder relative to each other.
// Returns:
// true if it is safe to reorder |second| ahead of |first|.
// false otherwise.
virtual bool CanReorder(StreamOp* first, StreamOp* second) = 0;
// Acquire
// Read zero or more ops from the client for intake into the
// Scheduler. Every op obtained through Acquire will be returned to the client
// via the Release callback. The Scheduler will never attempt to free these pointers.
// Args:
// sop_list - an empty array of op pointers to be filled.
// list_count - number of entries in sop_list
// actual_count - the number of entries filled in sop_list.
// wait - block until data is available if true.
// Returns:
// ZX_OK if one or more ops have been added to the list.
// ZX_ERR_CANCELED if op source has been closed.
// ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT if ops are currently unavailable and |wait| is
// false.
virtual zx_status_t Acquire(StreamOp** sop_list, size_t list_count, size_t* actual_count,
bool wait) = 0;
// Issue
// Deliver an op to the IO hardware for immediate execution. This
// function may block until the op is completed. If it does not block,
// it should return ZX_ERR_ASYNC.
// Args:
// sop - op to be completed.
// Returns:
// ZX_OK if the op has been completed synchronously or it has failed to
// issue due to bad parameters in the operation. The callee should update
// the op’s result field to reflect the success or failure status of the
// op.
// ZX_ERR_ASYNC if the op has been issued for asynchronous completion.
// Notification of completion should be delivered via the Scheduler’s
// AsyncComplete() API.
// Other error status describing the internal failure that has caused
// the issue to fail.
virtual zx_status_t Issue(StreamOp* sop) = 0;
// Release
// Yield ownership of the operation. The completion status of the op
// is available in its |result| field. Once released, the Scheduler
// maintains no references to the op and it can be safely deallocated or
// reused.
// Args:
// sop - op to be released.
virtual void Release(StreamOp* sop) = 0;
// CancelAcquire
// Cancels any pending blocking calls to Acquire. No further reading of
// ops should be done. Blocked Acquire callers and any subsequent Acquire
// calls should return ZX_ERR_CANCELED.
virtual void CancelAcquire() = 0;
// Fatal
// The Scheduler has encountered a fatal asynchronous error. All pending
// ops have been aborted. The Scheduler should be shut down and destroyed.
// The shutdown should be performed from a different context than that of
// the Fatal() call or else it may deadlock.
virtual void Fatal() = 0;
class Scheduler {
Scheduler() {}
// Client API - synchronous calls.
// -------------------------------
// Initialize a Scheduler object to usable state. Initialize must be called on
// a newly created Scheduler object or Scheduler that has been shut down
// before it can be used.
// The Scheduler holds a pointer to |client| until Shutdown() has returned. It does not
// manage the lifetime of this pointer and does not free it.
zx_status_t Init(SchedulerClient* client, uint32_t options) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// Open a new stream with the requested ID and priority. It is safe to invoke
// this function from a Scheduler callback context, except from Fatal().
// |id| may not be that of a currently open stream.
// |priority| must be in the inclusive range 0 to kMaxPriority.
// Returns:
// ZX_OK on success.
// ZX_ERR_ALREADY_EXISTS if stream with same |id| is already open.
// ZX_ERR_INVALID_ARGS if |priority| is out of range.
// Other error status for internal errors.
zx_status_t StreamOpen(uint32_t id, uint32_t priority) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// Close an open stream. All ops in the stream will be issued before the stream
// is closed. New incoming ops to the closed stream will be released with
// an error.
zx_status_t StreamClose(uint32_t id) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// Begin scheduler service. This creates the worker threads that will invoke
// the callbacks in SchedulerCallbacks.
zx_status_t Serve() __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// End scheduler service. This function blocks until all outstanding ops in
// all streams are completed and closes all streams. Shutdown should not be invoked from a
// callback function. To reuse the scheduler, call Init() again.
void Shutdown() __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// Client API - asynchronous calls.
// --------------------------------
// Asynchronous completion. When an issued operation has completed
// asynchronously, this function should be called. The status of the operation
// should be set in |sop|’s result field. This function is non-blocking and
// safe to call from an interrupt handler context.
void AsyncComplete(StreamOp* sop) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// API invoked by worker threads.
// --------------------------------
SchedulerClient* client() { return client_; }
// Insert a list of ops into the scheduler queue.
// Ownership:
// Ops are exclusively retained by the Scheduler if they were successfully enqueued. Ops that
// encounter enqueueing errors will be added to |out_list| for caller to release.
// |in_list| and |out_list| may point to the same buffer.
// |out_num_ready| is an optional parameter that returns how many ops are ready to be dequeued
// in all streams.
zx_status_t Enqueue(UniqueOp* in_list, size_t in_count,
UniqueOp* out_list, size_t* out_actual,
size_t* out_num_ready = nullptr) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
// Remove an op from the scheduler queue.
// Ownership:
// If successful, ownership of the op is transferred to the caller.
// If no ops are available:
// returns ZX_ERR_CANCELED if shutdown has started.
// returns ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT if |wait| is false.
// otherwise returns ZX_ERR_SHOULD_WAIT.
zx_status_t Dequeue(UniqueOp* op_out, bool wait) __TA_EXCLUDES(stream_lock_);
using StreamIdMap = Stream::WAVLTreeSortById;
using StreamList = Stream::ListUnsorted;
zx_status_t FindStreamLocked(uint32_t id, StreamRef* out) __TA_REQUIRES(stream_lock_);
SchedulerClient* client_ = nullptr; // Client-supplied callback interface.
uint32_t options_ = 0; // Ordering options.
fbl::Mutex stream_lock_;
// Set when shutdown has been called and workers should exit.
bool shutdown_initiated_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_) = true;
// Number of existing streams.
uint32_t num_streams_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_) = 0;
// Number of streams that have ops that need to be issued or completed.
uint32_t active_streams_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_) = 0;
// Total number of acquired ops in all streams.
uint32_t acquired_ops_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_) = 0;
// Map of id to stream. Contains all streams.
StreamIdMap stream_map_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_);
// List of streams that have ops ready to be scheduled.
StreamList active_list_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_);
// Event notifying worker threads that active streams are available.
fbl::ConditionVariable active_available_ __TA_GUARDED(stream_lock_);
fbl::Vector<fbl::unique_ptr<Worker>> workers_;
} // namespace ioscheduler